Study of The Working of A Public Relations Agency: Project Report On

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Submitted by:

Ashna Banga (0034)

Shivani Jain (0043)

Apoorva Chhabra (0049)

Sunmeet Kaur (0060)

Shruti Pal (0076)

B.B.S. Semester III


Ms. Monica Bansal

Department of Business Studies



We, Apoorva Chhabra, Ashna Banga, Shivani Jain, Shruti Pal, Sunmeet Kaur students of
Bachelor of Business Studies (III semester), in Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of
Delhi, hereby declare that we have made this academic project titled ‘Study of the working of a
Public Relations Agency’ as a part of the internal assessment for the subject Public Relations.
The project is submitted for the first time and here only and the information submitted therein is
true to the best of our knowledge.

We sincerely thank Ms. Monica Bansal and our friends for the help extended by them for the
successful completion of the project report.



(Ms. Monica Bansal)

Apoorva Chhabra

Ashna Banga (0034)

Shivani Jain (0043)

Shruti Pal (0076)

Sunmeet Kaur (0060)



1 Meaning and Introduction 5

2 Elements of Public Relations 6

3 Objectives of Public Relations 7

4 Functions of PR 8

Need for PR 10

6 Public Relations Tools 11

7 Introduction to PR Pundit 14

8 Services 17

9 Media Training 20

10 Clients 21

11 Case Studies 24

12 References

Public Relations, commonly called as PR is an activity aimed at increasing common &
understanding between an organization or individual & one or more groups called Publics”.

What Is Public?
Public is a group of similar ideas, an assortment of persons having the same interests, problems,
circumstances & goals. They vary in their forms & sizes they have a multitude of wants &
desires. Each group has its own likes & dislikes. Group can be classified as:- Employees form a
group/public, employers form another group, etc. Other members of the public can be dealers,
wholesalers, investors, etc. Each of these group is a public & everyone tries to attract a district
audience with its varied tools & techniques. A public may also be made up of a no. of
individual’s who are unorganized & hard to identify but who for widely varied reasons have a
common interest in the matter at issue.

Today, however, when modern means of common make vast number of people aware of
controversial issues & common interests, publics tend to be large & impersonal. These publics
involve people who are not known to each other & are widely distributed over the country, or
even among a number of countries. The members of such public rarely meet each other face to
face or have much direct communication. The impersonal but powerful publics are numerous in
today’s high complex society. But finally the public is any group of people who share common

PR generally is practiced through:-

1. Corporate PR dept:- In a corporate department, specialists handle corporate PR

activities for only that company.
2. PR Agencies:- In agencies specialists carry out PR activities for several companies

3. Public Information Departments:- Non-profit organizations like colleges and
Government agencies have public information departments that work to strengthen the
image of the organization.

It is getting along well with the word public both internally or externally. No person can
work independently & everyone who works in an organization directly or indirectly
depends on one another.

Empathy means feeling with the other person to analyse others point of view & is
regarded as primary pre-requisite for a satisfying experience in a relationship where a
certain degree of depth of understanding is expected.

There are 2 forms of interaction between individuals or groups:

Force or compulsion
If one party compels another to do something instead of persuading them this is called
Depotism. It is against the principle of proper conduct sanctioned by society. A sense of
human interest on the person who is being persuaded will understand & appreciate the
cause & effect of this action.


It is a conversation with purpose. It is not a bargain basement transaction but it is a low
form of negotiation. Dialogue is a reasonable exchange of ideas bringing into view a new
form of knowledge, the use of dialogue is for influencing behaviour like selling goods or
inspiring innovative ideas.

The main objective of public relations is to establish good understanding by sharing a common
problem or interest with the public. By public we here mean both an internal public and a public
external to the organization. Mutual understanding can be established only by sharing a common
interest, by communication and relations.

However, the following are the broad objectives of public relations:

1. To promote mutual understanding.

2. To avoid the risk involved in misunderstanding.

3. To promote goodwill.

4. To create and maintain the image or reputation about the company.

5. To undertake programmes like sales training courses for retailers, wholesalers.

6. To establish press relations, publicity articles preparation, press release, photographs.

7. To communicate with the employees on their benefits, accident prevention labour

relations and collective bargaining.

8. To undertake a campaign of public education about an industry or profession and its
contribution to the public.

9. To establish relations with federal and state legislators, agencies.

The functions that are to be performed by a public relations department may differ from
organization to organization depending upon the nature and activities of a particular
organization. However, certain standard functions have emerged as common in most balanced
departments. They are discussed below:

1. Policy: Public relations policy is required for every organization. A policy is a statement of
guidelines to be followed in the company. The department has to develop and recommend corporate
public relations policies. It has to contribute the public relations view point which helps in the
formulation of decision. Its function is not merely to provide the policy mainly to the top
management but also to other sections and divisions.

2. Publicity : Corporate publicity is necessary to interact with the public. The department has
to undertake the development and issuance of announcements of corporate activities to external
communications media. It has to handle inquiries from the press. It is part of the functions of the
department to develop and place promotional publicity about the company as a whole or any of
its units.

3. Product Publicity : Corporate publicity is different from the product publicity. In this,
focus is on the products and how to popularize the product. This includes both new products as
well as existing ones. It includes the announcement of new products through the editorial
channels of the communications media. The department has to develop and execute the
promotional product publicity campaigns.

4. Relations with Government : Relations with government cannot be overlooked. In
all spheres of activities the government interferes, regulates, controls and supervises. It is
necessary to maintain liaison with appropriate governmental departments. This liaison covers
both the local level, state level and national level.

5. Community Relations: Community contacts should be planned. It is the

performance and/or coordination of corporate 'good neighbour' activities, including compliance
with environmental protection standards, fostering equal employment oppurtunity, cooperating
in urban improvement programmes, and developing community understanding of a company's
problems and needs.

6. Shareholders Relations :Relations with the corporate stockholders is more

important to attract public money. This takes the form of communication between the company
and the shareholders in particular. Also the investment community in general. It is necessary for
the development and acceptance of the company among investors by broadening the exposure of
the company's policies and financial results in the investment community. This function includes
preparation of annual reports, quarterly reports, dividend cheque inserts etc. It has to plan and
stage the annual meetings of stockholders and appearances before meetings of security analysts.

7. Promotion Programmes : Public relations promotion programmes should be

formulated and implemented. This may broadly cover institutional promotion programmes
designed to build corporate acceptance of key policies, institutional advertising, public relations
literature and special events.

8. Donations: A corporate donation policy should be developed for company contributions-

Various aspects involved in this function are processing requests for donations administering
company's foundation, and the conduct of employees' solicitations for approved drives.

The need for public relations is clearly explained n the points below –
1. Communication :
The means for communication have reached , technically ,almost a stage of perfection .It
is today financially possible for practically everybody –at least in the advanced nations-
to receive information. The level of education of a wide circle of the population is rising
rapidly and this ensures a steady increase in the capacity for receiving information which
is guaranteed by the ‘constitution.’ Adequate information is, therefore, theoretically
possible although it is by no means guaranteed in each individual case.

2. New Information Order:

Whether we are correctly informed is far more difficult to answer. Many books, many
discussions in academies in radio and television in India and abroad, and countless
lectures, not excluding those in ‘Information Society’ and ‘New Information Order’, as
far as we are aware, a correct reply is yet to be received. The only answer, according to
the philosopher Karl Jaspers given in 1963, is “we in the Free World have the chance to
share the responsibility and find ways of receiving the best possible information.”

3. Mutuality and Understanding: Going by the definition of public relations, the

mutuality is based on interaction between consideration for public opinion, and the need
of the communicator or organization to inform or establish contact. Understanding is
created by providing insight into, and reporting on all essential matters. Confidence is
cultivated by bringing the aim of the organization into harmony with the public interest,
thus winning and maintaining goodwill among the general public.

Advertising is publicity but not all publicity is advertising. It is the business of selling goods,
services and ideas by inducing people to want them. It is drawing attention of public by big
public announcement t o a commodity or service with the aim of selling it.

Advertising may also be defined as the purchase of space in the ress, or time over the radio and
television to promote the sale of products or ideas, and to build up the corporate image of an
institution. Advertising is one of the forces of modernization and cuts across Ideologies. Any
advertising campaign should contain in it the broad ingredient of public interest. The specific
categories of public interest advertising are:

1. Corporate Advertising

2. Public Relations Advertising

3. Public Service Advertising

Publicity is the technique of 'telling the story' of any organization or cause. It is the umbrella
term which in its meaning covers all the techniques employed to get a story across to the public.
It is weapon of war, an instrument of sales, a tool of politics. Basically publicity is news. It has to
be news, that is, be of interest to be carried. Publicity includes advertising because advertising,
like publicity, tells the story. But in general usage, publicity is used to describe those expressions
where the medium is not paid for; whereas advertising consists of paying for the medium to get
the story told.

Propaganda describes the political application of publicity and advertising ,also on a large scale,
to the end of selling an idea, cause, or candidate or all three. It was first given general currency
by the Roman Catholic Church to refer to the dissemination of its doctrines. There are two types
of propaganda. The rational propaganda in favor of action that is in consonance with the
enlightened self-interest of those who make it and those to whom it is addressed. The other is
non-rational propaganda that is not consonant with anybody's enlightened self-interest but is
dictated by, and appeals to, passion.

The Oxford English Dictionary calls it the management of international relations by negotiation',
or, 'the method by which these relations are adjusted and managed.' Sir Ernest Satow's 'Guide to
Diplomatic Practice', a sound work which has been the Bible of British Diplomats for many
years, wrote Diplomacy is the application of intelligence and tact to the conduct of official
relations between the governments of independent states.

Promotion describes commercialization of publicity, and publicity and advertising jointly,
usually on a grand and co-ordinated scale, to the end of selling a product or products.

Campaigns consist of concerted, single-purpose publicity programmes, usually on a more or less
elaborate scale, employing co-ordinated publicity through a variety of media, aimed at a number
of targets, but focused on specific objectives. A campaign objective may be the election of a

candidate, the promulgation of a political issue or cause, the reaching of a sales goal, or the
raising of a quota of funds.

Lobbying is a kind of tool generally used by a group of persons like members of legislatures who
conduct a campaign outside the legislative chamber, that is, at the lobby, to influence members to
vote according to the group's special interest; it is also used by shareholders of business
corporations during the Annual General Body Meetings to pass a 'resolution' or elect a 'director'
to the 'board' in the interests of a group of shareholders. In a basic sense, lobbying entails the
exertion of influence, smooth and measured pressure and any other exercise of persuasion-cum-
pressure. In essence, it means a group putting its point of view forward in an attempt to win the
other group's support.

Public Affairs
Public Affairs may be defined broadly as a significant and substantial concern and involvement
by individuals, business, labor, foundations, private institutions and government with the social,
economic and political forces that singly or through interaction shape the environment within
which the free enterprises exist.

PR Pundit is a full service dedicated public relations company offering an exhaustive
range of services to meet strategic communication needs in a challenging operating environment.

Businesses are increasingly obliged to manage and sustain communications with several
sensitive constituencies other than merely media. The portfolio of services includes:

• Media Relations
• Managing InvestorSentiment
• Crisis Response Planning
• Training and Development Programmes
• Marketing Communications
• Community Relations
• Corporate and Public Affairs

A team of experienced professionals, with the benefit of public relations practice across industry
segments, manages PR Pundit. They have the trusted confidence of the following companies to
manage their communication needs:

• Accor Hospitality
• Bvlgari
• ColorBar
• Crystallised Swarovski Element
• Gucci
• Harvard Business Publishing
• Hugo BOSS

• McDonald’s
• Modicare
• Pal Zileri
They also undertake assignments drawing attention to specific issues, events, visits, meetings &
exhibitions. The sectors in which they have successfully managed to create and maintain top-of-
mind saliency through sustained communication programmes include:

Brown Forman, Nature’s Bounty, Scotch Whisky Association, SOPEXA, Vin Italy

Doors 9, Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (2003-2005), Sa-Dhan

Asian Paints, Diesel, KFC, Pizza Hut, Maruti Suzuki, Oriflame, Polaroid, VIP Bags,

Anand Automotives, AT Kearney , BP Ergo ,Chevron, City & Guilds, DTDC, Indo Rama
Synthetics, L’Oreal, MCX, National Grid Company, Shobha Developers, TSI Ventures,

Ambit Corporate Finance, Crayon Capital Art Fund, ING Vysya Life, Standard Chartered

DePuy, Glaxo, Novartis, Parke Davis


Bindass, CNN–IBN, Firangi, Hindustan Times, IBN7, Living Media Group, Radio City,
UTV, WSG Pictures.

Bharti Broadband Networks, BPL Communications, HCL Comnet IBM, IIT Delhi,
Public Interest Registry


Amadeus, Kuoni, The Oberoi Group, WTTC, Sri Lanka Tourist Board

PR Pundit assists businesses prepare for crisis, considering them in advance, thereby having a
clear view of what to do the issue snowballs. They undertake comprehensive issue & crisis audits
– examining all potential issues, risks, sensitive areas and interest groups; advise on crisis and
rumour management strategies and corporate response stance; develop appropriate crisis
procedures and a crisis manual. They have prepared detailed crisis manuals for Caltex & its
operating companies and L’Oreal.


They organize and conduct “media response” training workshops for CEOs and other senior
members that interface with sensitive constituencies. These are tailor-made to suit the needs and
requirements of client organizations. They have conducted similar programmes for Amadeus,
Amway, British High Commission, Caltex India, DFID, DuPont, ILANTUS Technologies,
Infosys Technologies, L’Oreal India, Novartis India, Oriflame, Royal & SunAlliance, Scope
International, Standard Chartered Bank, Whirlpool of India, among others. Other programmes
include presentation skills training.

Open Workshops for PR Practitioners – PR Pundit 16rganizat bi-annual interactive meetings to

discuss issues that impact corporate reputation with relevance to the business environment of the
day. These meetings are held alternatively between New Delhi and Mumbai.

PR Pundit has its head office in New Delhi with branch offices in Mumbai and Bangalore. They
execute PR campaigns across the country with the local assistance of their associates in the cities
listed below. Other towns are added to the model based on client requirements.

North Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Jaipur, Lucknow, Kanpur

South Chennai, Kochi, Hyderabad

West Pune, Nagpur, Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Indore, Goa

East Kolkata, Guwahati, Bhubaneshwar

Companies that aspire to be lasting leaders in the marketplace must complement their product or
service value proposition with a differentiated corporate profile, or role that demonstrates
corporate impact, or relevance. The precise articulation of this type of leadership is the core of
meaningful communication. PR Pundit specializes in bringing out their clients’ most powerful
ideas in a manner that will accelerate their leadership. They analyze the strengths and
weaknesses of a client’s leadership profile relative to its competitors and identify credible
sources of thought leadership including knowledge, innovation, products, technologies or
processes. This information is used to create and execute a winning corporate thought leadership
communication strategy designed to help build the client’s leadership profile.

PR Pundit helps companies and organizations look beyond their immediate goals, and anticipate
potential issues affecting their environments and competitors. They help turn communications
issues into opportunities, manage and minimize risks, and establish a sound rationale from which
to enhance reputations.

All organizations are under increasing threat from deliberate or accidental incidents that may
cause severe damage to the business, the consumer or employee. The problem can blow up
overnight and can come at us from any angle: unexpected takeover bids, natural disasters,
accidents, pollution, food contamination, design faults, sabotage, blackmail, political issues,
boycotts, problems with overseas operations. The list is endless.
Managing a crisis is something we all hope will not be necessary. However, should the need
arise, the life of the 17rganization may be at stake, as well as the safety of the public.
Communications will play a critical and central role in the successful management of any crisis.
Organisations therefore need to plan ahead for every contingency, addressing issues of corporate
and public interest.

PR PUNDIT assists companies in preparing for all crises, considering them in advance and
developing a clear view of what to do when it hits, in other words – crisis planning and response
and thereafter documenting it into a manual.

“The worst thing next to being talked about is not being talked about.” – Oscar Wilde

The strength of the media lies in its ability to present news and views in a manner that will create
the maximum impact on readers, listeners and viewers. The media has more frequently been
effective in destroying corporate reputations rather than building them. But by keeping the
channels of communications open and approaching the media sensitively, 18rganization18 can
prevent (or 18rganiza) the development of unfavourable attitudes towards a business. Media
relations is one of the principal techniques for keeping the critical audiences informed. It
involves basically two primary responsibilities – first, to initiate media coverage and second, to
supply information on demand to the media. It includes periodically evaluating the level and
quality of media interface required recognizing news, drafting messages, translations, if
necessary distributing press releases, photographs and other feature material, to the most
appropriate media tracking media to seek opportunities for media coverage arranging interviews,
suggesting programme and story ideas, and 18rganizati media events press monitoring and
compiling press cutting books being a credible source of information about the 18rganization
responding quickly and accurately to media enquiries.

Corporate social responsibility is imminent to all 18rganization18 today in order to ensure
support and understanding of the host communities in which they operate. PR
PUNDIT offers specialized advice on cost effective, sustainable community relations in keeping
with the requirements of the community and resources available to the organization. They work
together with leading development 18rganization18 to identify need-based projects.

Some communication activities – particularly sponsorships, event marketing, and loyalty
programs work in a similar manner to advertising to increase brand recall. Essentially, the three
main questions in an Integrated Marketing Communications strategy are selection integration,
positioning integration, and customer timeline integration. Public relations assists the marketing
team suggest & isolate appropriate opportunities. PR PUNDIT provides marketing
communications advice on brand launches, market education, customer & dealer relations and

Organisational communication is the process through which 19rganization19 share information,
build commitment, and manage change. Creating and sustaining 19rganiz commitment from
members of an 19rganization is a challenge in today’s dynamic environment. This involves
working closely with 19rganization leaders to design broad-based communication strategies that
can make a difference in 19rganization1919 performance by generating commitment and
ensuring that employees have the information to achieve specific business goals.
PR PUNDIT assists the human resource function of an 19rganization to ensure that
communication with employees is planned and correctly managed to achieve enhanced
motivation and performance in good times and bad.

For the individual, Lifestyle is a term that embraces what they do when they work, rest and play.
‘Lifestyle’ is a difference in attitude. It is how leisure time and money is spent. It is trends and
styles. And while its values remain constant, it is continually evolving. In simplest terms, FMCG
is all about instant coffee. ‘Lifestyle’ is café society.
It represents a vast variety of industries, products and services that operate within niche markets.
PR Pundit’s expertise for Luxury Lifestyle PR lies in developing communication strategies that
highlight the unique qualities of our clients and using a creative mix of editorial, promotional and
marketing activities to tap into these niche markets. PR Pundit prides itself on being a place
where creative ideas, strategic thinking and skillful execution come together to produce powerful
results for our clients with the primary aim and objective of championing the brand in India,
assist in its development and it’s the national expansion.

Changes in public opinion, accidents, new regulations, new & tough questions all affect how
19rganization19 communicate, dictating a need to demonstrate and communicate its strength to
the public by 19rganizatio research, innovation and technology. Although a fairly recent
phenomenon in the field of public relations, communication with various environment groups,
consumer activists and media, is becoming by far one of the most crucial and sensitive areas of
concern for companies today. The team at PR Pundit has some invaluable experience and insight
in this area having advised and coordinated worst-case scenarios facing client organizations
across a wide spectrum of businesses. This necessitates the need to develop the organization’s
personality through both verbal and non-verbal communication and revitalize alliances with

Why media training?
Media training would:
• Reinforce the message that the media offers real opportunities.
• Help your spokespeople understand how to get the most out of these opportunities.
• Equip the trainees with techniques to enhance their interview performance.
• Share best practice between the spokespeople.
• Share best practice between the spokespeople.

Why media training from PR Pundit?

PR Pundit offers experienced trainers with the requisite capabilities in communications
consultancy. This means that participants benefit from:
• Interview techniques ranging from simple to advanced, feedback on WHAT they say as
well as how they deliver their answers.
• Advice on how to bring interviews to life and add credibility.
• Insight into what TODAY’s journalist needs and wants – and why.
• Examples of good and bad interview practice to bring the theory to life and illustrate the
• Confidence that they CAN control a media interview.

How PR Pundit works?

The programme is tailored to the needs of the 20rganization commissioning the course and the
individual participants. This means that they undertake thorough preparation before delivering
the course.
They also provide written feedback following each course.

Who will Benefit?

CEOs and other senior members that interface with the media from time to time – anyone who
has to understand the media, face the media, or help others do the same. Anyone involved in
issues or crisis management.

They do not offer off-the-shelf courses. All their programmes are tailored to their customers’
specific needs

PR Pundit takes enormous pride in its clients, from start-ups to established category leaders —
from pharmaceutical companies to media companies, from financial services to hospitality,
travel & tourism, and consumer goods and food & beverages brands. Taken together, they
represent a canvas of challenging work undertaken by PR Pundit’s team.

• Accor Hospitality
• AT Kearney
• Channel 7
• Alembic Ltd
• CIBA Vision
• Amadeus India
• City & Guilds
• Ambit Corporate Finance
• Commonwealth Business Council
• Amway India
• Crayon Capital Art Fund
• Apollo Munich
• Asian Paints
• Det Norske Veritas
• Avis
• Bank of America
• DNA Networks
• Bentley Systems
• Doors of Perception
• Bharti BT Internet Ltd
• DePuy
• Blue Foods
• Dresdner Kleinwort Benson
• Blow Plast Ltd
• DuPont
• Bovis Lend Lease
• Eastman Chemicals
• BP Ergo

• EIU India
• BPL Innovision
• Eli Lily
• BPL Mobile Communications Ltd
• Fashion Designers – Deepika
Govind, JJ Valaya, Payal Jain
• Brown Forman
• Ferragamo
• Buongiorno
• Geodesic Techniques Pvt. Ltd
• Blue Foods
• Glaxo India Ltd
• Bvlgari
• Hindustan Times
• Colorbar
• IBM India
• Caltex India
• IIT Delhi
• Crystallized Swarovski Elements
• Indo Rama Synthetics
• Info USA
• Digicable
• Italian Embassy Cultural Centre
• Estee Lauder
• Embassy of Ireland
• Kopran Pharmaceuticals
• Fedder’s Lloyd
• Label
• Landmark group
• Fossil
• Living Media Group
• L’Oreal
• Gucci
• McDonald’s
• HCL Comnet
• Moet Hennessy
• Homeshop18 (hs18)
• National Grid Company

• Harvard Business School
• Neev
• Hugo BOSS
• Oriflame
• IBN 7
• Pal Zileri
• Indo American Chamber Commerce
• Pavers England
• Infosys
• Phoenix Lamps
• ING Insurance
• PKF Consultants
• Jindal Stainless Ltd
• Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Limited
• Radio Mirchi
• Kuoni Travel
• Radio City
• Leisure & Lifestyle Information Services
• Research Engineers Ltd
• Lladro
• Royal Sundaram
• Madura Garments
• SABMiller
• Moet Hennessy India Pvt Ltd
• Sahara One
• Mcdonald’ India (North & East)
• SaharaOne TV
• Modicare Limited
• Schlumberger Sema
• Scotch Whisky Association
• Narang Hospitality Services






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