AnaChem For Teachers Module 1 and 2

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Lesson 1 Vision, Mission, Goals and

Objectives of MSU-Maguindanao

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students can:

1. state and show appreciation on the vision, mission, goals, objectives and core
values of the University;
2. recite correctly the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the University;
3. explain the key words in the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the University;
5. write his/her own philosophy, vision, mission and goals in life; and
6. discuss and appreciate the history and the purpose of existence of the University.

Learning Contents
Vision and Mission
A vision is a practical guide for creating plans, setting goals and objectives,
making decisions, and coordinating and evaluating the work on any project, large or
small. A vision helps keep organizations and groups focused and together, especially
with complex projects and in stressful times.

A mission statement is a brief description of why a company or organization

exists. In one to three sentences, it explains what the company does, who it serves, and
what differentiates it from competitors. It’s used to provide focus, direction, and
inspiration to employees while it tells customers or clients what to expect from the
business. The best mission statements are clear, concise, and memorable.

The vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what the organization wants to
become. The mission statement focuses on today and what the organization does.
While companies commonly use mission and vision statements interchangeably, it’s
important to have both. One doesn’t work without the other, because having purpose
and meaning are critical for any business.
Goals and Objectives
Goals are strategic objectives that an organization's management establishes to
outline expected outcomes and guide employees' efforts. There are many advantages
to establishing organizational goals: They guide employee efforts, justify a company's
activities and existence, define performance standards, provide constraints for pursuing
unnecessary goals and function as behavioral incentives.

Objectives are the specific actions and measurable steps your company must
take to reach its goals. They give you a clear understanding of the specific tasks or
projects that need to be completed in order to get closer to the primary goal.

Goals and objectives are different concepts, but they work in harmony to help
you achieve the desired results and maximize your team’s productivity. Creating goals
without clear objectives leads to goals that never get accomplished.

Objectives has the word “object” in it. Objects are concrete. Because of this,
objectives can be scoped with timeframes, budgets, and tangible results. A lot of
organizations use the S.M.A.R.T criteria and goal setting method to define and measure
objectives. S.M.A.R.T is an acronym for:

Specific — Objectives have a high level of concreteness with real metrics and deadlines
that need to be tracked. For example, “Generate 50 leads from the UK before 30 Oct” is
more specific than “increase the international customer base.”

Measurable — Make sure that you can track your objective. What’s the key
performance indicator (KPI) that you’re going to track?

Attainable — Objectives are challenging but possible. “Helping 10 million international

businesses be more productive” is an admirable goal but not very actionable if you have
100 customers. Don't try to conquer the world overnight.

Relevant — Is the objective related to your long-term goal, and does it align with your
company vision?

Time-bound — Your objective needs to have a concrete deadline. “Someday” is not a

day of the week.


Values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or
actions. They help us to determine what is important to us. ... Values in a narrow sense
is that which is good, desirable, or worthwhile. Values are the motive behind purposeful
action. They are the ends to which we act and come in many forms.

In ethics, value denotes the degree of importance of some thing or action, with
the aim of determining what actions are best to do or what way is best to live, or to
describe the significance of different actions.

Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, and Core Values, and

Brief History of MSU-Maguindanao
MSU System Philosophy

The Mindanao State University shall, in the pursuit of its mission, be committed
to the total development of man and to the search for truth, virtue and academic

MSU-Maguindanao Vision
An educational zone of peace offering world class higher learning in
Maguindanao for Bangsamoro’s continuing growth for all.

MSU-Maguindanao Mission
Driven by a commitment to develop highly competent leaders and workers in
agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and other fields; offers research, extension and
production services for the Development of the Bangsamoro.


1. Graduate proficient professionals and globally ready citizens;

2. Foster a strong faculty research culture and tradition;
3. Expand outreach and deepen impact of extension initiatives with communities;
4. Level up production toward practice oriented student learning and budget
5. Provide an enabling environment conducive to operational excellence; and
6. Enhance MSU-Maguindanao’s organizational learning and innovating capacity.


1. Deliver high quality instructional standards;

2. Internationalized student’s perspective and experience;
3. Strengthen faculty qualifications;
4. Affirm faculty members scholarly feats through research;
5. Incentivize faculty member’ conduct of research;
6. Rationalized/ Intensify University’s extension policy/ program;
7. Rationalize/ Intensify University’s production policy/ program;
8. Achieve administrative efficiency;
9. Achieve financial sustainability; and
10. Capacitate the University in knowledge management competencies.

Core Values

Commitment Service Teamwork Respect

Integrity Diversity Excellence Leadership

History of MSU-Maguindanao
The MSU-Maguindanao campus then MSU Dinaig Agricultural and Technical
College (MSU-DATC) was established on October 10, 1973 by virtue of BOR
Resolution No. 821 series of 1973. It formally started its operation in the second
semester of AY 1973-1974 with seven (7) faculty members, fifteen (15) members of the
administrative staff, five (5) security guards, and one hundred twenty-six (126) students.
The campus offered only three courses namely: Agriculture, Forestry and Community
Development. Classes were held at the grandstand of Dalican Pilot Elementary School,
Datu Odin Sinsuat (then Dinaig), Maguindanao with very limited facilities.

In 1975, all the school facilities were razed to the ground by fire. However, events
did not end up the noble cause of the school. It renewed its operation with the support
of the late Mayor Datu Odin Sinsuat, Sr. of Dinaig. He partly donated and sold at a
minimal price the 55-hectare site of the unit in 1975.

From then on, the unit has grown as an institution of higher learning. It was
granted fiscal autonomy by virtue of BOR Resolution No. 48, series of 1982 and was
renamed MSU-Maguindanao by virtue of BOR Resolution No. 561, series of 1982. From
three (3) course offerings in 1973, it now has seventeen (17) baccalaureate programs,
five (5) graduate programs and six (6) diploma courses.

As an integral part of the MSU System, it is committed to uphold the integrity of

MSU as a system of eleven (11) autonomous campuses (MSU Marawi City, MSU IIT
Iligan City, MSU General Santos City, MSU Maguindanao, MSU Sulu, MSU Naawan,
MSU Tawi-Tawi, MSU MSAT, Maigo, MSU LNAC, MSU LNCAT, and MSU Buug) and
pursue quality education. It continually performs the mandated functions of instruction,
research, extension and production as it faces the challenges of time. The campus is
devoted to assist the government in the integration of cultural minority groups into the
mainstream of the national body politic and provide trained manpower and technical
know-how for the socio-cultural and economic development of the Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) by renewing its vision, mission and
goals, and by strengthening its flagship programs in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions as required in each item.
Write your answer on your notebook.
Write the date upon answering the questions.

1. Distinguish the following:

a. mission and vision
b. goal and objective

2. Why VMGO is important in an organization? Explain

3. What is the significance of the core values? Explain
4. How do goals and objective are formulated? Explain
5. Write your own vision, mission, goals and objectives in life.
Lesson 2

In this chapter, we describe several methods used to compute the results of a
quantitative analysis. We begin by presenting the SI system of units and the distinction
between mass and weight. We then discuss the mole, a measure of the amount of a
chemical substance. Next, we consider the various ways that concentrations of solutions
are expressed. Finally, we treat chemical stoichiometry. You may have studied much of
the material in this chapter in your general chemistry courses.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students can:

Learning Contents
1A-1 SI Units

Scientists throughout the world have adopted a standardized system of units

known as the International System of Units (SI). This system is based on the seven
fundamental base units shown in Table 1-1. Numerous other useful units, such as volts,
hertz, coulombs, and joules, are derived from these base units. To express small or large
measured quantities in terms of a few simple digits, prefixes are used with these base
units and other derived units. As shown in Table 1-2, these prefixes multiply the unit by
various powers of 10. For example, the wavelength of yellow radiation used for
determining sodium by flame photometry is about 5.9 3 1027 m, which can be expressed
more compactly as 590 nm (nanometers); the volume of a liquid injected onto a
chromatographic column is often roughly 50 3 1026 L, or 50 μL (microliters); or the amount
of memory on some computer hard disks is about 20 3 109 bytes, or 20 Gbytes
Table 1-1

In analytical chemistry, we often determine the amount of chemical species from

mass measurements. For such measurements, metric units of kilograms (kg), grams (g),
milligrams (mg), or micrograms (μg) are used. Volumes of liquids are measured in units
of liters (L), milliliters (mL), microliters (μL), and sometimes nanoliters (nL). The liter, the
SI unit of volume, is defined as exactly 1023 m3. The milliliter is defined as 1026 m3, or
1 cm3.

1A-2 Distinction between Mass and Weight

It is important to understand the difference between mass and weight. Mass is an

invariant measure of the quantity of matter in an object. Weight is the force of attraction
between an object and its surroundings, principally the earth. Because gravitational
attraction varies with geographical location, the weight of an object depends on where
you weigh it. For example, a crucible weighs less in Denver than in Atlantic City (both
cities are at approximately the same latitude) because the attractive force between the
crucible and the earth is smaller at the higher altitude of Denver. Similarly, the crucible
weighs more in Seattle than in Panama (both cities are at sea level) because the Earth is
somewhat flattened at the poles, and the force of attraction increases measurably with
latitude. The mass of the crucible, however, remains constant regardless of where you measure
Weight and mass are related by the familiar expression
where w is the weight of an object, m is its mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
A chemical analysis is always based on mass so that the results will not depend on
locality. A balance is used to compare the mass of an object with the mass of one or more
standard masses. Because g affects both unknown and known equally, the mass of the
object is identical to the standard masses with which it is compared. The distinction
between mass and weight is often lost in common usage, and the process of comparing
masses is usually called weighing. In addition, the objects of known mass as well as the
results of weighing are frequently called weights. Always bear in mind, however, that
analytical data are based on mass rather than weight. Therefore, throughout this text, we
will use mass rather than weight to describe the quantities of substances or objects. On
the other hand, for lack of a better word, we will use “weigh” for the act of determining the
mass of an object. Also, we will often say “weights” to mean the standard masses used
in weighing.

1A-3 Mole

The mole (abbreviated mol) is the SI unit for the amount of a chemical substance.
It is always associated with specific microscopic entities such as atoms, molecules, ions,
electrons, other particles, or specified groups of such particles as represented by a
chemical formula. It is the amount of the specified substance that contains the same
number of particles as the number of carbon atoms in exactly 12 grams of 12C. This
important number is Avogadro’s number NA 5 6.022 3 1023. The molar mass M of a
substance is the mass in grams of 1 mole of that substance. We calculate molar masses
by summing the atomic masses of all the atoms appearing in a chemical formula. For
example, the molar mass of formaldehyde CH2O is
and that of glucose, C6H12O6, is

Thus, 1 mole of formaldehyde has a mass of 30.0 g, and 1 mole of glucose has a mass
of 180.0 g.

Table 1-2
1A-4 Millimole

Sometimes it is more convenient to make calculations with millimoles (mmol) rather

than moles. The millimole is 1/1000 of a mole, and the mass in grams of a millimole, the
millimolar mass (mM), is likewise 1/1000 of the molar mass.

1A-5 Calculating the Amount of a Substance in Moles or Millimoles

4BSolutions and Their Concentrations

Over the course of history, measurements and their corresponding units were
invented at the local level. By necessity of primitive communication and local technology,
standards were nearly nonexistent, and conversions among the many systems were
difficult. The result was many hundreds of distinct ways of expressing concentrations of
solutions. Fortunately for us, the advent of rapid communications technology and the
development of efficient travel have forced globalization of measurement science and,
along with it, the definition of global measurement standards. No field has enjoyed more
benefit in this regard than chemistry in general and analytical chemistry in particular. Even
so, we use a number of methods for expressing concentration.

4B-1 Concentration of Solutions

In the pages that follow, we describe the four fundamental ways of expressing solution
concentration: molar concentration, percent concentration, solution-diluent volume ratio,
and p-functions.

Molar Concentration

The molar concentration cx of a solution of a solute species X is the number of

moles of that species that is contained in 1 liter of the solution (not 1 L of the solvent). In
terms of the number of moles of solute, n, and the volume, V, of solution, we write

The unit of molar concentration is molar, symbolized by M, which has the

dimensions of mol/L, or mol L21. Molar concentration is also the number of millimoles of
solute per milliliter of solution.

Molar Analytical Concentration

The molar analytical concentration, or for the sake of brevity, just analytical
concentration, of a solution gives the total number of moles of a solute in 1 liter of the
solution (or the total number of millimoles in 1 mL). In other words, the molar analytical
concentration specifies a recipe by which the solution can be prepared regardless of what
might happen to the solute during the solution process. Note that in Example 1-3, the
molar concentration that we calculated is also the molar analytical concentration
cC2H5OH 5 0.0143 M because the solute ethanol molecules are intact following the
solution process. In another example, a sulfuric acid solution that has an analytical
concentration of cH2SO4 5 1.0 M can be prepared by dissolving 1.0 mole, or 98 g, of
H2SO4 in water and diluting the acid to exactly 1.0 L. As we shall see, there are important
differences between the ethanol and sulfuric acid examples.
Molar Equilibrium Concentration

The molar equilibrium concentration, or just equilibrium concentration, refers

to the molar concentration of a particular species in a solution at equilibrium. To specify
the molar equilibrium concentration of a species, it is necessary to know how the solute
behaves when it is dissolved in a solvent. For example, the molar equilibrium
concentration of H2SO4 in a solution with a molar analytical concentration cH2SO4 5 1.0
M is actually 0.0 M because the sulfuric acid is completely dissociated into a mixture of
H1, HSO42, SO42 ions. There are essentially no H2SO4 molecules in this solution. The
equilibrium concentrations of the ions are 1.01, 0.99, and 0.01 M, respectively.
Equilibrium molar concentrations are usually symbolized by placing square
brackets around the chemical formula for the species. So, for our solution of H2SO4 with
an analytical concentration of cH2SO4 51.0 M, we write

Percent Concentration

Chemists frequently express concentrations in terms of percent (parts per

hundred). Unfortunately, this practice can be a source of ambiguity because percent
composition of a solution can be expressed in several ways. Three common methods are

Parts per Million and Parts per Billion

For very dilute solutions, parts per million (ppm) is a convenient way to express

where cppm is the concentration in parts per million. The units of mass in the numerator
and denominator must agree so that they cancel. For even more dilute solutions, 109 ppb
rather than 106 ppm is used in the previous equation to give the results in parts per
billion (ppb). The term parts per thousand (ppt) is also used, especially in


Scientists frequently express the concentration of a species in terms of its p-

function, or p-value. The p-value is the negative logarithm (to the base 10) of the molar
concentration of that species. Thus, for the species X,


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