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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 October 13, 2021 – Yom HaAliyah

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CXXIV] – Garland Favorito, GA

On Saturday 10/16 @ 9 a.m., Garland Favorito will update the belated filing of the Respondents
in the Fulton County litigation [available via its portal by using Edge (not Chrome) @ 50 /page]
as per his “Voter GA” [] website, linked to the Constitution Party;
anticipated was evidence of ANY outcome from the newly-mustered “counterfeit ballot study,”
yielding delay of the Fulton County ballot review. This Zoom Video Conference will focus on this
facet of Election Integrity; here’s contact info [ (404) 994-3586].
This is a nothing-burger, noting the absence of a stated timeframe for release of non-confidential
info regarding a faux effort; during Saturday’s discussion, I’m told Garland invites interaction, and
I’ll ask him to file a “motion to expedite” the scheduled hearing-date (from a month hence).
Fearing any challenge to a judge who seems poised to provide a ballot review and who allegedly
wants to undermine any subsequent appeal are the major counter-arguments to my nudge; yet,
he could cite facts and abuse-of-discretion (the two key-criteria) to justify an interlocutory filing.

The Fulton County, Georgia auditors, audited Georgia's Registration and Elections Department
this past spring [report appended]; predictably ignored were its key-findings.
• Fulton received two private grants from CTCL (well-known) and from the Southern
Poverty Law Center (not so well-known); the SPLC inexplicably gave $85K to purchase 25
absentee drop boxes and the accompanying surveillance cameras. Fulton bought 21 drop
boxes for around $40K, but failed to return the remainder of the grant to SPLC.
• The Department didn't track or note $1.9M overtime paid to employees.
• Fulton didn't follow proper procedures in accepting, spending, or tracking this money; for
example, the auditor could only account for $2.4M of a $4.4M expenditure.
• When the auditors tried to inventory 300+ of the Department's wireless internet routers,
they could not accounted for 15 routers (6% of the total), which vanished without a trace.
• There are millions in invoices for vendor services performed by Dominion.
• The auditors drew nine conclusions:
o Lack of Departmental Standard Operating Procedures;
o Inconsistent Procurement Procedures;
o Untimely Payment of Invoices;
o Lack of Supporting Documentation
o Improper Payment of Services
o Inadequate Safeguarding of Assets
o Return of Unused Funds
o Obligation Not Satisfied
o Inadequate Departmental Accountability and Oversight of Financial Transactions
o Misclassification of many expenditures

Georgia asked the DoJ to investigate Fulton County (its largest county) over alleged destruction
of election documents regarding the 2021 election; this may provide problematic statewide
leaders (SoS Raffensperger) a distraction from prior inaction regarding the 2020 election. It seems
there may be an effort for the state to assume responsibility for Atlanta, as per John Solomon
[noting comments @ 6 p.m. on Real America’s Voice], particularly if Gov. Kemp “sees the light.”


Regarding the Israeli holiday Yom HaAliyah, the goal is to highlight ingathering of Jewry; this is
derivative of two op-eds that I co-authored that presaged the importance of recognizing the entry
of the Israelites into the Promised Land c/o Joshua. We focused on key historical [A Holiday for
the Ages and Today] and archaeological [Israel at 60 - Give or Take a Few Thousand Years]
underpinnings; we then lobbied the Knesset (via the ZOA) yielding this recognition in the schools.
Emphasized is the fact that continuous presence of Jewry in the Promised Land started when the
Israelites crossed the Jordan @ Jericho; this recognition obviously carries political implications.

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