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(The format to be used for Planning the academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like
Assignments, Case study, Presentation, Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc. to be
undertaken as a part of the continuous assessment for the Course)

School of ______Business _________________________________Department of ___Management _________________

Name of the faculty member____Nitin Dhir_______________________________________________________
Course No.___MGT514____ Course Title__Marketing Management __
Class ______________MBA ______Semester__2____ Section ___S1001___ Batch__2011______________
Max. Marks____15_____ Date of Allotment__7/4/11_________ Date of Submission_18/4/11_______________
Important: To be read before filling up the Plan format.
1. Planning for academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like Assignments, Case study, Presentation,
Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc to be undertaken as a part of the continuous
assessment for the Course should be prepared separately as per the format at the start of the session.
2. Industry oriented academic activity should be encouraged. If the academic activity is organization based, please specify
the organization with respect to the assignment. Absolute theoretical academic assignments, which involve only copying
from the books, should be discouraged. Model *(Method/Pedagogy) used in allotment and evaluation of the assignments
should also be specified in the assignment plans itself.
3. All the students should be given a different topic of assignment, in all cases either the topic of assignment should be
diffSerent or the organization on which the assignment is based should be different.
S.No Roll No Topic Objectives of Topic Organization Model*
No. Academic Activity / product
1 RS1001A02 1 Students will learn Students will be given a Colgate Break up of marks:
brand in the assigned
to apply the theories product category and the Price: 4
students will have to
of marketing into critically analyze the
marketing mix strategies Place :4
adopted by the company
practical problems for this brand. Promotion:4
2 A03 2 Nirma washing
3 A05 3 Thumbs up
strategy: 3
4 A07 4 Nokia E series
5 A08 5 Samsung TV Application of
6 A09 6 Sony Ericson The credentials that
will be taken into
phone consideration for
7 A10 7 Bournvita evaluation are as
8 A11 8 Sprite
9 A12 Sony Vio
1. Time of
10 A14 Maruti Alto
11 A16 Airtel 3G 2. Clarity of ideas.
12 A17 Virgin mobile 3.Comprehensiveness
13 A18 Kingfisher 4. Reasoning
5. References
14 A19 Horlicks
Academic Integrity:
15 A20 Honda accord
16 A21 Videocon Students found to
have copied both, the
refrigerators one who copied and
17 A22 Dabur vatika from whom copied,
18 A23 Barista lavazza will be awarded
19 A24 Tata manza ZERO marks
20 A25 Micromax
21 A26 Godrej
Furniture 1. Supporting
22 A27 Surf excel annexure
23 A29 Adidas
24 B30 Apple I pod
website downloaded)
should be attached.
2. Refer to the
websites of company,
newspaper and
business magazine.
3. Outline brief
promotional strategy
of the company and
competitors for the
assigned product.
4. references should
be attached with full
web link.
25 B33 Peter England
26 B36 Titan Eye
27 B37 Blackberry
28 B38 Hyundai I 10
29 B39 Pepsi Max
30 B40 Hush puppies
31 B41 MTV
32 B42 Head &

33 B43 Nike shoes
34 B45 Punto

35 B46 Bata
36 B46 Asian paints
37 B47 Ginger hotels
38 B48 Sonata watches
39 B49 Dabur

40 B52 Tata nano
41 B53 Motorola
42 B54 Meswak tooth

43 B55 Toyota Etios
44 B56 IIPM
45 B57 Amul ice

46 B59 Nissan Micra
47 B61 Tata Indica

48 A62 Gillette
49 A63 Dell laptop
50 A64 Vodaphone
51 A65 Asian paints
52 A66 Dove
53 B67 Dairy milk

54 B69 Maruti Suzuki

55 B70 Nerolac paints

Date: Sig. of Faculty member

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