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Pan-African Cultural Manifesto

Source: Africa Today, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Jan. - Feb., 1970), pp. 25-28
Published by: Indiana University Press
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Accessed: 23-05-2016 15:15 UTC

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Organization of African Unity, and insolent form, political domina- and the future, of specificity and uni-
Algiers, July, 1969 tion. versality, in other words of variety
But the machinery is complex and at the origin and starting point and
Taking as a basis for study, reflec-
cannot be simplified into a single op- unity at the destination.
tion and discussion the inaugural ad-
dress by His Excellency, Houari Bou- eration. It is a well-known political African culture, art and science,
mediene, President of the Revolution- fact that colonialism is a total action, whatever the diversity of their ex-
ary Council, President of the Council both in its essence and its spirit. pression, are in no way esentially dif-
of Ministers of the Algerian People's In order to survive it has to justify ferent from each other. They are but
Democratic Republic and Acting Chair- itself morally and intellectually, and the specific expressions of a single
man of the Conference of Heads of extend its hold over all fields of hu- universality.
State and Government of the OAU, man activity. Beyond similarities and forms of
the Symposium of the First Pan- In order to exist as such, it must thought, beyond the commnon heritage,
african Cultural Festival held in Al- exercise a social and intellectual hold Africanity is also a shared destiny,
giers from 21 July to 1 August 1969 in addition to its concrete and mater- the fraternity of the liberating strug-
fully discussed the theme laid down, ial hegemony. gle and a common future which
i. e., Thus it manages to achieve what should be assumed by all in order to
The realities of African culture it believes to be the perfect synthesis master it. Africanity springs from the
The role of African culture in na- and consequently thinks that it can double source of our common heri-
tional liberation struggles challenge men with impunity and tage and our common destiny and that
The role of African culture in the destroy their very essence. is why it is worthwhile, at the pres-
consolidation of African unity We believed, we spontaneously felt ent stage of our historical develop-
The role of African culture in eco- that liberty is one and the same as ment, to examine a number of prob-
nomic and' social development of nationhood, and that the welfare and lems linked with the origin, the ex-
Africa progress of our peoples have to be istence and the development of ou-r
To this effect three Commissions achieved around our specific per- culture.
were set up and the results of their sonality. We naturally aocepted that Culture is a dynamic means of edi-
discussions have been assembled into liberty, nation, personality and even- fying the nation over and above tri-
a single text by the Synthesis Com- tually urniversality are both the prod- bal or ethnic divisions and African
mittee. uct and origin of culture. unity above all forms of chauvinisTn.
I Culture is the essential cement of Culture, which is created by the peo-
REALITIES OF AFRICAN CULTURE every social group, its primary means ple, may be confiscated by a domin-
Culture starts with the people as of intercommunication and of coming ating class. Now culture should be a
creators of themselves and transform- to grips with the outside world; it is constant search for the people's crea-
ers of their environment. Culture, in its soul, its materialization and its tive consciousness. Any African cul-
its widest and most complete sense, capacity for change. tural policy should therefore be based
enables men to give shape to their Thus culture is the totality of tan- on the necessity of enabling the peo-
lives. gible and intangible tools, works of ple to become informed, educated,
It is not given freely but is built art and science, knowledge and know- mobilized and organized so as to make
up by the people'. It is the vision of how, languages, modes of thought, them responsible for their cultural
man and of the world and is thus patterns of behaviour and experience heritage and its development. The
systems of thought, philosophies, acquired by the people in its liberat- preservation of our culture saved us
sciences, beliefs, arts and languages. ing effort to dominate nature and to from the attempts made to turn us
It is likewise the action of man on build up an ever improving society. into peoples with no soul nor history.
himself and on the world to trans- An imposed culture generally bred Our culture protected us. It is quite
form it and thus covers the social, a type of African intellectual not at obvious that we would henceforth
political, economic and technical home in his national realities because wish to use it to forward progress
fields. of his depersonalization and aliena- and developmenit, for if culture-a
Culture is essentially dynamic: in tion. permanent and continuous creation-
other words it is both rooted in the The African man of culture, the is a link between men and a defini-
people and oriented towards the fu- artist, the intellectual in general must tion of personalities, it also gives an
ture. integrate himself into his people and impetus to progress. This is the rea-
We must go back to the sources shoulder the particularly decisive re- son why Africa devotes such care and
of our values, not to confine our- sponsibilities incumbent upon himn. accords such value to the recovery of
selves to them, but rather to draw His action must inspire that revolu- its cultural heritage, to the defense
up a critical inventory in order to tion of the mind without which it is of its personality and the creation of
get rid of archaic and stultifying ele- impossible for a people to overcome new branches of its culture.
ments, the fallacious and alienating its economic and social underdevelop- It would have been easy for cer-
foreign elements brought in by colon- ment. The people must be the first tain people and convenient for others
ialism, and to retain only those ele- to benefit from their economic and if we had not set out conditions for
ments which are still valid, bringing cultural riches. our political independence-we could
them up to date and enriching them Culture is experienced by the peo- have been satisfied with merely that
with the benefits of the scientific, tech- ple through concrete experiences and and have borrowed thought, language
nical and social revolutions so as to expressions tied to history. Conse- and art from those who had had the
bring them into line with what is quently, corresponding to this culture good fortune to enjoy a harmonious
modern and universal. as far as we are concerned, there is internal development. We might have
We have all lived tirough and suf- an Africanity of specific expresions. also been satisfied with a folkloric
f-ered under colonialism, and tri- Africanity obeys the law of a dia- cultural past, a poor man's culture,
umphed over it in its most tangible lectic of the particular, the general and have given up all thought of true


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freedom and real independence. But measure our limitations and to assess respond to total colonization by a
the colonized peoples have never our possibilities. total struggle for liberation.
given up their inner identity. In this, Th-e modes of organization of Afri- -The unity of Africa is based first
the national language plays an irre- can society can teach us lessons which and foremost on history. Under col-
placable role. It is the mainstay and will enable us to be ourselves whilst onial domination, the African coun-
the medium of- culture, the guarantee at the same time taking our place tries were in the same political, eco-
of popular support both at the time in the modern world. nomic and social and cultural situa-
of its creation, and during its evolu- The inventiveness of our techniques tion. Cultural domination emphasized
tion. would suffice to show our creative the depersonalization of a part of the
Having long been forced to keep potentialities. African peoples, falsified their his-
silent or to speak the language of the Our cultural existence and pres- tory, systematically denigrated and
colonialists, it was our first essential ence are proven by our arts, paintings, opposed their religious and moral
duty to rediscover our national lang- sculptures, architecture, music, songs, values, progressively and officially re-
uages, the words inherited from our dances and drama. placed their language by that of the
fathers and learned since our child- This culture, for a long time con- colonizers in order to devitalize them
hood. demned to exoticism for confined to and to deprive them of their raison
Language is one of those features the solitude of museums, asserts itself d'etre.

in the life of peoples which embody today as a living expression of the Consequently, at the level of the
their genius. modern world. This world in which we masses, African culture, impeded in
seek to have a place, this future which its development, found a refuge in
It develops with them, and they
it is our duty to construct, are domi- its language, in its customs, songs,
cannot be deprived of it without be-
nated by problems of development and dances, beliefs and so on . . . and in
ing cut off, wounded and handi-
progress. We must re-emphasize that spite of its diminution, it proved to
our culture would be vain entertain- be an essential bulwark of resistence
We have all experienced this ling- ment and ineffective display if it did to colonial intrusion and thus illus-
uistic deprivation to such an extent not lead to science and technology. trated the pereniality of the African
that in order to survive and fight a It therefore sees itself as a personal soul.
section of our peoples had to learn and original contribution within a Colonization favoured the creation
the language of our respective colon- single, constant and dynamic move- of a cultural elite won over by assimi-
izers. ment towards progress and social rev- lation, which had had access to the
There is no one language which is olution. colonial culture, and both supported
basically more suited than another II it and often stood guaranty for it.
to be a mainstay of science and THE ROLE OF AFRICAN CULTURE Thus a serious and profound rupture
knowledge. A language translates and IN THE LIBERATION STRUGGLE came about between the African elite
expresses the lives and thoughts of AND AFRICAN UNITY and the African masses.
men. From the time when our devel- It is the duty of Africar. States to Only through adhesion to the con-
opmnent was suspended, our cultures
denied, and the teaching of our lang-
uages forbidden, it has been obvious
that we must double our efforts to
make all African languages efficient
instruments for our development.

The analysis of our cultural reali-

ties reveals to us the dynamic ele- AFRICAN SCULPTIURE SPEAK
ments in the life of peoples, in both
their spiritual and material aspects.
Among these elements which make is"a magnificent work...
up our incomparable African person-
ality, we s!hould emphasize these val-
ues which have come down to us in indispensable,'
spite of the vagaries of our history wrote D. Paulme-Schaeffner of the Musee de I'Homme,
and the colonialist attempts at de- Paris, of this comprehensive appraisal of African art
personalization. From them can be and culture. The text for this handsome new edition-
abstracted a sense of ethics revealing now covering 150 tribes-has been fully revised and
a profound inborn sense of solidarity, greatly expanded. Over 175 illustrations have been added.
hospitality, mutual aid, brotherhood More than ever this work deserves to be called "the
and the feeling of belonging to the definitive study in English... the best available in
same humanity. any language."-Dr. Alain Locke, Howard Unit erri,)
These values and this sense of eth- "Mr. Segy was one of the earliest collectors in the
ics are to be found expressed in our field ... there's no questioning either the thoughtfulness
African languages, in our oral and or the thoroughness of his approach."-Neu Yorker
written literatures, in our tales, leg-
ends, sayings and proverbs, transmit- AFRICAN SCULPTURE SPEAKS
ting the wisdom and experiences
by Ladislas Segy
evolved by our peoples. Our African
Third Edition. Illustrated with 436 photographs.
cultures, media of knowledge and
spirituality, are an eternal source of At all booksitores or order direct
inspiration for our arts and letters.
Our artists can draw from them dy- bhHILL & WANG
namic themes in which our peoples 72 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10011
will recognize themselves.
The knowledge of our history will
scientifically establish the bases of
our personality and will thus be a
factor for progress, enabling us to


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cepts of freedom, independence and ance, for culture remains the essen- contributing between national culture
the nation could the conflict be placed tial vital force of the nation, the safe- and universal values.
in its proper context. The transcend- guard of our existence and the ulti- Moreover, it is absolutely necessary
ance of cultural duality was made pos- mate resource of our combat. There- to watch over the defense and pres-
sible by the liberation movements, fore, only this Africanity can bring ervation of African dignity and per-
the wars of independence and the about a resurrection and a rebirth of sonality. But this looking back or con-
firm and unshakable opposition to an avant-garde Afrioan humanism, stant reference to the living sources
colonial subjection. Africa's combat confronted by other cultures; it will of Africanity must avoid a compla-
provided the material and spiritual take its place as part of universal hu- cent anid unfruitful evocation of the
framework allowing the further devel- manism and continue from there. past, and must, on the contrary, imply
opment of African culture, thus at- Our artists, authors and intellectuals an innovating effort and an adapta-
testing the natural dialectical inter- must, if they are to be of service to tion of African culture to the modern
action between the national libera- Africa, find their inspiration in Af- requirements of well-balanced social
tion struggles and culture. rica. and economic development.
For the African countries which Complete independence is thus the The Committee adopted the follow-
won their freedom, and for those that basic condition for the development ing objectives-to free African so-
are in armed conflict with the colon- of culture in the service of the masses. ciety from the socio-cultural condi-
ial powers, culture has been and will III tions hindering its development and
remain a weapon. In all cases, armed THE ROLE OF CULTURE IN THE to rid African culture of alienating
struggle for liberation was and is a ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOP- factors by integrating it, in particular
pre-eminently cultural act. MENT OF AFRICA with popular action.
The experience of liberation move- African culture, faithful to its ori-
Heirs to a civilization that is thou-
ments shows that the integration of gins, must be revived and brought
sands of years old and rich in untold
the intellectuals into the masses gives into the modern world by contact with
economic possibilities, we stand ready
a greater authenticity to their work science and technology in order to
today to continue, in the total recov-
and vitalizes African culture. develop its operative capacities for
ery of our personalities, the struggle
while technology progresses by accu-
Botht the winning of true indepen- that won us our independence.
mulation, culture progresses by crea-
dence and the armed struggles still The assertion of our profound iden- tion and fidelity. All means of doing
in progress have permitted a cultural tity and the utilization of our materiaI this should be set in motion.
renaissance. The fight for freedom, riches for the good of the people will
in all its forms, has logically become Africa must re-cover from a retarda-
enable us to participate actively in
the constant factor of cultural Afri- tion which is primarily cultural. This
the building of a universal civilization
canity. Thus Africanity is a reality entails:
as freed and free partners.
essentially deriving from men born a) A change in attitude towards
In its most comprehensive sense, the material world, towards
of the same land and living in the
culture was defined as that which quantification and scientific ra-
same continent, bound to share the
allows men to give shape to their tionalism. The role of education
mame destiny by the inevitable pro-
lives; culture, simultaneously repre- may have a determinant, benefi-
cess of decolonization at all levels
senting a style of life, an economy, cial or baneful influence ac-
and complete liberation, notwithstan-
and social relationships determined at cording to the importance one
ding regional or national specificities.
a particular moment in human evolu- attaches to technical instruction.
Because it is involved in the same tion, forms a totality with political b) The movement of political pow-
struggle, because it is a pre-requisite life. As a permanent and continuous er towards a genuine revolution
of national and continental liberation; creation and the expression of the in the climate of opinion.
in a word, because it is a primary and eternity of a people, African culture c) Above all the combined effort
final motive of man and because it definitely intends to put itself to the of members of the community
alone is likely to constitute the first service of the liberation of Africa which will only be possible if
basis of resistance to threats hanging from colonialism in all its forms, from the citizens really take their fu-
over Africa, Africanity goes beyond all forms of alienation, and to serve ture in their own hands in an
national and regional concerns. the economic and social betterment atmosphere of freedom and hap-
Africa's present necessities require of the people. Safeguarded and ex- piness.
from writers and intellectuals, a firm perienced by the people, it becomes a In addition to Arabic, which has
commitment to the African's basic motivating element in social and eco- been for some years an official lan-
principles and his desire for freedom. nomic development and a factor in guage of the OAU, the Committee
Today's cultural act should be at the the transformation of the environ- recommended that studies be under-
center of today's strivings for au- ment. taken to promote the use of other
thenticity and for the development of A society, or a culture, can stay widely spoken languages.
African values. itself, while undergoing economic de- The immediate tasks impingent
The cultural policy of neo-colonial- velopment, providing it takes the nec- upon all of us are to make African
ism calls for an objective and con- essary steps. languages into written languages and
crete critical analysis of our present A place must necessarily be made the medium of scientific thought, to
cultural situation. Neo-colonialism, for science and technology, as for ensure that education, adult literacy
aware of the still negative aspects of economic rationality, the need to look and th-e emancipation of women are
this situation, has conceived a new ahead and other prerequisites of our open to all Africans. Any delay in the
well-concerted form of action which, age. This is because no culture is reorganization of the present educa-
although no longer violent, is no less passively operative. In order to place tional system will result in a delay in
ominous and dangerous, subtle and its resources to the aid of develop- the training of responsible public ser-
insidious as it is for the development ment, it must be revived and brought vants and this justifies the continua-
and future culture of Africa. up to date by contact with technology tion of foreign technical and cultural
Real dangers are menacing our cul- which tends to create a universal civ- aid.
ture as regards both the perpetration ilization. A society should both retain We must get out of this vicious cir-
of alien norms, and that of mental its' essential being or else crumble cle as quickly as possible, as this aid.
prototypes of institutions and politi- away, and its usefulness . . . or lose if prolonged, could turn into a scarce-
cal life. its existence and autonomy. It per- ly disguised form of domination.
A cultural front should therefore severes and adapts itself by a contin- The principal aiim of higher educa-
take the place of the front of resist- uous dialectic effort of giving and tion is to form the trained personnel


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needed for both economic and cultur- tion to revealing and making known stitutes the surest means for our peo-
al production, and these people need the common inspiration and common ples to overcome their technological,
to make themselves understood by heritage which go to make up Afri- i. e. economic handicap, and the most
both the workers and the masses. canity. Generally speaking, Africa effective force in our victorious resis-
This higher education should not, must return to its original modes of tance against imperialist blackmail.
then, be given in a foreign language. perception, its techniques, its media It has become now both urgent and
Such a language may contribute to of communication and bring them up necessary to free Africa from illiter-
the national languages and comple- to date so as to turn them into pow- acy, to promote the permanent educa-
ment it as the need arises. These erful means of dominating Nature tion of the masses in every field, to
tasks will be all the better carried out and of harmonizing the development develop in them a scientific, techno-
for being supported by mass infor- of African society. Likewise, it rests logical and critical spirit and attitude.
mation media belonging to Africa with us to avoid the obstacle of the and to render popular culture fully
(radio stations, TV, cinemas, theatres academic and futile search for a dil- effective.
and cultural centres in factories, of- ettante culture leading to unproduc-
All our efforts should be towards
fices etc.) and by an increase in the tive and decadent aestheticisms.
a true revolution in Africa's cultural
number of cultural events and ex-
In this way, African culture, true activity.
to itself and drawing strength from The popular character of our cul-
These values will enable us to face,
the deep sources *of its wealth and ture should promote a specific con-
without frustration or alienation, the
of its creative genius, not only in- ception of scientific organization and
inevitable social transformations en-
tends to defend its personality and the rationalization of our productive
tailed by the process of development.
its authenticity but also to become an activities, as well as the methods of
We must use those that can contribute
instrument in the service of the peo- appropriating the means of produc-
to economic progress and the mobili-
ple in the liberation of Africa from tion (land, natural resources, indus-
zation of the masses, so as to arouse
all forms of alienation, an instru- try, etc. . . .) and the distribution of
the enthusiasm needed for major col-
lective effort.
ment of a synchronized economic and the goods produced.
social development. It will thus bring
In this gigantic effort to recover Africanity should be apparent in a
about the technico-industrial promo-
Africa's cultural heritage and adapt concrete and tangible manner in the
tion of the African, and also a living
it to the needs of technological civili- joint use of our national forces and
and fraternal humanism far removed
zation, the artist, the thinker, the sci- natural resources to promote a har-
from racialism and exploitation.
entist and the intellectual have all monious and accelerated econonlic
their part to play, i. e. to contribute, Culture, as a decisive force in eco- and social development throughout
within the framework of popular ac- nomic and social development, coIi- the continent.

LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT, on Africa in secondary schools and ment. Thus the question of the pur-
AFRICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION: black southern colleges or Black poses to which the acquisition of
Studies programs in colleges and uni- knowledge about Africa are being
Like declaring against Communism versities find sufficient responsive- used is a crucial one. It may well be
during the McCarthy period, decrying ness to their needs within the ASA asked, for example, whether the in-
racialism and disruption at Montreal for them to relate to and participate crease in academic knowledge of Af-
may prove morally gratifying and within it? Is the quest for heritage rica is helping to make U. S. policies
prudent. It is unlikely, however, to compatible with the scholar's stand- towards the continent more enlight-
contribute to a resolution of the pain- ards of "objectivity" or concerns with ened?"
ful issues that lie behind the current technical and methodological ques- In our opinion what is required
trauma of the African Studies Asso- tions? Only a serious and frank dia- now in the aftermath of the Montreal
ciation (ASA). logue between those challenged and meeting is not a striking of moral
The Association must be viewed as those challenging can hope to prodirce postures but rather a commitment
part of society, not in a vacuum. It creative answers to these and other to work for change. Let us begin that
reflects educational disadvantages, questions at issue. dialogue which represents the only
e.g. the paucity of black fellows on This is above all a time in which hope for a way out; let the dialogue
the one hand, and relative privilege, to ask ourselves searching questions be substantive-that is, be concerned
e.g. the prominence of fellows from about the purposes and consequences with issues involved rather than with
prestigious institutions on the other. of scholarly work concerning Africa a procedural argument about be-
To some extent this imbalance was (though not only Africa). It is a time havior. To refuse this opportunity
historically inevitable; but, and this in which we should be asking whether only resigns us to a prolongation of
is crucial, to a large extent it is reme- our scholarship does not sometimes inequities that we must admit exist
diable. serve our professional careers to the and require change; it condemns us
If painful, the Montreal confronta- exclusion or even the detriment of to deeper division and consuming bit-
tion served to dramatize the reality African interests. Africans are asking terness. Let us take the opportunity
of a two party dispute, which involves such questions. The Legon Observer presented by Montreal and over-
two separate constituencies with two (Accra), for instance, in a recent ar- whelmingly support two party nego-
distinct sets of interests. At issue is ticle about African studies in the tiations.
whether these interests are com- United States, has commented: "We Philip W. Bell
patible, complementary-or mutually now live in an age where knowledge Isebill V. Gruhn
exclusive. Can Afro-Americans con- is power, because of its enharced Williamn H. Friedland
cerned with developing either courses ability to help us control our environ- John A. Marcum


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