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A. Ảnh hưởng xấu/tiêu cực

Ví dụ: Hút thuốc ảnh hưởng xấu lên sức khỏe con người
➔ Smoking is bad for people’s healthy
➔ Smoking has a negative impact on people’s healthy

X + has a/an + adverse/ severe/ harmful/ detrimental + Impact/effect + on Y

B. Ảnh hưởng tích cực

X + has a/an + positive/benefical+ Impact/effect + on Y

➔ Taking regular exercise has a benefical effect on health

Cấu trúc 2: Nguyên nhân
X cause Y
X leads to Y
Y is caused by X
Y is result of X
One of the primary causes of Y is X
Ex: the burning of fossil fuels causes envirinmental pollution
Cấu trúc 3: Giải Pháp
1. The government / people /… + should +V
2. It is important for + The government / people /… + To +V
3. It is necessary for + The government / people /… + To +V
4. One solution would be for + The government / people /… + To +V
5. Dùng cấu trúc bị động
EX: It is ipmportant for the government to encourage to use public transport instead of their own
Cấu trúc 4: Ý kiến cá nhân
1. I personal believe /think that … 4. From my point of view,
2. I would argue that 5. It is my opinion that
3. In my opinion , 6. I am of the opinion that
Cấu trúc 5: lợi ích và hạn chế
X + has + a wide range of/ many / a variety of / a lot of + benefits/ advantages/ benefical effects

X + has + a wide range of/ many / a variety of / a lot of + drawback/disadvantages/ negative


Question 1: Let’s talk about food? What’s your favorite food?

Answer: Well, I would say that I’m not a picky eater and I can eat like the whole universe. But if
i have to choose, I would definitely go for Vietnamese traditional cuisine because although it
does not win any points for complexity, it is all about the combination of fresh ingredients, intense
flavours, and ease of cooking and preparation, so it wins my heart.
Từ vựng hữu ích:
• Picky (adj) /ˈpɪki/: kén chọn
• Cuisine (n) /kwɪˈziːn/: ẩm thực, phong cách nấu nướng
• Complexity (n) /kəmˈpleksəti/: sự phức tạp, tốn nhiều công sức
• Fresh ingredients /freʃ ɪnˈɡriːdiənt//: nguyên liệu tươi mới
• Intense flavours /ɪnˈtens ˈfleɪvər/: hương vị đậm đà
• Ease (n) /iːz/: sự dễ dàng, không phải gặp khó khăn gì
Question 2: Are there any food you dislike?
Answer: Well of course, there is this one particular kind of food which I don’t like, the one that
stinks. I can’t eat things that are too smelly, for example, durian, shrimp paste, stinky tofu. I just
cannot stand the smells of them
Từ vựng hữu ích
Stink (v) /stɪŋk/: bốc mùi, có mùi khó chịu
Smelly (adj) /ˈsmeli/ có mùi khó chịu. Từ đồng nghĩa stinking
Question 3. What are some traditional food in your country?
Answer: Obviously, there’s a mixed variety of food in my country. But I guess the most popular
one would probably be pho, since Vietnam is world-famous for it. It’s tasty, cheap and available
at all hours. In some places, it costs you like 20.000dong for a steaming hot bowl of Pho. And also,
you might find some other things like bun cha, bun bo hue, banh xeo, etc,. they are all very
Question 4: Do you have a healthy diet?
Answer: Actually, I don’t. But I try to eat clean and eat green everyday because highly-processed
foods or low-quality foods are linked to obesity and an increased risk of heart disease, and in some
cases, cancer. So it’s vital for me and for everyone to stay healthy by eating clean in order to not
only manage your weight but also help you build a stronger immune system and increase your
energy levels.
Từ vựng hữu ích
• Pocessed food /prəˈsest fuːd/: đồ ăn chế biến sẵn
• Low-quality food: đồ ăn kém chất lượng
• Obesity (n) /oʊˈbiːsəti/: bệnh béo phì
• Immune system /ɪˈmjuːn sɪstəm/: hệ miễn dịch
• Energy levels: mức năng lượng
5. Who does the cooking in your family? Why?
My mother does all the cooking at my home. I guess I am blessed for having such a talented
mother, who happens to be a retired cook. I have always had some sort of a fitness plan, but my
mother's home-cooked meals somehow have stood in the way, so I suppose I just have to live
with that.
6. Did you learn how to cook when you were younger?
No, actually I didn't learn how to cook when I was a child. I grew up with working parents, and
they were always up to their ears, so cooking, let alone teaching me how to cook, was nearly
impossible for them. When I was small, my meals usually rotated around fast food, frozen food
and takeaways.
7. Do you think Vietnamese people's diet is healthy?
Yes, a lot of Vietnamese people pay attention to the food we eat, and many of us like eating soup
or vegetables. I think that's pretty healthy. But I have to admit that nowadays because of the fast
pace of life, many people have to choose junk food for lunch, which is usually not healthy.
8. Do you like tasting new food?
Yes, whenever I travel to a new place, I always try my best to find the famous local food to have
a taste. Most of the dishes are incredible, except for some spicy Thai tom yum paste I tried when
I was in Bangkok last summer. Let just say that it is the type of food that can haunt me for life.
Từ vựng hay:
Bless(v): phù hộ - be blessed to: may mắn có được điều gì
Fitness plan: kế hoạch tập thể thao
Stand in the way: cản đường, cản ai khỏi việc làm gì
Working parents: bố mẹ là người đi làm
Be up to their ears: bận ngập đầu
Rotate around: quay xung quanh
Takeaways: đồ ăn mang về
Pay attention to: chú ý đến cái gì
The fast pace of life: nhịp độ nhanh của cuộc sống
Have a taste: nếm, thử một món mới
1. Have you ever tried foreign food?
As a foodie, of course I have tasted different kinds of food, and imported beverages are no
exception. My top two favorites are Italian pizza and Taiwanese bubble milk tea, which are
considered the most popular among Vietnamese youngsters.
2. Do you like to try new food?
I’m all about experiencing new things, but new foods are off limit. I mean, there are a number of
foods that can literally haunt me for life. For example, Mam Tom, which is a type of stinky and
pungent shrimp paste used in many Vietnamese dishes, is a kind of food that really puts me off.
3. What kinds of new foods have you tried recently?
Recently I’ve been thinking about healthy eating, so I’ve tried my best to find a snack that is
both scrumptious and low-carb. And finally I found Sua Chua Nep Cam, which is a mixture of
brown glutinous rice and unsweetened yogurt. I have eaten this on a daily basis, and now I’ve
lost 2kg.
4. Do you like any food from other countries near Vietnam?
Of course I do. I have a profound passion for Chinese cuisine as I have spent some time in this
country. I can spend hours drooling over Beijing roasted duck and Guangzhou homemade
noodles. Whenever I’ve got the munchies, I just daydream about feasting on these incredible
5. Do you like to cook?
Not really, to be honest. Most of the time I eat ready meals and take-aways, that’s one of the
reasons I love visiting my mum because I can always enjoy lovely home-cooked food.
6. Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who have busy lives?
no, I don’t think so. Cooking for other people is a particular pleasure, but for people who have
time only. I guess there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing people you love tucking into
something you’ve cooked yourself.
7. What time do you usually eat dinner?
We have our main meal at around 7.00, which I’m usually starving hungry by then. In fact, I
often grab a bite to eat as soon as I get home from school.
8. Will you change your diet habit?
Yes, I'd like to make some changes. I actually eat too much junk food, which really makes me fat
and unhealthy. In the future, I think I should learn how to cook by myself so that I could make
healthy and delicious food at home.
9. What do you enjoy the most about a meal?
Well, it is undoubtedly the dessert. I have a sweet tooth, that’s why I always look forward to a
piece of cake or a fruit tart after having my meal. I often spay a big layer of whipping cream on
my dessert, as it makes the dish look way more mouth-watering.
Từ vựng hay:
Foodie /ˈfuːdi/: người sành ăn
Imported beverages /ɪmˈpɔːtɪd ˈbɛv(ə)rɪdʒ/: thức uống nhập khẩu
Haunt /hɔːnt/: ám ảnh
Put off /ˈpʌt ɒf/: làm (ai đó) phát ớn
Scrumptious /ˈskrʌm(p)ʃəs/: ngon miệng
Unsweetened /ʌnˈswiːt(ə)nd/: không đường
Drool over /druːl ˈəʊvə/: chảy dãi
Get the munchies /ɡɛt ðə mʌntʃɪz/: đói bụng
Daydream /ˈdeɪdriːm/: mơ màng (giữa ban ngày)
Feast on /fiːst ɒn/: ăn thoả thích
Ready meal /ˈrɛdi miːl/: bữa ăn mua sẵn
Take-away /teɪk əˈweɪ/: thức ăn mua mang về
Home-cooked food /həʊm kʊkt fuːd/: đồ ăn nấu tại nhà
Tuck into /tʌk ɪntʊ/: ăn uống ngon lành
Starving hungry /ˈstɑːvɪŋ hʌŋɡri/: rất đói
Grab a bite to eat /ɡrab ə bʌɪt tə iːt/: ăn tạm
Junk food /dʒʌŋk fuːd/: đồ ăn vặt
Dessert /dɪˈzəːt/: món tráng miệng
Have a sweet tooth /hav ə swiːt tuːθ/: thích ăn vặt
Mouth-watering /maʊθ wɔːtərɪŋ/: (món ăn) làm chảy nước miếng
Liên quan đến food, còn có foreign food với các câu hỏi:
1. Have you ever tried foreign food?
As a foodie, of course I have tasted different kinds of food, and imported food and beverages are
no exception. My top two favorites are Italian pizza and Taiwanese bubble milk tea, which are
considered the most popular among Vietnamese youngsters.
2. Do you like to try new food?
I’m all about experiencing new things, but new foods are off limit. I mean, there are a number of
foods that can literally haunt me for life. For example, Mam Tom, which is a type of stinky and
pungent shrimp paste used in many Vietnamese dishes, is a kind of food that really puts me off.
3. What kinds of new foods have you tried recently?
Recently I’ve been thinking about healthy eating, so I’ve tried my best to find a snack that is
both scrumptious and low-carb. And finally I found Sua Chua Nep Cam, which is a mixture of
brown glutinous rice and unsweetened yogurt. I have eaten this on a daily basis, and now I’ve
lost 2kg.
4. Do you like any food from other countries near Vietnam?
Of course I do. I have a profound passion for Chinese cuisine as I have spent some time in this
country. I can spend hours drooling over Beijing roasted duck and Guangzhou homemade
noodles. Whenever I’ve got the munchies, I just daydream about feasting on these incredible
Các cụm từ cần ghi nhớ
• Foodie(n): người sành ăn
• Off limit: ngoài giới hạn
• Put sb off: làm ai thấy hãi
• Scrumptious(adj): ngon miệng
• Have a profound passion for: có niềm đam mê to lớn với cái gì
• Drool over: chảy dãi, thèm thuồng cái gì
• Got the munchies: đói bụng
• 1. Have you ever tried foreign food?
• As a foodie, of course I have tasted different kinds of food, and imported beverages are
no exception. My top two favorites are Italian pizza and Taiwanese bubble milk tea, which
are considered the most popular among Vietnamese youngsters.
• 2. Do you like to try new food?
• I’m all about experiencing new things, but new foods are off limit. I mean, there are a
number of foods that can literally haunt me for life. For example, Mam Tom, which is a
type of stinky and pungent shrimp paste used in many Vietnamese dishes, is a kind of food
that really puts me off.
• 3. What kinds of new foods have you tried recently?
• Recently I’ve been thinking about healthy eating, so I’ve tried my best to find a snack that
is both scrumptious and low-carb. And finally I found Sua Chua Nep Cam, which is a
mixture of brown glutinous rice and unsweetened yogurt. I have eaten this on a daily basis,
and now I’ve lost 2kg.
• 4. Do you like any food from other countries near Vietnam?
• Of course I do. I have a profound passion for Chinese cuisine as I have spent some time in
this country. I can spend hours drooling over Beijing roasted duck and Guangzhou
homemade noodles. Whenever I’ve got the munchies, I just daydream about feasting
on these incredible dishes.
Foodie người sành ăn
imported beverages thức uống nhập khẩu
haunt ám ảnh
scrumptious ngon miệng
drool over chảy dãi
get the munchies đói bụng daydream mơ màng
feast on ăn thoả thích
• 5. Do you like to cook?
Not really, to be honest. Most of the time I eat ready meals and take-aways, that’s one of the
reasons I love visiting my mum because I can always enjoy lovely home-cooked food.
• 6. Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who have busy lives?
No, I don’t think so. Cooking for other people is a particular pleasure, but for people who have
time only. I guess there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing people you love tucking
into something you’ve cooked yourself.
• 7. What time do you usually eat dinner?
We have our main meal at around 7.00, which I’m usually starving hungry by then. In fact, I
often grab a bite to eat as soon as I get home from school.
• 8. Will you change your diet habit?
Yes, I'd like to make some changes. I actually eat too much junk food, which really makes me
fat and unhealthy. In the future, I think I should learn how to
cook by myself so that I could make healthy and delicious food at home.
• 9. What do you enjoy the most about a meal?
Well, it is undoubtedly the dessert. I have a sweet tooth, that’s why I always look forward to
a piece of cake or a fruit tart after having my meal. I often spay a big layer of whipping cream
on my dessert, as it makes the dish look way more mouth-watering.
What kind of food do you like to eat?
I mostly like homemade foods. They are hygienic, made from organic sources and have no
chemicals or adhesive. However, my preference in homemade foods does not discourage me to
dine outside. I prefer having dinner in a Chinese or Italian restaurant as I love their menu. I am
also fond of Pizza and Sandwich.
What kind of new food would you like to try? Why?
I have never tried Thai foods and I would love to taste it. One of my cousins is very fond of Thai
foods and he had convinced me that I should give it a try. I think I would like it. I have a plan to
take my family to a renowned restaurant in our city to taste the Thai foods together. Apart from
that, I would love to try Japanese Sushi. I have heard so much about it but have never tasted it.
Do you like cooking? Why/ Why not?
I love cooking. This is sometimes very relaxing and gives a good feeling. I do not need to cook
very often but when I do, I feel like I kind of enjoy it. Maybe if I had to cook every day, my
opinion could have been different!
My mom mostly cooks in our house and whenever I declare that I would cook either for lunch or
dinner, my brothers and sisters become excited and worried at the same time. They love the way
I try to cook different menu each time and they often find my cooking tasty but they also
remember some of the incidents when my foods tasted horrible. But if you ask me whether I
enjoy cooking, I would say ‘yes’, and I like doing experiments no matter what others think about
What was the last meal you cooked?
That must be more than 3 months since I cooked last time. It was fried rice with eggs, prawn and
vegetables. I also cooked mutton with curry and as a desert, I made apple pie. Fortunately, this
time, my siblings were pleased with my cooking!!!
Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants? Why?
As I said my preference is home-cooked foods over outside foods. My father does not like the
idea of having outside meals that often. Apart from that, my mother is an excellent cook and we
enjoy her menu a lot. Outside foods are quite expensive and not fully hygienic. This is why all of
my family members prefer home-made foods.
What are some kinds of food you never eat? Why?
Stuffed peppers, pan-fried Scottish scallops served with tomato relish, salmon mollee, Japanese
Sushi, popadums, Sour cream and Chive fries and Shrimp cocktails are some of the food items I
have never eaten. Most of these items are not common in our city and I have heard about those
menus from my friends. Since they are not available in our city and I do not have an extensive
travelling experience, I did not get the chance to take them.
What are some reasons that people eat at a restaurant?
Eating at a restaurant offers people to enjoy the foods as well as the views and surrounding. They
do not need to cook and foods are usually delicious. People are treated well in a restaurant and
people love that a lot. We can invite as many people as we want in a restaurant and we do not
need to clean anything unlike eating at home. There are a variety of menus to choose from and
people can enjoy exotic foods at a restaurant that are not usually cooked at home. We can meet
friends and other relatives at a restaurant and enjoy our conversation without interruption. I think
those are the main reasons we like to eat out in a restaurant even though we have to pay a large
amount of money for the foods we eat.
Describe a popular food in your country? Why do people like this food?
Pizza is most probably one of the most popular food items in my county. This was not on the list
of popular food items probably 10 years back, but the popularity of pizza, especially, among
young people is unbelievable nowadays.
The popularity is probably because of its taste and easy availability. Every corner of a street has
a fast food shop in my town and they sell pizza. Craze among young generation about the fast
food items, especially pizza, is another reason it is so popular in my country.
2. Tradition &Custom:
When do people give gifts or presents in your country?
Though gifts are exchanged round the year, the prevalence is seen more during the religious
festivals in India like Puja, Eid or Christmas Day. Besides, there are some other days and events
to give presents. Sometimes gifts are also given on private occasions to celebrate an anniversary
or a special day.
Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home? Why? Why not?
Yes, I always take some sort of gifts when I go visiting someone. I, in fact, feel uncomfortable if
I have nothing to offer the host while visiting them. If the host is an adult, then I prefer to take
dry foods or fruits or if they have any kid at home, I prefer small toys, chocolates etc.
When did you last receive a gift? What was it?
I received the last gift in January of 2016 (on my birthday). It was an iPhone belonging to the
latest model (iPhone 6+). My parents gave me the gift.
Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people? Why? Why not?
Yes. I really enjoy looking gifts for others. I actually plan for the gifts and always look for them.
When I find the sought items, I get them and make a pleasant surprise for the people it was
3. Places & Travelling:
Do you like travelling?
Yes, I like travelling very much. In fact, travelling is my hobby and I also prefer travelling by all
modes of vehicles. I love to explore new places and travelling let me broaden my horizon of
experience and learning new things.
What place do you most like to visit?
I like visiting wide open places filled with trees and sands, and accordingly, the sea beaches are
the best places that attract me. Besides, places with natural beauty are always on my priority
list. My second preference is the places with historical significance.
How often do you visit this place?
Umm…. Usually, I try to visit the place twice in a year. But if I cannot always manage time, I try
paying the visit at least once a year.
Why do you like it so much?
I like it because I love nature. Observing the natural scenes from a hill, hearing the sea waves,
gazing at trees, enjoying the moonlit night on the wide sea beaches etc. are the most favourite
activities of mine. They are a kind of addiction for me. Besides this, the historical places are
great to visit in terms of witnessing the past history and learning new things.
Is it popular with many other people?
Well, I don’t think that this popular among many people. In fact, the number of people who want
to go close to the nature is very limited. Though many people visit the beach, I think few of them
enjoy the scenic beauties.
Has it changed very much since you first went there? In what way?
Yes, the place has changed greatly since my first visit. Earlier, the beach was less crowded as it
was located in a corner but with the modernization, the number of tourists has increased and thus
it remains crowded always even at the night time. Apart from that, the transportation facility has
improved and the number of resorts and tourists’ activities has also increased significantly.
How do you usually travel to work or college? Why?
I usually ride on buses on the way to work. The bus is one of the most convenient transport
modes in India and economic as well. Moreover, riding a bus takes less time to reach the
Have you always travelled to work/college in the same way? Why? Why not?
No, a few years back I owned a private motorbike and used the bike all the time to reach my
office. Nowadays my choice of transportation to reach office actually depends on my mood and
urgency to work. On regular working days, if there are no unusual workloads, I ride a bus. But if
it is a hefty working day and I need to reach office before the usual hour, I ride the bike to save
What do you like about travelling to work/college this way?
The bus is economical and maintains a schedule. Being on a bus gives me time to read, listen to
music and enjoy the side views. These are the great things I enjoy about riding a bus.
When I am on my motorbike, I can reach office early and do not need to wait for the buses in the
waiting line. Moreover, I can reach using several routes whereas a bus cannot avoid its preset
What changes would improve the way you travel to work/college? Why?
I think the number of buses should be increased and the traffic system should be made more
efficient with the use of technology. In some of the streets and intersection, the traffic police
members control the traffic manually and it should be developed or replaced with electronic
systems like the western countries. This would be a great way to reduce the traffic jam and
would make the journey more enjoyable.
What are some benefits of travelling? Why?
There are a large number of benefits of travelling including it widen your knowledge and helps
to get familiar with the unknown. Travelling makes your knowledge practical and you can
compare the bookish knowledge and the real-life issues. The experience we get from travelling is
helpful in our life and this is an excellent way of learning about diverse cultures, people and their
customs. Finally, travelling also helps reduce our stress and refresh us.
How often do you travel?
Travelling is a part of my life and I frequently travel from place to place. But some of the travels
are of short distance while some others are long. Usually, I go for a long trip several times in a
Where have you travelled too lately?
I have travelled to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal, recently. I had not been there earlier as that is
located far away from my place. This was an excellent experience and I am happy that I travelled
What kind of places do you like to visit?
Places with natural charm and scenic beauty are on my preference list. Sometimes I like to visit
places surrounded by hills, river or filled with natural beauties. Usually, the natural beauties are
eye soothing and wear a great look at night times. Historical places are in the second preference
for visiting.
What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at the new place?
It’s an important question. At first, I will check in a comfortable hotel or motel and then collect a
local map and get familiar with the local street networks so that I don’t get lost in the area when
I’m out.
Do you like to travel alone or with your friends?
I like travelling with friends. Travelling with friends is advantageous and the fun and
excitements are acuter than travelling alone.
Why do so many people like travelling nowadays?
Due to the mechanised nature of the living styles, people easily get bored. The seek ways to get
relief and travelling is one of the best ways for relaxation. Apart from that digital media let
people know about the places they should visit. Finally, the cheap and easy air flights attract
more people to visit new places.
How can you make sure you get the most from your travels?
When I go for a travel, I try visiting all the available places on the spot. I like to eat the
traditional foods from the adjacent eateries, get some local collectables or souvenirs, take snaps
of notable places and relics, and participate in special activities. Thus I make sure that I get the
most from the travel.
4. Clothes:
How important are clothes and fashion to you?
I’m not that much worried about clothing or fashion. I believe that clothing gives a decent look
and make people presentable before all. So, regarding attires, I actually prefer less gorgeous
clothes but it should not be interpreted like the way that I should be too shabby to feel shy
meeting people with the attires. Comfort is my first priority while choosing my costume.
What kind of clothes do you dislike? Why?
I dislike clothes which are too stunning and made with the use of eye-irritating colours. I like
simple but attractive clothes which will make me look good and nice. I believe the colourful
clothes do not make me look nice rather makes me look strange. Besides, I dislike unfit clothes
as well.
How different are the clothes you wear now from those you wore 10 years ago?
Well, there are not too many differences. People now prefer shorter clothes while the length was
a bit more 10 years ago. The fashion has also been influenced by the western themes which were
absent in that past. For me, I used to wear casual dresses mostly- a pair of jeans, a pair of shoes
and T-shirts were my most common dresses but these days I prefer to wear more formal dresses.
What do you think the clothes we wear say about us?
Yes, clothes say a lot about us. When we are in worn out attires, usually people won’t look at us
or pay the right attention, while they will adore us unexpectedly when we are in a stunning suit.
So, I firmly believe that clothes say many things in our favour. The type of dresses someone
wears gives hints about his social, economic, and job status. The colour preferences and style in
dresses also reflects someone’s lifestyle and personality.
5. Music & Dancing:
Do you like music? Why?
Yes, I love music. There are several reasons behind my preference on music. The first and most
important factor is that music helps me to get relaxed. It has some entertaining value as well. It is
like a food for my mind and relieves me of stress and tension. The rich lyrics of many songs
often inspire me.
What types of music do you prefer most? Why?
Well, I mostly like soft music. Instrumental music is also on my preference list. The soft music
helps me to concentrate on my work. Besides, less noise is created when I play the music. They
usually have greater lyrics and touch my mind and heart.
Do you enjoy dancing? Why? Why not?
Yes, I love dancing. I love the movements made with the tones and lights, the dancers bring a
massive change in their limbs which appears amazing to me. I know very little about dancing
and if someone asks me to dance, I might decline. However, I really love the way other people
dance. It is said that dancing is an exercise for our souls and it unifies the concentration and
gives spiritual inspiration.
Has anyone ever taught you to dance? Why? Why not?
Uhh, actually, I am not that much interested in learning dancing. Though my parents wanted me
to learn and practice dancing, I rejected their offer and thus nobody taught me ever to dance. I
was more interested in sports like football and cricket than learning to dance.
Tell me about any traditional dancing in your country.
Well, emerged during the Spanish colonial period, the Philippines take humble pride in Tinkling.
This is a traditional dance performed with bamboo poles.
Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future? Why? Why not?
The traditional dancing has potentials to grow in future as the dance takes place during different
cultural events while the number of such events is on the rise. However, the influences of
western and modern dancing might reduce the popularity of traditional dancing in future in our
What is your favourite musical instrument?
I like flute more than any other musical instrument. I think flute has something magical inside it
and the tone makes me charmed always.
How it has changed over the years?
Well, there are no notable changes found on flute except its size and shape. Currently, the flutes
are available in different sizes and of shapes while it was thin and smaller in past days. Some
modern musical instruments have replaced its use in different music as well.
Who is your favourite musician? Why?
I love Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia most. He is an Indian musician, especially flutist. He owns a
distinctive flute playing style.
What are some benefits of listening to music?
Music has several benefits and I think it helps reducing stress. Besides, music can also improve
moods while it makes the listeners happy. Music is well known for its healing power of our
wounds. It is a symbol of a culture and tradition. Music inspires people and motives them to step
1 What kinds of food do you particularly like?
I’d have to say Asian cuisine is my favorite. I am a huge fan of the bold flavors and spices used
in Korean and Vietnamese dishes. Something I often daydream about eating is X, which is
a tip-smacking noodle soup dish served with a crab broth. It’s every bit as delicious as it
3 What kinds of food are most popular in your country?
I think street food is a staple around here. You can find bustling food stalls all around our
nation, and they are my go-tos for a cheap and cheerful meal. I mean gourmet restaurants are
nice and all, but street food is what our country is all about.
4 Do you like cooking? (Why?/ Why not?)
Actually, I’d like to think that cooking is my forte. I developed a passion for culinary
arts when I first watched the cooking show Masterchef. Since then, I have learnt a lot of recipes
and I can easily whip up a good dinner.
. Can you cook?
Well, I would say I know how to cook but cooking is not my forte. I just can make simple dishes
like boiled eggs, boiled vegetables or boiled pork. Cooking boiled food is pretty
straightforward as I’m not faced with the issue of adding seasonings and flavourings.
• forte /ˈfɔː.teɪ/ (noun): sở trường
• pretty straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔː.wəd/ (adjective phrase): khá dễ
• be faced with something: đối mặt, gặp phải
Tôi sẽ nói rằng tôi biết nấu ăn nhưng nấu ăn không phải là sở trường của tôi. Tôi chỉ có thể làm
những món đơn giản như trứng luộc, rau luộc hoặc thịt lợn luộc. Nấu đồ luộc khá đơn giản vì tôi
không phải đối mặt với vấn đề thêm nếm gia vị và hương liệu.
1. Can you cook?
Well, I would say I know how to cook but cooking is not my forte. I just can make simple dishes
like boiled eggs, boiled vegetables or boiled pork. Cooking boiled food is pretty
straightforward as I’m not faced with the issue of adding seasonings and flavourings.
• forte /ˈfɔː.teɪ/ (noun): sở trường
• pretty straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔː.wəd/ (adjective phrase): khá dễ
• be faced with something: đối mặt, gặp phải
Tôi sẽ nói rằng tôi biết nấu ăn nhưng nấu ăn không phải là sở trường của tôi. Tôi chỉ có thể làm
những món đơn giản như trứng luộc, rau luộc hoặc thịt lợn luộc. Nấu đồ luộc khá đơn giản vì tôi
không phải đối mặt với vấn đề thêm nếm gia vị và hương liệu.
2. Did you learn to cook when you were a child?
To be honest, I didn’t learn how to cook a meal as a little boy. My parents and siblings always
did the cooking when I was young. They pampered me as I was the youngest child in the
• pamper somebody /ˈpæm.pər/ (verb): nuông chiều
Thành thật mà nói, tôi đã không biết nấu một bữa ăn khi còn là một cậu bé. Bố mẹ và anh chị tôi
luôn nấu ăn khi tôi còn nhỏ. Họ nuông chiều tôi vì tôi là con út trong gia đình.
3. Do you often do any cooking?
Yes, I do. For the better part of the last four years, I’ve been living independently from my
parents so my friends and I have to do the cooking on our own every day. We take turns to do
it. For example, if I go grocery shopping today, my friends will do the cooking and do the
• take turns to do something (idiom): lần lượt, thay nhau
• go grocery shopping /ˈɡrəʊ.sər.i/ (verb phrase): đi chợ
• do the dishes (verb phrase): rửa bát
Có. Suốt bốn năm qua, tôi sống tự lập khỏi bố mẹ nên tôi và bạn bè phải tự nấu ăn mỗi ngày.
Chúng tôi thay phiên nhau làm. Ví dụ, nếu hôm nay tôi đi chợ thì bạn tôi sẽ nấu ăn và rửa bát.
4. Do you like cooking?
No. I consider cooking as something that has to be done. It takes time and energy and seems
pretty challenging when we are beholden to the desires of others. That’s why I
just fancy cooking a simple meal for myself.
• challenging /ˈtʃæl.ɪn.dʒɪŋ/ (adj): khó
• beholden to somebody /bɪˈhəʊl.dən/ (adj): mắc nợ
• fancy doing something (verb): thích
Không. Tôi coi nấu ăn là một việc phải làm. Nó rất mất thời gian và năng lượng và có vẻ khá
khó khi chúng ta luôn mắc nợ mong muốn của người khác (~ luôn phải chú ý làm hài lòng người
khác). Đó là lý do tại sao tôi chỉ thích nấu một bữa ăn đơn giản cho chính mình.
5. Who taught you how to cook?
It’s my roommates that gave me step by step instructions on how to cook a simple meal for a
college student. As I said, I was a spoiled child and didn’t know the first thing about cooking
until I started going to college and had to cook for myself and my friends have become my
cooking teacher.
• spoil somebody /spɔɪl/ (verb): nuông chiều quá mức
• not know the first thing about somebody/ something (idiom): không biết gì về …
Chính những người bạn cùng phòng của tôi đã hướng dẫn tôi từng bước về cách nấu một bữa ăn
đơn giản cho một sinh viên đại học. Như tôi đã nói, tôi là một đứa trẻ hư và chẳng biết gì về nấu
ăn cho đến khi tôi bắt đầu vào đại học và phải tự nấu ăn và bạn tôi đã trở thành giáo viên dạy
nấu ăn của tôi.
Q. 1. What sorts of food do you like eating most? [Why?]
Answer: To tell the truth, I don’t mind about my foods when I am hungry. But, foods, which I
would eat any time of the day without any complain, include pizza, chicken sandwiches, rice
with sizzling beef curry, chicken biriyani, pasta, noodles, fried and spicy chicken, and specially
made vegetable burgers.
Q. 2. Who normally does the cooking in your house? [Why?]
Answer: We have a cooking lady at my house who is in charge of cooking all kinds of foods
because it has remained a tradition in our families for almost 3 generations. Of course, my
mother supervises the works of the cooking lady from time to time but the main job of cooking is
done by our cooking lady because she does a fantastic job.
Q. 3. Do you like cooking? [Why/why not?]
Answer: No, I don’t really like cooking primarily because I don’t have a great mind or
“intellectual” capacity for cooking. Besides, in my opinion, cooking takes a lot of time and
patience, neither of which I have in abundance.
Q. 4. Do you watch cookery programmes on TV? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, I do enjoy watching cookery programmes on TV from time to time because it
allows me to learn about different kinds of dishes from different countries or regions along with
their cultures and traditions. And, once I know about those dishes, I can always go to a restaurant
and try those foods. After all, I do like trying different kinds of foods even though I do not like
cooking much.
Q. 5. In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home? [Why?]
Answer: Well, to tell the truth, I prefer to eat out, instead of home, mainly because restaurants
have many different kinds of food items. So, if I don’t like a certain kind of food at a restaurant, I
could always order for a different dish which is not always possible if I am eating at home.

Part 3: Details Discussion

Q. 1. What are some reasons that people eat at a restaurant?
Answer: Different people have different reasons for eating at a restaurant. For example, some
don’t feel like preparing a meal for themselves either because they don’t like to do grocery
shopping, or they are just not good at cooking. It is also possible that some people just don’t have
enough time to cook because of their busy life schedule. Some people like to eat at a restaurant
also because they are just tired of eating the same kinds of food, and they want to try some new
cuisines from different countries or cultures. Finally, some people like to eat at a restaurant
because it allows them to have fun and relax in the company of some special people, friends and
family members.
Q. 2. How can the government encourage people to eat healthier food?
Answer: The government can do many things to encourage people to eat healthier foods. First, it
can actually identify many of the unhealthy foods in the market and impose some stiff sales taxes
on them in order to discourage people from buying them. Secondly, it can also take the help of
different newspaper media, electronic media and social networking media to propagate the
benefits of eating healthier foods, along with the harms of eating unhealthy foods, on a regular
basis. Finally, governments can also heavily subsidize different initiatives and schemes which
produce and manufacture healthy foods so that people can buy them at an affordable price.
Q. 3. Do people in your country generally like to cook their food at home? Why?/Why not?
Answer: Yes, people in my country generally like to cook their food at home mainly because it
allows them to save a significant amount of money and time. After all, we all know how
expensive the foods at restaurants can be. Besides, cooking at home allows us to have more
control over how our food is made and portioned so that they may be particularly helpful for
anyone who is trying to lose weight, and who have food allergies and are following a special diet
due to some medical conditions. Finally, they like to cook their food at home also because it
brings the entire family together by fostering love and harmony among its members.
Q. 4. Do you believe people in your country have a healthy diet? Why/Why not?
Answer: Yes, I do believe that people in my country have a healthy diet which actually manifests
in their health. For example, we don’t have many people with an obesity problem, and they don’t
even have to hit the gym to become less “obese”, comparing to the obesity rate of many other
countries. People in my country choose to live on a healthy diet of rice, vegetables and fish most
of the times and they prepare healthy meals at home. Besides, most of the adult population in my
country are able to work and are productive citizens, goes to prove the fact they generally have a
healthy diet.
Q. 5. In modern society, is it important that people still learn to cook? Why/why not?
Answer: No, it is not important for people to learn to cook, whether they are living in modern
society or not, because not everybody in our society has the time or energy to cook because of
other priorities and busy life schedule. Besides, learning to cook, be it for a personal or
professional reason, doesn’t always benefit everybody in the same way in our society because we
all have different tastes and preferences as far as our diets are concerned. Finally, people don't
have to learn to cook simply because “cooking is not everybody’s cup of tea”. In other words,
not everybody enjoys cooking.
Q. 6. How important it is for us to be able to cook when we live in a different city/country
away from home?
Answer: It depends on if we live in a different city or a different country. If we live in a different
city within our own country, it is not important for us to be able to cook because we could easily
get and eat the foods, which we are used to eating on a regular basis, at a restaurant or food store.
But, on the other hand, if we live in a different country away from home, it is important for us to
be able to cook because the restaurants or food stores most likely wouldn’t serve the types of
food which we are comfortable with to consume. Besides, if we learn to cook before migrating or
staying in a different country, we would be able to save a significant amount of money each
1. Do you like cooking? Why / why not?
Sometimes. I like preparing a special meal for family or friends who visit, but everyday cooking
is a bit boring; it's something that has to be done, but it's not really fun.
2. Who did the cooking in your family when you were a child?
My mother almost always did the cooking when I was young. I don't think she trusted my father
to make a nice meal.
3. Do you think that it's important to know how to cook well?
I'm not sure whether it's important to cook well, but I do think that everyone should know the
basics. It definitely isn't healthy to rely on pre-prepared meals or fast food.
4. Do you think that children should be taught cookery at school?
Yes, that's probably a good idea. If all children knew how to cook a few basic, healthy meals,
that would surely be a good thing.
5. Can you tell me something about the food in your country?
6. Can you describe your favorite food?
Ah, yes. We’re famous for our cooking. We have a lot of very spicy food which some foreigners
find too hot, but the spices are essential for the flavours we like. We like meat a lot, but beans are
also important in our dishes.
7. Can you tell me something about Vietnamese food?
Well, there is no such simple thing as so-called “Vietnamese food”. With a territory as large and
a history as long and complex as Vietnam’s, it is inevitable that distinct regional differences in
cuisine have evolved over the centuries.
It is generally accepted that we have three principal culinary regions: Northern, Central and
Southern, with Western most commoly listed as a fourth. But these designations are not hard and
fast geographical boundaries.
Well, the mainstream culinary traditions in all three regions of Vietnam share some fundamental
features. First, freshness of food: most meats are only briefly cooked to preserve their original
textures and corlours. Second, presence of herbs and vegetables: Herbs and vegetables are used
abundantly in Vietnamese cuisines. Vietnamese dishes are incomplete without herbs and
vegetables. Third, broths or soup-based are characteristic of all three regions. Last, presentation:
the condiments that accompany Vietnamese meals are usually colourful and arranged in eye-
pleasing manners.
8. What is people’s favorite food in your region?
9. Why do they like this type of food?
Definitely, the sour soup called canh chua is often cooked in hot pot style (called lau canh chua).
People in the south like hot and spicy food a lot, but our foreign visitors often find it too hot to
enjoy. They can make very nice hotpot with limitless ingredients.
One of the major reasons for the popularity of this type of food may be the weather. It is very
different from here. In summer, it can be very humid and according to the traditional Vietnamese
medicine, humidity can be very harmful to the health, so people there usually eat very hot food
with a lot of chilies and black pepper to get rid of the humidity in the body. Another reason may
be that hot food can be very appetising.

10. What kind of restaurants do you like going to?

11. Describe a restaurant that you often to go?
Well, I like to go to restaurants that are informal and relaxing but offer varieties of food and
good service, anyway good value for money. Sometimes, I also take my clients to the formal and
luxurious restaurants. But I often feel uneasy with so many waitresses or waiters offering you
extremely good service, and trying to please you. Meanwhile, the dishes are too expensive and I
think that’s a waste of money.
I often go to the Pearl Restaurant, a Chinese restautant near my university. It’s a well-known
restaurant in this area for the authentic Sichuan food they offer to the customers. Their house
special dishes such as twice-cooked fish and diced rabbit with green pepper are so tasty that all
the customers would like to order them. As a matter of fact, they have a special dish or soup
every day. Apart from the quality of the food, the service is also good , the waiters and
waitresses are well trained, efficient, patient, and polite. As a regular customer, I also get
discount on the dishes.
To be on a balanced diet: Ăn uống điều độ
Eg: I have a crack at following a balanced diet so that I can live healthily and live longer.
To dine out: To have main meal out: Ăn ngoài
E.g: I’d prefer to dine in with my husband rather than dine out with my colleagues.
To follow a recipe: To cook a meal using instruction: Nấu theo công thức
E.g: I think cooking is boring because you need to follow a recipe. I just want to cook roughly.
To spoil somebody’s appetite: To eat something that will stop you feeling hungry when it’s
meal-time: Phá hủy khẩu vị của ai
E.g: Eating candies before dinner really spoils children’s appetite.
To wine and dine: Chiêu đãi ai
E.g: Pricey restaurants are ideal places if you want to wine and dine your boss.
To overeat: Eat too much: Ăn quá nhiều
E.g: If you overeat, you’re bound to get fat.
to be full up: no căng bụng
Eg: The dishes were so delicious that we were full up.
to be starving hungry: rất đói
Eg: My husband always says that he is starving hungry after doing exercises.
a fussy eater: người ăn cầu kỳ, kén ăn
Eg: My best friend is a fussy eater so it’s difficult for us to choose a restaurant.
to grab a bite to eat: ăn vội
Eg: I usually have to grab a bite to eat because of my heavy workload everyday.
to have a sweet tooth: thích ăn ngọt
Eg: I don’t think that every kid has a sweet tooth.
home-cooked food: thức ăn nấu ở nhà
Eg: Everybody said that what made them miss their hometown the most was the taste of home-
cooked food.
to make your mouth water: kích thích vị giác (món ăn nhìn ngon mắt, thơm)
Eg: The sushi dish made by a Michellin star chef can make your mouth water just by looking at
Q: Is food important to you? (Why?)
A: Yes, I like to cook and to use fresh vegetables and try to get everything as organic as possible.
I also like to eat no gluten whenever possible, no soy or dairy. eating clean is important for my
health and overall well-being.
Q: What kinds of food do you particularly like?
A: I really enjoy eating fresh fish, homegrown vegetables and fruits and on special occasions
meat that comes from local farmers. I also enjoy fresh eggs from neighbours and family
Q: Is there any food you don’t like? (Why?)
A: I don’t like processed food because it is really bad for my body. After having a particular diet,
eating processed food does not agree with my body and can make me feel unwell. I also avoid
dairy because I have an intolerance.
• Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country (What foods are
popular in your country?
In my country, rice is a staple food. We eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rice comes with
different kinds of viand (piece of food, or a tasty dish) such as pork, beef or chicken cooked with
vegetables and other ingredients. We also like to eat bread, noodle, vermicelli for breakfast or for
• How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the
I think people’s eating habits have changed in the past years. Nowadays, there are already a lot of
fast food restaurants. Processed foods have become popular as well. I think people these days don’t
eat as much healthy foods compared in the past. Also, I think people in the past are more concerned
of eating at the right time. However, nowadays, people tend to skip meals because of several
reasons such as dieting, busy schedules and etc.
• How healthy is your country’s food?
It is the choice of the people whether to eat healthy or unhealthy food. In my country, there are
many choices of healthy food especially vegetables and fruits. However, I don’t think that people
eat much healthy foods nowadays because of the presence of fast food and processed foods. Also,
many dishes in my country is usually greasy and salty which I think are not very healthy.
• How can we stay healthier?
I think the best approach is to have everything in moderation. Processed food won’t kill you if you
only eat it occasionally but you are encouraged to eat a balanced diet to supply enough vitamins
for your body. Home – cooked food is preferable choice if you want to stay strong.
• Do you think cooking is a pleasure or chore for people?
To be honest, I believe that cooking is one of the best ways to help people relax after a long
working day. Whether you follow a recipe or cook roughly, cooking is a creative process which is
useful to release your stress and balance your mind and body. Furthermore, cooking a meal for
your beloved family then seeing them tucking into your handmade food will be the most
satisfactory feeling ever.
• What are your predictions for people’s diets in the next 10 years?
Personally, people tend to eat a balanced diet to stay healthier. They eat more fish and vegetables
than meat. Normal products which are made from chemical ingredients will be replaced by organic
ones which seem to be safer for human body. Furthermore, instant or processed food will still exist
because people are getting busier, but I think they are not really as popular as now.
• Is it important to have a family meal? What is your opinion?
Well, of course it is essential for people to have a meal together in a family. First of all, during
family meals, people can share their stories and experience together, which allows them to
strengthen the mutual bonds and draw them as a close-knit family. Additionally, by eating home-
cooked meals, this can maintain the physical health among family members.
Food is much better than before. Agree or disagree? Why?
From my point of view, I partly agree with this view. There are numerous foreign cuisines, along
with diverse tastes, imported to Vietnam, such as Kimbab, Chicken Curry…. They not only taste
delicious but also provide people with nutrious ingredients. However, some types of processed
food such as fried chicken and hamburgers will be detrimental to the public health if people over-
consume these kinds of food.
Can you cook?
-Oh yes, I love to cook. Honestly, I don’t think I can cook very well but I always try my best. I
consider it one of my hobbies.
Who does the cooking in your family?
-My mom does. Sometimes my older sister cooks for dinner. On weekends, I sometimes cook too.

What is your main meal in the day?

– Well, I can say, lunch is my main meal. I usually skip breakfast and I just have light dinner.
On what occasions do you eat special foods?
I eat special foods on special occasions like birthday parties, weddings, New Year and etc. Even
on small and simple gatherings, there are special foods too
Which foods from your country do most foreign people enjoy?
-I think foreign people are always eager to try local and exotic foods. Tourists and foreigners eat
our local and traditional foods in my country.
On what occasions do you eat special foods?
-No, not very much. Aside from being unhealthy, I am not fond of salty foods.
There are a lot of foods I like. It is quite difficult to think of one. So, let me talk about a popular
menu in my country which is one of my favorite foods also. It is steamed/plain rice and chicken
adobo. “Adobo” is the local name. Adobo can be beef, pork, chicken, fish or even vegetables but
I like the chicken adobo particularly.
I will talk about how I cook my very own chicken adobo. A small amount of oil is placed in a
heated pan. Then, sauté (fried quickly in a little hot fat) garlic until it turns golden brown. Add in
onions. Add the chicken and sauté until it turns a little brown. Pour in about 2 cups of water and let
it boil. After about 30 minutes, add about 2 spoonful of sugar, whole peppercorns and let it simmer.
Then add about one fourth cup of so sauce and let it boil for about 5 minutes. Then it is done and
ready to be served. You may also add some vegetables like potatoes or fruits like banana or
I like it because it is easy to prepare and it is very delicious. I am not quite sure about its nutritional
benefits but I am sure that we can get some nutrients in it too, especially if vegetables are added.
This recipe is common in my country and I eat it about three to four times a week. I like it because
it does not require much effort to prepare and it is also not expensive.
Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country (What foods are popular in your
In my country, the Philippines, rice is a staple food. We eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Rice comes with different kinds of viand (piece of food, or a tasty dish) such as pork, beef or
chicken cooked with vegetables or fruits and other ingredients. Since my country is located in the
tropics, tropical fruits are also popular here especially mangoes. They say that the best mangoes
can be found in the Philippines. We also like to eat bread for breakfast or for snacks.
How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past?
I think people’s eating habits have changed in the past years. Nowadays, there are already a lot of
fast food restaurants. Processed foods have become popular as well. I think people these days don’t
eat as much healthy foods compared in the past. Also, I think people in the past are more concerned
of eating at the right time. However, nowadays, people tend to skip meals because of several
reasons such as dieting, busy schedules and etc.
How healthy is your country’s food?
It is the choice of the people whether to eat healthy or unhealthy food. In my country, there are
many choices of healthy food especially vegetables and fruits. However, I don’t think that people
eat much healthy foods nowadays because of the presence of fast food and processed foods. Also,
many dishes in my country is usually greasy and salty which I think are not very healthy.
What kinds of meals do you like?
Oh, I adore different meat plates.. My mouth is watering whenever I see roast beef, grilled
chicken or pork chops. However, I don’t like to cook.. That’s why I often eat ready meals (bữa ăn
sẵn) and take-aways (đồ ăn mang đi)
When do you usually eat dinner?
I usually have main meal (ăn chính) at about 4 p.m.. I’m starving hungry (rất đói) by then and
sometimes overeat myself (ăn quá nhiều)
Are there any fruits or vegetables you don’t like? Why?
Yes, there are.. I’m not a fussy eater, but I really hate onions and seafood (hải sản).. I try to avoid
meals that might contain these products
And what is your favorite cuisine?
Well, I love French cuisine for its versatility and flavorful ingredients (nguyên liệu thơm
ngon)…. French cuisine has a variety of dishes, starting from their famous onion soup and ending
with cheese fondue… Also, it rarely uses artificial ingredients (nguyên liệu nhân tạo) or flavors.
How can we make people eat healthier food?
The best approach for this problem is to strike a balance (thỏa hiệp) between junk food and
healthy food… You can eat unhealthy ever so rarely, if you manage to
eat nutritious products (thực phẩm giàu dinh dưỡng) the majority of the time… I eat junk
food (đồ ăn vặt) myself, by I try not to abuse my health…
Do you think people enjoy what they eat on a regular?
I don’t really know, but I’m leaning towards a negative answer… People are often lazy when
chosing their meals… They try to catch a snack (ăn nhanh thứ gì đó) to restrain their
hunger (kiềm chế cơn đói)… But it is neither healthy nor enjoyable…
Do you think that cooking is a pleasure a burden for most people?
I can’t speak for everybody, but I think that cooking is more of a chore than a pleasure (như là
một thói quen hơn là niềm vui)… But it really depends on a person… Some people might love
cooking… If it is their passion or a beloved job (công việc yêu thích), then it’s good for them…
But I’m not among those people… Personally, I prefer dining out (ăn ngoài tiệm)
Dine in Ăn tôí ở nhà
Dine out Ăn tối ngoài hàng
Fussy eater Người kén ăn
In a walking distance of Gần đâu đó
I usually dine at a restaurant that’s in a walking distance of my home.
Home-cooked food Đồ ăn nấu tại nhà
Preparing home-cooked food is a good way to make a balanced meal
More of a chore than a pleasure I think that cooking is more of a chore than a pleasure
Mouth-watering Chảy nước miếng
My mouth is watering every time I think about my grandmother’s apple pie.
Nutritious products : Thực phẩm nhiều dinh dưỡng
A nutritious breakfast is a great way to start the day, as it gives your body the nutrients and you
get enough energy.
Processed food Thực phẩm được chế biến sẵn
Try to avoid processed foods like flavored nuts and cereal bars
Quality justifies the bill Đáng đồng tiền
I first thought those strawberries were too expensive, but when I tasted them I understood that
their quality justified the bill.
Quick snack Bữa ăn nhanh, bữa ăn vặt
Eating quick snack instead of main meal can be harmful for stomach.
Ready meal Bữa ăn sẵn
I had no desire to cook, so I bought a ready meal in a nearby supermarket.
Restrain one’s hunger Kiềm chế cơn đói
John couldn’t restrain his hunger anymore and went to the nearest fast-food restaurant.
Slap-up meal Bữa ăn được nấu nhanh
I feel like making a slap-up meal tonight.
Starving hungry
To be full up
I woke up starving hungry yesterday and ate the whole roast chicken.
I’m going to ring the Japanese restaurant and order a takeaway.
The main meal Bữa ăn chính trong ngày
To be dying of hunger Rất đói
To bolt something down Nuốt chửng thứ gì đó
Don’t bolt your food down like that, it’s very rude!
To be ravenous Đói cồn cào
After working all day, I had a ravenous appetite.
To catch a snack Ăn nhanh một chút gì đó
To eat a balanced diet Ăn đúng cách và đúng giờ
To eat like a horse Ăn rất nhiều
To follow a recipe Tuân theo công thức nấu năn
Although she had never cooked a jugged hare before, she followed a recipe and made a fantastic
To foot the bill Thanh toán hóa đơn
To grab a bite to eat Ăn nhanh một chút gì đó
I won’t eat the whole cake, just let me grab a bite to eat.
To have a sweet tooth Có sở thích ăn đồ ngọt
To overeat one self Ăn quá nhiều, ăn không kiểm
soát If you overeat, you’re bound to get fat.
To play with your food Đặt đồ ăn trên đĩa mà không ăn
To spoil your appetite Làm điều gì đó khiến bạn thèm ăn
Stop talking about the snails, you’re spoiling my appetite!
To tuck into Ăn ngon lành, ăn tham lam
After not eating the whole day, he tucked into the ham like a savage.
To wine and dine (someone) Đãi hậu
The company wined and dined us, hoping to convince us we should accept the job.
To work up and appetite Làm điều gì đó khiến cơ thể đói
He must have worked up an appetite in the gym\

1, Do you like cooking?

Although I am not a cook by any means, I do enjoy preparing meals for my family. I love the sense
of satisfaction when dinners are served. I like watching plateful dishes slowly disappear as
everyone enjoying my food. However, much as I love to cook for my closed ones, I rarely do that
for myself. I prefer instant food as it is less time-consuming.
The sense of satisfaction: Cảm giác mãn nguyện
Plateful dishes: Đĩa ăn đầy đặn
Instant food: Thực phẩm ăn liền
Time-consuming: Tốn thời gian
2, What are some of the things that you can cook?
Vietnamese food is surprisingly simple, regarding the recipes. They don’t usually require a lot of
advanced cooking techniques that often seen in Western cuisines. So I could probably say that I’m
able to cook most of the basic dishes.
Cuisines: Ẩm thực
3, How often do you cook?
It depends actually. Since I’m still living with my parents at the moment, tasks in the kitchen are
divided between my mother and me. We then schedule our time for cooking based on availability.
My mother has a nine-to-five job, so I take the responsibility of making dinner, while she can have
some rest after work.
Availability: Sự có mặt
A nine-to-five job: Một công việc làm công ăn lương (từ 9h sáng tới 5h chiều)
To take the responsibility of: Nhận trách nhiệm với việc nào đó
4, Do you think it is important to know how to cook well?
I strongly believe that cooking is a crucial survival skill that every adult should possess. That’s
because the benefits of knowing how to cook are tremendous. However, I don’t think that everyone
has to be a Michelin chef. A properly cooked meal is more than enough in my opinion.
A crucial survival skill: Một kỹ năng sinh tồn quan trọng
A Michelin chef: Một đầu bếp trong nhà hàng có sao Michelin
5, Do you think that students should be taught how to cook?
As I have mentioned, cookery is one of the most important skills that a person could learn. Food
is one of our basic needs, so having the ability to process food is obviously advantageous. We
shouldn’t depend on ready-made food as we don’t have any control over the ingredients.
Moreover, homemade food tends to be cheaper and healthier.
Cookery: Kỹ năng nấu nướng
Basic needs: Nhu cầu cơ bản
Ready-made food: Thực phẩm chế biến sẵn
Homemade food: Thức ăn làm tại gia

▪ What kind of food do you like to eat?

I mostly like homemade foods. They are hygienic, made from organic sources and have no
chemicals or adhesive. However, my preference in homemade foods does not discourage me to
dine outside. I prefer having dinner in a Chinese or Italian restaurant as I love their menu. I am
also fond of Pizza and Sandwich.
▪ What kind of new food would you like to try? Why?
I have never tried Thai foods and I would love to taste it. One of my cousins is very fond of Thai
foods and he had convinced me that I should give it a try. I think I would like it. I have a plan to
take my family to a renowned restaurant in our city to taste the Thai foods together. Apart from
that, I would love to try Japanese Sushi. I have heard so much about it but have never tasted it.
▪ Do you like cooking? Why/ Why not?
I love cooking. This is sometimes very relaxing and gives a good feeling. I do not need to cook
very often but when I do, I feel like I kind of enjoy it. Maybe if I had to cook every day, my
opinion could have been different!
My mom mostly cooks in our house and whenever I declare that I would cook either for lunch or
dinner, my brothers and sisters become excited and worried at the same time. They love the way
I try to cook different menu each time and they often find my cooking tasty but they also
remember some of the incidents when my foods tasted horrible. But if you ask me whether I
enjoy cooking, I would say ‘yes’, and I like doing experiments no matter what others think about
▪ What was the last meal you cooked?
That must be more than 3 months since I cooked last time. It was fried rice with eggs, prawn and
vegetables. I also cooked mutton with curry and as a desert, I made apple pie. Fortunately, this
time, my siblings were pleased with my cooking!!!
▪ Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants? Why?
As I said my preference is home-cooked foods over outside foods. My father does not like the
idea of having outside meals that often. Apart from that, my mother is an excellent cook and we
enjoy her menu a lot. Outside foods are quite expensive and not fully hygienic. This is why all of
my family members prefer home-made foods.
▪ What are some kinds of food you never eat? Why?
Stuffed peppers, pan-fried Scottish scallops served with tomato relish, salmon mollee, Japanese
Sushi, popadums, Sour cream and Chive fries and Shrimp cocktails are some of the food items I
have never eaten. Most of these items are not common in our city and I have heard about those
menus from my friends. Since they are not available in our city and I do not have an extensive
travelling experience, I did not get the chance to take them.
▪ What are some reasons that people eat at a restaurant?
Eating at a restaurant offers people to enjoy the foods as well as the views and surrounding. They
do not need to cook and foods are usually delicious. People are treated well in a restaurant and
people love that a lot. We can invite as many people as we want in a restaurant and we do not
need to clean anything unlike eating at home. There are a variety of menus to choose from and
people can enjoy exotic foods at a restaurant that are not usually cooked at home. We can meet
friends and other relatives at a restaurant and enjoy our conversation without interruption. I think
those are the main reasons we like to eat out in a restaurant even though we have to pay a large
amount of money for the foods we eat.
▪ Describe a popular food in your country? Why do people like this food?
Pizza is most probably one of the most popular food items in my county. This was not on the list
of popular food items probably 10 years back, but the popularity of pizza, especially, among
young people is unbelievable nowadays.
The popularity is probably because of its taste and easy availability. Every corner of a street has
a fast food shop in my town and they sell pizza. Craze among young generation about the fast
food items, especially pizza, is another reason it is so popular in my country.

1. Describe what you think is a healthy diet

I think it is a lot less complicated than most people think, even if it isn’t as simple to follow all the
time. A balanced diet should include sufficient foods from each of the basic food groups. Eating
a variety of foods from each of these groups will guarantee that your body will receive all the
nutrients and vitamins it needs to function.
2. Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?
Although I’m not a vegetarian, I still believe it’s good to eat sufficient vegetables and fruits. I think
there are several reason one could turn vegetarian, from religious to health concerns for example.
I think several people become vegetarians out of an elevated sense of moral superiority and
perhaps those are the loudest voices we usually hear. Other simply want to reduce
their carbon footprint on the planet and a good portion also does it out of health concerns due to
the chemicals or hormones going into livestock.
3. Is the food that people eat today different to the food that people used to eat in the past?
If yes, in what ways has it changed?
In the past, the choices of foods were limited but they were fresh and people could rest assured of
its quality. So it’s not surprising our ancestors enjoyed greater longevity than us. Nowadays, we
have chances to taste various foods of different cultures and nationalities, being unique and
fascinating in their own ways. Even so, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be as there have been many
reported cases of food poisoning, especially in developing countries, where food safety is a
pressing concern.
4. How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?
I think we will be forced into change out of necessity. Climate change is drastically altering how
we grow food and the types of food we can produce in mass quantity. In order to survive, our diets
will need to change in order to fit the production of food. Hopefully this will mean that our diets
will become smaller and healthier, but I tend to be very skeptical. The other alternative would be
for innovations to develop in order to improve how we eat.
5. Is ‘fast food’ popular in your country?
I think there is a rising trend, especially amongst younger people to lean towards fast food. Luckily
fast food in Vietnam is a little healthier than it might be in other places. Traditional foods like pho,
fried rice or banh mi, which can be considered street food are also given the fast food label for
their swift of service. So people who are short on time to eat, lean towards these kinds of meals as
opposed to say, a hamburger. However, fast foods are gaining in immense popularity, you can see
it by the amount of chain restaurants appearing around the country.
6. Do you or, do people in your country generally prefer to eat at home or eat out?
If you ask me, I’d say that by and large, the folks in my nation would show a greater preference
for home-cooked meals. The reason behind this is we are very traditional people, so in a way it's
just expected for us to have family meals or at least cook for ourselves. Having said that, some
people are quite up to their ears at work and would rather order a meal at a restaurant instead.

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