Five Development and Conncection of Science and Technology in Pre-Historic Era

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In the broadest definition, a stone tool is any tool

manufactured totally or partially of stone. A wide range of tools,
such as arrowheads, spearheads, and querns, have been made
out of stone throughout history. Archaeologists frequently
examine such prehistoric communities, and the study of stone
tools is known as lithic analysis.

One of humanity's earliest big innovations was the

discovery of fire, or more correctly, the regulated use of fire. We
can use fire to create light and heat, cook plants and animals,
clear forests for planting, heat-treat stone for stone tools, keep
predator animals at bay, and burn clay for ceramic things. It also
has a social function. Fires serve as meeting spots, beacons for
people who have wandered away from camp, and venues for
special events.
The activity of growing plants and cattle is known as
agriculture. Agriculture was a crucial factor in the establishment of
sedentary human civilization, since it enabled humans to dwell in
cities by creating food surpluses from tamed species. Agriculture
has a thousand-year in history. Farmers began planting wild
grains approximately 11,500 years ago.

Since at least 400,000 years ago, wooden spears have

been used for hunting. Around 500,000 years ago, Homo
Heidelbergensis may have evolved the technology of hafted
stone-tipped spears in Africa. Although wood does not last long,
however chimpanzees have been discovered using spears, it's
possible that early humans utilized wooden spears.

The Iron Age began with the discovery of techniques to

heat and forge iron roughly 1,300 B.C. to 900 B.C.  The metal was
found to be more important than gold at the time, and pure iron
which would eventually be substituted by steel with the invention
of smelting iron was easier to produce than bronze.


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