5 Social Studied SA-2 Q.P 20-21

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Falaknuma, Hyd.
Summative Assessment-II (February-2021)
Class: V Social Studies Question paper Marks: 50
I. Answer any five of the following questions: (5 x 3 =15)
1. Where does the Democratic Republic of the Congo lie? List its nine neighbour’s.
2. Why are the prairies called the “Wheat Basket of the World”?
3. How have humans emerged as the greatest threat to the Envirnoment?
4. What is the difference between Bio- degradable waste and non Bio-degrable waste?
5. What are the main causes of floods? Write two ways in which floods can be
6. Describe the climatic condition of each Heat Zone’s.
II. Answer the following questions: (10 x 1½ = 15)
1. Write few sentences on the lifestyle of the Bantus.
2. What are grasslands? What type of climate do grasslands have?
3. Write the names of some animals found in the prairies.
4. What is water pollution? How do water bodies get polluted?
5. List some causes of noise pollution. How does noise pollution harm us?
6. What is recycling? What are its benefits?
7. Why does an Earthquake occur? How it measured?
8. What is drought? Suggest some measures to prevent droughts?
9. Why does Chennai have a moderate climate?
10. Why do people near the equator receive more heat than those near the poles?
III. Choose the correct answer: (5 x 1 = 5)
1. The main occupation of the people is _________. ( )
a) Minning (b) Farming (c) Fishing (d) Weaving
2. The prairies lie between ______________. ( )
a) Canada and Alaska (b) Canada and Molico (c) India and Pakistan (d) North
and South America
3. Due to pollution the soil becomes _____________ ( )
a) Harmful (b) Infertile (c) Fresh (d) Fertile.
4. The two types of waste are _____. ( )
a) Living waste and non-living waste
b) Bio-degradable waste and non –Bio-degradable waste
c) Healthy waste and non healthy waste
d) Electronic waste and E-waste
5. The Richter scale measures the intensity of an __________ ( )
a) Cyclone (b) Tsunami (c) Earthquake (d) Flood
IV. Fill in the blanks: (5 x 1 = 5)
1. Funnel shaped storms _____________.
2. The method of dumping waste in ditches and covering them ___________.
3. The greatest threat to the environment __________________.
4. Two countries bordering U.S.A _______________ and ______________.
5. The region that lies between the tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn is called the
__________ region.
V. Think and answer: (4 x 1 = 4)
Q1. Which is more environmental friendly a bicycle or a car? Why?
Q2. Naina has two dustbins in her home on one dustbin the letter R is Written in green.
On the other the letter R is Written in Blue. Why?
VI. Draw any one diagram: (5 x 1 = 5)
1. Draw the Diagram of Heat Zones of the Earth?
2. Draw any one thing which can be reuse in green colour. And which can be reduce in
blue colour and which can be throw away in red colour?

Neat Hand writing carries 1 Mark

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