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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,452,794 B2

Yang et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 28, 2013
(54) VISUAL AND TEXTUAL QUERY 7,028,253 B1 4/2006 Lieberman et al.
SUGGESTION 7,043,094 B2 5, 2006 Thomas et al.
7,099,860 B1 8, 2006 Liu et al.
7,162,691 B1 1/2007 Chatterjee et al.
(75) Inventors: Linjun Yang, Beijing (CN); Meng 7,209,815 B2 4/2007 Grier et al.
Wang, Singapore (SG); Zhengjun Zha, 7,231,381 B2 6/2007 Li et al.
Hefei (CN); Tao Mei. Beijing (CN); 7,234,106 B2 6/2007 Simske
Xian-Sheng Hua, Bellevue, WA (US) 7,283,992 B2 10/2007 Liu et al.
2003/0110181 A1* 6/2003 Schuetze et al. .......... TO7/103 R
2003/0123737 A1* 7/2003 Mojsilovic et al. ........... 382,224
(73) Assignee: Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
(US) (Continued)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO WOO2O996.97 A1 12/2002
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 61 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(21) Appl. No.: 12/369,421 Riaz et al. “Efficient Image Retrieval Using Adaptive Segmentation
of HSV Color Space”. International Conference on Computational
(22) Filed: Feb. 11, 2009 Sciences and its Applications ICCSA 2008, 6 pages.*
(65) Prior Publication Data (Continued)
US 2010/02052O2A1 Aug. 12, 2010 Primary Examiner — Uyen Le
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Lee & Hayes, PLLC
(51) Int. C.
G06F 7700 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
G06F 7/30 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. C. Techniques described herein enable better understanding of
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the intent of a user that Submits a particular search query.
(58) Field of Classification Search These techniques receive a search request for images associ
None ated with a particular query. In response, the techniques deter
See application file for complete search history. mine images that are associated with the query, as well as
other keywords that are associated with these images. The
(56) References Cited techniques then cluster, for each set of images associated with
one of these keywords, the set of images into multiple groups.
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USER comfo Y v
102 DEVICE 104 N

Fig. 1 \
U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 2 of 5 US 8,452,794 B2

Image Search
O G) ge O Search A
://WWW, Searchendine. Com/imade=apole

Enter a Search Query:Apple

Suggested Images and Key Words:

214(1) 214(2) 214(3)

U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 3 of 5 US 8,452,794 B2

Image Search
O G) ge O Search A
http:/IWWW. Searchendine. Com/imade=adole-Computer

Enter a Search Query:Apple Computer

Image Search Results:


U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 4 of 5 US 8,452,794 B2









QUERY= Q + qi



U.S. Patent May 28, 2013 Sheet 5 of 5 US 8,452,794 B2





Enter a Search tiery; (; ; ; ; : Sc

image Resuits:

US 8,452,794 B2
1. 2
VISUAL AND TEXTUAL QUERY multiple images that are associated with the query "Apple
SUGGESTION Computer and with the image selected by the user.
FIGS. 4-5 depict an illustrative process for suggesting that
BACKGROUND a user refine a search request for images based on selection of
an additional keyword and a representative image.
Traditional search engines receive multitudes of user que
ries and, in response, search for and provide matching content DETAILED DESCRIPTION
to the users. In some instances, however, user-Submitted que
ries are ambiguous. That is, the intent of a user Submitting a This document describes tools for better eliciting a true
certain query may be unknown. Envision, for instance, that a 10 intent of a user that Submits a particular search query. These
user Submits the query "Mustang to a search engine. In this tools receive a search request for elements, such as docu
instance, it is unclear whether the user wishes to receive ments, images, video files, audio files or the like, associated
content associated with Ford(R) Mustang R cars or content with a particular query. In response, the tools determine ele
associated with Mustang horses. Without this information, ments that are associated with the query, as well as other
the traditional search engine is unable to provide the user with 15 keywords that are associated with these elements and canthus
content that best matches the desires of the user. further specify the search intent. The tools may then cluster,
for each set of elements associated with one of these key
SUMMARY words, the set of elements into multiple groups. The tools then
rank the elements and determine a representative element of
This document describes tools for better eliciting a true each cluster. Finally, the tools suggest, to the user that Sub
intent of a user that Submits a particular search query. These mitted the query, to refine the search based on user selection
tools receive a search request for content, such as images, of a keyword and user selection of a representative element.
associated with a particular query. In response, the tools Thus, the tools better elicit and understand the user's intent by
determine images that are associated with the query, as well allowing the user to refine the search based on Suggested
as other keywords that are associated with these images. The 25 keywords and based on an element on which the user wishes
tools may then cluster, for each set of images associated with to focus the search.
one of these keywords, the set of images into multiple groups. For instance, envision that a user Submits a request for
The tools then rank the images and determine a representative images that are associated with the query "Apple. The tools
image of each cluster. Finally, the tools suggest, to the user may determine that the term "Apple' has many divergent
that submitted the query, to refine the search based on user 30 aspects. For instance, the user may have been searching for
selection of a keyword and user selection of a representative Apple' as it relates to fruit, “Apple' as it relates to comput
image. Thus, the tools better elicit and understand the user's ers, or "Apple' as it relates to smartphones. As such, the tools
intent by allowing the user to refine the search based on may suggest to the user to refine the search based on selection
another keyword and based on an image on which the user of one of the keywords “Fruit,” “Computer,” or “Smart
wishes to focus the search. 35 phone.” While each of these keywords comprises a single
This Summary is provided to introduce a selection of con word, it is specifically noted that the term “keyword” may
cepts in a simplified form that are further described below in comprise a set of multiple words, such as “Smart Phone.”
the Detailed Description. This Summary is not intended to “Laptop Computer and the like. The tools may determine
identify key or essential features of the claimed subject mat that "Apple' has many divergent aspects by clustering images
ter, nor is it intended to be used as an aid in determining the 40 associated with "Apple' and other keywords (e.g., “Fruit.”
scope of the claimed subject matter. The term “tools.” for “Computer, etc.), by analyzing a query log that stores previ
instance, may refer to system(s), method(s), computer-read ous queries received from other users, or by any other key
able instructions, and/or technique(s) as permitted by the word Suggestion method.
context above and throughout the document. Furthermore, the tools may also determine that the images
45 associated with each of these keywords in combination with
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTENTS the original query (e.g., images associated with "Apple Fruit'
or “Apple Smartphone') may themselves vary. Therefore, the
The detailed description is described with reference to tools may cluster images associated with these keywords and
accompanying figures. In the figures, the left-most digit(s) of the original query and may determine a representative image
a reference number identifies the figure in which the reference 50 associated with each cluster.
number first appears. The use of the same reference numbers The tools may then Suggest both the keywords and a rep
in different figures indicates similar or identical items. resentative image for each cluster associated with the com
FIG. 1 depicts an illustrative architecture in which users bined query comprising the original query and the selected
Submit search queries to a search engine. In response, the keyword. For instance, the tools may suggest refining the
search engine may suggest to the users to refine their searches 55 search to include the keyword “Fruit.” Further, the tools may
by selecting an additional keyword and a representative Suggest that the user select one of multiple different images of
image. an apple fruit. In response to receiving a selection of this
FIG. 2 depicts an illustrative user interface (UI) that the image, the tools may rank the images associated with "Apple
search engine may serve to a client computing device in Fruit' based on similarity to the selected image. The tools
response to receiving a search query. As illustrated, this UI 60 then output, to the user, images associated with Apple Fruit'
Suggests that the user refine the search request for images in a manner based at least in part on the ranking of the images
associated with the query “Apple by selecting an additional (e.g., in descending order, beginning with the highest rank).
keyword and an image. By doing so, the tools allow for better understanding of the
FIG.3 depicts an illustrative UI that the search engine may users intent in Submitting a request for images and, hence,
serve to the client computing device in response to receiving 65 allow for better service to the user.
a user selection of a keyword "computer and a particular While the above example and the following discussion
image from the UI of FIG. 2. As illustrated, this UI includes describe implementing the techniques with regards to image
US 8,452,794 B2
3 4
searches, it is to be appreciated that these techniques may be to user 102 to further refine the image search based on one or
implemented in many other contexts. For instance, these tech more keywords and based on one or more images. To do so,
niques may apply equally in searches for documents, videos, keyword-suggestion module 124 may first determine one or
audio files, or any other type of content for which a user may more keywords that are associated with the images that are
search. 5 associated with the received query. Image-Suggestion module
The discussion begins with a section entitled “Illustrative 126 may then determine one or more images that are associ
Architecture,” which describes one non-limiting environment ated with the one or more keywords.
that may implement the claimed tools. A section entitled For instance, envision that user 102 requests to receive
“Illustrative User Interfaces” follows and illustrates example images that are associated with the search query "Apple. In
user interfaces that the techniques may employ for Suggesting 10 response to receiving this query, search module 122 may
to a user to refine a search request. A third and final section, determine images that are associated with this query. Key
entitled “Illustrative Process.” pictorially illustrates a process word-suggestion module 124 may then determine one or
of receiving a search request from a user and, in response, more keywords that are related to the images that are associ
Suggesting to the user to refine the search. ated with the query “Apple.” To do so, module 124 may
This brief introduction, including section titles and corre- 15 analyze text that Surrounds the images, tags that are associ
sponding Summaries, is provided for the reader's conve ated with the images, or may otherwise determine keywords
nience and is not intended to limit the scope of the claims, nor that are sufficiently associated with the images.
the proceeding sections. In one implementation, module 124 searches for images
Illustrative Architecture that are available on a collaborative-image site. Such as a
FIG. 1 depicts an illustrative architecture 100 that may 20 photo-sharing website. Module 124 then analyzes the tags
employ the described techniques. As illustrated, architecture that users of the collaborative site have associated with the
100 includes a user 102 operating a client computing device images. Keyword-Suggestion module 124 then considers
104 to access a search engine 106 via a network 108. Client these tags as keyword candidates for a particular image. In
computing device 104 may comprise one of an array of com another implementation, meanwhile, module 124 analyzes
puting devices, such as a personal computer, a laptop com- 25 the text Surrounding a particular image to determine keyword
puter, a mobile phone, a set-top box, a game console, a per candidates.
sonal digital assistant (PDA), a portable media player (PMP) To determine which of multiple keyword candidates to
(e.g., a portable video player (PVP) or a digital audio player Suggest as keywords, keyword-suggestion module 124
(DAP)), and the like. Network 108, meanwhile, may com includes a relatedness calculator 130 and an informativeness
prise the Internet, a Local Area Network (LAN), a Wide Area 30 calculator 132. Relatedness calculator 130 functions to deter
Network (WAN), a wireless network, and/or the like. mine which of the keyword candidates associated with the
In illustrated architecture 100, user 102 may access search images are sufficiently related to the images that are associ
engine 106 for the purpose of conducting a search for content ated with search query. For instance, calculator 130 may
on one or more content providers 110(1), . . . , 110(N). determine how frequently each word is associated with the
Content providers 110(1)-(N) may comprise websites, data- 35 images. For instance, if calculator 130 determines that the
bases, or any other entity that includes content 112 that search word “Computer is found as a keyword on images that are
engine 106 may search in response to receiving a user query. associated with "Apple' more frequently than the term
In some instances, user 102 may submit a request to receive “Banana, then calculator 130 may determine that the word
images associated with a particular query. As illustrated, each “Computer is more related to the query “Apple' than is the
of content providers 110(1)-(N) may store or otherwise have 40 word "Banana.”
access to one or more images 114(1), . . . , 114 (P), each of Informativeness calculator 132, meanwhile, attempts to
which may be associated with a set of one or more keywords find keywords that are each informative enough (when
116(1),..., 116(P). Images 114(1)-(P) may include varying coupled with the original query) to reflect a different aspect of
types of visual content (e.g., pictures, artwork, all or a portion the original query. Returning to the example of the search
of a video file, etc.) having varying formats (e.g., JPEG, PDF, 45 query “Apple.” calculator 132 may determine that the words
BMP, etc.). Sets of keywords 116(1)-(P), meanwhile, may “Computer,” “Fruit” and “Smartphone” each reflect diverse
comprise words that Surround the associated image, tags that aspects of the query 'Apple.” To make this determination,
are assigned to the associated image, or any other words that calculator may determine that images associated with the
are otherwise associated with the image. Again, while the query “Apple Computer make up a very different set of
following discussion targets image searches, other imple- 50 images than sets of images associated with the queries “Apple
mentations may implement the techniques for other types of Fruit' and Apple Smartphone.” respectively.
searches (e.g., document searches, video searches, audio file In some instances, keyword-suggestion module 124 com
searches, or a combination thereof). bines the input from relatedness calculator 130 with the input
As illustrated, search engine 106 includes one or more from informativeness calculator 132 to determine a set of
processors 118 and memory 120. Memory 120 stores or has 55 keywords associated with the originally-inputted query. By
access to a search module 122, a keyword-suggestion module doing so, keyword-suggestion module 124 determines a set of
124, an image-Suggestion module 126 and a search-refine keywords that are Sufficiently related to the original query and
ment module 128. In response to receiving a request from user that Sufficiently represent varying aspects of the original
102 for images in the form of the received query, search query. In some instances, module 124 sets a predefined num
module 122 may search one or more of content providers 60 ber of keywords (e.g., one, three, ten, etc.). In other instances,
110(1)-(N) for images that are associated with the received however, module 124 may set a predefined threshold score
query. As is known, search module 122 may also rank the that each keyword candidate should score in order to be
images associated with the query. As such, search module 122 deemed a keyword, which may result in varying numbers of
may function in a manner that is the same or similar as a keywords for different queries.
traditional search engine. 65 Once keyword-suggestion module 124 determines a set of
After determining images that are associated with a par keywords (e.g., “Fruit,” “Computer and “Smartphone')
ticular search query, however, search engine 106 may suggest associated with a particular query (e.g., "Apple'), image
US 8,452,794 B2
5 6
Suggestion module 126 may determine more images to Sug is, each of images 216 may comprise a representative image
gest in unison with the keywords. To do so, image-suggestion of one of three clusters associated with combined query
module 126 includes an image-clustering module 134 and a Apple Computer.”
representative-image module 136. In response to receiving UI 200 at device 104, user 102 may
Image-clustering module 134 first determines images that, 5 select a keyword and one or more images on which to refine
for each keyword, are associated with both the keyword and the image search. For instance, user could select one image of
the query. For instance, module 134 may determine images an apple from images 216 (e.g., an image of a red apple). By
that are associated with the combined query “Apple Fruit.” doing so, user 102 would be choosing to refine the search to
Module 134 then clusters these images into multiple groups include images associated with the query "Apple Fruit.” And,
based on similarities or dissimilarities amongst these images. 10 more particularly, user 102 would be choosing to refine the
For instance, one group may comprise images of red apples, search to specify images that are similar to the selected image
while another group may comprise images of green apples. (e.g., the red apple). User 102 may select this image with use
Next, representative-image module 136 may then determine, of a cursor, a keyboard, or via any other selection means.
for each cluster, a representative image of each cluster, as As opposed to selecting a single image, in Some instances,
discussed in detail below. 15 user 102 may simply select a row of images. By doing so, user
Once keyword-suggestion module 124 determines a set of 102, in effect, simply selects a keyword rather than a particu
keywords associated with a received query and image-Sug lar image. In these instances, the images may have been
gestion module determines representative images of clusters helpful to providing user 102 with a visual cue of the corre
therein, search engine 106 may suggest to user 102 to refine sponding keyword (e.g., “Fruit”), while the refined search is
the search request based on selection of a keyword and a simply based on the new query “Apple Fruit'.
representative image. For instance, search engine 106 may FIG. 3 represents a user interface (UI) 300 that search
output a user interface 138 to user 102 that allows user 102 to engine 106 may serve to device 104 after user 102 selects a
select a keyword (e.g., “Fruit) and an image associated with particular image associated with keyword 208 (“Computer)
a cluster of that keyword (e.g., an image of a red apple). of UI 200. As illustrated in text box 202, in response to
Upon receiving a selected keyword and image, search 25 receiving the user selection, search engine 106 ran a search of
refinement module 128 may refine the user's search. First, a content providers 110(1)-(N) for images associated with the
keyword-similarity module 140 may search for or determine refined query Apple Computer.” Furthermore, search engine
the images that are associated with the query and the keyword 106 may have compared these images with the user-selected
(Apple Fruit”). Next, an image-similarity module 142 may image in order to determine a similarity there between.
compare the image selected by user 102 (e.g., the red apple 30 Search engine 106 may have then ranked these images based
image) with the images associated with the original query and on the determined similarities to present a set of images 302
the keyword (i.e., the images associated with "Apple Fruit”). in a manner based at least in part on the ranking. For instance,
These images may be ranked according to image similarity those images determined to be most similar to the selected
and may be output to user 102 in a corresponding manner. image may beat or near the top of UI 300 when compared to
By refining the search based on a keyword and an image, 35 less similar images.
search engine 106 likely provides user 102 with images that Having illustrated and described example user interfaces
more closely match the original intent of user 102 when user that search engine 106 or another entity may serve to a user
102 submitted the query “Apple.” Having described an illus computing device, FIGS. 4-5 illustrates an example process
trative architecture that may implement the claimed tech for implementing the claimed techniques.
niques, the following discussion provides illustrative user 40 Illustrative Processes
interfaces that a search engine or another entity may serve to FIGS. 4-5 depict an illustrative process 400 for suggesting
users such as user 102 to refine search requests. to a user to refine a search based on selection of both a
Illustrative User Interfaces keyword and an image. This process is illustrated as a logical
FIG. 2 depicts an illustrative user interface (UI) 200 that flow graph, which represents a sequence of operations that
search engine 106 may serve to computing device 104 in 45 can be implemented in hardware, Software, or a combination
response to receiving a search query from user 102. For thereof. In the context of software, the operations represent
instance, search engine 106 may serve UI 200 in response to computer-executable instructions that, when executed by one
receiving the search query “Apple' from user 102. As illus or more processors, perform the recited operations. Gener
trated, UI 200 suggests that the user refine the search request ally, computer-executable instructions include routines, pro
for images associated with the query "Apple' by selecting an 50 grams, objects, components, data structures, and the like that
additional keyword and an image. perform particular functions or implement particular abstract
User interface 200 includes a text box 202 in which user data types. The order in which the operations are described is
102 inputted the original query “Apple.” User interface 200 not intended to be construed as a limitation, and any number
also includes one or more keywords 204 and one or images of the described operations can be combined in any order
206 that user 102 may select to refine the search. Keywords 55 and/or in parallel to implement the process. Furthermore,
204 include a keyword 208 entitled “Computer,” a keyword while the illustrated process may describe the operations as
210 entitled “Fruit,” and a keyword 212 entitled “Smart being done “online, some or all of the operations may be
phone. Each of keywords 208, 210, and 212 is associated computed "offline' in other implementations.
with a set of images 214, 216, and 218, respectively. While Generally, process 400 describes techniques for providing
FIG. 2 illustrates three keywords and three images, other 60 both keyword and image Suggestions in response to receiving
implementations may employ any number of one or more a search query in order to help users express the search intent
keywords and any number of one or more images. of the user more clearly. Therefore, the provided Suggestions
As illustrated, set of images 214 associated with the key should be informative enough to help the user specify the
word “Computer includes images 214(1), 214(2), and 214 desired information. That is, each query Suggestion should
(3). Just as each of keywords 208-212 represent a different 65 reflect an aspect of the initial query. For example, given the
aspect of the query Apple.” each of images 214(1)–(3) rep query “Golden Gate process 400 may desire to suggest
resent a different cluster of images within the keyword. That keywords such as “Night,” “Sunny, or “Fog, each of which
US 8,452,794 B2
7 8
can make the query more specific when compared with a the union of all the keywords S. Such keywords should be able
keyword such as “San Francisco.” While this latter keyword to resolve the ambiguity of Q and thus they should be both
(“San Francisco') is common, it is not very informative when sufficiently related to the initial query and sufficiently infor
coupled with the original query of “Golden Gate.” mative to diversely reflect different aspects of the initial
Once a user chooses a keyword-image suggestion, the 5 query. Again, the example query “Apple' has various poten
selected keyword may be appended to the initial query, which tial meanings. Therefore, the techniques may strive to suggest
results in a composite or combined query. The techniques “Fruit,” “Computer,” and/or “Smart Phone.” Each of these
may then first search for images that are associated with the keywords is inherently related to Apple' and reflects a dif
composite textual query. Next, the process may further refine ferent aspect of Apple, thus removing the ambiguity.
the search results by using the selected Suggested image as a 10 Here, a probabilistic formulation may simultaneously
query example. The final results are then presented to the user. address the two properties in a single framework. To address
In most instances, these final results more adequately con the first, the relatedness between each keyword, q, and the
form to the intent of the searching user than when compared initial query, Q. may be measured with their co-occurrence.
with traditional image-search techniques. That is, the co-occurrence of (q, Q) may be calculated and
As discussed above, a key portion of the described tech 15 normalized by the frequency of Q as p(qQ)=I(q,?hO)/I(Q).
niques includes determining keyword and image Suggestions I(Q) denotes the number of images associated with Q, while
that reduce the ambiguity of an initial query. Another key I(q?hCR) is the number of images that contain both the key
portion of the techniques include refining the text-based word and Q. Equation one, below, may then define the relat
search results by leveraging the visual cue in the form of the edness between q and Q:
Selected Suggested image.
As discussed above, one approach to generate keyword
image query Suggestion includes mining search results for where f() is a monotonically increasing function.
text that Surrounds the initial search results. Also as discussed To address the second issue, operation 406 aims to find a set
above, another approach includes analyzing images that users of keywords that can diversely reflect various aspects of the
of a collaborative community (e.g., a photo-sharing service) 25 initial query, Q. In other words, each selected keyword should
have tagged. In some instances, the latter technique has at be informative enough to reflect one uniquefacet of the initial
least two advantages: (1) the resulting Suggestion can be query, Q. Meanwhile, this facet should be different from those
provided without performing initial search (i.e., the Sugges characterized by other keywords. Here, we assume that a first
tion candidates are actually generated offline, making the keyword, q, and a second keyword, q, reflect two different
query Suggestion more efficient), and (2) the Suggestion 30 aspects of Q when the respected keyword (q, or q) is
might not suffer from the unsatisfying quality of the initial appended to Q. That is, combining Q with one of the first or
search results and, as such, may lead to more effective Sug second keywords can give rise to very different distribution
gestions. over the remaining keywords. That is to say, q, and q can
In some instances, the described techniques implement a resolve the ambiguity of Q if the distribution p(qQU{q})
two-step approach to generating the keyword-image sugges 35 and p(q. QU{q}) are highly different. For example, given the
tions. First, a statistical method is proposed to Suggest key keyword 'Apple.' appending “Fruit' or “Computer leads to
words (e.g., tags or text Surrounding initial search results) that very different meanings. To measure the distribution differ
can reduce the ambiguity of the initial query. After that, for ence that arises from queries that include q, or q, the tech
each keyword Suggestion, the techniques may collect the niques may use the symmetric Kullback-Leibler (KL) diver
images associated with both the initial query and the Sug 40 gence as S. KL(qq)-KL(qq)+KL(q|q.), where:
gested keyword and cluster these images into several groups S KL(q;|q)=Xp(g|QU{q})log (p(g|QU{q})/p
or clusters. Each cluster represents a different aspect of the (q QU{q}) (2)
combined query, and the techniques select the most represen
tative images from the clusters to form the image suggestions. Based on this, the informativeness of q, and q, with respect
Finally, the techniques refine the text-based results by 45 to Q are defined as the following:
using visual information of the selected Suggested image.
That is, the techniques compare the selected Suggested image
to the text-based image search results to determine a similar where g() is a monotonically increasing function.
ity there between. In some instances, the techniques employ Thus, the informativeness of a keyword set can be mea
content-based image retrieval (CBIR) to compare these 50 sured as X. goes P(9: de Q).
images based on one or more visual modalities, such as color, To simultaneously capture the relatedness and informative
texture, and shape. The techniques may then rank and reorder ness, both parameters may be aggregated into a single formu
the search results based on the determined visual similarities lation as:
Returning to FIG. 4, process 400 includes operation 402,
which represents user 102 submitting, and search engine 106 55
receiving, a request for images associated with a query, Q. S = argmax
A. (1 - )
Continuing the example from above, user 102 may submit the O So So gieSo
search query "Apple.” or user 102 may submit any other query
comprising one or more other words. Next, operation 404
represents that search engine 106 may, in response, determine 60 where w is a weight parameter that is used to trade-off the
images that are associated with the Submitted query, using two properties.
known techniques or otherwise. Solving Equation 4, then, results in the optimal keyword
Next, operation 406 represents that search engine 106 (and/ Suggestions. However, since Solving the equation is a non
or another entity) may determine a set, S, of one or more linear integer programming (NIP) problem, directly solving
keywords, q, that are associated with the images associated 65 the equation may require searching in a large Solution space
with the query. For a given ambiguous query Q (e.g., and may be computationally intractable. Alternatively, the
Apple'), operation 406 attempts find a set of keywords from following greedy strategy, which includes a function 'L' that
US 8,452,794 B2
9 10
is the utility of selecting one or multiple Suggested queries considering other potential images that may choosex, as their
and which is illustrated below in Table 1, may be used to solve exemplar. These information are iteratively updated as
this equation in some instances:
Keyword Suggestion generation algorithm The “self-availability.” meanwhile, a(i,j) may be updated
differently as follows:
Input: S, Q
Output: S*
Initialize S* = (p 10
The above information is iteratively propagated until con
for each iteration tdo
So = p, L(S) = 0; vergence. Then, the exemplar e(X) for each X, is chosen as
random select the first keyword q
from S \S. So = So U{q};
e(x,) X, by solving the following:
(a)select the next keyword q, from S \ So
by solving
arg max L(q) = argq, max WR(q.Q) + (1 -
15 Note that while the original Affinity Propagation algorithm
..) | So | X. e'o D(q, q, Q) that uses full similarity matrix leads to a high computational
L(So)+ = L(q) cost of O(n^T) where T is the number of iterations. A solution
if AL(S) >ewhere e is a threshold go to improve the speed is to perform the Affinity Propagation on
So = So U{q} a sparse similarity matrix instead of the full one. This can be
go to (a):
else accomplished by constructing a sparse graph structure G=(V,
end this iteration;
end if
e). The sparse graph G can be constructed using the k-nearest
end for
neighbor strategy. For each data point, the techniques may
return S* = arg max L(S) find k-nearest neighbors, each of which is then connected to
the data point via an edge.
25 Based on the sparse graph, the Affinity Propagation algo
Moreover, for any given Q, most keywords have very small rithm can be implemented more efficiently since the informa
relatedness R(q, Q). Thus the techniques can perform a pre tion propagation only needs to be performed on the existing
filtering process by setting a threshold. Such that only the edges. However, when the techniques perform the Affinity
candidates that have R(q, Q) above the threshold are taken Propagation on Such sparse graph, each data point can and
into consideration. This will further accelerate the keyword 30 only can be the exemplar of k+1 data points (its neighbors and
Suggestion generation process. itself). That is to say, there are at least n/k exemplars, which
Having selected a set of keywords, S, process 400 proceeds are much more than expected. To ameliorate this issue, the
to determine images for Suggestion. To do so, operation 408 techniques adopt an edge refinement method proposed that is
determines images that are associated with the initial query, summarized in Table 2 below. In each iteration, multiple
Q, and each respective keyword, q. The Suggested images 35 exemplars may be merged into one cluster. Thus the Affinity
should be informative enough to assist users to clarify their Propagation on the reconstructed graph may generate fewer
search intent effectively. Because the visual content of the exemplars. Once the number of exemplars is reduced to a
image set usually varies intensively, operation 408 also clus desirable value, the iteration can be ended. Then, the final
ters the image sets into one or more groups or clusters. Pro exemplars are regarded as the image Suggestions.
cess 400 then chooses a representative image for each cluster, TABLE 2
as discussed in detail below. By clustering the images asso
ciated with the initial query and each keyword, the selected Iteratively edge refinement algorithm
representative images should be diverse enough to compre Input: X, G
hensively Summarize the corresponding keyword. In some 45 Output: X
instances, operation 408 may adopt a sparse Affinity Propa Initialization: Set G'= G
gation (AP) method to cluster the images and find the repre for each iteration tdo
sentative images. Generate X with AP on G'; X = X.
Construct G based on X and G''
Based on the collected image set X={X1,X2,...,x, for (Q. (1) For each Xe X, if X is the exemplar
q), and the similarity measure S(x,x) between two images, 50 of x, then an edge between X, and X, is
the techniques desire to cluster X into m (m-n) clusters. FIG. (2) For x, x, eX, if there are two data
5 continues the illustration of process 400, and illustrates that points x, x, that are the neighbor to each
search engine 106 may determine representative images (an other and satisfy e(X) = x and
“exemplar') of each cluster at operation 410. In affinity e(X) = Xi, then X, X are connected by
propagation, each of the images may be considered as poten 55 an edge;
tial exemplars. Further, each image is regarded as a node in a (3) For X,x, eX, if they are connected
in (2), then all data points that choose X
network, and the real-valued message is recursively transmit as exemplar are connected to x, and
ted via the edges of the network until a sufficient set of vice versa:
exemplars and corresponding clusters emerge. Let Xe={x, end for
return X.
X2,..., X} denote the final exemplars and e(x) represent 60
the exemplar of each image. In brief, this Affinity Propagation
approach propagates two kinds of information between each Next, operation 412 represents that search engine 106 may
two images: the “responsibility” transmitted from image i to return, to the client computing device 104 of user 102, the
image j, which measures how well-suited X, is to serve as the Suggested keywords and images for selection in order to
exemplar for X, considering other potential exemplar for X, 65 refine the image search. For instance, search engine 106 may
and the availability a(i,j) sent from candidate exemplarx, to return the keywords “Computer,” “Fruit,” and “SmartPhone.”
X, which reflects how appropriate X, choose X, as exemplar along with representative images of clusters therein.
US 8,452,794 B2
11 12
In response, user 102 may select a keyword and an image dering to the user in descending order. Because the user's
from the rendered user interface. In some instances, the user intent reflected by the image Suggestion is incorporated into
selects both the keyword and the image by selecting, from the the re-ranking procedure, the final search results are typically
UI, an image that is associated with a particular keyword more consistent with users intent in Submitting the original
(and, in Some instances, associated with a particular cluster of 5 query.
the keyword). At operation 414, search engine 106 receives
the selection and, in response, attempts to rank and return CONCLUSION
images according to the selection. That is, the search engine
analyzes the images that associated the combined query Although the subject matter has been described in lan
"Q+q (e.g., "Apple Fruit) and then ranks the images asso 10 guage specific to structural features and/or methodological
ciated with the combine query according to each image's acts, it is to be understood that the subject matter defined in
similarity to the selected image. In some instances, this com the appended claims is not necessarily limited to the specific
parison is made on the basis of color, texture, and/or shape features or acts described above. Rather, the specific features
similarity. and acts described above are disclosed as example forms of
In one embodiment, search engine 106 (or another entity) 15 implementing the claims.
may first determine a threshold number of images that are The invention claimed is:
associated with the combined query. For instance, search 1. A method comprising:
engine 106 may determine the top 1000 images that are asso receiving, at a first computing device, a search request from
ciated with the combined query “Apple Fruit.” Then, search a second computing device of a user, the search request
engine 106 may compare the selected image against these for images associated with a textual query;
1000 images and rank these images according to the deter determining, by the first computing device and based at
mined textual and visual similarities. In other instances, how least in part on the received textual query, multiple
ever, search engine 106 may take into account both textual images that are associated with the received textual
and visual similarities simultaneously. That is, the search query;
engine might not choose to determine a predefined number 25 determining, by the first computing device, a first keyword
(e.g., 1000) of images to compare for visual similarity. that is associated with a first set of the multiple images
While the claimed techniques may implement many dif and determining, by the first computing device, a second
ferent ranking methods, one example method is described keyword that is associated with a second set of the mul
below. In this example, let the vector r-ri, r, ..., r denote tiple images:
the ranking scores of image set X={x1, x2, ..., xx}. In other 30 clustering, by the first computing device, the first set of the
words, each r, represents the relevance between X, and the multiple images into two or more clusters and clustering,
combined textual query. Note that the initial ranklist from the by the first computing device, the second set of the
keyword-based search is described as r, Ir, re. ..., r". As multiple images into two or more clusters;
mentioned above, the Suggested image chosen by the user determining, by the first computing device: (i) an image
very likely inherently reflects the search intent of the user. 35 from the first cluster of the first set of the multiple images
Therefore, the techniques aim to reorder the initial ranklist by that is representative of the first cluster of the first set of
processing the visual information of the image suggestion the multiple images; (ii) an image from the second clus
against those of the retrieved images. That is, the techniques ter of the first set of the multiple images that is represen
desire to generate new ranking scores based on the visual tative of the second cluster of the first set of the multiple
information. Here the techniques may exploit multiple visual 40 images; (iii) an image from the first cluster of the second
modalities, such as color, texture, and/or shape in order to set of the multiple images that is representative of the
produce multiple visual-based score lists. first cluster of the second set of the multiple images, and
Suppose, for instance, that we have K visual modalities. (iv) an image from the second cluster of the second set of
Let X, denote the suggested image chosen by the user. First, the multiple images that is representative of the second
the techniques calculate the similarity s, (x,x) between X, 45 cluster of the second set of the multiple images;
and each retrieved image X, on the k-th visual modality. Then providing the first keyword and the second keyword and
the ranking score of X, is obtained as r, s(x,x). As a result, the respective representative images of the first and the
the score list r, Ir, 1, r2, ..., rew based on k-th visual second clusters of the first set and the respective repre
modality is obtained. sentative images of the first and the second clusters of
Then the K visual-based score lists and the initial text 50 the second set, to the second computing device of the
based score list are aggregated to produce the final list rr. user, in a Suggestion to refine the search request based at
r2: ..., rvl' as: least on the first keyword or the second keyword and
r"; C, Xi-1Clifyi,
based at least on one of the respective representative
images; and
s.t.c., HS-C, -1; i=1,..., N.
55 responsive to receiving a selection of one of the first key
(7) word or the second keyword and a selection of one of the
where C, and C are the weight parameters to trade-off the respective representative images, refining the search
multiple modalities including textual and visual ones. Since request based at least on the selected keyword and based
the ranking scores over different modalities may vary signifi at least on the selected representative image.
cantly, the techniques may use the normalized scores instead 60 2. The method as recited in claim 1, the refining of the
of the original ones in Eq. (7). For the list rrr,..., r". search request comprises:
the scores are normalized such that they with Zero mean and ranking images that are associated with the received textual
unit variance. query based at least on a similarity of each of the images
After obtaining the final ranking score list, operation 416 to: (i) the selected keyword, and (ii) the selected repre
may return the ranked image results in a manner based at least 65 sentative image; and
in part on the ranking score list. For instance, search engine outputting one or more of the images based at least in part
106 may serve the images to computing device 104 for ren on the ranking.
US 8,452,794 B2
13 14
3. The method as recited in claim 1, wherein determining determining a similarity between: (i) each of the multiple
the first keyword and the second keyword further comprises images that are associated with the received query, and
analyzing a query log that stores previous queries. (ii) the selected representative image; and
4. The method as recited in claim 1, the providing the first ranking the multiple images that are associated with the
keyword and the second keyword and the respective repre received query based at least in part on the determined
sentative images of the first and the second clusters of the first similarities.
set and the respective representative images of the first and the 11. The method as recited in claim 10, the determining a
second clusters of the second set, to the second computing similarity between: (i) each of multiple images that are asso
device of the user, in a Suggestion comprises causing display 10
ciated with the received query, and (ii) the selected represen
of the first and the second keywords and the images that are tative image comprises determining the similarity based at
each representative of a respective cluster, and the receiving least on one of color similarity, texture similarity, or shape
of the selection comprises receiving a selection of a displayed similarity.
representative image. 12. A computing device comprising:
5. A method comprising: 15 a search engine configured to:
receiving, at a search engine, a request, sent over a com receive a request for images associated with a query;
munications network, for images that are associated determine images that are associated with the received
with a query; query.
determining a plurality of images that are associated with determine keywords that are associated with the deter
the received query; mined images, wherein each of the determined key
determining a plurality of keywords based at least in part words is associated with a group of the images that are
on at least one of the plurality of images and the query, associated with the received query;
wherein each keyword is associated with a correspond cluster, for each keyword, the group of images associ
ing Subset of determined images, each Subset of deter ated with the respective keyword into multiple clus
mined images being a part of the plurality of determined 25 ters;
images: for each cluster of the multiple clusters, determine an
for each respective Subset of the determined images, deter image of the cluster that is representative of the clus
mining at least one image of the respective Subset that is ter;
representative of the respective subset of the determined provide in a Suggestion a plurality of keywords of the
images: 30 determined keywords and a plurality of images of the
Suggesting to refine the request for images based at least on determined images, each provided image being asso
selection of one of the multiple keywords and based at ciated with a respective keyword of the provided key
least on selection of one of the representative images; words, to refine the request based at least on selection
and of one keyword of the determined keywords and
refining the request based at least on both the selected 35 selection of an image that is associated with the
keyword and the selected representative image. selected keyword; and
6. The method as recited in claim 5, the determining a refine the query based at least on both the selected key
plurality of keywords based at least in part on at least one of word and the selected image.
the plurality of images and the query comprises defining a 13. The computing device as recited in claim 12, wherein
different aspect of the received query for each of the multiple 40 the search engine is further configured to analyze a query log
keywords. that stores queries previously received from computing
7. The method as recited in claim 5, the determining at least devices of other users to determine keywords that are associ
one image of the respective subset that is representative of the ated with the determined images, and wherein, to suggest to
respective Subset of the determined images comprises: refine the request, the search engine is further configured to
for each respective Subset of the multiple images that is 45 Suggest a keyword found within the analyzed query log.
associated with a respective keyword, clustering the Sub 14. The computing device as recited in claim 12, wherein
set of the multiple images into at least a first group of the search engine is further configured to analyze tags that a
images and a second group of images; and community of users has associated with the images that are
determining a first image that is representative of the first associated with the received query to determine keywords
group and a second image that is associated with the 50 that are associated with the determined images.
Second group. 15. The computing device as recited in claim 12, whereinto
8. The method as recited in claim 7, the Suggesting to refine determine keywords that are associated with the determined
the request comprises providing, for each respective Subset of images the search engine is further configured to:
the multiple images, the image that is representative of the determine a first keyword that is associated with multiple
first group and the image that is representative of the second 55 images of the determined images, the first keyword
group. reflecting a first aspect of the received query; and
9. The method as recited in claim 5, further comprising: determine a second keyword that is associated with mul
receiving a selection of one of the multiple keywords and a tiple images of the determined images, the second key
Selection of a representative image; and word reflecting a second aspect of the received query
responsive to the receiving of the selection, refining the 60 that is different than the first aspect.
request based at least on the selected keyword and the 16. The computing device as recited in claim 12, whereinto
Selected representative image. Suggest to refine the request the search engine is further
10. The method as recited in claim 9, the refining the configured to provide, for user selection, the multiple key
request comprises: words and each image that is representative of a cluster of a
determining a similarity between: (i) each of multiple 65 group of images associated with a keyword.
images that are associated with the received query, and 17. The computing device as recited in claim 12, wherein
(ii) the selected keyword; the search engine is further configure to receive a selection of
US 8,452,794 B2
15 16
an image that is associated with a keyword in response to the
Suggestion to refine the request and the search engine is
further configured to:
determine a similarity between: (i) each of multiple images
that are associated with the received query, and (ii) the 5
selected keyword; and
determine a similarity between: (i) each of multiple images
that are associated with the received query, and (ii) the
Selected image that is associated with the keyword.
18. The computing device as recited in claim 17, wherein 10
the search engine is further configure to:
determine a ranking of at least a portion of the multiple
images that are associated with the received query based
at least on the determined similarities; and
output images for user selection at least in part based upon 15
the ranking.

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