Perspectives: Making Way For Public Transport

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#1 | 2012


Making Way For

Public Transport


Voith Aquatarder SWR

Test Ride
SÂo Paulo

German Hotspot with Potential


A colorful mix of traditional high-end technology from voith

and modern transport gets
people on the move in India’s
mega-metropolis Delhi.

Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG
Alexanderstraße 2
89522 Heidenheim, Germany
Marion Jooss Dear Readers, mobility, urbanization, ing rapidly, and the traffic reaches its
Editorial Head Office: resource protection and renewable limits day after day. Read how our
Maria Arbogast energies are the most pressing global products contribute to improving the
megatrends for the next few decades. situation.
Telephone: +49 7321 37-2802
Fax: +49 7321 37-7110 With our products and services, we are responding to issues that affect people Voith technologies are also in demand in
worldwide. For example with our drive another growth region, i.e. Brazil, which
Text, Layout and Graphics: solutions for rail and road vehicles as is currently exploiting new oil fields and
KircherBurkhardt Stuttgart GmbH
well as ships, which ensure that millions working on the improvement of its infra-
Printing: of people all over the world can travel structure for the Football World Cup in
C. Maurer Druck und Verlag GmbH & Co. KG eco-friendly and safely, and that goods 2014 and the Olympic Games 2016.
Photos: reach their destination efficiently. Every day, three million people are using
All photographs by Voith Turbo unless otherwise the São Paulo metro fitted with techno-
This also applies to the growth region logy from Voith. And Voith will deliver
Copyright: India, where Voith has been active for 60 Vorecon gear units during the initial
No part of this publication may be reproduced or
more than 100 years with a variety of stage of the new oil fields.
processed in any other form without the express
authorization of the publisher. It is also not permit- projects. This year, our Group Division
ted to use the contents of this publication or parts Voith Turbo is celebrating the 25th an- You can also learn why it pays off to
thereof in whatever format in other publications
without the approval of the publisher. niversary of its location in Hyderabad. change to the Aquatarder – for the en-
vironment, but also for safety and eco-
PR 0021 © 1/2012
The main the- friendly operation – and why this inno-
me of this issue vative Voith product has been awarded
of Perspectives the European Transport Sustainability
is the Indian Prize.
metropolis De-
Would you like to learn more about Voith?
lhi. This city So let me take you on a literary journey
region is grow- through the fascinating world of Voith.


REPORT hypower
Ma gaZine For hydro poWer technology

#1 | 2012 # 2 0 | s u m m e r 2 0 11




Yours sincerely,

the Future


THE FUTURE IS HYBRID global expertise

generating excellence

case studies
Full-line service
harnessing the ocean’s energy
PHoto: gettyimages

Report Hypower Twogether DR. HUBERT LIENHARD

The Magazine for The Magazine for The Magazine for President and CEO of the Management Board of Voith GmbH,
Voithians Hydropower Technology Paper Technology Chairman of the Management Board of Voith Turbo.

P erspectives 1/2012 | 3
Contents Contents

page 24

page 10 page 39 page 48

Edition Destination Panorama Expedition PERSPECTIVES

1/2012 delhi Voith Turbo News Retarder Multimedia

PERSPECTIVES 10 making way for 28 Industry 39 test Ride … and this is how it works
The Magazine for Power Transmission The development of modern truck PERSPECTIVES also provides a selection of multimedia content to be
public Transport 30 Marine
explored through little squares on some of the pages – so-called
Driving in Delhi is not for those 32 rail braking systems started on the
QR codes. With a smartphone and the appropriate app, beautiful photo-
of a nervous disposition. The horn rails. Today, Voith Aquatarders set graphs turn into moving images. Follow the instructions and try it out.

replaces any traffic rules. A trip new standards.
#1 | 2012

through the metropolis that is

45 Strong facts


growing so fast that the infrastruc-
Modern retarders increase safety



ture can’t keep up.



and cut down on fuel consumption.

22 worth knowing APP APP
46 “faster on the road”
Per-capita income, climate, history –
Different dimensions: In an interview, the expert
facts and figures of the business The world’s largest Holger Günther talks about practical
region Delhi and Voith Turbo in India. Voith Inline Thruster. 1 2 3
experiences with the continuous
On your chosen plat- Open the application Once the QR code
23 countless opportunities brake. His verdict: “Once with form, please select a on your smartphone has been identified,
For the future, Debashis Basu, retarder, always with retarder.” suitable app (QR Read- and move the camera your smartphone will
er) and load it to your across the QR code in open the connec-
Managing Director of Voith Turbo
smartphone (there are the magazine. Some tion to the respective
in India, banks primarily on in- free reader apps, for mobile phone cam- multimedia contents.
creased local production. example 1-nigma). eras still have no macro Get going! But please
function. The picture note: You should have
06 Take-Off 24 getting closer might therefore be a a flat rate, otherwise,
26 History Voith presents itself on site during little blurred. In this videos might result in
case, scan the code high charges.
48 Sightseeing the German-Indian Year. from a distance – this
51 Worldwide often helps.

4 | P e r s pe cti ve s 1/20 1 2 P er s pec tives 1/2012 | 5

Take-off Take-Off

armored-face conveyor

power in
the dark
This is a place where most people would
rather not go, unless they really had to. We
are visiting a mine, hundreds of meters
below the surface. It is hot, sticky and the
artificial light is diffused by the coal dust.
Our ears are booming with the noise of
the machines. Down here, coal is extract-
ed. Mighty armored-face conveyors tear
through the coal seam. The motors never
sleep; standstill means loss of earnings.
All sections of the conveyor and the drive
have to work reliably despite the extreme

Another conveyor has just started and

the shearer with its many chisels begins
to rip coal from the longwall, accompa-
nied by thunderous noise. Lumps of all
sizes incessantly crash on the conveyor,
which moves the “harvest” away from the
seam. Again and again, chunks of coal get
dumped on the chain, but the plant never
blocks. Yet blockages can occur, for ex-
ample if the conveyor is overloaded. In such
a case, the plant stops and then restarts.
This calls for enormous and precisely dosed
torques to ensure that the chains are not
overstrained. The Voith CPC 1 600 coupling
limits and safely transmits maximum allow-
able torques from motor to drive system.

Lots of underground work:

An armored-face conveyor tears
coal off the seam – relentlessly.

6 | P e r s pe c tiv e s 1/20 1 2 P er s pectives 1/2012 | 7

Take-off Take-Off

“I don’t know any armored-face convey-

or drive system in the world that comes
XL profile even close to the start-up capacity and
A quantum leap in maximum chain protection of our fill-con-
hydrodynamics: Newly Water-fill operation
developed, highly efficient An eco-friendly and sustain- trolled water couplings. We launched this
rotor geometries with able solution. It provides technology in the market as early as 1990,
nearly identical outer di- highly efficient cooling
during operation, as hot
with an output of 314 kilowatt. Over the
mensions transmit twice
the output – with further water is instantly replaced years, this rating has been continuously
optimized starting and by cold water. increased, until we arrived at 1 000 kilo-
overload behavior.
watt in 2005. Due to the introduction of
our newly developed XL technology, we
Maximum torque
reached another milestone: Doubling the
Precise settings and hydrodynamic output, but retaining the
Double circuit exact repeatability across original size. In this way we were able to set
Two couplings in one: the diameter of the
Compact unit with twice throttle plate. Maximum new standards for armored-face conveyors
the output but with the torque is always avail- with a nominal output of 1 600 kilowatt.” //
same diameter. The hy- able for start-ups and over-
draulic axial thrust is largely loads during operation.
mutually compensated.

Mass separation
The mass inertia of the
high-voltage motor does
not affect the transmission
side. Rapidly occurring
blockages and jolts
are dampened more ef-
fectively than with rigidly
coupled motors.

Motor start-up
The multi-motor drives
run-up consecutively while
the coupling is empty. As
a result, robust squirrel-
cage motors can be
used without having to
overdimension the grid for
starting current.

Bernhard Schust
The Sales Manager Industry has
been with Voith since 1979. The
58-year-old graduate engineer
has more than 30 years of expe-
rience with drive technology for
underground mines, and he looks
after the Voith equipment in mines
in overseas continents like Asia,
Australia and North America.

8 | P e r s pe ctive s 1/20 1 2 P er s pectives 1/2012 | 9

Destination | Delhi Destination | Delhi

mobility in india’s capital

Making Way for

public transport
India’s metropolis grows and grows – and so does the traffic. In their search
for possible solutions, the city leaders focus more and more on public transport.
Anybody who has spent a day in the streets of Delhi longs for the modern,
fast and, most of all, reliable metro.
Text: Christine Möllhoff

Modern buildings in
Delhi: Okhla Railway
Station and the Lotus
Temple are sym-
bols of modern India.

10 | P e r spe c tiv e s 1/20 1 2 P e r s pe ct iv e s 1/2012 | 11

Destination | Delhi Destination | Delhi

A mix of cars, motor-

bikes, rickshaws and
buses characterizes
the Delhi cityscape.

12 | P e r spe c tiv e s 1/20 1 2 P e r s pe ct iv e s 1/2012 | 13

Destination | Delhi Destination | Delhi

Viewed from above, the situation does not troduced in the capital, where mobility is still
seem to be too bad. It is early in the morn- dominated by mopeds, often carrying entire
ing. From his hotel window, the European families through the traffic chaos. The latter
visitor to the Indian capital looks at a junc- is occasionally heightened by a cow peace-
tion. While the traffic is already quite heavy fully trotting along in the middle of the road.
so shortly after dawn, the stream of buses,
trucks, bicycles, small vehicles, handcarts Vijay Singh has come to terms with the
and mopeds appears to run in an orderly masses crowding the roads to the best of his
fashion. This is hardly surprising: Pulling in abilities. Stoically, he steers his way through
and out is difficult, because most of the time, the pandemonium. He has been a taxi driver
the commuters are gridlocked. Not really in Delhi for 33 years. People in a hurry are
so different from the rush-hour traffic in lost here. Singh spends more time sitting in
other large cities. Why have Indian experts traffic jams than actually driving. Like so
warned that the many culture shocks on many others in the capital he groans under
the subcontinent also include highly erratic the daily deluge moving into the center in
traffic conditions? the morning and back out in the evening.
Many Delhiites spend at least two hours or
And then the traffic lights turn green – and more on the roads, and if they want to go to
the previously fairly uniform flow of vehi- the cinema or a restaurant, they have to fight
cle begins to dance. Suddenly, the vehicles their way through the traffic. Always on the
criss-cross like goldfish in a bowl, turn-off go, many long for progress. Yet the 53-year-
lanes are a matter of interpretation, nobody old Singh still loves his job and also his old-
sticks to any rules. Everybody just wants to fashioned Ambassador limousine oozing
get ahead, the choreography is spontaneous nostalgic charm.
and is redesigned every few seconds. Driving
in the Indian capital Delhi is not for people But anybody who wants to get to his desti-
with a nervous disposition, the horn replaces nation fast, safely and most of all reliably,
any traffic regulations. The spectator high has long discovered the metro – the Delhi
above might even be quite amused, think- Mass Rapid Transit System (DMRTS). What
ing that this is what the legendary “creative is taken for granted in other mega-cities, is
chaos” must look like. Then the traffic lights still being gazed at in Delhi, sometimes in
change again – and the scene freezes once wonder. The metro is indeed a highly ac-
more. This occurs virtually every few minutes, claimed showpiece. The advantages of this
and the viewer soon begins to realize the huge rail system were discovered fairly late, the
contrast: India, one of the oldest democracies first cut of the spade took place in October
in Asia, is leaping forward and conquers the 1998. But by now line expansions are in full
data highways of the world at breathtaking swing; for the traffic planners the extension
speed. But in order to get the nation really of the network is the effective answer to eas-
rolling, sustainable traffic concepts are re- ing the rush-hour worries. On December 24,
The traffic is often quired, which can keep up with the rampant 2002, the first route was opened by the then
static, but life on the
roadsides in Delhi growth and prevent frequent gridlocks. And Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, by 2016
is definitely vibrating. ideally, and most credibly, they should be in- the partly underground network is to

Photo: Ishan Tankha

traffic – a daily adventure
Driving a car in Delhi is not for those with a nervous disposition –
the horn replaces all traffic regulations.

14 | P e r spe c tiv e s 1/20 1 2 P er s pec tives 1/2012 | 15

Destination | Delhi
Iran Afghanistan
Jammu and

Facts on India China

Inhabitants Brahmaputra
1.2 billion (world ranking 2) s Delhi
Pakistan In du Nepal
16.8 million
3.3 million km2 (world ranking 7) Bhutan
Population density 3.0 million
365 inhabitants per km2 Yam
(world ranking 19)
INDIA Bangla-
Ahmadabad Narma
5.6 million Kolkata
Oman 14.1 million Vietnam
Saudi Surat
Tapti Myanmar
ArabiA (Burma)
4.5 million Mah
Godavari Laos
18.4 million
5.0 million Hyderabad
Yemen 7.7 million
na Thailand
Comparison with Krish

Photo: Ishan Tankha Bengaluru

8.4 million Chennai CAMBODIA
8.7 million

500 km

Right of way in Delhi: From high above, the traffic looks

a lot tidier than it actually is.

cover 295 kilometers. Following an exten- the city and trying to find their luck. Most of Metropolitan Regions Worldwide Population of India
sion for the Commonwealth Games in 2010, the time they end up in the suburbs and be- Malaysia
Inhabitants in 2010 and prognosis in billion

it already measures 181.8 kilometers. So far, come commuters. The metro also has a good

for 2025 in million 1.17 Delhi
Voith has delivered nearly 1 000 final drives image because it conveys the flair of the big 1.2
for the trains of the operator Delhi Metro wide world in emerging India. “It’s like in Tokyo 36.7 1.0
(Japan) 37.1
Railway Co. New York,” says Kanupriya, although she has 0.8
never been there. The trains run every three 22.2

(India) 28.6 0.4
The city administration, the operator and the to four-and-a-half minutes. 0.2
inhabitants are convinced by the concept. São Paulo 20.3 0 Indira Gandhi
(Brazil) 21.7 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 International Airport
“Whenever I have to get somewhere really The rapid growth presents huge challenges
quickly, I can rely on the metro – and expect to the politicians in general. The urban infra- Mumbai 20.0
(India) 25.8 Population of Delhi
that I will arrive on time,” says student Kan- structure has not been designed for such an 10 km

upriya, “until recently, it was virtually impos- onrush. In addition, the capital is situated in Mexico City 19.5 in million
sible to plan anything in this city.” Delhi is a seismic zone, making the construction of (Mexico) 20.7
indeed bursting at the seams. Only 20 years skyscrapers like in Dubai or Bangkok impos- New York 19.4 16.75
Facts on Delhi
SOURCE: United Nations

ago, 9.4 million people lived in the metropo- sible. Settlements are spreading out by surface (USA) 20.6 16

lis. Today, with just under 17 million, the area, which worsens the traffic crisis even Shanghai 16.6 Inhabitants 16.75 million

(China) 8
figure has nearly doubled. And every year, more. It is a permanent race, especially outside 20.0
Area 491 km2
hundreds of thousands of people from the the tracks. While new roads and elevated high- Kolkata 15.6 2010
2025 0 Population density 22  419 inhabitants per km2
surrounding rural areas are crowding into ways are being built nonstop in and around (India) 20.1 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

16 | P erspec t iv es 1/20 1 2 P erspec tives 1/2012 | 17

Destination | Delhi Destination | Delhi

traffic madness all year round

Heavy traffic and immense heat: A bus ride in
Delhi soon reveals the demands made on technical
systems. But DIWA transmissions from Voith
help to make start-ups go as smoothly as possible.

A typical day on Delhi’s roads: ac- take the bus, because it is less expen-
celerate, brake, accelerate, roll for a sive than a ride on the traditional rick-
few seconds, and hit the brakes again. shaws. The buses are still often stuck in
A rhythm to which everybody has to traffic jams, but tests are underway with
dance. And every day it seems to get a new system called Bus Rapid Transit
worse, as the traffic increases at an (BRT) with dedicated bus lanes and traf-
unstoppable rate. Delhi is growing at fic lights with specific signal technology.

Photo: Ishan Tankha

breathtaking speed. But despite a mas-
sive construction program, the roads Voith products help to master the tech-
to the satellite towns can’t cope with nological challenges. The robust DIWA
this rapid progress. Many Indians try to transmission allows smooth accelera-
Please enter: The metro is one of the most impor- A large proportion of the working day is spent waiting: Taxi driver Singh has
move on by honking their way through tion up to a speed range where other
tant transport systems in Delhi learned to be patient in his job.
the traffic, making Delhi one of the nois- transmissions need two, if not three
iest cities in the world. An attempt to gearshifts. A plus in traveling comfort
introduce a “honk-free” day failed. for the passengers and an advantage
Delhi, they are congested in no time. Not the poorest people do – or crazy westerners. India. Since October 2011 Bengaluru, too, has and they took up over 60 percent of the pub- for bus operators, because fewer gear-
really surprising, because 5.5 million cars are But Santosh is neither poor nor suicidal. He its own metro network; in Mumbai, the first lic transport in Delhi. At the time, India was It is therefore a blessing that 46 percent shifts mean less wear. The money thus
registered in the city region; across the entire is an urban traffic expert and a passionate cy- line is to be completed still in 2012, and in economically isolated, there were three of all trips are meanwhile carried out on saved can then be invested in more car
catchment area, the figure even reaches 11.2 clist. He also rides against a tide of prejudices: Hyderabad and Chennai construction work brands of cars and only the upper ten thou- public transport systems. Many people horns. Or earplugs. //
million. And every day, another 700 to 1 000 “People think bikes are not fit for the road, is well underway. sand were able to buy their own vehicle.
cars are added to the roads. In order to master there is no respect for cyclists.” The develop- People depended on buses. But then the
the ensuing smog, Delhi began at the turn of ment of the metro can be regarded as an ex- At present, the metro in Delhi has 138 sta- country slowly opened its doors at the end
the millennium to enforce a conversion to gas ample for the overall development of the In- tions. “Next stop: Central Secretariat,” sounds of the nineties, the economy began to rally
for all auto-rickshaws, taxis and buses. Santosh dian rail market – which has grown a recorded announcement, first in Hindi and and cars and mopeds became affordable for
Kodukula knows how desperately the air qual- enormously in recent years. Among indus- then in English. Most metro users are dressed more and more people. The share of buses
ity needs to be improved. The 31-year-old trial experts, the expansion in Delhi is seen as more fashionably and smartly than the bus in overall transport tumbled to about 40 per-
cycles to work. Something that otherwise only a starting signal for further metro projects in passengers. Many wear jeans and sweaters, cent, while the number of cars, mopeds and
others sport the salwar kameez, a tunic with motorbikes rose steeply to 35 percent.
trousers, which is regarded as the classic out-
fit for the modern Indian woman. Prior to But despite this strong tendency towards

Photo: Ishan Tankha

a touch of new york in delhi the introduction of the metro, buses were the individual traffic, things are about to change
only mass transport medium in the city. Only again. The city leaders have begun to mod-
The metro enjoys a positive image, not least because it 20 years ago, they were the undisputed num- ernize the bus fleet. The ancient monsters
gives the city a truly metropolitan flair. ber one, the uncrowned kings of the road, are gradually being scrapped and replaced

18 | P e r spe ct i v e s 1/20 1 2 P er s pec tives 1/2012 | 19

Destination | Delhi Destination | Delhi

by modern low-floor versions. These mod- vers,” presumes Kodukula. He goes for a Light relief for the
traffic chaos:
ern vehicles are fitted with illuminated dis- two-way strategy. For him, the metro is an
The metro in Delhi.
plays, which actually tell the passengers where invesment into the future: “Our children will
they are heading. The more expensive mod- benefit from it.” On the other hand, the bus
els even have air-conditioning and heating network could be expanded much more
systems to make the trip more pleasant dur- quickly – in order to avoid more and more
ing the cold winter and the hot summer people opting for cars or mopeds. He suggests
months. “The buses are good,” says com- interlinking the metro and the bus network,
muter Lakshmi, a domestic worker. Most integrating stops more efficiently and consist-
people are unable to pay for a daily door-to- ently pursuing the model project with dedi-
door service in an auto-rickshaw. At 30 rupees, cated bus lanes. Most Indians are not too
the journey costs twice as much as a bus bothered by the daily hustle and bustle, due
ticket. The people in charge in Delhi have to the population density they are used to it.
recognized that mobility must not remain a But most of them would certainly welcome
luxury. “The city is at a crossroads,” says traf- a little bit more elbow room in traffic. And
fic expert Santosh Kodukula. Delhi can either then really step on the gas. //
go the “American way” and bank on cars. Or
it could follow the European model and try The German journalist Christine Möllhoff
to make public transport so attractive that it lives in the metropolis Delhi and writes
can compete with the car. “Comfort, ticket from India for several German daily news-
prices and traveling times are the crucial le- papers. Photo: Ishan Tankha

an investment in the future

During the rush hour, the trains are absolutely packed; over
1.8 million passengers use the metro every day.

Delhi’s new metro Off to the platform – the metro is due! individually designed. Art students have Express run on normal gauge. Each train

But things still have to move a little bit decorated the walls with paintings – Delhi has 240 seats and standing room for ano-
more slowly than the fast trains. First of obviously wants to get its commuters into ther 300 people. The compartments have
all, there is a security check at the station a good mood. In some of the more rural a constant temperature of 29 degrees
entrance. A necessity in view of the many areas of the metropolitan region, the trains Celsius, which is regarded as pleasant

in silver
people wishing to use the trains from six still look like something from a science in Delhi.
in the morning to eleven at night. It is also fiction movie.
understandable that the city wants to pro- More than 900 final drives, type SE-344
tect the metro and its passengers. Ultra- But even for Europeans the dimensions for broad and normal gauge systems,
Gliding swiftly through the metropolis. What modern in appearance, the silver trains of the metro are quite astonishing. The have already been delivered by Voith
is nearly impossible on Delhi’s chronically are among Asia’s latest public transport wagons of the Delhi Mass Transit Systems for the metro cars. Their special design
congested roads, the metro can do it – and systems. After being opened at the end run on a 1 676 millimeter-wide gauge and means that the engine does not have to
of 2002, the network now covers more are therefore also quite uncommonly spa- be removed for maintenance work. The
spreads itself out in the process.
Modern, stylish and rather new: The Delhi metro only opened in 2002, than 180 kilometers. The 138 stations cious inside with a width of 3.20 meters. Scharfenberg couplers type 330 have also
but it is one of the most modern systems in Asia. on the six lines are CCTV-monitored and Newly designed lines such as the Airport been supplied by Voith. For a safe trip. //

20 | P e r spe ct i v e s 1/20 1 2 P er s pec tives 1/2012 | 21

Destination | Delhi Destination | Delhi

interesting facts Interview

Business Region Delhi Gross Domestic Product of India Voith Turbo in India
2012 is the “Year of Germany” in India. In
seven megacities, the Federal Republic will
present itself as a partner of the country. The
trade volume between India and Germany
Changes to pre-year quarter
in percent
is to increase from 15 to 20 billion euros in
12 Installation of the first Voith hydraulic India is one of the largest growth markets. For Debashis Basu,
2012. Germany will also be represented in 10 coupling in India. It is still in service. By Managing Director of Voith Turbo in India, future success is
Delhi, one of India’s largest trade locations. 2010, another 1 800 geared variable-
8 primarily dependent on increased local production.

source: Trading Economics

The heart of the region’s industry beats in speed couplings were delivered to Indian
Central Delhi. Textiles, electrical and enginee- 6
ring goods are the pillars of the manufactu- power stations.
ring industry in the metropolis, which has the 4

third-highest per-capita income in India. But
Mr. Basu, the Indian economy is growing currently under development with the help of
trade is even more important than industrial
production. India’s capital is a vital platform but the infrastructure can’t keep up. our engineering center in Hyderabad.
for banks, and the telecommunications 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 Would you regard this as an opportunity
market is also booming. At the same time,
Start of production in Hyderabad, which for Voith products, for example retarders? What is the reputation of “Made in Ger-
traditional areas such as exports of arts and
crafts are another essential factor of the has been growing continuously ever since. Debashis Basu Yes, the Indian automobile sector presents many” engineering in India?
business scene in Delhi. Per-capita income in India It is centre for manufacturing of hydro- The 58-year-old has been excellent opportunities for Voith products, For Indian customers there are probably no
Managing Director of Voith
dynamic couplings, retarders and metro Turbo in India since 2008 as road construction is continuously being engineering products that enjoy such a high
In US dollars, constant prices,
couplers. A business with a high potential, and is based in Hyderabad. stepped up. But we must make sure that reputation as those with the label “Made in
on average.
because even the smaller cities in India have we are offering the right product at the right Germany.”
History of Delhi 1 800 a population of three to five million – public time and at the right price.
Actual The Delhi Metro runs with final drives
source: IMF,

Delhi was founded by the Pandavas at transport systems are an absolute must.
1 400 Prognosis
around 1200 BC. In the middle of the 18th Why does Voith Turbo have so many and Scharfenberg couplers from Voith.

century, the British East India Company good perspectives in India? Are there other Voith projects in India
1 200
arrived at the city and founded a trade post.
After 1911, construction of today’s New We have been enjoying an excellent repu- with a similar magnitude?
Delhi, a new town built from scratch by 800 tation in India for many years as a company Voith final drives and Scharfenberg couplers
architects, began, originally initiated by the Number of steady employees currently offering high-quality products and services. have proven themselves in the Delhi Metro.
English King George V. In 1932, New Delhi 200
was officially inaugurated and is now the working for Voith Turbo in India. Over the And Voith Turbo India, which is celebrating This is why we have received coupler orders








seat of the Indian government. last five years, sales have risen by nearly its 25th anniversary in 2012, operates at a for the metro project in Bangalore, as well as








400 percent. modern production site in Hyderabad. In orders for couplers and final drives for expan-
view of this strong basis, there will be a high sion projects in Delhi. At present we are in
Climate in Delhi Locations of Voith in India degree of acceptance in the market when discussions with the metro project contract-
new Voith products are being launched. In ing company M/S BEML regarding couplers
The average annual temperature is 25 degrees Celsius with an average Voith Turbo has a production site in Hydera-
addition, we will be able to increase our and final drives for the metro project in Jaipur.
808 millimeters of rainfall per year. bad, as well as four regional offices.
market share even further if we focus even
Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec more consistently on our localization strat- What is your personal favorite among
40 Voith Turbo egy. Moreover, Voith Turbo has also signed the Voith products?
20 up a few joint ventures in India. It is the geared variable-speed coupling,
Daily temperature Noida / Delhi
in degrees C
Faridabad which is used in the drive-lines of boiler feed
Is there a Voith product that has been water pumps in coal-fired power stations.
200 Vadodara Kolkata specifically adapted to the Indian market? The first couplings of this type were deli-
Rainfall 100
in mm Yes, the Voith Retarders VR 119 and 123+. vered in 1968, and they still operate trouble-
source: Transasien

Hyderabad We have already adapted the VR 119 Retard- free. The reputation of this product is so
6 Bangaluru Chennai er to the specific Indian requirements and good that Voith holds a market share of
Hours of sun-
1,000 km
introduced it in the market. The VR 123+ nearly 100 percent in India. And this type of
shine/day 2
model will follow soon. Further products are coupling is also produced in Hyderabad. //

22 | P erspectives 1/20 1 2 P erspectives 1/2012 | 23

Destination | Delhi Destination | Delhi

hydropower for india

Hydropower is an infinite and
The mega-metropolis Things work better to- also reliable source for producing
Delhi: Combining tradi- gether: In the production renewable energy. Voith Hydro
tion and modernity. hall in Hyderabad.
has been a leading supplier of all
associated technologies from the
early days of power generation
from hydropower.

The first deliveries of Voith turbines

Germany and India 2012 this reason, Voith will present itself at the fast and therefore needs efficient infra- to India date back to as early as

Getting closer
road show with its own 75-square-meter structures. Delhi and Kolkata currently 1925 – for Talang hydropower sta-
pavilion. For Voith, the German-Indian Year have the most modern urban transport tion. In 2002, the company estab-
is the start of an even closer cooperation system on rails. Long-distance buses are lished Voith Hydro Private Limited
in the future. Voith would like to be seen to be increasingly modernized. And the India. The goal: To harness hydro-
as a modern, forward-looking company. mining industry, too, is on the up, because power in India, not least through a
Germany has been enjoying diplomatic relations with India for 60 years. The event In addition, Voith also strives to make a the country needs energy for its rapid de- stronger local presence.
“Germany and India 2011 – 2012” initiated by the federal government specifically for this measurable and, most of all, sustainable velopment. The Voith portfolio covers all
contribution to India’s economic develop- of the products needed for these plans. In 2003, Voith Hydro received an
purpose is headed by the motto “Infinite Opportunities”. Voith is on board.
ment. The company aims to become a The plant in Hyderabad already pro- order for equipping one of the
socially committed and attractive employer duces hydrodynamic couplings. Through country’s largest hydropower
that is deeply rooted in the Indian market. the establishment of new contacts, the plants – Omkareshwar. The Voith
Angela Merkel paid a special visit. On mobile pavilions. Politically, the countries with a EU 50.5 million subsidy for cooper- German-Indian Year can also be a plat- delivery covered the entire elec-
May 31, 2011, the German Chancellor gave have already formulated a common goal: ation and development. Supplemented by The perspectives for Voith in India are cer- form for an even more successful future tromechanical equipment of the
the official opening speech for the project Both are in favor of an extension of the funds from the Credit Institute for Recon- tainly promising. The country is growing for Voith in India. // 520-megawatt power station. The
“Germany and India,” which will deepen United Nations Security Council. Culturally, struction (KfW), some EU 255 million are plant was connected to the grid

source: Directorate General Commercial intelligence and statistics

the friendship between the two countries the ties are also becoming closer: In Feb- thus available for new projects in the field in 2007 – just 48 months after the
through numerous events ruary 2012, the Indian actor of climate and environmental protection. contract had been signed.
and campaigns and last un- Shah Rukh Khan added a
India’s export trade with Germany
til January 2013. India and touch of Bollywood to the Voith, too, has a long tradition in India. The In the German-Indian Year Voith
Germany have been enjoying Berlinale in the German cap- company has been active in this market for in billion US dollars has received further orders from
diplomatic relations for 60 ital with his film “Don – The more than 100 years, and Voith India is cel- 12 India for the power stations Rong-
years. The Federal Repub- King Is Back.” The cheers at ebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Voith nichu, Sainj and Singoli Bhatwari.
lic will present itself in five cities under the Khan’s appearance were so ecstatic that actively participates in the German-Indian Import Voith delivers turbines and gen-
heading “StadtRäume – CitySpaces” as an even seasoned visitors of the renowned Year and is a partner of the Indo-German- 8 Export erators, as well as electrical and
innovator and sustainable partner. Rele- film festival struggled to remember the last Urban-Mela in New Delhi. The CitySpaces 6 mechanical components. Expec-
vant campaigns are planned for Mumbai, time when they had seen such ovations. project deals mainly with the ongoing urban- tations in India are high. The clean
Bangalore, Chennai, New Delhi and Pune. ization in India. Here, products from Voith electricity is meant to help the
The centerpiece is the Indo-German-Urban Things are also on the move on the eco- make a valuable contribution to improving 2 country to produce much need-
Mela, which will travel across the country nomic front: In November 2011, the Ger- transport infrastructures on roads and rail, ed energy more and more from its
1988/ 1990/ 1992/ 1994/ 1996/ 1998/ 2000/ 2002/ 2004/ 2006/ 2008/ 2010/
in the form of a road show with a set of man government agreed to provide India and also in the field of energy supplies. For 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 own sources. //

24 | P erspectives 1/20 1 2 P erspectives 1/2012 | 25

History Panorama


Voith turbo

ingenious worldwide
The development of the revolutionary marine drive took a
long way – a way on which the inventor Ernst Schneider
forgot to finish his engineering studies and eventually
oriented himself on an example from nature. The cooper-
ation with Voith enabled his breakthrough.

It was in 1923, when Ernst Schneider start- modeled on the movement of fish in water. his achievements, he was always addressed as
ed to take a closer look at the development Schneider recognized the technical short- “Chief Engineer.” Starting out as a freelance
of propellers. Unfortunately, his first idea, a comings of this system and was thus moti- inventor, Schneider continued to improve the
“screw propeller with a bird-wing profile”, vated to take a further pioneering step. After system, which serves as both drive and rudder,

Photo: VOLVO
did not offer any advantages over existing weeks of intensive work, the new propulsion in cooperation with Voith: First with engineers
technologies. Yet anything but discouraged system was ready. from St. Pölten and later also with colleagues
by this early failure, his creative spirits nev- from Heidenheim. In 1927, the first Voith-
er stopped and, four years later, caused a The inventor was lucky enough to be in close financed test vessel “Torque” was launched and
revolution in marine engineering with the personal contact with the Voith engineer convinced the onlookers because it managed
industry Marine rail road
basic patent for the future Voith Schneider Ludwig Kober. Kober supported Schneider a full turn around its own longitudinal axis in
Propeller (VSP). both on the technical and the financial front. ten seconds. 28 Tamed 30 huge Project 32 data flow 36 less rattle
Thanks to him, Schneider’s idea was taken The new power distribu- For the “Sea Installer” The Web-based tool The hydrodamp vibration
Schneider, born in Gaya, Moravia, on June 18, up by Voith and, backed by a team of dedi- Today the VSP is in operation in all situ- tion gear can transmit up Voith delivers the largest OPRA is the perfect com- damper ensures quieter
1894, studied engineering in Vienna. He was cated Voith engineers, successfully launched ations where fast, accurate and efficient to 65 megawatts. Voith Inline Thruster in the panion for vehicle fleets. operation for diesel en-
regarded as a determined young man with a in the market. maneuver-ability is required, for example world. gines – in over one million
perfect grasp of the physical basics, which for offshore support vessel, tugs, double- 28 Innovative 34 engine packet
gave him a solid foundation for his inven- Schneider had initially financed his early at- ended ferries and many special vessels. To New development with 31 New size A newly developed diesel
tions. His most important goal for all his new tempts by offering private tuition to his fellow date, 4 200 VSPs have been built, and the future prospects: The Voith is expanding its engine turns the Voith 38 making way
developments: Genuine practical usefulness. students. In the light of his success, Voith Schneider Propeller has proven Voith CLPD linear drive portfolio of Voith Radial drive system Powerpack Separate bus lines against
his research soon had pri- itself in practic-al applications allows quick handling of Propellers by a second, into a complete solution. traffic gridlock: Voith
The initial spark for the invention of the VSP ority over his studies, and since 1927. Ernst Schnei- workpieces. more compact size. transmissions extend the
35 directly on site
service life of buses.
was an article, shown to Schneider in 1925, he never finished his der died in Vienna on 29 changeover 31 worker bee Up to 70 percent of the
dealing with the so-called Wels-Propeller degree. Yet in view of June 1, 1975. // Matthias Grawe has The Voith Schneider Pro- production of semi-au- 38 flat rate
taken over the Business pellers for the “Seabed tomatic couplers for São SensoTop reduces fuel
Division Industry. His Worker” are driven by Paulo metro takes place consumption – and not
successor as Head of 2 500-kilowatt motors. directly in Brazil. only on mountainous
The inventor (above) and his
first, hand-made model the Product Group routes. Danish buses,
35 local production
(right): Ernst Schneider is the “Variable-Speed Drives” too, drive and save with
technical father of the Voith China is a huge market
is Martin Kaufmann. the Voith gearshifting
Schneider Propeller, which for turbo transmissions.
radically transformed marine Voith produces on site. program.
propulsion systems.

26 | P e rspe ct i ve s 1/20 1 2 P er spectives 1/2012 | 27

Panorama | Industrie Panorama | Industrie

a strong Reliable
power trans-
new man
innovation mission. for canada
With the development of the Voith Turbo in Canada has a new
CLDP (Closed Loop Differential president. January, 1, Andrew
Pump) linear drive, Voith has en- Strudwicke took over at the helm of
tered new territory. The hydraulic Voith Turbo in Mississauga, Ontario.
linear axis (see photograph) is a From 1993, the 37-year-old gradu-
completely new development. First ate engineer and economist studied
prototypes are already in operation mechanical engineering at Salford
in forming and joining processes. Product University, UK, followed by a three-
End users of the new drive are of- year degree in manufacturing engin- martin
Power distribution gear Kaufmann
fered all the advantages of a hy- eering and management at Lough- The new head of
draulic systems development. The applications borough University in Leicestershire, the product group
design is quite simple. At the heart Especially for power transmission UK. Andrew Strudwicke began his “Variable-Speed Drives”
from gas turbines to centrifugal has been working
is an integrated servo pump. The professional career at the legendary for Voith since 2005.
system has a closed oil circuit, can motorcycle manufacturer Triumph
therefore be easily integrated into Technical Features Motor Cycles in Hinckley, England.
existing plants and is suitable for Outputs of up to 65 MW, speeds of In 1998, the passionate squash and
applications requiring fast handling up to 100 000 min-1. rugby player changed to FKI Indus-
of workpieces. // tries PLC. Five years later, in 2003,
Andrew Strudwicke’s career led him Matthias
efficiency of 98.8 Percent Grawe
to Canada where he worked for the

taming 65
The 51-year-old inter-
steel-forging company Crosby Ca- nationally experienced
nada in Ontario. His final position manager has been in
charge of the Business
there was Deputy Executive Vice
Division Industry since

President. At Voith Turbo Strudwi- March 2012.
cke succeeds David Calveley. //

The power distribution gear of Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe has been He is the new
developed specifically for high power densities and speed ranges. president of Voith change at the top
Turbo in Canada.
New man in the executive chair of the Austria, the Netherlands and Belgium. The
Business Division Industry: On March1, internationally experienced manager has
Reliable power transmission is the rotations to the 12 500 rotations of a com- Matthias Grawe succeeded Dr. Jürgen also been in charge of Voith Turbo Wind
be-all and end-all for gearboxes. Voith pressor, the transmission capacity of a Zeschky as Executive Vice President. The and a member of the Advisory Board of
has been supplying turbo transmissions planetary gear ends at 26 megawatts. 51-year-old graduate engineer has been Voith Industrial Services “Energy Petro
and high-performance gearboxes in the The reason: The circumferential speed working for Voith since 2000. Grawe Chemicals”.
upper range for 80 years. The new power at the bearings and the gears cannot be studied process technology at Stuttgart
Product distribution gear from Voith has been de- increased any further. University and energy management at Matthias Grawe’s successor as head of the
Closed loop differential pump veloped primarily for compressors driven Grenoble, France. He began his career at product group from April 1 is Martin Kauf-
by gas turbines – to meet the increasing Using the load distribution principle, the Voith in 2000 as Sales Manager “Variable- mann. The 40-year-old has been working
demand for more efficient gearboxes new power distribution gear from Voith Speed Drives”. In 2003, the married father for Voith since 2005. He studied physics
Hydraulic linear axis
for high power densities and speed can transmit up to 65 megawatts in such of a son was appointed as head of the at Regensburg University and also Illinois
Technical features ranges. a speed range. This corresponds roughly product group. Matthias Grawe has been University, USA. After various stations within
Minimum throttle losses, high to the output of 650 mid-range cars. Even on the Supervisory Board of Voith subsi- Voith GmbH and Voith Paper, Martin Kauf-
energy efficiency due to high hy-
draulic efficiency, no need for valve A practical example demonstrates how in this borderline application, there is still diaries from an early stage – in the USA, mann joined Voith Turbo in Crailsheim in
technology. it works: At a gas turbine ratio of 5 000 a 98.8 percent efficiency rating. // Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, India, China, 2009 as Commercial Manager of Industry. //

28 | P e r spectives 1/20 1 2 P er spectives 1/2012 | 29

Panorama | Marine Panorama | Marine

Voith Inline Thruster

Calm in

halfway around heavy seas

Looking for new energy carriers is a

the world
labor-intensive business. The exploitation
of oil and gas fields or the installation of
wind parks requires special vessels with re-
liable drive and positioning systems. Voith
has been gathering relevant experience
Drive or steering system: Voith Inline Thrusters have made their mark in shipbuilding ever
for more than 30 years on the “Castoro
since they entered series production in 2008 – and they are about to set records. The world’s
Sei”, a semisubmersible platform for lay-
largest Voith Inline Thruster is currently installed in China.
ing underwater pipelines. For future proj-
ects, Voith is expanding its range of Voith
Radial Propellers (VRP) by a second and
Nantong in China, COSCO shipyard, dry by Voith with a diameter of 2 300 millimeters sold more than 60 of these units. Yet the more compact size. The new VRP has a
docks: Every day, the “Sea Installer” grows and an output of 1 500 kilowatts, they are VIT are also suitable for passenger vessels diameter of 3.80 meters and an output of
a little more in height. The jack-up vessel the largest RIM Drive thrusters in the market. or yachts – as main drives or as thrusters 4 500 kilowatts. It is mainly used on drilling
for the construction of offshore wind plants Thrusters, which work completely mainte- like in the “Sea Installer”. platforms. Operation is possible in nearly
will be launched in 2012. nance-free thanks to seawater-lubricated all weather conditions. The larger type with
bearings, allowing the “Sea Installer” to per- But before the construction vessel starts a diameter of 4.20 meters and outputs
It will be operated by the Danish owner form fast and precise steering maneuvers. its job in 2013, it has to perform its maiden of up to 5 750 kilowatts has already been
A2SEA and help to set up European wind voyage from China to Europe – driven by produced. //
parks. The “Sea Installer” can work in water Voith Inline Thrusters are so-called RIM three Voith Schneider Propellers. //
depths of up to 45 meters, and its main Drives. The system combines a permanent
crane can lift 900 tons. The 132-meter-long magnet motor with the propeller into a pow- Voith Dimensions:
This film shows
and nearly 40-meter-wide workhorse will erful unit, which stands out by low noise and impressively how the Practical test:
Voith Inline Thruster Scan the QR code
therefore have rather ample dimensions. low vibration levels. Since reaching series and see how and
is installed in a ship.
Voith supplies the three Voith Schneider maturity for the product in 2008, Voith has For more information where the Voith Radial
on how the QR code Propeller is used.
Propellers (VSP) in the stern of the vessel, works, please see For more details on
as well as the Voith Inline Thruster (VIT). The page 5. how the QR code
works, please see
VIT in question are unique worldwide: Built Turning the great wheel: A Voith page 5.
Radial Propeller is being inspected.

maritime the ship offers room for a crew of 66. The

stern of the “Seabed Worker” features two
A huge project: Em-
worker bee Voith Schneider Propellers (VSP) driven by
ployees in front of the When a ship’s name includes the term 2 500-kilowatt electric motors. Thanks to
Voith Inline Thruster
for the “Sea Installer”. “worker,” it is pretty clear for which purpose the excellent maneuverability of the VSP,
it has been built. The “Seabed Worker” is the maritime worker bee can operate safe-
in worldwide operation for the Norwegian ly, even if the seas are rough. The ship’s
Seabed Group as a supply, repair or in- solid position on the waters is enhanced
spection vessel. Measuring just under by the Voith Roll Stabilization implemented Stable position thanks to the
VSP: The “Seabed Worker”.
90 meters in length and 16 meters in width, via the propellers. //

P erspectives 1/2012 | 31
Panorama | RAIL Panorama | RAIL

A confederate Swiss made

by Voith: The locomotives of
the Swiss company Panlog
are used for steel transports.

Modern fleet management A server is fed online with data from all stalled in a locomotive transmits all rele- The energy group RWE is also an OPRA OPRA allows moni-

a Date
toring with worldwide
over the world and processes this input in vant data to a server at Voith. This server user. The electricity giant has integrated the
a user-friendly manner. This is the principle then makes this information available to program into its SAP system and uses it
of OPRA, a Voith-developed tool. OPRA the customer via OPRA. Locomotive own- for managing the maintenance of 950
stands for “Optimized Pro Active Life Cy- ers, who want to know the location of their locomotives and rail wagons. OPRA
cle Approach” and us used for Web-based, vehicle, in what condition it is or when makes service management more

with data
globally available monitoring of vehicle fleets. the next service is due, can access this efficient, user-friendly and effective.
This new tool allows effective screening of and other data wherever there is a net- This applies, for example, to data
locomotives or rail wagons across their en- work – of course also via smartphone or integration, the avoidance of dou-
tire service life. The system is so efficient tablet. ble input and the improvement of
that availability, reliability and safety are in- data quality. Beyond that, OPRA
creased, while costs are saved. The basis of An application example is the rail vehicles can also be used for document-
A fast and central computer – fed with information from all
the tool is uninterrupted and comprehensive of the Swiss transport company Panlog. ing maintenance stops and
over the world – Voith has developed the Web-based tool OPRA information. Three modern Voith locomotives built in proving that official regulations
for optimum fleet monitoring. 2010 and used for steel transports are have been adhered to. Another
OPRA allows optimum vehicle life-cycle fitted with OPRA modems, allowing opti- OPRA application is weakness
management. An example: A modem in- mum vehicle care through the OPRA portal. analysis. //

32 | P erspecti ves 1/20 1 2 P erspect ives 1/2012 | 33

Panorama | RAIL Panorama | RAIL

completE drive system for polish regional trains

On site – and on the ball

engine package São Paulo is buzzing. The city is constantly

growing and is preparing for a major event:
The 2014 Football World Cup. This is why
huge sums are being invested in traffic proj-
city center – an important project, especially
in view of the forthcoming Football World
Cup. With the order for CPTM, Voith is ex-
ploring a new path. More than 70 percent of
For the first time, Voith delivers complete drive systems for
regional trains – complete with diesel engines. ects. For Line 11 of the rapid transit system the semiautomatic couplers are produced
of the South American metropolis, Voith will directly in São Paulo, ensuring a drastic re-
deliver 18 automatic couplers and 63 semi- duction of the high import taxes. The local
automatic couplers for a total of nine Alstom solution is also an important step towards
trains, each with eight cars. The operator the internationalization of Voith’s produc-
“Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropoli- tion capacities in South America. A move
tanos” (CPTM) currently operates six lines that is important for the company’s overall
in the São Paulo region with a route length development. Meeting local content re-
of 260 kilometers, serving 93 stations. Two quirements on the basis of European quality
further lines are planned and construction standards will benefit all parties concerned
Voith technology improves infrastructure is already under way. One of the new lines and constitutes a milestone in know-how
in São Paulo. will connect the international airport with the transfer and globalization. //

Drive system with Voith diesel engine a niche for turbo transmissions Voith tech-
applications China continues to invest in the safety 65 percent of the L520 turbo transmission nology for
Rail vehicle drive systems and maintenance of its rail traffic. An op- was localized at BRE. In order to ensure new ICx trains
portunity for Voith to establish itself in the quality and adherence to time-lines, BRE
Technical features growth market of turbo transmissions for attended several Voith training courses, Starting signal for rail traffic of the
The Voith R2876T3-390 R6 diesel
engine has a nominal output of 390 kW, special vehicles. Voith has, for instance, all parts are checked in accordance with next generation. From 2016, 300
a nominal speed of 1 800 min-1 and localized a rail-grinding train in China with German standards and a test stand has new long-distance trains of DB Ger-
a displacement of 12.9 l. Operation: One of three Power-
4-stroke diesel with exhaust turbo- packs: Railpack with the Swiss company SPENO and the Chi- been set up on site. The core components man Railways will be successively
charger and SCR system. V8 diesel engine. nese manufacturer Beijing February 7th Rail- for the hydrodynamic transmissions are still replacing the old Intercity and Euro-
way Transportation Equipment (BRE). This supplied from Germany. After the first order city models. The new ICx will be built
train will be used for servicing the Chinese for 20 turbo transmissions, a follow-on order by Siemens/Bombardier. Production
high-speed network. Within three years, for another ten was placed in early 2012. // of the first lot of 130 trains is already
Powerpacks are compact units for un- feature: For the first time, all components an SCR system effortlessly undercut all under way. Voith will supply 260
derfloor installation in railcars, ready to of the Powerpack originate from Voith – current emission limits. The robustness front covers with roofs. This deliv-
drive the train. They consist of engine, including the engine. of the engine and the entire drive system ery includes 260 automatic couplers
gear unit, cooling system, generator and are guarantors for reliability, long service and 2 000 semiautomatic couplers.
electronic control. All components are bolt- The horizontal 6-cylinder Voith diesel life and low operating costs. The order is one of the largest in the
ed together in a single frame. Worldwide, engine with an output of 390 kilowatts history of Voith Turbo Scharfenberg.
Voith has sold more than 800 such drive ensures high displacement and allows Voith offers horizontal six-cylinder engines The series will run from 2016 until
systems. maximum speeds of 120 kilometers per with outputs of 390, 353 and 294 kilowatts. 2020. The ICx will be the backbone
hour. Outstanding performance without The catalogue of Voith rail engines also of the future long-distance opera-
At the end of this year, four Arriva regional negative impact on the environment: Voith includes a V8 with 500 kilowatts, as well tions of DB German Railways. The
trains will enter service in Szczecin, Poland. has ensured that the six-cylinder self- as a V12 series with ratings from 588 to next ICx trains will eventually take
They will be built by the Polish rail vehicle igniter is not only fuel-efficient but also 700 kilowatts. They are suitable for railcars, Rail-grinding trains for the over about 70 percent of all long-
Chinese high-speed network.
manufacturer PESA with a new and unique clean. Single-stage turbocharging and locomotives and special rail vehicles. // distance traffic of DB. //

34 | P erspecti ves 1/20 1 2 P erspect ives 1/2012 | 35

Panorama | road Panorama | road

a vibration damper for all road vehicles with any engine output.

Meanwhile in four sizes. Triumph on the salt flats:
Andy Green and his crew
after his record-braking ride.
A concept that has gone down well. At pres-
ent, approximately 120 000 Hydrodamps
leave the production halls in Garching near

Munich every year. Tractor manufacturers
often have simulations and measurements
carried out by Voith during the project phase
to ensure that they always select the most
suitable damper model. The reduction of
Driving comfort is largely a matter of smooth running. torsional vibrations in the driveline enables
the driver to save fuel at lower speeds. This
Product The Voith Hydrodamp removes undesirable vibrations from the
cuts down on costs and protects the envi-
Hydrodamp vibration damper driveline. Be it tractors or special vehicles – the Hydrodamp
ronment. And, what’s more, the Hydrodamp
range covers all requirements.
Applications actually increases the driving comfort. meters per hour. In order to ensure that his developed so far that it has established
Agricultural and construction cigar-shaped racing car ran more smoothly itself in the market in numerous applica-
machinery, off-road vehicles
A fact that has also been utilized by the Brit during this hellish ride, the Hydrodamp was tions. While sizes and components have
Technical Features The Voith Hydrodamp torsional vibra- and transmission are unavoidable, they Andy Green. In 2006, the former Royal Air on board. remained unchanged, damping effect
Covers engine torques up to 3 700 Nm. tion damper has been on the market for should be kept as low as possible. The Force pilot set the (still unbroken) speed and spring characteristics can be adapt-
Primary-side connection via the flywheel,
secondary-side connection via tractor more than 25 years. And it has proven torsionally soft Voith damper is avail- world record for diesel vehicles on a salt The Hydrodamp system with its unique ed to individual customer requirements.
transmissions. Damping is wear-free. itself. While vibrations between engine able for agricultural machinery and off- flat in Utah, USA: He managed 563 kilo- hydraulic damping has meanwhile been For less rattle. //

More driving comfort

with the Hydrodamp:
For example in tractors.

And . . . action:
Scan the code and
see the Hydrodamp
in action in tractors
and commercial
vehicles. To learn
how the QR-code
works, please go to
page 5.

36 | P e r spe cti ve s 1/20 1 2 P er s pec tives 1/2012 | 37

Panorama | road Expedition

combating gridlock
saving even on Voith Aquatarder SWR – braking system with a future

making way test ride

the flat
Denmark is not exactly moun-
tainous. But the Danish company
Busselskabet Århus still swears by
Separate bus lines create mobility – and with DIWA, Voith the SensoTop. Among other ser-
delivers the ideal automatic transmission. vices, the operator runs the bus Railways are the key inspiration. In the beginning, retarders were used for braking heavy
lines in Aarhus. goods trains. Some 40 years ago, the system was introduced on the roads, marking the start of
a success story. Voith took a quantum leap with the development of the Voith Aquatarder SWR
Far too many large cities know the prob- model status worldwide. With the DIWA Busselskabet Århus has ordered
with 700 hp continuous braking power.
lem: Rapid growth means that infrastruc- automatic transmission, Voith delivers the the topography-dependent gear-
tures often lag behind the increasing traffic matching technology. In the Colombian cap- shifting program SensoTop for its Text: Jürgen Löhle

volume. The result: Perma-congestion – ital, Voith has a market share of 84 percent. Solaris buses. SensoTop ensures
with a list of negative effects, such as lower In total, more than 100 double-articulated that the gearshifting points auto-
quality of life and rising air pollution. One Volvo buses are in service. The operators, matically adapt to the load condi-
of the solutions is called BRT (Bus Rapid with whom Voith has been enjoying many tion of the vehicle, the acceleration
Transit). In concrete terms: Separate lanes, years of excellent business partnership, are and the topography. During test
exclusively reserved for buses. In 2000, convinced by the reliability, economy and the runs on mountainous routes, for
the so-called Transmilenio was installed in local service. And the new buses will also be example in Brescia, Italy, the sys-
Bogotá /Colombia. The system still has role fitted with DIWA automatics. // tem saved up to seven percent

But the SensoTop has also proven

itself in the city of Aarhus. Through
optimum adaptation of the gear-
shifting points, Busselskabet År-
Safety on the roads:
hus was able to reduce its fuel The new Mercedes-Benz
consumption by 200 000 liters per Actros drives with the
Voith Aquatarder SWR.
year. This corresponds to savings
Photo: VOLVO

of about three percent, which also

benefit the environment by lower
Hop on the bus: in Bogotá, the stops not only have an interesting design – CO2 emissions. A win-win situation –
the buses even have their own lane. thanks to SensoTop. //

change at the top in ankara

Since March 1, 2012, Cem Binici has positions in the automobile industry. After
been the new Executive Vice President posts at Ford, Mercedes-Benz and Mazda
of Voith Turbo in Turkey. The 38-year-old in Turkey, as well as at a business consul-
studied engineering sciences in Ankara tancy in Germany, Binici moved on to join
(BSc) and then gained a Master’s degree in Voith. And now the passionate swimmer
Business Administration (MBA). Cem Binici and bridge player has returned to his old
has so far mainly worked in management university city Ankara. //

P er s pec tives 1/2012 | 39

Expedition Expedition

A clean brake: Retarder

technology reduces
brake dust emissions by
up to 80 percent.
Expedition Expedition

They’ll always go down. The only question until then, paved with numerous technical Voith Aquatarder SWR
The hydrodynamic retarder
is: How? This does not only apply to planes innovations and patents. After the braking
consists of the key com-
but also to trains. This is why the birthplace system for trains, it took until 1968 before ponents housing, rotor, stator
of the modern retarder was not so much on the retarder had its debut in road vehicles. and a control module. It is
installed at the rear of a vehi-
the road but in the Rocky Mountains – on a And the incentive once again came from the
cle transmission and connec-
railway system. rails. In early 1960, Otto Kässbohrer stood at ted with the propshaft of the
Ulm railway station, waiting for the fast train driveline via a gear stage. It
therefore belongs to the class
Dr. Tilman huth During the fifties, the USA experienced an from Stuttgart. As always, the Ulm-based en-
of secondary retarders.
The graduate engineer heads upswing, the economy was growing rapidly trepreneur and manufacturer of Setra coaches
the Engineering Department
of the Business Unit Driveline and needed steel. Huge goods trains, ful- expected the train to arrive with ear-splitting,
at Voith in Crailsheim. ly laden with iron ore, rolled through the metallic screeching noises and spark-emit-
mountains. Monsters with a length of up to ting brake shoes. But the train hardly made
five kilometers struggled uphill to reach the a sound and came to a halt after a surprisingly
furnaces of the steel mills. But the problem short distance. Kässbohrer was amazed and
was not so much the power needed to pull the curiosity of the Swabian vehicle builder
the trains across the mountains, despite their was awakened. Always on the go, he inquired
cargo of up to 10 000 tons. In the land of about the braking system. Afterwards he went
unlimited opportunities, the operators just to Voith in Heidenheim and asked whether
increased the number of locomotives in front this braking principle could be transferred
of the wagons to reach the desired output. to his coaches. Kässbohrer was aware of the
shortcomings of traditional friction brakes
But there is still no such thing as a land of for wheels: Temperatures of more than 1 000
unbraked opportunities. And definitely not on degrees and quickly-wearing linings in the
the rail tracks in the Rockies with gradients of drums. Voith took up the idea and began a
up to 30 per thousand. Conventional brakes long and successful venture. In 1968, the first
were no longer able to provide the required coaches with the Voith Retarder B 180/B 190
retardation. They just got too hot, once the entered service. By 1994, the 100 000th retard-
Retarder Control
load became too heavy and the downhill route er had been delivered. In 2002, Voith finally Module (RCM)
became too steep. At the time, Voith received took the quantum leap. Until then, retarder The Retarder Control Module
is a solid and compact
an order to develop a hydrodynamic brake. In technologies relied on oil as the operating
system. The RCM com-
1959 engineers designed a clutch brake for medium. At the IAA in Hannover, Voith pre- municates with the vehicle
locomotives that acted upon the drive – the sented the Voith Aquatarder PWR (Primary braking management via the
CANBUS interface.
precursor of today’s successful Voith Aqua- Water Retarder, installed at the engine front
tarders SWR. end) which operated with the engine coolant.
“The innovative aspect was that we were able
“Later on we were the first to offer a retar- to utilize a medium that was already avail-
der for road vehicles,” says Dr. Tilman Huth, able via the cooling system,” explains Tilman Rotor shift
Head of Engineering of the Business Unit Huth. A step that needed careful considera- After each braking process,
Driveline at Voith in Crailsheim. Today the tion. “Water has its problems,” says Huth. the retarder circuit is drained
What is a retarder? and a spring moves the rotor
company produces more than 60 000 re- But it also offers advantages: A modern Voith back into idling position via a
tarders per year and delivers to renowned OEMs Aquatarder SWR, like the one used in the new The word “Retarder” originates from the before clutch and transmission and helical gear. The rotor shift –
all over the world. But it was a long way Mercedes-Benz Actros, has a braking output Latin verb “retardare”, which translates therefore brake the engine. Secondary away from the stator – reduces
as slowing down or stopping. The retarders act on the propshaft behind power losses during idling.
subject is therefore a brake, but a very the transmission. In simple terms,
special one. While the brakes of road a retarder works like this: Inside the
vehicles normally act straight on the retarder are two bladed wheels – rotor

all water or what? wheels, the retarder, as a wear-free

continuous brake, slows down the
and stator. The rotor is driven by the
propshaft and accelerates the oper-
propshaft. Retarders are differentiated ating medium. Which is then deceler-
With the change from oil to water as the retarder medium, by the part of the drive which they ated in the stator. The rigid stator
affect. Primary retarders are arranged brakes the rotor and thus the vehicle.
Voith managed a technological quantum leap.

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The Voith Aquatarder SWR in the drive system

The Voith Aquatarder SWR is a so-called

Cooling agent
secondary water retarder. It is installed at
the transmission and integrated into the
cooling circuit (see graph). The SWR uses
the cooling agent of the engine
as operating medium and is lighter than
an the oil retarder. In the new Mercedes-
Engine Trans- Benz Actros, 35 kilograms are thus
mission saved. During braking, the Aquatarder
supports the water pump of the engine.
SWR Heat generated in this process can be util-
ized for heating and keeps the engine at
an optimum operating temperature during
coasting, making sure that CO2 emis-
sions are kept within prescribed limits.

Driving faster and simultaneously protecting the brake linings

The test: On a route with a Without Retarder With Retarder +5.9%

total length of 3 164 kilometers
between Italy and Germany,
a heavy truck comes into its
1839 1890 70.4 74.5
own in customer operation.
The result: In long-distance -70% -36%
Effective technology: With the Voith Aquatarder, a truck on a long-distance route traffic, too, the Voith Retarder
once again proves itself 627 1196
needs to use the service brake 70 percent less than a vehicle without it.
through 70 percent less foot
brake action, 36 percent fewer
gearshifts and 5.9 percent Operating the Number Average speed
increased average speeds. service brake of gear km / h
of 700 hp. Together with the engine brake, The jury lauds companies that combine eco- the service brake 70 percent less than a truck iron, subsequent retarder installation is still changes
as much as 1 200 hp is available. Compared nomic success with exemplary social respon- without retarder. This was added to by a third not impossible, but a little more complicated.
to an oil retarder, the system is 35 kilograms sibility and ecological commitment. “To us, fewer gearshifts and nearly six percent higher
lighter and saves six liters of oil per year. And this was both an honor and an affirmation,” average speeds. Retarders make driving not The Voith experts are already working on
there is no need for maintenance or waste oil says Tilman Huth. only safer and faster, but also less expensive. the further optimization of the Aquatarder
Higher braking outputs with Voith Aquatarder SWR and engine brake
disposal. But the environment benefits most: SWR. “Systems integration will be even bet-
The retarder technology reduces brake dust But the retarder proves its strength not only The calculation quickly works out. At a ter, and the unit will be even more efficient Speed (km/h) 80 85 90
emissions by up to 80 percent. This corres- in terms of eco-benefits. The system also purchasing price of about EUR 4 000, the and lighter,” says Tilman Huth, yet he has to 800
ponds to 50 kilograms of brake abrasion per offers convincing commercial advantages. retarder usually pays for itself after two years. admit that the conversion from oil to water
one million kilometers. With brake faster to your destination: This The conquest of the wear-free continuous constituted a quantum leap that is not likely to Aquatarder SWR and engine brake
might sound slightly crazy, but it hits the brake is seemly unstoppable – the advan- be repeated anytime soon. “I think that with 600
Impressive figures – for which the Voith spot. Example – long-haul traffic: During tages are too irresistible. Therefore, truck the development of the Aquatarder SWR we +119%
Aquatarder SWR was awarded the “European a test in long-distance goods traffic from and coach manufacturers cooperate directly have marketed a technology that will defi- +164%
Transport Sustainability Prize 2012” in the Italy to Germany over 3 200 kilometers, a with Voith. During the planning stage for the nitely assert itself.” // 400

Braking power ( kW )

commercial vehicle components category. heavy truck with a Voith Retarder needed new Mercedes-Benz Actros, for example, the Engine brakes
company was involved right from the start. Live test ride:
Scan the code and 200
The Aquatarder is usually installed directly see how Voith Retar-
at the transmission and only needs half the d-ers are tested in
practice. To learn how 100
clean and affordable solution space of previous models. The future there- the QR code works,
please go to page 5. 0
fore lies in taking the retarder into account
Driving with foresight and with a retarder saves fuel and already during the vehicle development. If
Engine speed (min-1) 1800 2000

CO2 emissions. plans have progressed too far and are too cast- High-performance engine brake Standard engine brake

44 | P erspectives 1/20 1 2 P erspectives 1/2012 | 45

Expedition Expedition

offer enormous safety reserves and shorten correspondingly shorter. The same applies
the braking distance. Today, retarders are to stopping. The retarder alone cannot do
mandatory in coaches, and 90 percent of this, because it only slows down the drive
all long-distance trucks drive with a retard- shaft but never halts it completely.
er on board.
But retarders are still an optional extra –
I see – trucks have a range of braking they are not standard equipment. What
systems. How does this work? does the pro say?
In a modern heavy truck, the driver routine- It’s quite simple – once with a retarder,
ly uses the foot brake. The rest is done via always with a retarder. I’m absolutely sure
a control unit. This means: The on-board about this. In long-distance traffic, in the
computer selects the brake that handles 40-ton range, there is hardly any vehicle
the prevailing situation most efficiently. The without it. And the advantages of the re-
wheels are braked only if the slow-down tarder are obvious. Due to the fact that the
effect of the retarder and the engine brake driver can go faster on downhill routes,
is no longer sufficient. But the retarder can he also arrives earlier – and, at the same
also be activated manually via a hand lever. time, travels much more safely. And the
environment is also protected, because
What is the practical difference be- there is less brake dust. This saves extra
tween slowing down the vehicle with money. The installation of a retarder there-
the retarder instead of simply braking fore definitely pays off.
the wheels?
For buses in city traffic, the difference is But first of all, you have to pay. A retard-
striking. Standard wheel-braking causes er costs about EUR 4 000.
the vehicle to tilt. This means the bus is That’s right, but when you consider that –
slightly moving forwards. Passengers can without a retarder – the brake linings and
feel this, especially if the bus constantly discs have to be changed up to five times
starts and then brakes again. In contrast, more often, this outlay quickly pays for it-
the retarder brakes the propshaft at the rear. self. With a retarder, brake discs last for up
This means that the bus stays horizontal – to a million kilometers. Also, Aquatarders
The expert: which is a lot more pleasant for the passen- do not require any maintenance. There are
Holger Günther appre-
ciates the practical bene- gers, especially those who are standing. In model calculations which demonstrate that
fits of Voith Retarders. trucks, it is an advantage particularly during the investment in a retarder pays off after
animal transports. one to two years. But modern trucks run
a lot longer than that. Which means that
Does a retarder also offer more safety? a retarder actually helps to save money in
Interview Mr. Günther, what was it like to drive autobahn between Munich and Stuttgart, Yes. Engine outputs are getting higher and the long run. //

“faster on
a heavy truck before the retarder was which prompted them to shift back into higher, but engine brake capacities have
developed? second gear. Consequently they crawled remained unchanged. Long downhill gra-
Totally different. The rule of thumb used to down the valley at 20 or 30 kilometers per dients can therefore produce overheated
be: The speed downhill is the same speed hour, frequently with red-hot braking discs. discs and linings, which can result in fading.

the road”
managed by the vehicle during the previous Fading means a dangerous drop in braking
uphill stretch. Which means: If a fully load- Sounds dangerous? power due to the heat development on the
ed truck did 40 kilometers per hour on an Over prolonged periods, friction brakes can brake linings and discs. But with a retarder,
upward gradient, the speed downhill was reach temperatures of up to 1 000 degrees a long-distance trucker can perform up to
no faster with service and engine brak- Celsius. By then, the braking power has 90 percent of all braking operations without
Holger Günther works in the Voith Retarder Sales ing – in fact often less. Quite a few drivers rapidly dropped, there might be cracks and using any other system. The service brake
Department. He frequently drives large trucks and remember the warning signs, for exam- the brake linings wear down. Continuous is thus 100 percent available if serious brak-
appreciates the advantages offered by a retarder. ple on the Aichelberg stretch along the A8 brakes such as hydrodynamic retarders ing is required, and the braking distance is

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Sightseeing | SÃo Paulo Sightseeing | SÃo Paulo

Voith Turbo in SÃo Paulo

German hot spot

with potential
São Paulo is the largest city on the southern hemisphere – and a huge industrial loca-
tion, especially for German companies. Ralf Dreckmann, Executive Vice President
of Voith Turbo in Brazil, talks about living and working in a megacity in the subtropics.

Ralf Dreckmann ponders for a few seconds. Paulo is the second-largest community of
“Well, it’s really fifty-fifty” is his reply to German companies,” explains Dreckmann.
the question whether he feels more like a “More than 2 000 German companies have
German or a Brazilian. The mechanical en- meanwhile settled here.” A German hot spot
gineer has been living in São Paulo for over in the southern hemisphere. “And it also
20 years. He arrived in South America with makes for easy living,” says Dreckmann who
his parents when he was still at school, and is married to a Brazilian. Their two children ralf Dreckmann
after his high school graduation returned to go to the same school that he once attended. has been Executive Vice
President of Voith Turbo in Brazil
Germany to go to university. Upon comple- Sometimes, Dreckmann would like to see a since 2000. The 44-year-old
tion of his degree, Dreckmann went back little less chaos in the streets, “but then again, engineer has been living in
to São Paulo, where he has been working we live in a city with countless attractions and São Paulo for more than 20 years.

as a Voith Turbo Executive Vice President interesting leisure time opportunities.” This
since 2000. Two years ago, the 44-year-old also has an impact on the local industry. Voith
was also appointed Regional Director for holds a particularly strong position with the
South America. sales of DIWA automatics for the ever more
popular bus traffic in South America. In ad-
Precise technology Lots of work in a city that is hot in every re- dition, every year, more than 5 000 retarders
made in Brazil: An spect. What is regarded as a somewhat chilly are being sold. And the market opportunities
employee of Voith Turbo
working at a DIWA
summer in Germany, counts as deepest winter are on the increase. For the Football World
transmission. in the largest industrial location of the world’s Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in Rio
emerging markets. With just under 20 degrees in 2016, the country plans to invest about
Celsius during the day, temperatures are at 27 billion euros in its public transport systems.
their lowest in the subtropics. Once, in June A traditional market for Voith. “We are
1918, there was even snow. A hot event is the already working flat out with our
annual Formula One race in Ayrton Senna’s Road and Rail sales teams in order
hometown. But what really brings the place to fully exploit this potential,” says
to boiling point – with nearly 20 million in- Dreckmann. The metro in São
habitants the largest city in the southern hemi- Paulo with its 75-kilometer net-
sphere – is its industry. And especially when it work relies on Scharfenberg
comes from Alemanha. “After Germany, São couplers. Three million peo-

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Sightseeing | SÃo Paulo Worldwide

ple use the system every day. Two new lines ling vessels exploiting the new oil fields pro- worth knowing

success figures
are currently under construction. Every year, duced at Voith in Brazil. The future there-
eight kilometers of new routes are to be built. fore has lots of work in store for Dreckmann
For the extraction of iron ore, various Voith who, together with his family, lives in a city
mining couplings are used. Technology made that enjoys the title “International Capital of
in Germany can also be found in other places Gastronomy” alongside Paris, New York and With its four divisions, Voith offers a broad spectrum of products and services – all around
in South America. An example: The train Tokyo. Another thing he really appreciates is the globe. The overriding goal for all divisions is to operate ecologically and responsibly.
taking tourists in the Peruvian Andes on the the friendliness of the Brazilians. “Wherever
traces of the Maya across spectacular ramps you are, you are always welcome.” Welcome
to the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu situated and professionally respected. German engi-
at an altitude of 2 400 meters. The locomoti- neering is rated highly in South America. But

5 965
ve of the train drives with a hydraulic trans- Ralf Dreckmann has also observed that many

mission from Voith. domestic engineers are meanwhile masters of
their trade. This development is promoted by
Ralf Dreckmann has his eye on the future of the long-standing relationships between Ger-
Voith. New gas fields have been discovered man and Brazilian companies. With positive São Paulo has nearly 20 million inhabitants –
250 kilometers off the Brazilian coast at a consequences for the country. “At Voith in and the megacity keeps growing and growing.
depth of 7 000 meters. During the prepara- Brazil, nearly all key positions are held by
tory phase, Voith will deliver 60 Vorecon Brazilians,” states Dreckmann. In addition, year, we also offer opportunities for at least
gears for the compressor drivelines of the the company is also socially committed. Since 20 particularly underprivileged children from
offshore oil platforms. For this purpose, a 2004, Voith looks after the social and cultural the Voith environment to integrate them- … percent less fresh water is used
by the Swiss paper mill Perlen
special assembly and test plant is to be built integration of young people living near the selves socially and professionally via con- Papier AG. The reason behind this
by 2014. Voith technology will also be used Voith headquarters in the district of Jaraguá. crete training programs,” says Dreckmann – is a consistent water management
for the drilling vessels. The intention is to Since 2007, 120 children play every year in a once again demonstrating that he is German … people worked for Voith Turbo at the 2010 / 2011 reporting day. About ten percent more than system from Voith Paper. It covers all
in the previous year. And there were more than enough exciting tasks for the growing workforce: areas from waste-paper processing
have the Voith Radial Propellers for the dril- Voith-sponsored classical orchestra. “Every and Brazilian in equal measures. //
Engineers have, for example, developed an innovative propulsion system for ships. This time, the and the two paper machines to the
Voith Schneider Propellers are not only installed in the bow area, but also below bow and stern. water treatment plant. This is not
Supertankers and luxury cruisers can thus be steered safely also in narrow canals and sea straits. only good for the environment but
Experts have proven it in the Heidenheim test tank: These sea giants can be maneuvered with also commercially advantageous for
centimeter precision. In total, Voith has about 40 000 employees in more than 50 countries. // the paper maker. //
A bit of fun for the little
ones: The Voith Founda-

tion has been established

to help disadvantaged
children in São Paulo. … members counts the team provided by Voith
to take on the facility management of a Ford plant in
São Paulo. Voith Industrial Services also looks after
the paint shop of KIA in Slovakia and handles the

maintenance for BMW in Leipzig. //

… gigawatt hours of electricity will be pro- … core areas were identified by Voith for reducing
duced every year by the new hydropower the eco-footprint of the company: Carbon dioxide
station in Xiluodu, China, when it enters emissions, waste volume and fresh water use.
service in 2013. In summer 2011, Voith The management has defined concrete, sales-
Hydro delivered the first turbine runner based targets. If possible, ecological measures
for the mega project, which will become should also create added economic value. Voith
the third most powerful hydropower plant in is, for example. Pursuing the idea of a plant that
the world. And the dimensions are gigantic, covers its own energy requirements and con-
too: In the 400-meter-deep gorge, even tinually reuses resources. In order to move closer
Germany’s highest building, the 368-meter to this goal, employees analyze the manufacturing
Berlin television tower, would completely processes of products and services under the
disappear. Voith will install three 770-mega- aspect of sustainability. In 2011, Voith published
watt Francis units for Xiloudu from its plant its first Sustainability Report. The second one
in Shanghai. // is to follow this year. //

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