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Activity #1 RPH

1. How do we preserve our cultural heritage?

- We can preserve our cultural heritage by providing many rules and
regulations to protect the place. By doing that, the visitors or tourist can only
limit their doings. In that way, we protect the cultural heritage, and in case
something bad happens, we need to fix or restore it immediately.
2. Why do we need to protect our cultural heritage?
- We need to protect our cultural heritage because it is one of our connection to
the past, it is our own beliefs, tradition and also our national pride.
3. Why should we worry about the increasing number of tourist that may visit
in every tourist attraction or cultural heritage?
- We should be worry about the increasing number of the tourist because we
never know what their intentions are, some of the tourist have bad intentions
and it can affect our cultural heritage. Some tourist also don’t have a good
moral and they disrespect our place, it can affect the moral our cultural
4. What is cultural property?
- They are part of our cultural heritage, the examples are historic buildings,
works of art, archaeological sites, libraries and museums.
5. What can be done to protect the originality of all tourist attraction?
- To protect the originality of all tourist attraction, it needs to provide more
security and provide more rules and law about respecting our culture.
6. If you were given a chance to make a campaign for the environment, what
is it and why?
- If I were given a chance to make a campaign for the environment, I’ll choose
to create an organization that is prioritizing to protect our cultural heritage, by
protecting means we volunteer to watch and keep the place good and secure.
I will also create a rule that violators need to pay money when they violate,
and the money will go the cultural heritage, we can use the money to provide
upgrades to the place.

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