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Cabico, Camille R.

Reflection Paper


Which film were you most engaged with and why?

The most engaging film for me is the film “Sunflower Seed” it’s about a kid named Sayid
trapped Greece a country that is currently experiencing a financial crisis, increasing rate of
unemployment rate, rampant xenophobia, and racist violence which is really unsafe and harmful
environment for a twelve-year-old kid. It really saddens me how he manages to live in streets
with other street people, how he worked for his daily living instead going to school, and those so
much stuffs that kids shouldn’t experience. He inspires in a way how Sayid works everyday on
the street selling sunflower seeds hoping that one day he can leave for Northern Europe to
attend school and wants a decent job when he grows up, that despite of all struggles in life he
still choose to see the positive and bright side of all circumstance no matter how difficult it is for

What is the main message that the films try to deliver?

The main message of all four films is about how other still experiencing poverty,
inequality and discrimination. Its an eye opener for everyone that not of us is have the privileged
to study, eat daily, and to chase our dreams not like them that faces difficulties in their every day
life. The economy is not stable as we think, they have to establish more strategies and future
plans to support each one citizen in a specific territory, that is why government is existing and
other organizations to help everyone that is need.

Elaborate how these films describe the issues related with the SDGs in what ways?

 The first film titled “A turn for better” is discussing about how food is fundamental for
each one of us in related to Sustainable Development Goals or SDG it is one of their
goals to achieve on how they aim to end hunger, achieve food security and improved
nutrition also to promote sustainable agriculture. The film discuss how we can find
alternative ways to produce goods we can consume to support our daily living.
 The second film titled “Sunflower Seeds” is discussing how not all of us privileged like
the kid in the film he is lack of parents support and education, also don’t have a proper
home instead he only lives in the unsafe street. The SDG includes it in their goals as for
end poverty in all its forms everywhere, ensure inclusive and equitable quality education
also to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. They planned to build resilient
infrastructure to promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation for homeless,
and make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe resilient and sustainable for safer
environment for everyone.
 The third film titled “Can’t hide me” is discussing about the inequality and lack of
education for woman. The SDG includes the gender equality to their goals to aim women
and girls needed increased access to education, along with sexual and reproductive
series and resources. It can reduce barriers for women to ensure they understand and
act on their rights support the eradication of gendered health inequalities. This is to
achieve equality and to empower women and girls for their future, the future of their
communities and future of our society as a whole.
 The fourth film titled “A new path” is discussing about the discrimination and poverty they
experienced before fully achieve their goals to help the whole community. The SDG aim
to reduce inequality within and among countries and ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

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