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Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical

Engineering: Imaging & Visualization

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Leveraging artificial neural networks to mesh frog

gastrocnemius muscle from digital photography

Fethi Okyar, Volkan Karadag, Mehmet Akgun & Namik Ciblak

To cite this article: Fethi Okyar, Volkan Karadag, Mehmet Akgun & Namik Ciblak (2019):
Leveraging artificial neural networks to mesh frog gastrocnemius muscle from digital photography,
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, DOI:

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Published online: 27 Jun 2019.

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Leveraging artificial neural networks to mesh frog gastrocnemius muscle from

digital photography
Fethi Okyar , Volkan Karadag , Mehmet Akgun and Namik Ciblak
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yeditepe University, Atasehir, Turkey


There has been a lot of development in realistic muscle modeling based on finite elements in the last Received 27 October 2018
decade. However, one of the challenges in this area remains to be custom or specimen-specific Accepted 2 June 2019
meshing of the relevant muscle, mainly due to the scarcity of the DT-MRI infrastructure and expertise. KEYWORDS
The purpose of this work is to capitalize on the Bayesian regularization backpropagation based artificial Finite element; meshing;
neural networks, to transform digital photographic imagery into a finite element mesh, and the muscle; fiber orientations;
accompanying internal fiber orientation data. A gastrocnemius muscle was extracted from a frog and artificial neural networks;
utilized to conduct the proposed work. Due to the highly nonlinear nature of the resulting finite subject-specific
element model, from both metric and material considerations, as well as the limited suitability of
available elements for meshing in this case, a custom hexahedral-type mesh topology was selected for
the meshing procedure. Results indicate a very good agreement between the geometries of the sample
muscle and its mesh. Furthermore, fiber orientations were approximated as following the fusiform
geometry of the muscle. The proposed framework can be used to overcome the pre-processing
requirements of subject-specific muscles, including hexahedral-type meshing and extraction of internal
fiber orientation data.

1. Introduction works especially from the computer graphics community con-

tributing to the automatic all-hexahedral meshing problem
Motion of vertebrates is provided by their skeletal musculature.
(Gregson et al. 2011; Livesu et al. 2013). Alternatively, application
Biomechanical models for studying motion involve musculo-
of artificial intelligence methods to the field of finite elements
skeletal elements that have complex geometries and can usually
was first considered by Rheinboldt (1981) who developed an
be dealt with using a computational approach. These models are
adaptive refinement process. Automatic mesh generation
governed by coupled electro-mechano-chemical partial differen-
based on artificial intelligence has also been proposed by
tial equations and involve constitutive relations of the muscle
a variety of authors since then (Kang and Haghighi 1995;
constituents that are highly-nonlinear. The problem domain is
Manevitz et al. 1997; Dolšak 2002). But all of these methods rely
generally irregular, belonging to a biological tissue. For this rea-
on existing CAD geometries to begin with.
son, many of the computational studies on muscle contraction
The aim of this study is to propose a custom mesh generation
have utilized domain discretization in order to comply with the
procedure based on digital photography of the model and lever-
finite element (FE) method. Most of such current works are based
aged by artificial neural networks. Artificial neural networks
on three-dimensional elements (Böl and Reese 2008; Kockova
(Daniel 2013) are widely used nowadays in image processing,
and Cimrman 2009; Tang et al. 2009; Böl 2010; Vavourakis et al.
pattern recognition and a whole range of other applications
2014), while in some other studies two-dimensional elements
(Nayak et al. 2001; Peng et al. 2010). Also known as deep-
have also been used (Gielen et al. 2000; Yucesoy et al. 2002;
learning algorithms, neural networks yield an alternative solution
Martins et al. 2006).
approach for highly nonlinear problems or problems that are not
Factors such as element type and mesh quality are known to
well-posed. In this study, an artificial neural-network based custom
predominate convergence behavior of the numerical scheme,
mesh generator which maps a unit cylindrical volume onto the
specifically in problems involving geometric as well as material
muscle model has been developed. The mesh generator receives
non-linearities (Zienkiewicz et al. 2014). Although there is recent
the digital muscle images as input and generates an orderly set of
work dealing with numerical problems resulting from the use of
hexahedral-type element mesh as output.
tetrahedral elements such as volumetric locking and checker-
Apart from convergence difficulties associated with the
board instabilities (Joldes et al. 2009; Onishi and Amaya 2014),
present nonlinearities, there are two other issues one needs
hexahedral type elements due to their consistent numerical
to take into account. First, the muscle tissue is transversely
behaviour seem to be the choice in the majority of studies in
isotropic due to its fiber-reinforced structure. This can be dealt
this field (Oomens et al. 2003; Tsui et al. 2004; Blemker et al. 2005;
with by adopting fiber-reinforced material models and by
Liang et al. 2006; Tang et al. 2007; Röhrle et al. 2008; Kockova and
identifying the material properties of the fiber and matrix
Cimrman 2009; Böl 2010). There have been several other recent
phases separately. The second issue, which is more serious in

CONTACT Fethi Okyar Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yeditepe University, Atasehir, Istanbul 34755, Turkey
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

terms of structural modeling is that the internal fiber architec- element mesh of the muscle was generated following the four-
ture is not generally unidirectional. The state-of-the-art tech- step methodology shown in Figure 2.
nology for obtaining internal architecture, diffusion tensor
magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI, Mukherjee et al.
2.1. Digital photography and image processing
(2008)), is very expensive, requires expert technicians to use
and is only available at selected research facilities. This poses In the first step, the sample was submerged vertically into an
a great challenge hindering the possibility of obtaining impor- aqueous transparent bath as shown in Figure 3. The muscle
tant structural data. However, as stated in Tang et al. (2009), was suspended from the shaft of a DC motor at its knee-end,
fiber orientations and their geometrical arrangements are which was operated by an in-house control unit, and illumi-
important for adequate simulation of nonuniform stress and nated from behind. An Arduino-based controller unit was
strain distributions. designed and built to synchronize the light switch, shaft axis
Thus, the second aim of this study is to further utilize the rotation and camera capture. After an image was obtained,
trained artificial neural network for generating a field of fiber the muscle in the solution was rotated about its own axis by
orientations based on the assumption that they may be dis- a fixed amount. 14 consecutively numbered images, as shown
persed evenly between the central axis and the fusiform out- in Figure 4, were obtained during a complete cycle.
line. The relevant procedures will be explained in the next Subsequently, image processing operations were con-
section. The custom mesh generator was tested on a frog’s ducted using MATLAB (2015) image processing toolbox. The
gastrocnemius. The resulting mesh and respective fiber orien- operation order followed length calibration, cropping to size,
tations are given as a proof-of-concept in the Results. The thresholding, and finally detection of the left and right con-
performance of the custom mesh generator and challenges tours of the muscle model. In some images the light source
lying around fully three-dimensional continuum based models appeared close to a contour of the muscle that made the edge
are further elaborated in the Discussion. look blurry, while in some others the bone holder on the knee
In summary, the paper describes a procedure whereby the side covered the muscle. For these instances manual interven-
geometry of a muscle is extracted from simple digital photo- tion was used to repair edge detection faults.
graphy images, boundaries of which are then smoothed and
subsequently used to train a neural network. In the final step
2.2. Data conversion
a mesh is generated for the muscle via the trained network,
ready to be used for finite element analysis of the muscle Nearly 2800 discrete data points (pixels) were obtained per
behavior. contour per digital image. The jagged curves in Figure 5 show
these data points for the left and right contours of an image.
These discrete data were then smoothed by fitting
2. Surface modeling and mesh generation a polynomial of the type,
The material of interest was biological tissue, the gastrocnemius
rK ðzÞ ¼ aKn zn þ aKn1 zn1 þ . . . þ aK0 (1)
muscle, also known as the plantaris longus. This muscle lies
between the knee and ankle joints (Duellman and Trueb 1994).
It has a fusiform geometry with larger cross-sectional area in the rKþ1 ðzÞ ¼ anKþ1 zn þ aKþ1
n1 z
þ . . . þ aKþ1
0 (2)
proximity of the knee joint. It gets slimmer distally and is terminally where rK ðzÞ is the radial coordinate of a point on the K th contour,
connected to the Achilles tendon as shown in Figure 1. K ¼ 2J  1, denotes the contour item number, z is the axial
A frog (code M36L within the larger scope of the project), coordinate, and n is the selected interpolating polynomial order.
weighing 62.6 g, was decapitated and its spinal cord was des- Note that, there are two contour equations for each image given
tructed, followed by excision of its left gastrocnemius muscle to by Equations (1) and (2), and the image number is denoted by
be used as a model. Use of frogs was approved by Yeditepe J ¼ 1; . . . ; 14. Each pair of contour curves was assumed to be
University Ethics Committee. The muscle’s length, it’s largest planar with an angular coordinate θ J , the corresponding angle
transverse diameter and mass were recorded as 30.7 mm, of frame J.
10.0 mm, and 1.93 g, respectively. Using this model, a finite The interpolating polynomials were then used to generate
as many input data points for the training of the artificial
neural network as necessary. A sufficiently smooth polynomial
with the lowest possible order was found based on the esti-
mation error.

2.3. Artificial neural network model

Neurons, the fundamental building blocks of neural networks, are
single-input single-output processing units. Neurons are grouped
to form layers and layers are stacked to form a network as shown
in Figure 6. Neurons in consecutive network layers are connected
to each other such that the output signals of the preceding layer
Figure 1. The dorsal view of frog M36L. The gastrocnemius is ready to be excised. are sent as inputs to the neurons in the following layer. This way

Digital photography
(14 instances in one full turn)

Image Processing
(left and right contour extraction)

Data Conversion
(Curve fitting)

Artificial Neural Network

(back-propagation algorithm)

Figure 2. Basic steps outlining the methodology.

a set of input signals received by the first (input) layer is trans-

mitted through the network to yield the output signals at the last
(output) layer. The intermediate layers are also known as hidden
layers. A single neuron thus receives its input(s) from connection(s)
at the preceding layer. The net income is calculated, passed
through an activation function and finally sent as an output to
the following layer. The income calculation consists of summing
the products of inputs, xi , and their corresponding connection
weights, wi , for every incoming connection. A non-zero bias value,
b is added to the net income which reads, wi xi þ b. The
weights and bias factors are determined by applying a learning
A three-layer network structure consisting of two hidden
layers and an output layer, as shown in Figure 6, was found to
be satisfactory. The first and second hidden layers were popu-
lated with 5 and 7 neurons, respectively. The weights and bias
factors were determined using a Bayesian regularization back-
propagation based supervised learning process. In Matlab, this
was achieved by the trainbr function. Input and output data
arrays were prepared for the training process.
Inputs were cylindrical coordinates of a grid of 3  14  25
points, represented as fr; θ; zg. The grid was constructed on
the outer surface of a unit radius unit length cylinder defined
Figure 3. The experimental setup designed to capture equally spaced muscle
images. by fr ¼ 1; 0  z  1g. There were 14 distinct angular grid

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Figure 4. Sequential images obtained by the experimental setup.

θJ −plane
depth error
r xr
x̄r xr
bone z xc


Figure 5. Illustration of left and right contour fits, and the uncertainty of the sectioning plane in the depth direction.

J , corresponding to the angles at which the images

locations, θ 2.4. Mesh generation
were captured. In the axial direction, 25 equidistant grid loca- A simple hexahedral mesh of the unit cylinder was prepared in
tions were defined as zN ¼ ðN  1Þ=24. The remaining three
FEAP (Taylor 2014). The mesh contained 31 layers along the
grid locations were the radial positions, r ¼ f1; 0; 1g. The
axial direction, 16 layers in the circumferential direction, 8
network was trained using Equations (1) and (2) so that the layers through its diagonal, 1767 nodes (three degree-of-
twenty-eight longitudinal lines on the surface of the unit
freedom per node) and 1440 Q1P1-type hexahedral solid ele-
cylinder would be mapped onto the twenty-eight contours
ments in total.
thereby computing the proper weights and bias factors. That The unit cylinder mesh is shown in the lower left of Figure 2.
is, each input point was mapped to a corresponding point on
Nodal points of the unit cylinder were then mapped to the
the muscle. The input points lying on the centroidal axis of the
muscle volume by the trained artificial neural network. The
unit cylinder were mapped to points in the neighborhood of muscle ended up being meshed with hexahedral elements by
the muscle’s centroidal axis. The fr; θ;  zg coordinates were
transforming the regular hexahedral mesh of the unit cylinder
transformed into fr; θ; zg by assuming that: (1) the spatial which was very easy to generate. Mesh refinement could easily
contours lied almost in the image plane, i.e. for each contour be achieved by passing a refined hexahedral unit cylinder mesh
fθ ¼ θJ "z in ½0; lg, (2) the unit cylinder length scaled linearly
through the trained artificial neural network without the need for
with the muscle length, i.e. z ¼ lz, and 3) the left and right additional training or process whatsoever.
contour radii were given by rl ðzÞ ¼ rK ðzÞ; rr ðzÞ ¼ rKþ1 ðzÞ and
the centroid passed through rc ¼ ðrl þ rr Þ=2. Finally, fr; θ; zg
were converted into fx; y; zg, according to the rules of con- 2.5. Extraction of local fiber orientation
version from the cylindrical to Cartesian coordinates. An approach was devised in order to extend the capability of
the in-house mesh generator to approximate the local fiber
orientation at any given location. With the three dimensional
mapping of the unit cylinder to the muscle geometry resulting
from the supervised learning procedure, longitudinal lines
within the cylinder led to evenly dispersed tangent bundles
between the curvilinear centroidal axis and the fusiform out-
Input Hidden Hidden Output line of the muscle. It was assumed that the tangent orienta-
layer layer layer layer tion, l at any point P, would be sufficiently close to the fiber
orientation within the muscle. The outlined steps were applied
as a post-processing step and fiber orientations were calcu-
lated at the centroid of each element.

Input r̄ Output x
3. Results
Input θ̄ Output y
In an effort to create the finite element model of an actual
Input z̄ Output z muscle, standard Matlab image processing operations were
used to scale and convert every image into a corresponding
binary image containing the left and right muscle contours.
Fourth-order polynomials were fitted to the pixels defining the
contours (Equations (1) and (2)) using the least-squares
approximation. Coefficients of the 28 polynomials correspond-
Figure 6. Network architecture to estimate the model geometry.
ing to the 28 contours are provided in the Appendix.

Figure 7. Box-and-whisker diagram showing the variability of contour polynomial fitting error among the image frames. The boxes represent the interquartile range
and the whiskers bracket 98.1% of the data range of observed data across individual contours. Bold horizontal bars represent the median error. The fourth order
polynomials are shown in blue, while the fifth orders are in magenta.

Performance of the fourth order polynomials in terms of primary objective of this study. For this purpose, a set of
their absolute approximation error along the entire length of regularly-spaced grid points were generated on the unit cylin-
the muscle contour was checked against the fifth order ones. der and these points were then fed to the trained network as
In Figure 7, the box-plots for all 28 contours are shown. The inputs. The outputs of these points are shown as blue circles in
errors belonging to the left contours are shown in the upper Figure 9. Moreover, the internal points lying on r ¼ 0:5 were
graph, while those of the right contours are in the bottom mapped onto the point set shown in red, illustrating the net-
graph. Image numbers are labeled on the x  axis. The inter- work’s internal mapping ability. In an attempt to demonstrate
quartile ranges for the fourth order fits (colored in blue) were the fulfillment of the second objective of this study, tiny fibers
observed to be slightly more than those of the fifth order were generated along the z  direction on r ¼ 0:75 of the unit
(colored in magenta), however, the difference was not signifi- cylinder. By passing their end points through the network they
cant. In the right contours of image numbers 4, 5, and 10, the were mapped onto the muscle geometry, as shown in purple
scatter of error was found to be larger than others. The poly- arrows in Figure 9.
nomial order did not seem to affect the scatter in absolute As the final step of the study comprising custom mesh
error significantly. generation, a unit cylinder mesh consisting of 1767 nodes
The network was trained using a grid of 3  14  25 points and 1440 hexahedral-type elements was passed through the
using the Matlab function trainbr. Mean squared error was used as trained network. The cylinder mesh had been prepared by
a performance indicator for the Bayesian regularization backpro- using the mesh commands in FEAP. The resulting mesh
pagation network. Matlab output statistics of two trained net- obtained from the neural network is shown in Figure 10. The
works corresponding to fourth and fifth order approximations digital photography and MATLAB source codes required to
are shown in Figure 8. It took 171 iterations to train the fourth train the artificial neural network have been posted in
order model, while 229 iterations were required for the fifth order. a public repository (Okyar and Karadag 2018).
The remaining solution parameters, such as the training perfor-
mance, final gradient value, effective number of parameters and
the squared sum of parameters were very close for both orders. No 4. Discussion
apparent benefits of preferring one order over the other were The primary objective of this study was to propose and test
seen except for the simplicity of the lower order. a custom mesh generator that mapped a regular hexahedral
The ability of the network to map the external (r ¼ 1) sur- mesh into a frog-specific gastrocnemius muscle volume. The
face of the unit cylinder onto the muscle’s external surface time and effort required to build such specimen-specific meshes
constitutes the necessary and sufficient condition to fulfill the may be exhaustive even when using modern tools such as DT-MRI

Figure 8. The output statistics of trained artificial networks, obtained from Matlab. The fourth order (a), and fifth order (b) polynomial results are shown.

(Heemskerk et al. 2005; Sinha et al. 2006; Oudeman et al. 2016). The box-and-whisker diagram in Figure 7 depicts the statis-
Although there are studies that utilize DT-MRI for the entire tical distribution of the deviations between contour points
muscle mesh and associated internal fiber orientations such as (shown with gray in Figure 5) for the fourth and fifth-order
Martins et al. (1998); Gielen et al. (2000); Spyrou and Aravas (2011), polynomial fits per image as a measure of the overall mesh
they are rare (Siebert et al. 2015) and expensive. Moreover, in most accuracy. Uncertainty due to image processing operations such
of these studies a tetrahedral mesh was generated. Alternatively, as thresholding and edge detection was in the order of image
in a considerable portion of finite element studies that deal with pixels size and was neglected. While the resolution of the unit
the modeling of muscles (Tsui et al. 2004; Blemker et al. 2005; cylinder mesh directly impacts the FE solution, it has no effect
Liang et al. 2006; Tang et al. 2007; Böl and Reese 2008; Kockova over the proposed method’s accuracy and only a single resolu-
and Cimrman 2009; Vavourakis et al. 2014), idealized muscle tion was used. The impact of other factors such as imaging
geometries were preferred over the DT-MRI approach, mainly for methodology (frequency of imaging, precision, etc.) were not
their simplicity. However, an actual muscle geometry may deviate studied. Qualitatively, mesh accuracy could be assessed by
significantly from idealized shapes. Thus, a cheaper and easier way visually inspecting the similarity between the mesh and the
to construct a specimen-specific muscle model was deemed muscle images. Quantitatively, the interquartile regions in
necessary for research purposes. Figure 7 remained below 0.5 mm for all images, an indication
The custom mesh generator described herein consisted of an of the likely region of variation, being slightly larger for the
artificial neural network trained with the muscle contour data fourth-order fit in comparison with the fifth order. Qualitative
obtained from digital photography. From each and every image, observation also indicated a good overall agreement between
the outlining muscle contours were extracted and converted into the muscle and its mesh provided in Figure 10. This implied that
analytical polynomial expressions. These polynomials were used neglecting the depth information did not result in a noticeable
to generate as many input samples as required during the training modeling error. Moreover, the resulting mesh is made of an
of the artificial neural network. The network parameters con- ordered-set of hexahedral-type elements. Clinical relevance is
verged in several successful runs. Sensitivity of the training process that this method could be considered an alternative to the
to the grid variables such as the number of images or the number gold standard in mesh construction procedures only if the fiber
of equidistant contour locations was not studied. Training was distributions can be resolved.
stopped when any of the conditions defined in the trainbr func- The second objective of this study was thus to extend the
tion of Matlab was met. Thus, convergence of network parameters capabilities of the custom mesh generator to approximate local
depended on the default conditions set by trainbr. fiber orientations within the mesh. The fiber arrangement and
An important source of uncertainty in this model was that orientation show wide variability among different groups of
the depth of points along the contour (their θ  coordinate) muscles. The hindlimb muscles of vertebrates have a fusiform
was uncertain, that is, contours somewhat curled around the geometry, which has usually been idealized as an axisymmetric
muscle body slightly. There would be no such error for axi- geometry (Tsui et al. 2004; Tang et al. 2007; Böl and Reese 2008;
symmetric objects. In other words, the contours in the image Kockova and Cimrman 2009; Vavourakis et al. 2014). Under this
of an axisymmetric object are always coplanar with the image idealization, the internal fiber orientations are either assumed
plane. Frog gastrocnemius muscle, however, was not exactly to be fixed, pointing in the axial direction, or they slightly
axisymmetric as shown in Figure 5, but the depth uncertainty, deviate from the axial direction, following the fusiform outline
nevertheless, was ignored. of the muscle. It was shown by (Tang et al. 2009) that including

Figure 10. The final mesh obtained by passing the nodes of the unit cylinder
mesh through the trained network, from two opposite perspectives.

by additional FE analyses. The mechanical response of muscle

models and comparison of various fiber dispersion models
including unidirectional and fusiform assumptions will be
reported elsewhere.
The study of muscle contraction using fully three-
dimensional continuum based models is an active research
Figure 9. The mapping of the surfaces r ¼ 0:5 (shown with yellow circles), and topic, attracting the attention of medical professionals as
r ¼ 1 (blue circles), from the unit cylinder onto the muscle geometry. The purple well as biomechanicians. The balance of momentum equa-
lines show the mapping of the unit vectors, k, in the unit cylinder.
tions is geometrically nonlinear and they are coupled with
the activation dynamics of contraction. Muscle constituents
fiber orientations and their geometric arrangement were have nonlinear constitutive behavior, and they are incompres-
important for simulating nonuniform stress and strain distribu- sible with a fiber-reinforced micro-structure. Each time a new
tions. In the case of specimen-specific meshing as in this study, specimen is to be modeled, these computationally challenging
a procedure to interpolate fiber orientations between the mus- issues are added to the challenge of creating a regular hex-
cle axis and the fusiform outline was judged necessary. The ahedral-type mesh within the muscle domain. The unavailabil-
devised algorithm capitalized on the mapping capabilities of ity of DT-MRI infrastructure and expertise greatly hinders the
a trained network. A small line segment was generated in the construction of a specimen-specific mesh along with its fiber
unit cylinder domain and its two end points were passed orientation data. This work describes a procedure for obtain-
through the neural network. The line segment joining the two ing a mesh and its associated data from digital photography,
output points was then assumed to be the associated fiber capitalizing on the application of a Matlab-based, Bayesian
orientation in the muscle domain. This procedure was repeated regularization backpropagation type supervised learning pro-
for each finite element. The fiber orientations obtained this way cess. Upon FE verification, the proposed procedure could
were found to follow the fusiform outline of the muscle as prove as a viable alternative to the standard pipeline consist-
shown in Figure 9. The possible impact of this assumption on ing of segmenting muscles and augmenting muscle fiber
the model behavior and its accuracy remains to be determined orientations based on DT-MRI findings.

5. Conclusion Namik Ciblak received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical
Engineering from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. In
Artificial intelligence methods, such as artificial neural networks, 1998, he received his Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology
are finding increasing use in the modeling/diagnosis of biologi- (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, GA, USA. After receiving his doctoral degree, he
cal organs including muscles. The primary objective of this study worked as an R&D engineer for The Panasonic Research Laboratories,
was to utilize artificial neural networks in order to devise Research Triangle, NC, USA, for a short while, working on the analysis
and simulation of a high precision, six degree-of-freedom parallel robot.
a muscle mesh generator based on images taken with simple From Sep-1998 to Dec-2001, he served as a faculty member of the
digital photography. The second objective was to see whether Mechanical Engineering Technology program of the Georgia Southern
the previously trained network, could be used to generate a fiber University, Statesboro, GA, USA. For the next three years, he was
field that followed the muscle’s fusiform geometry. Both of these employed as an R&D and design engineer at U.S. Welding Systems
objectives were successfully met. From a computational aspect, (Later, Aquilex Corp.), Atlanta, GA, USA. In 2004, he joined the faculty of
the department of mechanical engineering of the Yeditepe University,
the proposed custom mesh generator has the potential to Istanbul, Turkey. Among his research interests are mechanics, kinematics,
become an alternative to the standard pipeline procedures and robotics; design of machine elements and mechanical system design;
used in meshing biological tissues. and, engineering and applied mathematics.

Acknowledgments ORCID
We thank Ozancan Saribas (B.Sc.), Berat Gulec (B.Sc.), and Sena Sahin (B.Sc) for Fethi Okyar
their contributions as part of their undergraduate engineering project topic. Volkan Karadag
All husbandry and experimental protocols were approved by the
Yeditepe University Ethics of Animal Care and Use Board.
This study was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research References
Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) grant number 114M574; principal
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