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Author: Mohammed Anas

Creation Date: 01 Aug 21
Last Updated: 06 Aug 21
Document Ref: To Be Design
Version: 1.0
This document contains overview of how Record-to-report works and
Tracks Progress in Oracle Applications.
This document has been organized as per the structure given in the Table of
Topics discussed are:
 Accounts Payables
 Fixed Asset
 Accounts Receivables
 Cash Management
 General Ledger
Accounts Payables.......................................................................................................................................5
Unvalidated Invoice Report.....................................................................................................................5
Complete Invoices...................................................................................................................................9
Check Invoice Hold................................................................................................................................12
Resolve Invoice Holds............................................................................................................................14
Verify Payments.....................................................................................................................................15
Create Accounting.................................................................................................................................19
Unaccounted Entries.............................................................................................................................25
Sweep Unposted Entries........................................................................................................................30
Reconcile Payables with GL...................................................................................................................33
Fixed Assets...............................................................................................................................................38
Create Mass Addition............................................................................................................................38
Complete Transaction............................................................................................................................39
Complete Asset Creation.......................................................................................................................44
Asset Cost Summary Report..................................................................................................................45
General Ledger Trial Balance Report.....................................................................................................49
Accounts Receivables................................................................................................................................54
Complete Invoice Transactions, Credit Memos.....................................................................................54
Complete Receipt Entry.........................................................................................................................55
Process Pending Adjustments...............................................................................................................56
Import Autoinvoice Exception...............................................................................................................57
Print Invoices.........................................................................................................................................59
Receivables Period Close Exceptions Report.........................................................................................62
Receivables to GL Reconciliation...........................................................................................................68
Open Next Period..................................................................................................................................72
Cash Management.....................................................................................................................................74
Complete reconciliation........................................................................................................................74
Create miscellaneous transactions........................................................................................................76
Create accounting..................................................................................................................................79
Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report......................................................................................82
General Ledger..........................................................................................................................................87
Review unposted journal entries...........................................................................................................87
Post and Reconcile AP Journals.............................................................................................................91
Trial Balance Report..............................................................................................................................93
Generate and Post Reversal Journals....................................................................................................96
Accounts Payables
Unvalidated Invoice Report
1. Log in to Oracle Fusion, Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes.

2. Click on ‘Schedule New process’

3. Search For ‘Invoice Register’ and press enter

4. Select ‘Payables Invoice Register’ Press Ok.

5. Read the Description And Press Ok.

6. Select ‘Medical BU’. Under Unvalidated Invoices Only Select ‘YES’

7. Click on Submit

8. Here you will find all the uncompleted invoices

Complete Invoices
1. Go to Payables > Invoices

2. Go to Tasks > Manage Invoices.

3. Now Copy the invoice number from the report

4. Now search Invoice number listed in the Unvalidated Invoices Report

5. Select the line and Click on Validate which is highlighted.

6. Then Click on Approval and select ‘Force Approve’ to give approvals to invoices.
Check Invoice Hold
1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes

2. Click on ‘Schedule New Process’

3. Search for ‘Hold’ and press enter then select ‘Payables Matching Hold Report’, Press Ok.

4. Select ‘Medical BU’ and Click on Submit.

5. After the downloading the report, we can the list of invoices on hold

Resolve Invoice Holds

1. Go to Payables > Invoices

2. In the Infolets, Click on the box with the heading ‘Hold’

3. Select the lines and click on ‘Release’ to release the hold.

Verify Payments
1. Go to Payables > Payments
2. Go to Tasks And Select ‘Manage Payments’
3. Click on ‘Advanced’

4. Under Payment Date Select Between.

5. Mention the dates for example: 1st August to 31st August.

6. Click on ‘Search’
7. Check the status of every line which needs to be ‘Negotiable’.

Create Accounting
1. Go to Payables > Invoices
2. Under tasks, Select ‘Create Accounting’

3. Under Subledger, Select Payables

4. Under Ledger, Select ‘GT Medical Ledger’.

So, while create accounting the best practice says to first generate Draft Accounting check the draft and
then post it under ‘Final mode’.

5. Under Accounting mode, Select ‘Draft’

6. Under Report Style, Select ‘Detail’.

7. After that, Click on Submit to start the process.

8. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes.

9. Under Scheduled Processes you will see the line which contains Create Accounting and the status
should be succeeded.
10. Click on the create accounting line and click on republish.

11. Click on Settings > Export > PDF to download the file.

12. Check the entries under the draft report and then create accounting in final mode by following the
same steps.
Unaccounted Entries
Before Closing the period in payables, we should generate the exception report to see what are the
unaccounted entries which still needs to be looked upon before closing the period.

1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes

2. Click on ‘Scheduled New Processes’.

2. Enter ‘Period Close Exception’ and click enter.

3. Select ‘Payables Period Close Exception Report’ and press ok

4. Select ‘Gt Medical Ledger Medical BU’

5. Select the Period For example Aug-21

6. Refresh and Check the status should be ‘Succeeded’ and click on the line.
7. Click on ‘Republish’

8. Click on Setting > Export > PDF.

9. Under the exception report you can see how many unaccounted entries are still there in each
business unit. And the details about the entries are given in the report.

Sweep Unposted Entries

1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes
2. Click on ‘Scheduled New Processes’.

3. Search for ‘Payables Unaccounted Transactions and Sweep Report’ and press ok.
4. Under Report Level, Select ‘Ledger’.

5. Select ‘Medical BU’.

6. Enter period and Sweep to period accordingly and click on submit.

Reconcile Payables with GL

1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes
2. Click on ‘Scheduled New Processes’.

3. Search for ‘Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation’ and press ok.
4. Write the Request Name and Select ‘GT Medical Ledger’.

5. Select ‘Medical BU’

6. Select Accounting period for example Aug-21. And click on ‘Submit’

7. Under Payables > Invoices > Tasks > Payables to Ledger Reconciliation.
8. Select our request name and click on apply.

9. This is the reconciliation report and the difference should be zero.

Fixed Assets
Create Mass Addition
1. Go to Payables > Invoices

2. Go to Tasks > Create Mass Additions

3. Under Asset book, Select ‘GT Medical Fixed Assets’

4. Click on ‘Submit’.

Complete Transaction
5. Now go to Fixed Assets > Assets.
6. Select the line, then click actions and select edit.

7. Under Category, Select computer laptops.

8. Click on Depreciation Expense Account.

9. Select Business Unit as Shared Service.

10.Set all the code as 00 and Press ok.

11. Select Location and press ok.

12. Under Queue, Select Post
13. Enter description and click ‘Save and close’.

Complete Asset Creation

1. Under Assets Click on ‘Ready to post’

2. Select the line and Click on ‘Post All’

3. Click on ‘Add to Asset’ and you will see the dialog box saying Asset addition were submitted.

Asset Cost Summary Report

1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes

2. Click on ‘Schedule New Process’

3. Search for ‘Asset Cost Summary Report’ and Press ok.

4. Under Book, Select ‘GT Medical Fixed Asset’

5. Select From period and To Period and click on ‘Submit’

6. Select the line and Click on ‘Republish’.

7. Click on Setting > Export > PDF to download the report.

8. Here is the cost summary of your fixed assets.

General Ledger Trial Balance Report

1. Under Tools > Scheduled Processes > Schedule new process

2. Search for ‘General Ledger Trial Balance Report’ and press ok.
3. Select Ledger, Ledger currency and Form period and to period.

4. Click on Submit.
5. After the status says ‘Succeeded’ Select the line

6. Click on Republish.
7. Click on Setting > Export > PDF to download the report.

8. You can see General Ledger trial Balance Report.

Accounts Receivables
Complete Invoice Transactions, Credit Memos
1. Go to Receivables > Billings

2. Under Infolets, click on incomplete Infolet, here you will find all the incomplete transactions under
3. Select the line and click on complete.

Complete Receipt Entry

1. Go to Receivables > Accounts Receivables.
2. Under receipt batches you will find all the incomplete receipts.

Process Pending Adjustments

1. Go to Receivables > Billings.
2. Under Tasks > Approve Adjustments

3. here you can approve all the adjustments. Currently there are no adjustments to approve.

Import Autoinvoice Exception

1. Go to Receivables > Billings.
2. Under Infolets, Click on Import Exceptions
3. You can see the number of exception under each transaction source.

Print Invoices
1. Go to Receivables > Billing.
2. Under Tasks > Manage Transactions

3. Under transaction Class, Select Distributed order orchestration and click on search.
4. Click on the Transaction Number.

5. Click on ‘View Image’.

6. You can print the invoices from here.

Receivables Period Close Exceptions Report

1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes.
2. Click on ‘Schedule New Processes’.

3. Search ‘Subledger’ and Select ‘subledger period close exception report’ and press ok.
4. Check the description and press ok.

5. Under journal source, select receivables.

6. under ledger, Select ‘GT Medical Ledger’.

7. Under ‘from accounting period’, Select Aug-21.

8. Under ‘To accounting period’, Select Aug-21

9. Click on ‘Submit’.
10. After the status is ‘Succeeded’ select the line and click on republish.

11. Click on Settings > Export > PDF to download the report.
12. The report is empty that means we can create accounting and close the period.

Receivables to GL Reconciliation
1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes.

2. Click on ‘Schedule New Process’

3. Search for Prepare Receivables to General Reconciliation and press ok.

4. Enter Request name and Select Ledger and Enter the Accounting Period then press Submit.
5. Go to Receivables > Accounts Receivables.

6. Go to Tasks > Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation.

7. Select our Request name and click apply

8. You can see the reconciliation report.

Open Next Period
1. Go to Receivables > Accounts Receivables.

2. Go to Tasks > Manage Accounting Periods.

3. Select the Ledger and Click on Open Next Period.

Cash Management
Complete reconciliation
1. Go to Cash Management > Bank Statements and Reconciliation.
2. Go to Tasks > Manual Reconciliation.

3. Select the Bank Account and Click on Search.

4. Click on the lines which you want to match.

5. Click on Reconcile
6. After checking every lines and reconciling, Click on Done

Create miscellaneous transactions

1. Go to Cash Management > Cash balances.

2. Go to Tasks > Create Ad hoc Payments.

3. Select Bank Acocunt.

4. Enter Payee

5. Select Business Unit, Payment Method And Payment Profile as given below.
6. Enter the Payment Amount and click on Submit.

Create accounting

1. Go to Cash management > Bank Statements and Reconciliation.

2. Go to Tasks > Create Accounting

3. Select Cash management under Subledger Application.

4. Select GT Medical Ledger Under Ledger.

5. Select the accounting mode and click on Submit (Note: first select Draft after checking it select Final
mode with all the same steps)
Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report
1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes.

2. Click on Schedule New Process.

3. Search Cash to general and select Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report press ok.

4. Select Bank Account.

5. Select the From and To Accounting Period, Click on Submit.

6. After the Status turns ‘Succeeded’ Select the Line.

7. Click on Republish

8. Click on Setting > Export > PDF to download the report.

9. You can see the reconciliation report.

General Ledger
Review unposted journal entries
1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes.
2. Click on Schedule New Process.

3. Search Journal Report and Press Ok.

4. Select Unposted Journals as posting status.

5. Select Ledger Currency as Currency type.

6. Select the Accounting Period and click on submit.

7. Select the line of journal report and click on republish.

8. Click on Setting > Export > PDF.

9. You can see all the unposted Journal under this report.
Post and Reconcile AP Journals
1. Go to General Accounting > Journals

2. Go to Tasks > Manage Journals

3. Select Accounting Period, And Select Unposted as Batch Status.

4. Click on Search
5. Select all the journal lines and click on ‘post batch’.

Trial Balance Report

1. Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes.

2. Click on Schedule New Process.

3. Search Trail Balance and select trial balance report and press ok.
4. Select GT Medical Ledger As Data Access Set.

5. Select Accounting Period and Amount Type as below and click on Submit.
6. Click on Republish > Setting > Export > PDF to download the trial balance.

Generate and Post Reversal Journals

1. Go to General Accounting > Journals.

2. Go to Tasks > Run AutoReverse.

3. Select the Ledger and Reversal Period and Click on Submit.

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