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Guideline penulisan Letter of Intent Turkiye Burslari Scholarship

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Buka dengan tujuan kamu menulis surat. Sebutkan ingin apply beasiswa apa. Jelaskan kenapa ingin apply beasiswa
ini dan kenapa beasiswa ini menarik bagi kamu untuk melanjutkan S1 di bidang xxx.

Contoh: "I am writing to express my interest in applying to………… scholarship. I found this scholarship program is
interesting because it offers .........."

Paragraph 2: Alasan memilih Turki

Di sini coba jelaskan lebih dalam mengapa kamu memilih Turki. Jelaskan dari sisi:

1. Sistem Pendidikan Turki yang bagus

2. Universitas yang bagus di jurusan pendidikan

3. Kerjasama internasional antara Turki dan Indonesia.

Paragraph 3: Sebutkan rencana setelah lulus kuliah

Coba jelaskan mengenai:

1. Setelah lulus ingin bekerja di mana?

2. Ingin memperkuat lagi kerja sama antara Indonesia dan Turki di bidang [sebutkan bidang yang ingin kamu
perdalam, misalnya Hubungan Internasional], bagaimana caranya?

Kamu jelaskan:

Plan: Rencananya apa

Goal: Tujuan kamu apa

Step: Langkah untuk mencapainya bagaimana

Paragraph 4: Penutup/closing

Beri paragraf penutup di sini yang berisi tentang harapan kamu supaya bisa kuliah di turki.
I am writing this to express my interest in applying to Turkiye Burslari Scholarship. I found that this
scholarship want to create a future leader for sustainable impact, which required in 21 st century to hold
on collaboration for more development. This vision supported by Turkiye and Indonesia intensive
relation in education, fashion industry, and other sectoral which is so beneficial for future opportunity in
work or sustainable network for both country. Therefore, to be able maintaining relation and pursuing
study in Turkiye is a match step towards my future goals after study to build socio enterprise community
based to end poverty by society empowerment in rural area and exchanging supply and demand
between Turkiye in natural or procced resources. I have developed my leadership skills through
organization I participated inside and outside school and I know how to interact from various
background of people.

As I grew up, Turkiye had been my favourite nation in strategic networking both in western and eastern
and stand fierce in their principal. Turkiye has their own colour and identity that makes them stands. For
instance, in International gathering when Turkiye President stands ferce for against Palestina offense
and walks by the conference

or applying the Turkish model which combine ………………………and blaa………. This unconsciously will
affect student’s mental of having this mindset when it comes to make a big decision next day in the
future as a leader they will have their own identity,brave and stands out.

Beside that, world class education, government support and university commitment for a better version
of education system is the fresh air of why Turkiye become a best destination for study, they also tend
to friendly welcoming the International student with hospitality and respect.

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