Prepared By: Submitted To:: Graduate School Hre 002 - Human Resource Management

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Graduate School



Date of Report: March 28, 2020

Prepared by:
MAEd- Administration and Supervision NORBERTO M. CABAOBAO,Ed.D
Management Skills can be defined as a certain attributes or abilities that an executive should possess in order to
fulfil specific tasks in an organization. They include the capacity to perform executive duties in an organization while
avoiding crisis situations and promptly solving problems when they occur. Management skills can be developed through
learning and practical experience as a manager. The skills help the manager to relate with their fellow co-workers and know
how to deal well with their subordinates, which allows for the easy flow of activities in the organization
The basic definition of management is getting things done through people. Managers make decisions, allocate
resources and this is the most difficult part, direct the activities of others to attain their goals. Organization is a conscious
social unit composed of two or more people who do their work. Since organization is a social unit, interpersonal skills
therefore is important in order to get things done.
Good Management skills are vital for any organization to succeed and achieve its goals and objectives. A manager
who fosters good management skills is able to propel the company’s mission and vision or business goals forward with
fewer hurdles and objections from internal and external sources.


Based on observation of successful HR practitioners, here is a list of critical skills and attributes that are credited for
their success:
1. Human Relations or Interpersonal
2. Multitasking
3. Organization
4. Ability for Dual Focus
5. Trust and confidence
6. Dedication to Continuous Improvement
7. Negotiating and problem-solving
8. Team-oriented
9. Honesty and Integrity


It deals with human beings with feelings, values and behavioural attitudes influenced by the interplay
between heredity and environment. He must interface with his peers, with the union in a unionized
company, manage his subordinates and also manage his boss.

Priorities and business needs move fast and sometimes change fast, and a Supervisor who has a problem
employee to be disciplined, Sales who needs a survey of competitor companies on sales incentive program,
a boss who needs an immediate meeting, and the production managers who frantically needs technician
and engineers don’t care much if your hands are full. You must be able to handle them on times as
“customers”. You need to be able to handle them all at once.
You are dealing with people’s lives and careers here, and when a manager’s request a personal folder or
recommendation on appropriate compensation structure that is internally equitable and externally
competitive with the industry, you cannot say: “Hang On”, give me several days to look for the file. You
have got to give it to them as needed. Human Resource manager is the paragon of orderly and seamless
organization. His staffs are well organized, organized files; strong time management skills and personal
efficiency are good indicators of a well-organized human resource function.


HR professional have to consider the needs of both employees and management. There are times when
you must make decisions to protect the individual employee and other times when you protect the
organization, its policies, culture, and values. Sometimes you feel that you caught in a two-horn dilemma.
Your skills to carry out this dual role firmly but objectively will earn the respect and trust of the employees
and management


You are the custodian of all personnel records which hold a lot of individual personal secrets. People go to
you for advice on marital and other personal problems. You act as father or mother confessor. If you hold
all these confidential information sacred and inviolate, you win the trust and confidence of management and
employees. This enhances your role as consultant, advisor and the coach of the organization and confidant
of the employees.


HR professionals need to train managers how to coach and develop their employees. There must always
be a better way of doing things. Processes, flow of work must be continuously analyzed to cut operating
costs and achieve maximum efficiency. The goal is continuous improvement and innovation as well as
remediation. The HR professional must also have the capacity to look inward and be sensitive of his own
deficiencies and make corrective measures.


When there are two or more people in an organization, there is always conflict. There is conflict between
two departments, between two managers, between managers and his subordinate. There is conflict
between labor and management. An HR professional looks at the problem, consider the personalities,
examines the issue and presents himself as the mediator and problem solver. Achieving a conflict
resolution requires negotiating prowess and problem solving skills, clear thinking in identifying the real
problem and tactfulness and persuasiveness in offering practical resolution.

At this time, HR professionals must understand and appreciate team dynamics and find ways to bring
disparate personalities together and make the team work, when fewer people man the organization, when
the number of supervisors and managers reduced, called “delayering” there is growing interdependence
among them. Team building training developing a more effective organization is a critical function of HR.


Human Resource professionals are the conscience of the company and the keeper of its moral image. As
you serve the needs of management, you also should monitor the managers’ approaches to ensure that
proper ethics and moral standards are observed. Advising erring managers is for corrective or remedial


Management and leadership skills are often used interchangeably. They plan, lead, organize and control. Every
organization consists of people and it is management’s job to lead, direct and coordinate these people. Good managers are
almost always good leaders as well. In addition to leading, a critical role of a manager is to also ensure that all parts of the
organization are functioning cohesively and the function requires technical expertise, he has to have good people skills so
he can handle his job more effectively. Management skills are crucial for various positions and at different levels of a
company, from top leadership to intermediate supervisors to first level managers
The nine (9) critical skills and attributes-human relations, multi-tasking, organization, ability for dual focus, trust and
confidence, dedication to continuous improvement, negotiation, and problem-solving, team-oriented, honesty and integrity
make up for a complete HR professionals. These are conditions since sine quanon for his success on the job.

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