Location Chosen: Harvard University Soil Type: Low Runoff Potential

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Location Chosen: Harvard University

Soil Type: low runoff potential

Soil Drainage: > 1 inches/hour

Topography: Moderately Flat (5% Slope)

Precipitation: Rain gauge location- BOSTON WSFO AP (1970-2006) 42.05”

Evaporation: Weather station- BLUE HILL (1970-2006) 0.13 inches/day
Land cover (assumptions)
- %Meadow: 15
- %Lawn: 30
- %Impervious: 55
LID Controls (assumptions)
- Rain Harvesting: 15%
- Rain gardens: 20%
- Street Planters: 10%
Years to Analyze: 15
Event Threshold (inches): 0.10

Results Obtained
Site Description shows the data that has been entered for the site and changes can be made if needed.
Summary Results report shows the pie chart with the respective percentages of Runoff, Infiltration
and Evaporation and different statistical parameters of the amount rainfall and runoff can be seen after
the pie chart.

Rainfall / Runoff report gives a scatter plot of the daily runoff depth associated with each daily rainfall
event across the period of record studied.
Rainfall / Runoff Frequency report shows how many times per year, on average, a given daily rainfall
depth or runoff depth will be exceeded. As an example, there are about two days per year when it rains
more than two inches, but only one day when there is more than this amount of runoff.

The Rainfall Retention Frequency plot is part of the Rainfall Retention Frequency report provided by
the calculator. For the situation being simulated, it graphs the frequency with which a certain depth of
rainfall will be held on site.
Runoff by Rainfall Percentile indicates the proportion of total measurable runoff attributable to
various rainfall events of various sizes. Daily rainfall event percentiles are divided into intervals on the
bottom axis. Each end-of-interval percentile is represented by the rainfall depth on the top axis. Within
each size interval, the bars show what percentage of total measurable runoff is produced by rainfall.

The Extreme Event Rainfall/Runoff report shows the rainfall and resulting runoff for a series of
extreme event (high intensity) storms that occur at different return periods.

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