Drinking Water

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Drinking Water

Article · November 2016


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3 authors:

R. Rajagopal Edwin Brands

University of Iowa University of Minnesota Morris


Michael D Wichman
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Arkansas


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per liter) or ppb (parts per billion). The salin-

Water: drinking ity of ocean water is around 3.5% or 35 000
ppm. For practical purposes, this water without
R. Rajagopal significant modifications is unfit for human
Michael Wichman consumption and for most agricultural and
University of Iowa, USA industrial uses.
Edwin Brands In general, dissolved salt in fresh water is
University of Minnesota, Morris, USA less than 0.1%, brackish or estuarine water is
in the range of 0.1–3%, and ocean water is
in the range of 3–5%. As shown in Table 1,
Definitions, availability, and distribution ocean and saline groundwater comprise 97.5%
of, and access to drinking water of earth’s water, which is unfit for human
consumption without major treatment. The
Water that is made fit for human consump- remaining 2.5% of the earth’s water, which has
tion with minimal short- or long-term harm low salinity, is termed “fresh water.” Over two
is called potable or drinking water. Waters in thirds (68.7%) of this fresh water is inacces-
lakes and rivers with surface runoff from rain sible and locked up in polar regions, and the
and snowmelt are referred to as surface water, remaining 31.3% is made of fresh groundwater
whereas, water below the ground with rain and (30.06), ice/permafrost (0.86), lakes (0.26),
snowmelt infiltration and percolation are referred soil moisture (0.05), atmospheric water (0.04),
k to as groundwater or aquifers. Groundwater and swamps (0.03), rivers (0.01), and biological k
surface water serve as the two major sources of water (0.003). Due to the presence of rivers
drinking water. across the global landscape, a column of other
Geologic evidence indicates that water of water components in relation to the total global
volcanic origin has been flowing on earth for river volume (unit of 1) is constructed and
most of its 3.8 billion years of existence. Water presented in the last column of Table 1. For
is essential for all life forms and thus makes every single drop of fresh river water, there
the earth unique in many ways compared to are 43 drops in lakes, 4967 such drops in
other planets in the solar system. As shown groundwater, and 637 243 drops of saline water
in Table 1, over 96.5% of the earth’s water (Table 1).
is contained in the 1.34 million km3 of the After rivers, the second largest visible compo-
oceans (Shiklomanov 1993). All the ocean nent of fresh water is the lakes. The 91 000 km3
water is saline. For an aqueous water sample, held by freshwater lakes constitute a mere
concentration of other substances in it, such 0.26% of total fresh water. The spatial distribu-
as salts, is often measured as mg/L (milligrams tion of the 10 largest freshwater lakes on this
per liter) or ppm (parts per million), and for planet, Lake Erie, and the remaining lakes as a
low concentrations also as μg/L (micrograms group is shown Table 2.

The International Encyclopedia of Geography.

Edited by Douglas Richardson, Noel Castree, Michael F. Goodchild, Audrey Kobayashi, Weidong Liu, and Richard A. Marston.
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0338

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Table 1 Estimated global water distribution.

Volume in km3 % of fresh water % of all water Relative weight to rivers
Oceans, seas, and bays 1 338 000 000 96.538 631 132
Ice caps, glaciers, and permanent 24 064 000 68.697 1.736 11 351
Saline groundwater 12 870 000 0.929 6 071
Fresh groundwater 10 530 000 30.061 0.760 4 967
Ground ice and permafrost 300 000 0.856 0.022 142
Freshwater lakes 91 000 0.260 0.007 43
Saline lakes 85 400 0.006 40
Soil moisture 16 500 0.047 0.001 7.8
Atmosphere 12 900 0.037 0.001 6.1
Swamps 11 470 0.033 0.001 5.4
Rivers 2 120 0.006 0.000 1.0
Biological water 1 120 0.003 0.000 0.5
Total 1 385 984 510 100.000 100.000 653 766
Adapted from Shiklomanov 1993, with permission from Oxford University Press, New York.

k k

Table 2 The volume of water held by the top 10 freshwater lakes of the world and Lake Erie.
Name Continent Volume (km3 ) % of total
Baikal Asia 23 600 25.93
Tanganyika Africa 19 000 20.88
Superior North America 12 232 13.44
Malawi (Nyasa) Africa 7 775 8.54
Michigan North America 4 918 5.40
Huron North America 3 538 3.89
Victoria Africa 2 760 3.03
Great Bear North America 2 292 2.52
Issyk-Kul (Ysik-Kol) Asia 1 738 1.91
Ontario North America 1 639 1.80
Erie North America 483 0.53
All others (estimated) 11 025 12.12
Total: 91 000 100.00
NB: Lake Erie was included so as to have a complete representation of the five lakes that constitute the Great Lakes, USA.
Data from LakeNet 2014; NOAA 2014; and Shiklomanov 1993.

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Collectively, Lake Baikal (25.93), the Great Drinking water and the hydrological
Lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario, and cycle
Erie combined, 25.06), and Lake Tanganyika
(20.88) hold about 72% of all fresh water from
lakes on this planet. There are numerous debates Water in its three major forms of solid (ice),
surrounding the pollution of, access to, and liquid (water), and gas (vapor), has been cycling
ownership rights of waters of these lakes. the earth’s surface and subsurface for billions of
As seen from Tables 1 and 2, over 99% of years influenced by physical, chemical, and bio-
logical processes. This water movement process is
fresh water available on this earth for human
referred to as the water or hydrological cycle, as
consumption is found as groundwater in aquifers
shown in Figure 1 (Ohio DNR 2011). This cycle
and a tiny fraction, less than 1%, is found in
is one of the most important natural phenomena
rivers and lakes. There is also considerable
and serves as the driving force behind many
spatial and temporal variation and uncertainty
other life cycle processes on this planet. The heat
in the availability, occurrence, and distribu-
energy from the sun is the main external fuel
tion of such waters around the planet. Some
that gets this process going on a continuous basis.
of the highly contested contemporary debates
One of the most contested debates in recent
surround issues related to the impact of global decades is the influence of human activities
climate change scenarios on the nature, scope, (especially carbon emissions), as opposed to
spatial and temporal shift, severity, and magni- nature, on changes to earth’s surface tempera-
tude of parameters impacting water availability ture. A concomitant debate also surrounds the
k for human use. impact of such changes on spatial and temporal k
Nature is one of the most dominant forces variability and uncertainty of extreme weather
shaping the availability and distribution of fresh events such as floods, hurricanes, and droughts.
water on this planet. The protection and provi- Drinking water, to varying degrees, may be
sion of drinking water is a basic need, and many obtained from several components of the hydro-
would argue, a human right because an adequate logical cycle (Figure 1). Key components of the
supply of drinking water is essential for human cycle include evaporation, transpiration, con-
life and wellbeing. Drinking water is accessed by densation, precipitation, snowfall, surface runoff,
individuals and families throughout the world in infiltration, percolation, and groundwater seep-
a variety of ways, ranging from filling cans from age (USGS 2014). Solar heat enables evaporation
surface waters to simply opening a tap from a of water from oceans, lakes, and rivers and also
piped water supply. In recent decades, significant enables the release of water as vapor from vege-
progress has been made in providing access to tation to the atmosphere through transpiration.
safe drinking water worldwide. Available statis- As moist air rises in the atmosphere, it cools
tics indicate approximately 2.1 billion gained and condenses to form clouds which then fall
access to improved drinking water between to oceans, freshwater bodies, or land surfaces as
1990 and 2011; and by 2011, nearly 90% of the precipitation/rain and snow. Of the precipitation
population used an improved drinking water falling on land, a portion becomes surface runoff
source, and more than half had access to piped that finds its way to creeks, streams, rivers, and
water (WHO/UNICEF 2013). Despite this lakes, eventually evaporating or emptying into
progress, more than 1 billion still lack access to oceans. The remainder infiltrates the earth’s
safe drinking water. surface to become groundwater, the majority of

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Vap o
clouds ol



r m t at i

Hail Water vapor Sun’s heat
ita tion
p r ec i p causes evaporation
Evapo rat ion fr o m


t re

ro m

Riv om
io n f
n s p i rat

t io


n fr
p la

om o
Lakes &

Su e Su
runrface fac
off Suur noff runrface
Soil/porous earth r off
Infiltration and Septic Water
percolation Fresh ground water zone system well Ocean

water zone

Nonporous earth and confining rock

k k
Figure 1 A pictorial representation of the hydrological cycle. Ohio DNR, Division of Soil and Water
Resources 2011.

which percolates and seeps into surface water many watersheds that are a part of a larger
bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. This river such as the Mississippi, Nile, Amazon, or
entire process has been repeating for billions Ganges. Hydrologically and spatially defined
of years with some uncertainty and significant catchment areas such as watersheds and river
variability over space and time. For example, at basins have played a major role in the adminis-
Cherrapunji, India, it rained 2300 cms in 1861, tration, planning, protection, and management
whereas at Arica, Chile, there was no rain for 14 of freshwater resources based on landform and
years (USGS 2014). landscape characteristics and use, in addition to
Creeks, streams, and rivers are characterized by politically derived administrative boundaries.
their watersheds. The watershed of a river is the
area of land that contributes to the river’s flow.
The final outfall from the river to a higher order Drinking water and regulations
river or the ocean will be represented by waters
from the entire watershed. The term “water-
Drinking water and public health
shed” is used to describe smaller units of land
that drain into creeks, streams, and rivers, and Sanitation, drinking water, and public health are
the term “river basin” is considered to include closely connected. On this planet, 2.5 billion

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people do not have access to adequate sanitation, on reducing exposure to low concentrations of
783 million do not have access to clean water, organic and inorganic chemicals.
and 85% of the population lives in the driest
half of the planet. An estimated 3.5 million die
Drinking water treatment
each year due to inadequate sanitation, water
supply, or hygiene. Up to 90% of wastewater Through the early to mid-1800s drinking water
in developing countries flows untreated into systems in developed nations consisted mainly of
rivers, lakes, and highly productive coastal zones. pipes for delivering water (e.g., New York and
Industry dumps an estimated 300–400 million London). Modern technologies for contaminant
tons of polluted wastes into water bodies, and removal and remediation include filtration,
nitrate from agriculture is one of the most flocculation and sedimentation, and disinfection.
common chemical contaminants in surface Flocculation is utilized to coagulate particles that
and ground waters (UN Water 2013). Min- settle out of the water as sediment in the treat-
ing, forest operations, power generation, rapid ment process. Alum, metal salts, and synthetic
urbanization, land-use change, climate change, organic polymers are often used as flocculants.
and population growth have also become seri- The clear water above the sediment is filtered
ous stressors on the quality of available fresh to remove smaller particles. Typical filters are
waters. gravel, sand, and charcoal. Public water systems
In addition to human wastes, naturally occur- are often further treated with a disinfectant
ring contaminants such as fluoride and inorganic such as chlorine, chloramines, chlorine dioxide,
k arsenic are found in high concentrations in a ozone, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation to control k
number of countries such as Argentina, Chile, biological contaminants in the distribution sys-
China, India, Mexico, the United States, and tem. Additional treatment such as ion exchange
Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, 20 million and 45 may also be used to remove inorganic ions and
million people are at risk of being exposed to activated carbon to remove organic contaminants
arsenic concentrations greater than their national (US EPA 2016a).
standard of 50 μg/L and the WHO guideline Various small-scale or household treatment
value of 10 μg/L, respectively (WHO 2011; systems may also be utilized to treat private well
Flanagan, Johnston, and Zheng 2012). water or provide further treatment of tap water.
Combined with the sewer systems of the mid- These systems include simple particulate filters,
to late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, water softening devices to remove hardness or
filtration and eventually disinfection of water carbonates, anion exchange to remove con-
contributed to near-elimination of diseases such taminants such as nitrate, and activated carbon
as cholera and typhoid that annually killed sig- filtration, distillation, reverse osmosis, and others
nificant numbers of urban dwellers. Although it to treat specific contaminants (State Hygienic
was nearly eradicated by the mid-1900s, cholera Laboratory at The University of Iowa 2013).
has recently reemerged as a pre-eminent pub- Strategies for providing safe drinking water
lic health threat in certain densely populated include source water protection and treat-
developing nations: cholera and other diarrheal ment of drinking water to meet health-related
diseases cause up to 5% of deaths worldwide. water quality standards. A form of pollution
Acute waterborne illnesses are relatively uncom- prevention, source water protection has been
mon in developed nations, where the focus is increasingly employed in international and

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national water protection legislation includ- America base their drinking water standards on
ing the European Union’s Water Framework WHO guidelines, and drinking water standards
Directive and the United States’ Safe Drinking in China are also based on WHO guidelines
Water Act. As was the case in historical hydraulic (WHO 2011). Regulated contaminants include
empires, large cities worldwide have continually metals such as lead, mercury, and chromium,
expanded their influence over available water volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as
resources nearby to develop and sustain supplies benzene and 1,2-dichloroethane, semi-volatile
for their growing populations. Some, such as organic compounds including pesticides and
New York City, have opted for a watershed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and
protection approach which has proven more cost bacteria such as coliforms and E. coli, as well as
effective than filtering the 1.2 billion gallons viruses and radionuclides.
provided to its 9 million residents each day. Table 3 compares selected drinking water
Despite significant advances in water treat- standards published by the US EPA (2016b), the
ment technologies, drinking water quality is still WHO (2011), and the European Union (EU
strongly linked to the quality of the source water. 1998). Review of the comparison chart shows
Many countries actively promote source water that there are many similarities in regulated
protection to prevent pollution of groundwater, contaminants, but there are also differences
lakes, rivers, and streams that serve as drinking in compounds regulated as well as regulatory
water feeders for local communities. concentrations allowed. For example, the com-
In developed countries, only a very small part pound atrazine, a common agricultural triazine
of the treated piped water is consumed or used herbicide, is included in the US national primary
k k
in food preparation. Most of the rest is used for drinking water regulations at a concentration
toilet flushing, washing, bathing, and landscape of 0.003 mg/L and in WHO guidelines for
irrigation. As a conservation and/or economic drinking water quality at a concentration of
measure, dual water supply systems are employed 0.002 mg/L, yet it is not a regulated parameter
by some for separating such uses. in the European Union. Arsenic is a regu-
lated contaminant by all regulatory bodies at a
concentration of 0.01 mg/L.
Drinking water standards
Most if not all nations have adopted some form
Drinking water: current and future
of health-based drinking water standards that
specify the maximum allowable concentration challenges
of various classes of contaminants, including
inorganic and organic compounds, pathogens, There are numerous current and future chal-
sediment, and radioactive substances. In the lenges in the realm of drinking water, including
United States, drinking water standards are set issues of access to resources, available quantity of
by the Safe Drinking Water Act (US EPA 2002), water, and threats to water quality. Gleick and
in the European Union by the Drinking Water colleagues (2012) peg the basic human daily need
Directive (EU 1998), in Canada by Guidelines for for water at 50 L per person, which includes
Drinking Water Quality, in India by the Bureau 5 L of water for drinking and the balance for
of Indian Standards, and in Australia by Drink- hygiene, sanitation, and food preparation. In
ing Water Guidelines. Many nations in South 2010, the United Nations recognized the human

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Table 3 Comparison of selected drinking water standards (values in mg/L unless otherwise noted).
Analyte/parameter US EPA WHO European Union
Maximum contaminant Guideline value Parametric value
level (MCL)
Acrylamide * 0.0005 0.0001
Alachor 0.002 0.02 pesticides†
Aldrin 0.00003 0.00003‡
Alpha/photon emitters 15 pCi/L 0.5 Bq/L
Antimony 0.006 0.02 0.005
Arsenic 0.01 0.01 0.01
Atrazine 0.003 0.1 pesticides†
Benzene 0.005 0.01 0.001
Benzo[a]pyrene 0.0002 0.0007 0.00001§
Beta photon emitters 4 mrem/y 1 Bq/L
Bromate 0.01 0.01 0.01
Cadmium 0.005 0.003 0.005
Carbofuran 0.04 0.007 pesticides†
k Carbon tetrachloride 0.005 0.004 k
Chlordane 0.002 0.0002 pesticides†
Chromium 0.1 0.05 0.05
Copper 1.0|| , 1.3# 2 2
Cyanide 0.2 0.05
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0002 0.001
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.075 0.3
1,2-Dichloroethane 0.005 0.03 0.003
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.006 0.008
Dieldrin 0.00003 0.00003‡

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Table 3 (Continued)
Analyte/parameter US EPA WHO European Union
Maximum contaminant Guideline value Parametric value
level (MCL)
Endrin 0.002 0.0006 pesticides†
Epichlorohydrin * 0.0004 0.0001
Ethylbenzene 0.7 0.3
Fecal coliform and E. coli MCL‡
Fluoride 4.0, 2.0|| 1.5 1.5
Heptachlor 0.0004 0.00003‡
Heptachlor epoxide 0.0002 0.00003‡
Lead 0.015# 0.01 0.01
Lindane 0.0002 0.002
Mercury 0.002 0.006 0.001
Methoxychlor 0.04 0.02 pesticides†
Nitrate (as N) 10 11.3 11.3
Nitrite (as N) 1 1 0.15
k Pentachlorophenol 0.001 0.009 k
Radium 228 and 228 (combined) 5 pCi/L
Selenium 0.05 0.04 0.01
Simazine 0.004 0.002 pesticides†
Styrene 0.1 0.02
Tetrachloroethene 0.005 0.04 0.01
Toluene 1 0.7
Total coliforms 5%** 0 0
Trichloroethene 0.005 0.02 0.01
Trituim 10 000 Bq/L 100 Bq/L
Uranium 30 μg/L 0.03

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Table 3 (Continued)
Analyte/parameter US EPA WHO European Union
Maximum contaminant Guideline value Parametric value
level (MCL)
Vinyl chloride 0.002 0.0003 0.0005
Viruses (enteric) **

Xylenes—total 10 0.5
* US EPA – Each water system must certify annually, in writing, to the state (using third-party or manufacturers certification)
that when it uses acrylamide and/or epichlorohydrin to treat water, the combination (or product) of dose and monomer
level does not exceed the levels specified, as follows: Acrylamide = 0.05% dosed at 1 mg/L (or equivalent); Epichlorohydrin
= 0.01% dosed at 20 mg/L (or equivalent).
† Pesticides means: organic insecticides, organic herbicides, organic fungicides, organic nematocides, organic acaricides,
organic algicides, organic rodenticides, organic slimicides, related products (inter alia, growth regulators), and their relevant
metabolites, degradation, and reaction products. Only those pesticides which are likely to be present in a given supply need
be monitored.
‡ The parametric value applies to each individual pesticide. In the case of aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, and heptachlor epoxide
the parametric value is 0.00003 mg/L.
§ Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – specified compounds are: benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene,
benzo(ghi)perylene, and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene.
|| US EPA National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations are nonenforceable guidelines regarding contaminants that may
k cause cosmetic effects (such as skin or tooth discoloration) or aesthetic effects (such as taste, odor, or color) in drinking water. k
# US EPA Action Level, if more than 10% of tap water samples exceed the action level, water systems must take additional
** US EPA surface water treatment rules require systems using surface water or groundwater under the direct influence
of surface water to (1) disinfect their water, and (2) filter their water or meet criteria for avoiding filtration so that the
following contaminants are controlled at the following levels: Cryptosporidium – 99% removal for systems that filter. Unfiltered
systems are required to include Cryptosporidium in their existing watershed control provisions, and Giardia lamblia – 99.9%
removal/inactivation, viruses – 99.99% removal/inactivation, Legionella – no limit, but EPA believes that if Giardia and
viruses are removed/inactivated according to the treatment techniques in the surface water treatment rule, Legionella will also
be controlled. Turbidity – for systems that use conventional or direct filtration, at no time can turbidity (cloudiness of water)
go higher than 1 nephelolometric turbidity unit (NTU), and samples for turbidity must be less than or equal to 0.3 NTU in
at least 95% of the samples in any month. Systems that use filtration other than conventional or direct filtration must follow
state limits, which must include turbidity at no time exceeding 5 NTU. HPC – no more than 500 bacterial colonies per
Source: Data from US EPA 2016a; WHO 2011; and European Union 1998.

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right to clean drinking water and sanitation are several current and longstanding disputes
via Resolution 64/292. The human right to over international river basins including the
water contrasts with the legal right to use water, Nile, Jordan, Tigris-Euphrates, and Colorado.
which, with some notable exceptions, is often In some cases, there are productive international
determined by ownership of overlying or adja- agreements (e.g., Nile River Basin Initiative)
cent land, connection to an official water supply and related processes in place.
system, or purchase of a vessel containing water. Climate change is likely to impact drinking
Societies worldwide developed local approaches water quality and quantity in at least two ways:
to protecting source waters and allocating drink- (i) via changes in precipitation patterns, and (ii)
ing water, but most modern legal principles via sea level rise. General forecasts for impacts
for water access and use are based on prior of global climate change invariably include an
appropriation, riparian rights, or permit systems. intensification of climate extremes and more
More than 80% of people without access to rapid circulation of water within short-term
improved drinking water reside in slums and rural components of the water cycle (e.g., precip-
areas of developing nations (WHO/UNICEF itation and evaporation). Increased average
2013). For some, drinking water is often temperatures are forecast to reduce snow pack in
obtained by walking several kilometers carrying high elevations of the Rockies (United States),
containers weighing 20 kg or more. This burden and to continue rapidly melting glaciers in the
often falls on women and children whose health, Alps (Europe), Andes (South America), and
education, and general wellbeing suffer as a result Himalaya (Central Asia), which will reduce
k (Gleick et al. 2012; Holden 2014). the storage capacity of these “water towers” k
Lack of access is partly due to mismatches in that provide a significant part of major rivers’
distribution of fresh water and human popu- (e.g., Amazon, Colorado, Ganges, Brahmaputra,
lations: for example, India and China together Rhine, and Yellow) flow. For low-lying small
account for nearly a third of global popula- island nations and coastal regions, sea level
tion but possess less than an eighth of global rise increases the risk of inundation of drink-
freshwater resources. Access to safe drinking ing water infrastructure and fouling of scarce
water also varies widely with level of eco- drinking water resources.
nomic development, ranging from less than Regulation, governance, and economics of
50% in many developing nations (sub-Saharan drinking water are also significant factors in
Africa and Oceania) to nearly 100% in many determining access to and quality of drinking
developed nations. Large populations in South water. There is no standard regulatory practice to
Asia, Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and protect drinking water supplies; prevailing com-
Oceania lack access to improved drinking water munity norms suggests that local participation in
(Figure 2). In addition to differences in access, protection and provision of drinking water may
average per capita consumption also varies be ideal. In many cases, pollution of drinking
widely between developed (500–800 L/day) water sources is regional or global in scale, and
and developing (60–150 L/day) nations, and in is thus outside the control of state, national,
some extreme cases may be as low as 20 L/day river-basin or watershed-level governance.
(WHO/UNICEF 2013). Expensive centralized treatment and distribution
Access to drinking water may also be affected systems are but one model for protecting public
by conflict over freshwater resources. There health and providing reliable drinking water.


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91-100% 81-90% 55-80% <55% No data

Figure 2 Percentage of population using improved drinking water sources. Data for all nations is from the
k year 2011, except Libya (2001), Paraguay (2010), Romania (2008), and Venezuela (2007). Data for Poland covers k
urban areas only. The WHO/UNICEP Joint Monitoring Programme defines improved drinking water source as
“one that, by nature of its construction, or through active intervention, is protected from outside contamination,
in particular with contamination from faecal matter.” Data from WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme
(JMP) (http://www.wssinfo.org/).

Other decentralized approaches that draw upon and some 20 million m3 /day are reused in 43
traditional knowledge and experiences in collec- nations. In the United States, treated municipal
tive water resource management and strategies, wastewater has the potential to account for up
such as rainwater harvesting for household use, to a quarter of domestic supply. Beginning in
may be necessary in urban areas in both devel- 1969, Windhoek, Namibia, has had a history
oping and developed nations. Unfortunately, of using treated wastewater for potable use.
such approaches are often not supported or In 2002, the reclamation plant capacity was
encouraged by existing legal frameworks. A increased to 5.5 million gallons per day (MG/D)
wider array of reliable means and flexible policy or 21 000 m3 /day. Singapore also has systems in
frameworks for providing safe drinking water place for the direct reuse of treated wastewater
may be necessary to meet future demands. for potable use, but this practice is relatively
Treated wastewater is increasingly viewed as uncommon. Indirect reuse of treated water (e.g.,
a “new” source of water for industrial, agri- injection into an aquifer prior to use as drinking
cultural, and domestic use. Treated wastewater water) is much more common; as of 2005, more
makes up more than 10% of total water demand than 2000 European cities had indirect reuse
in Kuwait, Israel, Cyprus, Qatar, and Singapore, systems.


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Desalination is a major technology that has Drinking water quality issues include biolog-
been employed to remove salts from seawater, ical (e.g., reemergence of cholera) and chemical
brackish water, or saline groundwater. It is threats that are exacerbated by ever-expanding
energy intensive, costly, and creates significant industrial activity, growing human popula-
environmental impacts. Often, it is employed tion, increased consumption, and land-use
by regions and nations with access to plenty changes. Many if not most commercially sig-
of energy, such as the Middle East, wealthy nificant compounds can be found in surface
nations, such as the United States, Japan, Spain, waters, and therefore in drinking water drawn
Australia, and Israel, and nations with large from these sources. More than 100 000 sub-
coastal populations and water scarcity, such stances are in regular commercial use, and
as India and China. In mid-2015, over 300 health effects of many compounds are not
million people in 150 countries were estimated known, as toxicological studies have only been
to obtain 87 million m3 /day of treated water completed on a small fraction of the total
(23 billion gallons per day) from over 18 400 universe of substances. Combined or synergis-
desalination plants (IDA 2015). In recent years, tic effects of consuming combinations of low
the desalination capacity of various regions has concentrations of myriad substances are also
grown considerably with much of the increase unknown.
devoted to industrial, agricultural, or munici- There continues to be significant concern asso-
pal users, based on the needs of the particular ciated with contaminants that may be present
region. in drinking water that may not be removed by
k Privatization of water supplies may also affect standard water treatment processes, or that are k
access to improved drinking water. Water has not regulated and thus not included in regu-
been viewed through much of modern history lated monitoring programs. These contaminants
as both commodity and public good. During include, but are not limited to, pharmaceutical
Roman times, for example, those paying for compounds, personal care products, pesti-
household piped water subsidized the construc- cides, flame retardants such as polybrominated
tion and supply of water to public wells. There diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), fabric protectors such
is considerable contemporary debate concerning perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), and the
private versus public ownership of drinking environmental degradates or these, as well as
water systems, particularly in developing nations. pathogens. Of particular concern are contami-
Some argue that private corporations would nants that have been characterized as endocrine
be able to operate systems more efficiently and disruptors, which are associated with adverse
effectively, while others assert that privatization developmental and reproductive effects on fish
leads to violations of the human right to drinking and wildlife, and possibly humans. Some persis-
water. Notable examples of both failures (price tent compounds may travel via the food chain or
increases, decreased access to drinking water, atmospheric circulation to contaminate drinking
and ultimately protests and violence leading water thousands of miles from their origin.
to cancellation of contracts, as in Cochabamba, Treating drinking water to remove substances
Bolivia) and success stories (significant reductions such as pharmaceuticals is partially effective with
in child mortality in poor areas of Argentine conventional treatment technologies such as
cities in the 1990s) make privatization fertile coagulation and filtration, and higher removal
ground for debate. rates can be achieved with advanced techniques


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such as ozonation, nanofiltration, or reverse Flanagan, Sara V., Richard B. Johnston, and Yan
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Existing as well as new forms of fossil fuel Bangladesh: Health and Economic Impacts and
exploration must be balanced with the pro- Implications for Arsenic Mitigation.” Bulletin of
tection of drinking water sources. Hydraulic the World Health Organization, 90(11): 839–846.
fracturing in particular poses significant threats
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aquifers and surface water bodies with methane Resources, vol. 7. Washington, DC: Island Press.
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(accessed February 22, 2016).
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with the top 10 nations consuming nearly 75%
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of bottled water and the fastest growth in China, Laboratory. 2014. “About Our Great Lakes: Lake
Mexico, the United States, and Brazil. In 2011, by Lake Profiles.” http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/pr/
the highest per capita consumption, of nearly ourlakes/lakes.html (accessed February 22, 2016).
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65 gallons, was in Mexico. In general, there is Ohio DNR (Department of Natural Resources),
less regulatory oversight of bottled water than Division of Soil and Water Resources. 2011.
of piped drinking water, but there may be some http://water.ohiodnr.gov/portals/soilwater/pdf/
cases in which bottled water is the only viable greatlakescompact/ODNR%20DS&WR-Fact%
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Shiklomanov, Igor. 1993. “World Fresh Water
Wbieg1027 SEE ALSO: Groundwater; Rivers and streams; Resources.” In Water in Crisis: A Guide to the
Surface water; Water and climate change; Water World’s Fresh Water Resources, edited by Peter H.
Gleick, 13–24. New York: Oxford University
Wbieg0793 and human rights; Water conflicts; Water
Wbieg0465 quality; Water rights; Water security
State Hygienic Laboratory at The University of Iowa.
2013. “Well Water Quality and Home Treat-
ment Systems.” http://www.shl.uiowa.edu/env/
Wbieg0503 References privatewell/homewater.pdf (accessed February 22,
EU (European Union). 1998. “Council Directive UN Water. 2013. “Water Factsheets.” http://
98/83/EC. On the Quality of Water Intended www.unwater.org/water-cooperation-2013/get-
for Human Consumption.” Official Journal of the involved/campaign-materials/water-factsheets/
European Communities, L330/32.. http://eur-lex. en/ (accessed February 22, 2016).
europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L: US EPA (United States Environmental Protection
1998:330:0032:0054:EN:PDF (accessed February Agency). 2002. “Title XIV of the Public Health
22, 2016). Service Act, Safety of Public Water Systems (Safe


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Drinking Water Act).” http://www.epw.senate. Gleick, Peter. 2014. The World’s Water, vol. 8: The
gov/sdwa.pdf (accessed February 22, 2016). Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources. Washington,
US EPA (United States Environmental Protec- DC: Island Press.
tion Agency). 2016a. “Drinking Water Contam- Salzman, James. 2013. Drinking Water: A History. New
inants – Standards and Regulations.” http://www. York and London: Overlook Duckworth, Peter
epa.gov/dwstandardsregulations (accessed March Mayer.
11, 2016). Sedlak, David. 2014. Water 4.0: The Past, Present,
US EPA (United States Environmental Protection and Future of the World’s Most Vital Resource. New
Agency). 2016b. “Table of Regulated Drinking Haven: Yale University Press.
Water Contaminants.” http://www.epa.gov/ Solomon, Steven. 2010. Water: The Epic Struggle for
your-drinking-water/table-regulated-drinking- Wealth, Power, and Civilization. New York: Harper
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USGS (United States Geological Survey). 2014. Tiaji Salaam-Blyther, Tiaji. 2012. “Global Access
“The USGS Water Science School: Saline Water.” to Clean Drinking Water and Sanitation: US
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WHO (World Health Organization). 2010.
Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. http://
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k lines for Drinking-water Quality, 4th edn. http://blueplanetnetwork.org/about/ k
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WHO (World Health Organization)/UNICEF http://water.worldbank.org/related-topics/
(United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund). drinking-water
2013. “Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-water, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/
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Further reading

Burtynsky, Edward. 2013. Water. Gottingen: Steidl.

Fishman, Charles. 2011. The Big Thirst: The Secret Life
and Turbulent Future of Water. New York: Free Press.


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Please note that the abstract and keywords will not be included in the printed book, but
are required for the online presentation of this book which will be published on Wiley
Online Library (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/). If the abstract and keywords are not
present below, please take this opportunity to add them now.
The abstract should be a short paragraph of between 150– 200 words in length and there
should be 5 to 10 keywords

Abstract: Nature dominates in shaping the availability and distribution of fresh water. Only a fraction
of 1% of all water on the earth is available for human use. Over centuries, societies have devised
physical, biological, and chemical treatments to transform available water and make it fit for human
consumption as drinking water. An adequate supply of drinking water is essential for human life.
Currently, available drinking water per capita varies from 500–800 L/day in developed nations to
60–150 L/day in developing nations, and in some cases is as low as 20 L/day. Lack of availability
poses a significant burden on women and children who often carry heavy loads of water over long
distances. Mismatches in distribution of populations and resources, coupled with large-scale industrial
and agricultural consumption and pollution, and global climate change impacts, will test the resilience
of our economic, regulatory, and governance systems from the local to the global.
k Keywords: desalination; drinking water; groundwater; health and wellbeing; law and regulations; k
privatization; surface water; water and climate change; water and human rights; water quality

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