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Maintenance and troubleshooting of CEMS-2000BF

1. Maintenance
1.1 Daily Maintenance
Check the 4 red alarm indication lights on the pretreatment panel of analysis cabinet. The 4 red alarm indication lights are: system alarm, gas loop
block, lack of instrument air, and temperature control alarm. Ensure these 4 alarm lights are not on.
Check the readings on IPC: flue gas composition, flue duct temperature, pressure, flow, and dust. Ensure the readings are in normal range.
Check the readings of instrument air and sampling pump pressure and ensure the instrument air pressure in the range of 0.4-0.6Mpa, and sampling
pump pressure in the range of 0.25-0.35MPa.
Check all the filters to ensure there is no water and impurities in all the filters.
1.2 Routine Maintenance
Every week, conduct manual counter-blowing for sampling probe and Pitotmeter.
Every week, check the air source of instrument air to ensure there is no oil and water.
Every week, check the spectrum and ensure the 100th pixel ‘s spectrum no less than 3000
Every week, check the pressure measuring value on OMA-2000 analyzer to ensure the value in normal range
Every week, conduct manual zero setting. If the value is normal, the setting cycle can be adjusted to one month.
Every month, check the optical lens of LDM-100 laser-type flue gas analyzer, and the glass ring of LGA-4100 semi-conductor laser-type gas
analyzer(selected), to ensure cleanness.

2. Troubleshooting
2.1 System doesn’t respond when starting up.
Please check whether the air switches or the leakage circuit breacker is open.
2.2 The alarm indication light is on.
If the “temperature control alarm” is on, check the working condition of sampling probe, heating box, heat tracing pipe, and related solid-state relay,
heater, temperature transmitter. If any broken, please change timely.
If the “gas loop block” is on, there may be blockage in the sampling probe, heat tracing pipe or gas pipe, please conduct manual counter-blowing.
If it doesn’t work, wash or change the related filter or pipeline.
If the “lack of instrument air” is on, please check the air supply condition.
If the “system alarm” is on, please first check the monitor software or the alarm information on OMA-2000 analyzer. If any alarm infor, confirm the
alarm cause. If no alarm infor, restart the CEMS-2000 system.
2.3 No real-time data on the IPC display
Check whether the communication cable is reliable.
Check the communication parameters are illegally adjusted.
Check whether the concentrator is energized.
2.4 Gas limit alarm or abnormal gas measuring value
Check whether boiler fuel and system has fault and solve it if any.
Check whether the concentrator or communication line has fault and solve it if any.
Check whether the zero point is drifted and calibrate the analyzer.

3. Precautions
Under positive environment pressure where there is gas in the process, it is forbidden to dismantle the instrument and probe on the flue platform,
such as LDM-100 laser-type flue gas analyzer. Otherwise, the gas in the process may overflow from the flange of instrument or the environment
gas enters pipe to cause danger.
When the instrument air contains much water and impurities, to ensure the analyzer in the system is not damaged, please first set the system to
maintenance state, solve the instrument air problem and then set back to normal operation state.

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