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1. Circle:
- /iː/ or /i/

Big Busy Dinner Green Listen Meet People Pizza Please Three

- /uː/

Food Four Look News Soup Spoon Sugar Town Tuesday Two

- /ʊ/

Book Cookery Cough Could Good Lunch Soon Sugar Thought

2. Complete the sentences with one /ɑː/ word and one /ʌ/ word:
butter carpet dark hard husband love Prague son

- The ………………………….. too …………………………..

- I’d ………………………….. to buy that …………………………..
- Their …………………………..’s got ………………………….. hair.
- I first met my ………………………….. in…………………………..
3. Write these words:

- /hænd/………………………….. - /men/…………………………..
- /best/………………………….. - /ˈmeni/…………………………..
- /eɡ/………………………….. - /hæv/…………………………..
- /mæn/………………………….. - /nekst/…………………………..

4. Listen and put the words in the correct groups.

beard car chair church curtains dirty door floor four girl horse
large March near nurse pair parked purse shirt shorts stars
surfer third warm wearing

Words with /ɜː/ Words with /ɔː/ Words with /ɑː/ Words with other
1…………………… 1…………………… 1…………………… 1……………………
…….. …….. …….. ……..
2…………………… 2…………………… 2…………………… 2……………………
…….. …….. …….. ……..
3…………………… 3…………………… 3…………………… 3……………………
…….. …….. …….. ……..
4…………………… 4…………………… 4…………………… 4……………………
…….. …….. …….. ……..
5…………………… 5…………………… 5…………………… 5……………………
…….. …….. …….. ……..


1. Complete these sentences
- with /ɪə/ and /eə/ words:
- She’s got ………………………….. h…………………………..
- The ch………………………….. are under the st…………………………..
- How many y………………………….. have you lived h…………………………..?
- There’s a man with a b………………………….. sitting in the
- Speak up! I can’t h………………………….. you.
- It’s a cl………………………….. day – you can see for miles.

- With /eɪ/ or /aɪ/ words:

bye day dry eight flight great miles night right time way
white wine

- The plane left in the evening and arrived the next morning. It was a ……………
- It’s best to drink …………… …………… with fish.
- Fourteen kilometres is about …………… ……………
- There was no rain yesterday. It was a …………… ……………
- I think I’m lost – is this the …………… …………… to the beach?
- We’ve had a …………… ……………, thanks. ……………!

2. Circle the word with a different vowel sound:

- stone gone closed coast
- brown flower snow town
- old over lost no
- coach boat some road


1. Write the words. Choose from the words in the box:
beard bill black bomb book boot bread build but butter
buy pack paper part party pay pepper pie piece pool
pull purse
- /bɪl/
- /piːs/
- /baɪ/
- /pɜːs/
- /blæk/
- /peɪ/
- /bʌt/
- /pæk/
- /bɒm/
- /ˈpepə/
- /ˈbʌtə/
- /pɑːt/
- /bʊk/
- /ˈpɑːti/

ache again ago back bag big bigger bike black called
cake carry classical coffee cold comb come copy gave get
give great grey guess guest keys kiss walk work

- /ɡɪv/
- /bɪɡ/
- /ɡet/
- /kəʊm/
- /kiːz/
- /keɪk/
- /kɪs/
- /eɪk/
- /ɡest/
- /bæk/
- /ˈkɒfi/
- /əˈɡen/
- /wɔːk/
- /kɔːld/
- /bæɡ/
2. Write the words:
- /f/ and /v/
- /faɪv/ …………..
- /ˈvɪzɪt/ …………..
- /fɜːst/ …………..
- /friː/ …………..
- /liːv/ …………..
- /ˈfəʊtəʊ/ …………..

- /θ/ and /ð/

- /mʌnθ/ …………..
- /ðen/ …………..
- /θɪn/ …………..
- /ðeɪ/ …………..
- /wɪð/ …………..
- /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/ …………..

- /s/ and /z/

- /seɪ/ …………..
- /sæt/ …………..
- /liːvz/ …………..
- /iːst/ …………..
- /taɪms/ …………..
- /ˈɡlɑːsiz/ …………..

- /ʃ/ and /ʃ/

- /fɪʃ/ …………..
- /ˈsteɪʃn/ …………..
- /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ …………..
- /ʃaʊt/ …………..
- /ʃɔːt/ …………..
- /dɪʃ/ …………..

- /tʃ/ and /dʒ/

- /wɒtʃ/
- /dʒɒb/
- /lɑːdʒ/
- /dʒuːs/
- /dʒæz/

 /m/, /n/ and /ŋ/

- /muːn/
- /drɪŋk/
- /ˈʌŋkl/
- /naɪvz/
- /θɪŋ/
- /ˈstrɒŋgə/

 /h/
- /hæt/
- /haʊ/
- /həʊm/
- /hɑːf/
- /haɪ/
- /huː/

 /l/
- /leɪt/
- /laɪt/
- /lɑːdʒ/
- /ˈteɪbl/
- /ˈæpl/
- /bɪˈləʊ/

 /w/ and /j/

- /fjuː/
- /jet/
- /ˈwiːkend/
- /wen/
- /ˈmjuːzɪk/
- /ˈjeləʊ/

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