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Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan

Online Examination System

Subject Exam Term Total Marks Timing

Advertising and Promotional Strategies FINAL 90 60 Minutes

Q: 1
According to the marketing and promotions process model, which of the following is NOT a stage in the target marketing process?
a. market identification
b. promotional decisions
c. market segmentation
d. positioning through marketing strategies
Correct answer:

Q: 2
2. according to the marketing and promotions process model, which of the following is NOT a stage in the target marketing process?
a. market identification
b. promotional decisions
c. market segmentation

d. positioning through marketing strategies

Correct answer:

Q: 3
A(n) _____ is a document that evolves from an organization's overall corporate strategy and serves as a guide for specific marketing
programs and policies.
a. Strategic marketing plan
b. Integrated marketing communications plan
c.Situation analysis
d. Opportunity analysis
Correct answer:

Q: 4
_____ are defined as external areas where there are favorable demand trends, where customer needs and wants are not being
satisfied, and where a company feels it can compete effectively.

a. Market opportunities
b. Market segments
c. Competitive advantages
d. Market strengths
Correct answer:

Q: 5
There are many different types of medicines for relieving allergy symptoms, and there are several that offer 24-hour relief, but only Alavert
comes in a quick-dissolving form that can be easily swallowed without water. The maker of Alavert hopes the fact that it dissolves and enters the
system more quickly than other brands will create a:

a. market aggregation
b. market segment
c. competitive advantage
d. market threat
Correct answer:

Q: 6
__________________ is something unique or special a firm possesses or does that gives it an edge over its competitors.

a. Brand quality
b. Brand equity
c. A competitive advantage
d. Brand power
Correct answer:

Q: 7 Competitive advantages can be achieved through:

a. quality products that command a premium price

b. low production costs and low prices
c. strong channels of distribution
d. all of the above
Correct answer:
Q: 8
The first step in the target marketing process is to:
a. develop positioning strategies
b. request government approval
c. determine whether to use a market segmentation strategy or a mass marketing strategy
d. identify markets with unfulfilled needs
Correct answer:

Q: 9 The market segmentation process:

a. divides a market into distinct groups that have heterogeneous needs
b. divides a market into distinct groups that will respond similarly to marketing actions
c. offers one version of the product to all markets
d. identifies markets with unfulfilled needs
Correct answer:

Q: 10
Tourism is an important industry in Bermuda. The Bermudan government describes the tourists it aims its advertising at as aged between 35
and 55 with an annual average income of $150,000. It is using _____ segmentation.

a. demographic
b. psychographic
c. benefit
d. geographic
Correct answer:

Q: 11
Division of the market based on age, sex, family size, income, and other measurable characteristics is known as:
a. demographic segmentation
b. psychographic segmentation
c. quantified aggregation
d. lifestyle aggregation
Correct answer:

Q: 12
An ad for Shangri-La Travel Agency offers trips especially designed for grandparents and their grandchildren to enjoy together. This example
illustrates the use of _____ segmentation.
a. geographic
b. demographic
c. lifestyle
d. behaviorist
Correct answer:

Q: 13 Nature of the good and the buying conditions are examples of _____ segmentation.
a. demographic
b. benefit
c. buying situations
d. behaviorist
Correct answer:

Q: 14 _____ divides a market on the basis of lifestyles.

a. Leisure marketing
b. Psychographic segmentation
c. Benefit segmentation
d. Demographic segmentation
Correct answer: B

Q: 15
The ad for Tempur-Pedic's weight control mattress describes the mattress as “a perfect refuge from the cares of the day.” This description
indicates that the mattress maker is using _____ segmentation to define its market.
a. benefit
b. demographic
c. geographic
d. behaviorist
Correct answer:

Q: 16
An outside firm that specializes in the creation, production and/or placement of the communications message and that may provide other
services to facilitate the marketing and promotions process is called Advertising Agency
a. true
b. false
Correct answer:
Q: 17
Individuals who gather information that is relevant to the client's product or service; used in development of creative strategy as well as other
aspects of IMC campaign are called Account Planners
a. True
b. False
Correct answer:

Q: 18
An individual or an organization who have the products, services or causes to be marketed alongwith providing funds for their marketing
are known as:
a. Ad Agency
b. Media
c. Advertiser
d. Audience
Correct answer:

Q: 19
An agency made up of departments that provide the activities needed to perform various advertising functions (marketing, communications,
promotions services including planning, creating and producing the advertising, performing research and selecting media) may also offer non
advertising services such as strategic market planning, sales promotion, direct marketing, package design, public relations, publicity are called:
a. Creative Boutiques
b. Industry-focused Ad Agencies
c. Minority Agencies
d. Full-service Adverting Agencies
Correct answer:

Q: 20 Major participant in advertising and promotions process; provides information and entertainment to subscribers, viewers or readers

a. advertising manager
b. collateral services
c. clients, or advertisers
d. media organizations
Correct answer:

Q: 21 Decentralized system:

a. A system in which individual products or brands are the responsibility of a brand manager
b. In this design, marketing activities are organized along functional lines
c. system using an additional layer of manager about the brand manager to coordinate efforts of all brand managers handling a related group of
products; category manager focuses on the strategic role of the various brands in order to build profits and market share
d. groups or teams of members from each department work together to service particular accounts
Correct answer:

Q: 22
Individuals/companies performing specialized functions used by the other participants in the promotions process. Such as:advertisers, media
organizations, and specialized marketing communication firms.

a. full-service agencies
b. account planners
c. copywriters
d. collateral services
Correct answer:

Q: 23 Individuals who conceive the ideas for the ads and write the headlines, subheads, and body copy (words used in the message)

a. collateral services
b. copy writers
c. account planners
d. art directors
Correct answer:

Q: 24 extraneous factors that create unplanned distortion or interference in the communication process
a. encoding
b. decoding
c. noise
d. massage

Correct answer:
Q: 25 Favorable cognitive thoughts generated toward the source of the message are called Source Derogations
a. true
b. false
Correct answer:

Q: 26 The set of reactions the receiver has after seeing, hearing, or reading a message is called feedback
a) True
b) False
Correct answer:

Q: 27
A model that depicts the successive stages a buyer passes through in the personal-selling process, including attention, interest, desire, and action is
known as Innovation adoption model
a. True
b. False
Correct answer:

Q: 28 Consumer's thoughts that support or affirm the claims being made by a message are called Support Arguments
a. True
b. False
Correct answer:

Q: 29
A model of the process by which advertising works that assumes a consumer must pass through a sequence of steps from initial awareness to
eventual action. The stages include awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and adoption → Hierarchy of effects model
a. True
b. False
Correct answer:

Q: 30 Pros of a Centralized system are:

a. better communications
b. fewer personnel
c. more top management involvement
d. all the above
Correct answer:

Q: 31 Cons of a Centralized system are:

a. less goal involvement

b. longer response time
c. impractical for multiple brands
d. all the above
Correct answer:

Q: 32 which of the following is not a positive factor for Decentralization?

a. concentrated attention
b. rapid problem response
c. Increased monitoring
d. increased flexibility
Correct answer:

Q: 33 which of the following is a Con for decentralization?

a. In effective decision making

b. Internal conflicts
c. Unequal distribution of funds
d. all the above
Correct answer:

Q: 34 "Lack of Authority" is character typically found in:

a. centralized system
b. decentralized system
c. both centralized and decentralized systems
d. None of the above
Correct answer:

Q: 35 A major reasons why some companies choose to use an In-house agency is to:
a. Maintain creative freshness
b. Reduce advertising and promotions costs
c. Better understand how advertising works
d. All the above
Correct answer:
Q: 36 Which of the following is a Pro for having an In-house agency?
a. more control
b. better coordination
c. cost saving
d. all the above
Correct answer:
Q: 37 Creative Boutiques provides:
a. broad range of services ranging from planning to ad production and running on media
b. only creative serices
c. only hires models for a full service agency
d. none of the above
Correct answer:
Q: 38 Marketing executives say the biggest obstacle to implementing IMC is:

a. Lack of management support

b. Insufficient budgets
c. Lack of people with the right perspective and skills
d. Inexperienced ad agencies
Correct answer:
Q: 39 which of the following is a form of Encoding.

a Spoken and Written words

b Pictures and Drawings
c. Animations and Voices
d. All the above
Correct answer:

Q: 40 which of the following is not a non-personal channel of communication?

a. Print media
b. Broadcast Media
c. Word of Mouth
d. All of the above
Correct answer:

Q: 41 extraneous factors that create unplanned distortion or interference in the communication process
a) encoding
b) decoding
c) noise
d) massage
Correct answer:

Q: 42 Favorable cognitive thoughts generated toward the source of the message are called Source Derogations
a) true
b) false
Correct answer:

Q: 43 The set of reactions the receiver has after seeing, hearing, or reading a message is called feedback
a) True
b) False

Correct answer:

Q: 44
A model that depicts the successive stages a buyer passes through in the personal-selling process, including attention, interest, desire, and action is
known as Innovation adoption model
a) True
b) False

Correct answer:

Q: 45 Consumer's thoughts that support or affirm the claims being made by a message are called Support Arguments
a) True
b) False

Correct answer:

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