6 неделя практический

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Sixth week

Exercise 1
You are going to read an article about a man who cycled around the world on
Read the article and find out what the following numbers refer to
1. Phil white has just returned from an 18000mile around the world bicycle trip.
2. He raised 70000 for the British charity Oxfam.
3. White set from Trafalgar Square in London on 19th June 2004 and was back
299 days later.
4. He spent more than 1300 hours in the saddle
5. He cycled through heavy rains and temperatures of up to 45 degrees, all to
help people in need.
Exercise 2
Match the meanings (a-c) to the words from the article (1-6). (The line numbers
are in brackets)
1. Epic (04) a)very long and exciting
2. Raise money for (06) b)make money for
3. Saddle (18)
4. Desperate (26) c)without friends or companions
5. Bandits (34) a)dangerous people
6. Headwind (38) b a wind that pushes against you
Exercise 3
Find and correct 6 mistakes in the review
I've just finished Long Way Round, a book about an incredible around-the-
world journey written by two British actors, Ewan McGregor and Charley
Boorman. The story has started one day when McGregor was looking at a map
of the world. He has realized that it was possible to ride all the way around the
world by motorbike. He suggested the idea over dinner to his good friend,
Boorman. Boorman has immediately agreed. The result, 20,000 miles and three
months later, is a very entertaining travel book that I didn't want to put down.
On the journey they have experienced terrible weather and road conditions and
they have had all sorts of adventures, including a meeting with Mongolian
nomads and gun-carrying Ukrainians. Long Way Round is action-packed and
was a real success for the two actors.
Exercise 4:
Phrasal verbs
Complete the email with phrases from the box
1/ got by
2/stop off
3/ran into
4/ set out
5/ get together
6/ gave up
Exercise 5
I chose this topic from the list: if you got very very tired of your current life,
and you wanted to get away: where would you go?
I think that nowadays everyone has problems. To be honest, I have not seen a
person without problems. If one person has health problems, the other has
financial problems. Even the richest and healthiest person has problems. If I
was tired, I would go somewhere where I would be alone. I like to think alone
and think about everything. Ask yourself the question "What didn't I do right?".
If I have a fight with one person, I always put myself in his place. And I
analyze the situation

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