MM 4-A Marketing Research (Factors Affecting Customet Satisfaction in Selected Fast Food Chain)

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General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal

Tel. No. (02) 997-9070

Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction in Selected Fast Food Chain

A Marketing Research
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Business and Accountancy
San Mateo Municipal College

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

Arellano, Mayca A.
Ceruma, Francia Mae S.
Derramas, Gerald S.
Merciales, Jonna O.
Rivera, Rea Jamie T.


May 29, 2020

General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Tel. No. (02) 997-9070

This undergraduate research entitled: FACTORS AFFECTING
and submitted by Mayca A. Arellano, Francia Mae S. Ceruma, Gerald S.
Derramas, Jonna O. Merciales and Rea Jamie T. Rivera, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration Major in Marketing Management, has been examined and
recommended for acceptance and approval for oral defense.


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination on December 13, 2019.


Member Member


Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing


Head, College of Business AVP for Academic Affairs
and Accountancy


College President

General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Tel. No. (02) 997-9070


Customer satisfaction is an important factor in the fast food industry which

defines the success and failure of a business. The study on “Factors affecting
customers satisfaction in selected Fast Food Chain” aims to know how the
students get satisfaction in fast food chain.
This research includes the service quality, store facilities, price/promotion and
food quality. Quantitative research approach is utilized. The researchers used ANOVA
to determine and compare whether there are statistically significant differences between
the means of three fast food chains in service quality, store facilities, price and
promotion and food quality.
Results showed that the fast food must maintain the following: 1.) In terms
of service quality, it must the efficient accurate fast food taking, accommodating
services, employees’ behavior and employee’s appearance. 2.) In terms of store
facilities, it should be having environmental cleanliness, good dining ambience,
layout and furniture and store atmosphere. 3.) In terms of price/promotion, it must
have tri-media advertisement and discount. 4.) In terms of food quality, it must
have good taste of food serves, variety of food, food presentation and safety of
the food, in order to meet the satisfaction of the customer.

Keyword: Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Store Facilities, Price and Promotion and Food

General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Tel. No. (02) 997-9070


The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the following
persons who exerted effort in the research:

First and foremost, to our Almighty God who have always looked up and secure
the safety of the researchers in doing this research.

To the researchers’ parents for the financial, emotional assistance, and words of
wisdom that inspired them in doing their best in preparing this Marketing

To the researcher’s Marketing Research adviser, Professor Alexander B.

Karganilla, who encourages us to pursue this marketing research.

To the Panelist, who gave their time and advice for the completion of the study.

To the CBA Head Dr. Mely S. Tabucol for the guidance until this research came
to its function.

To Dr. Estrella J. Cinco, College President, Dean Teresita D. Dela Cruz AVP for
Academic Affairs for the motivation.

Together, the Proponents sincerely acknowledge the persons mentioned who

have brought the success of doing the Marketing Research.


Thank you very much!

General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Tel. No. (02) 997-9070


TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ 1

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. 2

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... 3

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... 4

TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND .................................. 10

Introduction ............................................................................................. 10

Background of the Study ......................................................................... 12

Theoretical Framework ........................................................................... 13

Conceptual Framework ........................................................................... 16

Statement of the Problem ....................................................................... 17

Hypothesis of the Study ........................................................................... 17

Scope and Delimitation of the Study ....................................................... 18

Significance of the Study ........................................................................ 19

Definition and Terms ............................................................................... 20

General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Tel. No. (02) 997-9070


Foreign Literature and Studies ................................................................ 21

Local Literature and Studies ................................................................... 24

Synthesis ................................................................................................. 25

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ............................. 26

Research Design .................................................................................... 26

Respondents of the Study ....................................................................... 26

Population and Sampling ........................................................................ 26

Data Gathering Instrument ...................................................................... 27

Data Gathering Procedure ...................................................................... 27

Statistical Treatment Data ....................................................................... 27


DATA ...................................................................................... 29

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation Data ...................................... 29

General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Tel. No. (02) 997-9070


Summary of Findings .............................................................................. 43

Conclusions ............................................................................................ 48

Recommendations .................................................................................. 50

REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 52

APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 55

CURRICULUM VITAE ........................................................................................ 60

General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Tel. No. (02) 997-9070

Lists of Tables

Table No. Title Page No.

1 Scale, Range and Verbal Interpretation ................................................... 27

2 Perception of the Respondent in Service Quality of three fast food chain 31

3 Perception of the Respondent in Store Facilities of three fast food chain 33

4 Perception of the Respondent in Price and Promotion of three fast food

chain ................................................................................................................... 36

5 Perception of the Respondent in Food Quality of three fast food chain ... 38

6 Summary of the Computation of Analysis of Variance in three fast food

chain ................................................................................................................... 40

7 Summary of Analysis of Variance of three fast food chain ....................... 41

8 Summary of the Analysis of Variance ..................................................... 42

General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Tel. No. (02) 997-9070

Lists of Figures

Figure no. Title Page no.

1 Theoretical Framework ........................................................................... 13

2 Theoretical Framework ............................................................................ 14

3 Input, Process and Output of conceptual framework .............................. 16

4 Age of the Respondent ........................................................................... 29

5 Gender of Respondent............................................................................. 30

6 Daily Allowance of the Respondent ......................................................... 30

Chapter I


This chapter presents the introduction and the background of the study,
theoretical framework, conceptual framework, statement of the problem,
hypothesis, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study and the
definition of terms that can help to present the study. Fast food consumption has
increased significantly worldwide. Hence fast food dining is quite popular among
consumers nowadays. This paper highlights factors affecting customer
satisfaction in selected fast food chain.


Customer is the most important person in any business, without any

customer it’s difficult to do business and that’s the fact. It’s necessary to work
closely with your customer because customer can also create your business.
Business runs through customer without the customer there is no business.
Satisfaction is an individual feeling of pleasure or the disappointment if their
expectation level meets their level of satisfaction also increasing but if not, then
disappointment comes. In any organization satisfaction of customer is more
important in business, because if your customer is satisfied with your services or
products, your business will be good in the market.

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of marketing. It is a significant factor

that can define success and failure of a business. It is important to track this
factor and work on improving it in order to make your customers loyal.
Additionally customer satisfaction is a judgment that a product or service
features provides a pleasurable level of consumption related fulfilment (Zei,
Thami and Bither, 2003 as cited by Omar, Ariffin and Ahmad, 2016). Also, it is
an important requirement to satisfy, the needs and expectations of the
customers because satisfying the needs of customers can drive customer
loyalty. Significantly influenced customer satisfaction is the food quality taste,

food safety, menu variety, food presentation, service reliability, environmental
cleanliness, interior design, and neat and well-dressed employees.
Fast food industry is culturally and intensifies in popularity. The influence
of cultural uncertainty on brand trust is elusive. Fast food eating is quite popular
since foods are quickly prepared. Fast food consumption is increasing among
Filipinos in different age groups. The average fast food intake among Filipinos is
approximately 35.09% (, 2016). Moreover, a frequent dining in fast
food has many unpleasant consequences; negatively affect brain health relevant
to memory lost, increased serum cholesterol, chronic communicable diseases
and developing coronary artery disease. Customer satisfaction is very important
for logistics companies seeking competitive advantage. Customer satisfaction is
the psychological reaction of the customer with respect to his or her prior group
between the expected and perceived performance (Hirata, 2019).

However, if they do not satisfy the expectations of customers their place

will be taken by other companies (Kavaliauskiene, Arkansis and Litvinenko,
2014). The study of customer satisfaction is very important in the marketing field
as it forms the basis of marketing strategies. The objective of this paper is to
study the factors affecting customer satisfaction in selective fast food chain.

Based on the study of “Service Quality, Customers Satisfaction and the

Marketing Effects of Gender; A study of Arabic Restaurants” the term service has
been defined differently in-service quality literature. The service quality affected
customer’s intentions to stay in a relationship with a service provider. The
success of a restaurant business depends on superior service quality, value and
customer expectations (Venetis and Ghauii, 2004 as cited by Voon, 2012).
Service quality also may affect loyalty through the mediating variables of trust
and commitment (Caceres and Paparidamis, 2007 as cited by Voon, 2012).

Background of the study

The researchers conducted this research because they noticed that there
are a lot of customers eating at the fast food chain and to know how satisfied
they are with their services. Fast food eating is quite popular since foods are
quickly prepared. Fast food consumption is increasing among Filipinos in
different age groups. The average fast food intake among Filipinos is
approximately 35.09% (, 2016).

This study aimed to explore the impact of fast food quality was measured
by the service quality, store facilities, price and promotion and food quality The
sample considered of 90 respondents of San Mateo, Rizal and randomly
selected three fast food chains in San Mateo, Rizal. A questionnaire containing
18 questions was developed based on the review of the literature to collect the
required data. Based on the quality of fast food chains, the hypothesis was
proposed which is supported. The finding shows that three fast food chain quality
dimensions examined have a significant and positive influence on the customers
satisfaction however other dimensions are also very important particularly the
service quality, store facilities, price and promotion and food quality.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical bases of this study derived from different interrelated

theoretical foundations which help us better understand the customer
satisfaction in dining a fast food chain.

Figure 1
Theoretical Framework
(Parasuraman et al., 1988 as cited by Omar, Ariffin and Ahmad, 2016).

This theory is from SERVQUAL THEORY which was believed to add

value to the retail and service industry by evaluating perceptions of customer on
service quality. It is being defined as the service quality formed by the gap
between perception of customers and expected service performance of the fast
food chain/store.

Product quality is considered as key foundation for customer satisfaction

and loyalty. Youth customers who mostly prefer eating delicious food consider
good quality of food and beverages to satisfy them. Analysts stated that quality of
menu items will affect customer’s plan to dine at the restaurant (Sahay, 2015 as
cited by Kumar, Suresh and Hemamala, 2011).

The influence of store attributes namely store assortment, aesthetics,

store convenience, and store service and customer relation on customer
satisfaction and purchase intention. Store attributes had a positive and significant
impact on customer satisfaction and purchase intention except store service and
customer relation (Low Foong Peng, Zubair Hassan and Abdul Basit, 2018).

Theoretical Framework

Figure 2

Theoretical Framework

This figure shows the factors affecting customer’s satisfaction in

selected fast food chain and the independent variable that needs to get the
customer satisfaction of respondents in San Mateo, Rizal. Service quality
affected intentions to stay in a relationship with a service provider (Venetis and
Ghauri, 2004 as cited by Voon, 2012). Service quality may affect loyalty through
the mediating variables of trust and commitment (Caceres and Paparoidamis,
2007 as cited by Voon, 2012). Service quality also may affect loyalty through the
mediating variables of trust and commitment (Caceres and Paparidamis, 2007 as
cited by Voon, 2012).

Store facilities affect surroundings to create image in the mind of

customer and to influence their behavior. Physical atmosphere of the restaurants
have the significant impacts on the customer satisfaction. Lightning, furnishing
scent, music and different other atmospheric factors among them influence on
customer satisfaction (Lim, 2010 as cited by Manjunath and Reginald 2016).

Pricing or the perceived value of the restaurants is another element that

has been considered with respect to the customer service quality experience in
relation to customer satisfaction (Kumar S., Suresh and Hemamala, K, 2011).
Promotion is different form of activities for attracting and getting intention of
customer to purchase the product or service through personal selling, public

relations, sales promotions and advertising (Huang, 2011 as cited by Manjunath
and Reginald, 2016).

Food quality is also recognized as one of the key determinants for

customer satisfaction and loyalty. Good quality of food and beverages can be
instrumental in satisfying and retaining the youth customers who most probably
enjoy eating delicious food. There are customers who prefer hot and spicy food
available in fast food chain (Sloan, 2004 as cited by Astuti and Hanan, 2012). A
person behavior in sanitation and personal habits can have a significant effect on
the safety of food product. Food handlers should be trained to ensure appropriate
behavior (Joyce Macaraeg, 2012 as cited by Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research Philippines, 2017). Food shall be protected from cross contamination
by separating raw foods from ready to eat foods during storage, preparation,
holding and display (Grimaldo, 2012 as cited by Pacific Journal of
Multidisciplinary Research Philippines, 2017).

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework presents the input, process and output of the


“Factors affecting  Formulating
customer’s satisfaction in and validating
selected Fast Food Chain”
the statement
1. Service Quality
of the problem
- Fast Order Taking
and survey
- Accommodating
services questionnaire.
- Employees Behavior
- Employees  Conduct a
Appearance survey
2. Store Facilities
- Environmental  ANOVA
Cleanliness - Jollibee
- Good dining ambience
- Chowking
- Layout and Furniture Satisfaction
- Mc Donald’s
- Store atmosphere
3. Price/Promotion
- Tri-media Advertising  Descriptive
- Discount Statistics.
4. Food Quality
- Good taste of food
- Variety of food and
- Food presentation
- Safety of the food

Figure 3

This figure shows the conceptual framework of marketing research

entitled “Factors affecting customers satisfaction in selected fast food chains”
and it shows how the fast food chains can get the customer satisfaction in terms
of the four factors which are the service quality, store facilities, price and
promotion and food quality.This research used ANOVA to analyze if there is a

significant difference between the level of satisfaction of customers in the three
fast food chains.

Statement of the problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting

customers satisfaction in eating at fast food chain/store. Specifically, the
researchers want to know the answers to the questions below:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Allowance

2. What are the factors affecting customers satisfaction of student in eating at

Jollibee, Chowking and Mc Donald’s, in terms of;

2.1 Service Quality

2.2 Store Facilities

2.3 Price/Promotion

2.4 Food Quality

3. Is there a significant difference between the level of satisfaction of the students

in the three fast food chain?


 There is no significant difference between the levels of satisfaction of

customer in the three fast food chain.

Scope and Delimitation

 The scope and delimitation is only limited to factors affecting customers

satisfaction in eating at Jollibee, Chowking and Mc Donald’s.

 The researchers chose the three fast food chains because of the
popularity of it. Especially those who want to satisfy their needs.

 This study was conducted to determine the customer satisfaction in fast

food service.

 This study will focus solely on 3 local businesses in San Mateo, Rizal:
Jollibee (Sta. Ana), Chowking (SM City San Mateo) and Mc Donald’s
(Guitnang Bayan).

Significance of the study

The findings of this study, is deemed significant to the following.

Customers- This study will help them know the proper service they deserve.
High expectations are not bad if many fast food stores can reach or even exceed

Business Manager- This study will help them improve the training of the present
and future employees. They might get some ideas on how to make the
employees motivated to serve customer properly.

Employees- This study will help them improve their service and satisfy
customers even more. This will motivate them to deliver customer satisfaction.

Marketers- This study will help them to understand the needs of existing
customers and why they chose their service over competitors.

Academe- The findings of this study can provide knowledge to the academe

hence benefits both the teaching profession and the students.

Present Researchers gain invaluable experience from the study in which we

had the opportunity to understand and experiences the real consumer buying

behavior and as our preparation to enter the business world.

Future Researchers- The results of this study can provide supplementary

knowledge as basis for future study in wider scope.

Definition of Terms

Customer Satisfaction- it is a factor that can define the success and failure of a
fast food chain. It is also important to be able to have your business be a loyal

Fast Food- it is a business where provide a quick service to a customers and

also a place where some of a Filipino mostly eat that according to (,
2016) approximately 35.09% of Filipino eat in fast food chain.

Food Quality- it is a factor that can affect the customers satisfaction which the
fast food chain must need to have a good taste of food served, variety of the food
menu, food presentation and safety of the food in order to get the customers

Price/Promotion- it is a factor that can affect the customers satisfaction. it can

also help the fast food chain to get and be known by customers through tri-media
advertisement and discounts.

Service Quality- it is a factor that can affect the customer satisfaction. it is also
how the customers evaluate the service they experience in terms of fast order.
taking, accommodating service, employees behavior and employees

Store Facilities- it is a factor that can affect the customers satisfaction, in order
to get the customer satisfaction, the fast food chain must need to have a good
environmental cleanliness, good dining ambiance, layout and furniture and store


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the foreign and local related literature. This
chapter helps in familiarizing information that gis similar and relevant to the
present study.

2.1 Service Quality

Service quality is one of the important factors that affect customer

satisfaction in selected fast food chain and it includes the fast order taking,
accommodating service, employee’s behavior and appearance. It is also o how
your customers evaluate the service they experience.

Based on the study entitled “Service Quality, Customers Satisfaction

and the Marketing Effects of Gender; A study of Arabic Restaurants” the term
service has been defined differently in-service quality literature. the service
quality affected customers intentions to stay in a relationship with a service
provider. The success of a restaurant business depends on superior service
quality, value and customer expectations (Venetis and Ghauii, 2004 as cited by
Voon, 2012). Service quality also may affect loyalty through the mediating
variables of trust and commitment (Caceres and Paparidamis, 2007 as cited by
Voon, 2012). Quality is the basis for the rapidly growing service sector is to
ensure the quality of service to the customers (Wang and Lai et al., 2011 as cited
by Kavaliauskiene, Aranskisn and Litvinenko, 2014). Quality and customer
satisfaction – are generally recognized as the major decisive factors in
maintaining long-term and successful business relationships (Jayawardhera et
al., 2010 as cited by Kavaliauskiene, Aranskisn and Litvinenko, 2014). Found
that customer satisfaction mediates that effect of service quality on behavioral
intentions also differentiated between emotional loyalty and behavioral loyalty.
Emotional loyalty was said to mediate that effect of satisfaction behavioral loyalty
(Dabholkar 2000; Brady and Robertson, 2001; Tam, 2004. Tsoukatos and Rand,

2006 as cited by Voon, 2012). Service quality affected intentions to stay in a
relationship with a service provider (Venetis and Ghauri, 2004 as cited by Voon,
2012). Service quality may affect loyalty through the mediating variables of trust
and commitment (Caceres and Paparoidamis, 2007 as cited by Voon, 2012).

2.2 Store facilities

Store facilities is one of the important factors that affect customer

satisfaction in selected fast food chain and it includes the environmental
cleanliness, good dining ambience, layout and furniture and store atmosphere so
that the customer will enjoy to consume their food.

The environment (ambience, layout, furniture, and facilities) and service

performance of the staff influence a student choice and perception of a service
quality in a fast food restaurant (Khutson, 2000 as cited by Garg, 2014). The
importance of human elements in store atmospheric studies, thus came up with
the conceptualization of DINESCAPE (facility aesthetics, ambience, lighting,
service product, layout and human elements) as a measurement scale of the
physical environment in upscale restaurants (Ryu and Jang, 2008 as cited by
Fanelli and Nocera, 2018). A positive perception of atmosphere can produce
more positive emotions, which leads to positive about the restaurant and its
service or products (Ha and Jang, 2010 as cited by Kanyan, Ngana and Voon,

2.3 Price/Promotion

Price/Promotion is one of the important factors that affect customer

satisfaction in selected fast food chain and it includes Tri-Media advertisement
and discount. It helps the fast food chain to get and be known by customers.

Price perception is one of the significant determinants in consumer

purchasing decisions, and various pricing tactics have been developed by both
manufactured and retailers to create more favorable price perceptions from
consumers (Carlson, 2007 as cited by Shirai, 2017). Price discounting influences

consumers purchasing behaviors (Anderson and Simester, 2004 as cited by
Shirai, 2017). Pricing or the perceived value of the restaurants is another element
that has been considered with respect to the customer service quality experience
in relation to customer satisfaction (Suresh, Kumar S. and Hemamala, K, 2011).
Promotion is different form of activities for attracting and getting intention of
customer to purchase the product or service through personal selling, public
relations, sales promotions and advertising (Huang, 2011 as cited by Manjunath
and Reginald, 2016). Promotion of product or service helps in the best way to
builds relationships with customers, because everyone is looking for the best
suitable deal with them (Kurniawan, 2010 as cited by Manjunath and Reginald,

2.4 Food Quality

Food quality is one of the important factors that affect customer

satisfaction in selected fast food chain and it includes the good taste of food
served, variety of the food and menu, food presentation and safety of the food.

Fast food is of course difficult to define, from our perspective, ultra-

processed, high sugar, fat, sodium, low fiber, low phytochemical, dietary additive
rich food obtain from chain outlet are those that are culturally synonyms with the
term fast food rather than convenient, healthy food served quickly (Specter, 2015
as cited by Prescott and Logan, 2017). Food consuming which was originally a
domestic activity and fashion than about sustenance. In addition, the role of food
quality is also recognized as one of the key determinants for customer
satisfaction and loyalty. Good quality of food and beverages can be instrumental
in satisfying and retaining the youth customers who most probably enjoy eating
delicious food. There are customers who prefer hot and spicy food available in
fast food chain (Sloan, 2004 as cited by Astuti and Hanan, 2012).

Review of Local Literature

Success of a business relies on customer service. Customers are believed

to be the life blood of every organization: without which business will not survive.
Thus, businesses must give customers what they want by learning their needs as
a whole. With kind of commitment to listen, understand and serve can
continuously produce satisfied, delighted customers to produce a robust growing
profit year after year. In the study, service quality was focused on customer’s
perception and evaluation of assurance, empathy, reliability of service and
responsiveness. On the other side, satisfaction was leveraged by price, product,
and perceptiveness of service quality with situational and personal factors.
Customer satisfaction sums up the value the restaurant provides and delivered.
Customers are one of the most valued assets. If they were valued, they will not
be switching from one establishment to another. Customer focus is the secret to
successfully retain and attract clients. Creating, maintaining and improving
relationships with them require hard work. Ambiance, price, quality of products
and services were several factors that affect customer satisfaction. It is the
determining factor considered for businesses whether big and small that bring
customer’s loyalty (Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Philippines,

A person behavior in sanitation and personal habits can have a significant

effect on the safety of food product. Food handlers should be trained to ensure
appropriate behavior (Joyce Macaraeg, 2012 as cited by Pacific Journal of
Multidisciplinary Research Philippines, 2017).

Food shall be protected from cross contamination by separating raw foods

from ready to eat foods during storage, preparation, holding and display
(Grimaldo, 2012 as cited by Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Philippines, 2017).


Service quality positively would affect emotional satisfaction that in turn

would have positive effect on both customer loyalty and relationship quality. The
employees are need to be nice to their customer and give a good customer
service to make them satisfy not just with the food they offered but also on their
approach to all customer (Amy Wong, 2004 as cited by Voon, 2012). Service
quality and customer satisfaction are generally recognized as the major decisive
factors in maintaining long-term and successful business relationships. Service
quality may affect the customer loyalty that can make customer unsatisfied to the
other fast food chain (Jayawardhea, 2010; Hoang, Igel & Laosirihongthong,
2010; Rahman, 2008 as cited by Kavaliauskiene, Aranskis and Litvinenko, 2014).
Satisfaction is a judgement that a product or service feature provides a
pleasurable level of consumption. Some customer expects excellent service
through courteous and knowledgeable employees (Zeithmal and Bitner, 2003 as
cited by Omar, Ariffin and Ahmad, 2016).


Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research design, sampling technique used,

research instrument, procedures and statistical treatment data.

Methods of Research

The researchers used the Quantitative Research that is applicable in

determining customers’ satisfaction in fast food chain at San Mateo, Rizal. The
Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating
numerical data or data that can be transformed into usable statistic. It is used to
quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors and other variables.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this research are the students of San Mateo Municipal
College who eat at a fast food chain. The number of respondent of this research
are 90 students, the researcher used the purposive sampling to get the number
of respondents of this research.

Population and Sampling

This research has 90 respondents from San Mateo, Rizal. The

researchers used purposive sampling or also known as judgemental or selected
sampling. Which the researchers rely on their own judgement when choosing a
respondent that needed in the research.

Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument used in this research is a survey questionnaire, and was

validated by the statistician. The eighteen (18) questions in the survey were rated
by the respondent using scale basis.

Scale, Range and Verbal Interpretation
Scale Range Verbal Interpretation
4 3.5-4.49 Highly satisfied
3 2.5-3.49 Moderately satisfied
2 1.50-2.49 Moderately dissatisfied
1 1.0-1.49 Dissatisfied
This table shows the Scale, Range and Verbal Interpretation used in the

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers formulated a survey questionnaire which was validated

by the statistician and conducted a survey to the 90 students ofSan Mateo, Rizal.
The result of the survey was used to identify and analyze how the customers
were satisfied in the fast food chain in terms of service quality, store facilities,
price and promotion and food quality and it used to analyze if there is a
significant difference between the level of satisfaction of customers in the three
fast food chains. It also provides the details and information that are needed for
this research.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researcher used four (4) statistical tools. First is the percentage, it is
used to determine the number of responded who answered in a specific degree
of agreement on every statement. Second is the weighted mean, it is being used
to determine the factors that affects student’s satisfaction in selected fast food

chain. Third is the ANOVA Analysis, it is a statistical method in which the
variation in a set of observations is divided into distinct components.


Formula: P=f/n x 100

Where: P = percentage
f = frequency number of respondents
n = total number of respondents

Weighted Mean

Formula: WM= f/n


WM = Weighted Mean Value

f = Frequency

n= Total number of the respondents

ANOVA Analysis


 Total SS

 Among SS=

 Within SS= Total SS – Among SS

Rank- used to arrange the weighted mean from highest to lowest to identify how
the customers were satisfied in the fast food chain.


Presentation, Analysis & Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the data as well as the analysis of data using
statistical tools and interpretation.

70% 64%
40% 32%
10% 4%
15-20 21-25 26-30

Figure 4
Age of the Respondents
Source: Survey Result
This table figure shows the age of respondent. It shows that majority of
the respondents with a total number of 58 respondent or 64% are ages 15-20
followed by 21-25 years old with a total number of 29 respondent or 32% and 26-
30 with a total number of 3 respondents or 4%.

80% 67%
Male Female

Figure 5
Gender of the Respondents
Source: Survey Result
This figure shows the gender of respondents. It shows that majority of
the respondents are female with a total number of 60 respondents or 67%
followed by male with a total number of 30 respondents or 33%.

80% 68%
20% 8%
50-below 51-100 101-above

Figure 6
Daily Allowance of the Respondents
Source: Survey Result
This table shows the daily allowance of the respondents. It shows that
61 respondents or 68% have 51-100 for their daily allowance followed by 22
respondents or 24% have 101-above daily allowance and 7 respondents or 8%
have 50-below daily allowance.

Perception of the respondent in Service Quality
Service Quality Jollibee Chowking Mc Donalds
Rank Mean Verbal Rank Mean Verbal Rank Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation Interpretation
Fast order 4 3.27 Moderately 4 2.89 Moderately 3 3.16 Moderately
taking Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied

Accommodating 3 3.36 Moderately 3 3.01 Moderately 4 3.14 Moderately

service Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied

Employees 2 3.39 Moderately 2 3.18 Moderately 2 3.21 Moderately

behavior Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied

Employees 1 3.52 Highly 1 3.84 Highly 1 3.41 Moderately

appearance Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied

Weighted Mean 3.36 Moderately 3.23 Moderately 3.23 Moderately

Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied

Source: Survey Result

This table shows the perception of the respondent in Service Quality of
the three fast food chains.
In the service quality of Jollibee, It shows that the employees
appearance is in rank #1 with a mean of 3.52 and verbal interpretation of highly
satisfied and there are 52 (58%) of respondent says that they are strongly
satisfied, 33 (37%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 5(5%) of respondent
are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In
employees behavior, it is in rank #2 with a mean of 3.39 and verbal interpretation
of moderately satisfied and there are 43 (48%) of respondent says that they are
strongly satisfied, 39 (43%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 8(9%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied.
In accommodating service, it is in rank #3 with a mean of 3.36 and verbal
interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 46 (51%) of respondent are
moderately satisfied, 38 (42%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 6 (7%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied.
In fast order taking, it is in rank #4 with a mean of 3.27 and verbal interpretation
of moderately satisfied and there are 47 (52%) of respondent are moderately
satisfied, 34 (38%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 9 (10%) of respondent

are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In service
quality of Jollibee the respondent are moderately satisfied with a total weighted
mean of 3.36.
In the perception of the respondent in Service Quality of Chowking. It
shows that the employees appearance is in rank #1 with a mean of 3.84 and
verbal interpretation of highly satisfied and there are 44 (49%) of respondent are
moderately satisfied, 40 (44%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 4 (4%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 2 (3%) of respondent are dissatisfied.
In employees behavior, it is in rank #2 with a mean of 3.18 and verbal
interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 45 (50%) of respondent are
moderately satisfied, 32 (36%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 10 (11%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 3 (3%) of respondent are dissatisfied.
In accommodating service, it is in rank #3 with a mean of 3.01 and verbal
interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 48 (53%) of respondent are
moderately satisfied, 23 (26%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 16 (18%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 3 (3%) of respondent are dissatisfied.
In fast order taking, it is in rank #4 with a mean of 2.89 and verbal interpretation
of moderately satisfied and there are 55 (61%) of respondent are moderately
satisfied, 15 (17%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 15 (17%) of respondent
are moderately dissatisfied and 5 (5%) of respondent are dissatisfied. In service
quality of Chowking the respondent are moderately satisfied with a total weighted
mean of 3.23.
In the perception of the respondent in Service Quality of Mc Donald’s. It
shows that the employees appearance is in rank #1 with a mean of 3.41 and
verbal interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 46 (51%) of
respondent says that they are strongly satisfied, 36 (40%) of respondents are
moderately satisfied, 7(8%) of respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%)
of respondent is dissatisfied. In employees behavior, it is in rank #2 with a mean
of 3.21 and verbal interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 46 (51%)
of respondent are moderately satisfied, 32 (36%) of respondent are strongly
satisfied, 11 (12%) of respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of

respondent is dissatisfied. In fast order taking, it is in rank #3 with a mean of 3.16
and verbal interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 53 (59%) of
respondent are moderately satisfied, 26 (29%) of respondent are strongly
satisfied, 10 (11%) of respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of
respondent is dissatisfied. In accommodating service, it is in rank #4 with a mean
of 3.14 and verbal interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 51 (57%)
of respondent are moderately satisfied, 27 (30%) of respondent are strongly
satisfied, 10 (11%) of respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 2 (2%) of
respondent are dissatisfied. In service quality of Mc Donald’s the respondent are
moderately satisfied with a total weighted mean of 3.23.
Among the three fast food chain, Jollibee has the highest weighted
mean of 3.36 and verbal interpretation of moderately satisfies, which means that
they provide a good service quality among Chowking and Mc Donalds.

Perception of the respondent in Store Facilities
Service Quality Jollibee Chowking Mc Donalds
Rank Mean Verbal Rank Mean Verbal Rank Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation Interpretation
Environmental 2 3.41 Moderately 4 3.13 Moderately 3 3.38 Moderately
Cleanliness Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Good dining 1 3.49 Moderately 1 3.29 Moderately 1 3.50 Highly
ambiance Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Layout and 3 3.38 Moderately 2 3.26 Moderately 2 3.47 Moderately
furniture Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Store 3 3.38 Moderately 3 3.22 Moderately 2 3.47 Moderately
atmosphere Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Weighted Mean 3.42 Moderately 3.23 Moderately 3.46 Moderately
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied

Source: Survey Result

This table shows the perception of the respondent in Store Facilities of
the three fast food chains.
In the store facilities of Jollibee, It shows that the good dining ambience is in rank
#1 with a mean of 3.49 and verbal interpretation of moderately satisfied and there

are 50 (56%) of respondent says that they are strongly satisfied, 34 (37%) of
respondents are moderately satisfied, 6 (7%) of respondent are moderately
dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In environmental
cleanliness, it is in rank #2 with a mean of 3.41 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and layout and there are 43 (48%) of respondent are
moderately satisfied, 42 (47%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 5 (5%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied.
In layout and furniture, it is rank #3 with a mean of 3.38 and verbal interpretation
of moderately satisfied and there are 44 (49%) of respondent says that they are
moderately satisfied, 40 (44%) of respondents are strongly satisfied, 6 (7%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied.
In store atmosphere, it is also in rank #3 with a mean of 3.38 and verbal
interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 43 (48%) of respondent says
that they are strongly satisfied, 38 (42%) of respondents are moderately satisfied,
9 (10%) of respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is
dissatisfied. In store facilities of Jollibee the respondent are moderately satisfied
with a total weighted mean of 3.42.

For the store facilities of Chowking, It shows that the good dining
ambience is in rank #1 with a mean of 3.29 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 41 (46%) of respondent are moderately
satisfied, 38 (42%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 10 (11%) of respondent
are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In layout and
furniture, it is in rank #2 with a mean of 3.26 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 48 (53%) of respondent are moderately
satisfied, 33 (37%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 8 (9%) of respondent are
moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In store
atmosphere, it is in rank #3 with a mean of 3.22 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 41 (46%) of respondent are moderately
satisfied, 35 (39%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 13 (14%) of respondent
are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In

environmental cleanliness, it is in rank #4 with a mean of 3.13 and verbal
interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 43 (48%) of respondent are
moderately satisfied, 30 (33%) of respondent are strongly satisfied, 16 (18%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of respondent is dissatisfied.
In store facilities of Chowking the respondent are moderately satisfied with a total
weighted mean of 3.23.
For the store facilities of Mc Donald’s, It shows that the good dining
ambience is in rank #1 with a mean of 3.50 and verbal interpretation of strongly
satisfied and there are 49 (54%) of respondent says that they are strongly
satisfied, 37 (41%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 4 (5%) of respondent
are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In layout and
furniture, it is in rank #2 with a mean of 3.47 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 47 (51%) of respondent says that they are
strongly satisfied, 38 (42%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 5 (6%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied.
In store atmosphere, it is also in rank #2 with a mean of 3.47 and verbal
interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 46 (51%) of respondent says
that they are strongly satisfied, 40 (44%) of respondents are moderately satisfied,
4 (5%) of respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is
dissatisfied. In environmental cleanliness, it is in rank #3 with a mean of 3.38 and
verbal interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 45 (50%) of
respondent says that they are moderately satisfied, 40 (44%) of respondents are
strongly satisfied, 4 (5%) of respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of
respondent is dissatisfied. In store facilities of Mc Donald’s the respondent are
moderately satisfied with a total weighted mean of 3.46.

Among the three fast food chain, Mc Donald’s has the highest weighted
mean of 3.46 and verbal interpretation of moderately satisfies, which means that
they have good store facilities among Jollibee and Chowking.

Perception of the respondent in Price and Promotion
Service Quality Jollibee Chowking Mc Donalds
Rank Mean Verbal Rank Mean Verbal Rank Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation Interpretation
Tri-Media 1 3.26 Moderately 1 3.26 Moderately 1 3.41 Moderately
Advertisement Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Discount 2 3.16 Moderately 2 2.91 Moderately 2 3.17 Moderately
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Weighted Mean 3.21 Moderately 3.09 Moderately 3.29 Moderately
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied

Source: Survey Result

This table shows the perception of respondent in price and promotion of Jollibee,
Chowking and Mc Donald’s.

For the price and promotion of Jollibee, It shows that the tri-media
advertisement is in rank #1 with a mean of 3.26 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 45 (50%) of respondent says that they are
strongly satisfied, 29 (32%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 10 (11%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 6 (7%) of respondent are dissatisfied.
In discount, it is in rank #2 with a mean of 3.16 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 36 (40%) of respondent says that they are
strongly satisfied, also 36 (40%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 14
(16%) of respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 4 (4%) of respondent are
dissatisfied. In price and promotion of Jollibee the respondent are moderately
satisfied with a total weighted mean of 3.21.

For the price and promotion of Chowking, It shows that the tri-media
advertisement is in rank #1 with a mean of 3.36 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 40 (44%) of respondent says that they are
moderately satisfied, 37 (42%) of respondents are strongly satisfied, 12 (13%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of respondent is dissatisfied.
In discount, it is in rank #2 with a mean of 2.91 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 52 (58%) of respondent says that they are
moderately satisfied, 17 (19%) of respondents are strongly satisfied, 17 (19%) of

respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 4 (4%) of respondent are dissatisfied.
In price and promotion of Chowking the respondent are moderately satisfied with
a total weighted mean of 3.09.
For the price and promotion of Mc Donald’s, It shows that the tri-media
advertisement is in rank #1 with a mean of 3.41 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 48 (53%) of respondent says that they are
strongly satisfied, 33 (37%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 7 (8%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 2 (2%) of respondent are dissatisfied.
In discount, it is in rank #2 with a mean of 3.17 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 38 (42%) of respondent says that they are
moderately satisfied, 35 (39%) of respondents are strongly satisfied, 14 (16%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 3 (3%) of respondent are dissatisfied.
In price and promotion of Mc Donald’s the respondent are moderately satisfied
with a total weighted mean of 3.29.
Among the three fast food chain, Mc Donald’s has the highest weighted
mean of 3.29 and verbal interpretation of moderately satisfied, which means that
they have good tri-advertisement and discounts among Jollibee and Chowking.

Perception of the respondent in Food Quality
Service Quality Jollibee Chowking Mc Donalds
Rank Mean Verbal Rank Mean Verbal Rank Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation Interpretation
Good taste of 1 3.67 Highly 3 3.16 Moderately 1 3.53 Highly
food serves Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Variety of food 2 3.66 Highly 1 3.33 Moderately 2 3.49 Moderately
and menu Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Food 4 3.42 Moderately 1 3.33 Moderately 3 3.43 Moderately
presentation Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Safety of the 3 3.51 Highly 2 3.28 Moderately 1 3.53 Highly
food Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Weighted Mean 3.57 Highly 3.28 Moderately 3.50 Highly
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied

Source: Survey Result

This table shows the perception of respondent in food quality of Jollibee,
Chowking and Mc Donald’s.

For the food quality of Jollibee, It shows that the good taste of food serve is
in rank #1 with a mean of 3.67 and verbal interpretation of highly satisfied and
there are 65 (72%) of respondent says that they are strongly satisfied, 20 (22%)
of respondents are moderately satisfied, 5 (6%) of respondent are moderately
dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In variety of food and menu,
it is in rank #2 with a mean of 3.66 and verbal interpretation of highly satisfied
and there are 63 (70%) of respondent says that they are strongly satisfied, 23
(26%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 4 (4%) of respondent are
moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In safety of the
food, it is in rank #3 with a mean of 3.51 and verbal interpretation of highly
satisfied and there are 55 (61%) of respondent says that they are strongly
satisfied, 27 (30%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 7 (8%) of respondent
are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In food
presentation, it is in rank #4 with a mean of 3.42 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 55 (61%) of respondent says that they are
strongly satisfied, 23 (26%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 7 (8%) of

respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 5 (5%) of respondent are
dissatisfied.. In food quality of Jollibee the respondent are highly satisfied with a
total weighted mean of 3.57.

For the food quality of Chowking, It shows that the food presentation is in
rank #1 with a mean of 3.33 and verbal interpretation of moderately satisfied and
there are 41 (46%) of respondent says that they are moderately satisfied, 40
(44%) of respondents are strongly satisfied, 8 (9%) of respondent are moderately
dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In variety of food and menu,
it is also in rank #1 with a mean of 3.33 and verbal interpretation of moderately
satisfied and there are 42 (47%) of respondent says that they are strongly
satisfied, 38 (42%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 8 (9%) of respondent
are moderately dissatisfied and 2 (2%) of respondent are dissatisfied. In safety of
the food, it is in rank #2 with a mean of 3.28 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 44 (49%) of respondent says that they are
moderately satisfied, 36 (40%) of respondents are strongly satisfied, 9 (10%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of respondent is dissatisfied.
In good taste of food serves, it is in rank #3 with a mean of 3.16 and verbal
interpretation of moderately satisfied and there are 44 (49%) of respondent says
that they are moderately satisfied, 31 (35%) of respondents are strongly satisfied,
13 (14%) of respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 2 (2%) of respondent is
dissatisfied.. In food quality of Chowking the respondent are moderately satisfied
with a total weighted mean of 3.28.
For the food quality of Mc Donald’s, It shows that the good taste of food
serve is in rank #1 with a mean of 3.53 and verbal interpretation of highly
satisfied and there are 54 (60%) of respondent says that they are strongly
satisfied, 30 (33%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 6 (7%) of respondent
are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In safety of
the food, it is also in rank #1 with a mean of 3.53 and verbal interpretation of
highly satisfied and there are 52 (58%) of respondent says that they are strongly
satisfied, 33 (36%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 5 (5%) of respondent

are moderately dissatisfied and 1 (1%) of respondent is dissatisfied. In variety of
food and menu, it is in rank #2 with a mean of 3.49 and verbal interpretation of
moderately satisfied and there are 52 (58%) of respondent says that they are
strongly satisfied, 30 (33%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 8 (9%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied.
In food presentation, it is in rank #3 with a mean of 3.43 and verbal interpretation
of moderately satisfied and there are 46 (51%) of respondent says that they are
strongly satisfied, 37 (41%) of respondents are moderately satisfied, 7 (8%) of
respondent are moderately dissatisfied and 0 (0%) of respondent is dissatisfied.
In food quality of Mc Donald’s the respondent are highly satisfied with a total
weighted mean of 3.50.
Among the three fast food chain, Jollibee has the highest weighted
mean of 3.57 and verbal interpretation of moderately satisfied, which means that
they have a good quality of food than Mc Donald’s and Chowking.

Summary of the Computation of Analysis of Variance in Three Fast food
Jollibee Chowking Mc Donald’s
x x2 x x2 x x2
Service Quality 3.36 11.29 3.23 10.43 3.23 10.43
Store Facilities 3.42 11.70 3.23 10.43 3.46 11.97
Price/Promotion 3.21 10.30 3.09 9.55 3.29 10.82
Food Quality 3.57 12.74 3.28 10.76 3.50 12.25
Total 13.56 46.03 12.83 41.17 13.48 45.47
Source: Table 2,3,4,5 Page 22-28
This table shows the Summary of the Computation of Analysis of Variance
in Three Fast food chains. It shows that in terms of service quality the Jollibee
has a highest weighted mean of 3.36 or 11.20 followed by Chowking and Mc
Donald’s with a weighted mean of 3.23 or 10.43. In terms of store facilities the

Mc Donald’s has a highest weighted mean of 3.46 or 11.97 followed by the
Jollibee with a weighted mean of 3.42 or 11.70 and Chowking with a weighted
mean of 3.23 or 10.43. In terms of the price/promotion, Mc Donald’s has a
highest weighted mean of 3.29 or 10.82 followed by Jollibee with a weighted
mean of 3.21 or 10.30 and Chowking with a weighted mean of 3.09 or 9.55.
Lastly, in terms of food quality the Jollibee has a highest weighted mean of 3.57
or 12.74 followed by the Mc Donald’s with a weighted mean of 3.50 or 12.25 and
Chowking with a weighted mean of 3.28 or 10.76.

Summary of Analysis of Variance of Three Fast food Chain
Jollibee Chowking Mc Donald’s
∑x 13.56 12.83 13.48
∑x2 46.03 41.17 45.47
N 4 4 4
x 3.39 3.21 3.37
Source: Table 6 , Page 29
This table shows the summary of analysis of variance of three fast food
chains. It shows that the Jollibee has a highest sum of weighted mean of 13.56
or 46.03 followed by the Mc Donald’s with a sum of weighted mean of 13.48 or
45.47 and Chowking with a sum of weighted mean of 12.83 or 41.17.

Summary of the Analysis of Variance
Source of Variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Critical
Among groups 133.01 2 66.51 4.98 6.94
Within groups 133.47 10 13.35
Total 266.48 12
Source: Table 7, Page 30
This table shows the summary table of the analysis of variance. It shows
that the among groups it has 133.01 sum of squares, 2 as degree of freedom and
66.51 for the mean squares. In the within groups it has 133.47 sum of squares,
10 as degree of freedom and 13.35 for the mean square. Also shows that there is
no significant difference between the level of satisfaction of customers in three
fast food chains. because the f-ratio of this study is 4.98 which are lower from the
6.94 critical values of F or the 0.05 significance level.


Summary, Conclusions and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of the data obtained, conclusion

based on the findings and recommendation made by the researchers.


Findings are presented with the corresponding analysis and

interpretation based on the data shown in Chapter 4.
The researchers gathered data from the students of San Mateo
Municipal College who have experienced eating in a fast food chain/store with 90
1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of;
1.1 Age
58 or 64% of the respondents were 15-20 years old, 29 or 32% of
the respondents were 21-25 years old and 3 or 4% of the respondents
were 26-30 years old.
1.2 Gender
60 respondents or 67% are female and 30 respondents or 33% are
1.3 Allowance
61 or 68% of the respondents have 51-100 for their daily allowance,
22 or 24% of the respondents have 101-above daily allowance and 7 of
8% of the respondents have 50-below daily allowance.

2. What are the factors that affect the satisfaction of student in eating at Jollibee,
Chowking and Mc Donald’s, in terms of?

2.1 Service Quality

2.1 A. Fast order taking

In fast order taking, Jollibee has a highest weighted mean of 3.27
while the Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 2.89. It shows that the
Jollibee provides a faster order taking than Mc Donald’s and Chowking.

2.1B. Accommodating service

In accommodating service, Jollibee has a highest weighted mean of
3.36 while the Chowking has the lowest weighted mean of 3.01. It shows
that Jollibee has the most accommodating service than Mc Donald’s and

2.1C. Employees behavior

In employee’s behavior, Jollibee has a highest weighted mean of
3.39, while the Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 3.18. It shows
that the Jollibee has a good employee behavior than Mc Donald’s and

2.1D Employees appearance

In employee’s appearance, Chowking has a highest weighted mean
of 3.84 while the McDonald’s have a lowest weighted mean of 3.41. It
shows that the Chowking has a good employee’s appearance than
Jollibee and Mc Donald’s.

2.2 Store Facilities
2.2. A Environmental cleanliness
In environmental cleanliness, Jollibee has a highest weighted mean
of 3.41 while Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 3.13. It shows
that Jollibee has the cleanest facility than Mc Donald’s and Chowking.

2.2.B Good dining ambiance

In good dining ambiance, McDonalds has a highest weighted mean
of 3.50 while the Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 3.29. It shows
that McDonalds has good dining ambiance than the Jollibee and

2.2C Layout and Furniture

In layout and furniture, McDonalds has a highest weighted mean of
3.47 while the Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 3.26. It shows
that McDonalds has better layout and furniture than the Jollibee and

2.2.D Store atmosphere

In store atmosphere, McDonalds has a highest weighted mean of
3.47 followed while Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 3.22. It
shows that McDonalds has a better store atmosphere than the Jollibee
and Chowking.

2.3 Price/Promotion
2.3.A Tri-Media advertisement
In tri-media advertisement, McDonalds has a highest weighted
mean of 3.41 while the Jollibee and Chowking have the same lowest
weighted mean of 3.26. It shows that McDonalds has a good tri-media
advertisement that encourages the respondents to eat there.

2.3.B Discount
In discount, McDonalds has a highest weighted mean of 3.17
followed while the Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 2.29. It
shows that McDonalds has good discounts than the Jollibee and

2.4 Food Quality

2.4.A Good taste of food served
In good taste of food serve, Jollibee has a highest weighted mean
of 3.67 while the Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 2.91. It shows
that Jollibee serves food with better taste than Mc Donald’s and

2.4.B Variety of food and menu

In variety of food menu, Jollibee has a highest weighted mean of
3.66 while the Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 3.33. It shows
that the variety of food in Jollibee is the most wanted by the respondents
than the Mc Donald’s and Chowking.

2.4.C Food presentation

In food presentation, McDonalds has a highest weighted mean of
3.43 followed while the Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 3.33. It
shows that McDonalds has a good food presentation than Mc Donald’s
and Chowking.

2.5.D Safety of the food

In safety of the food, McDonalds has a highest weighted mean of
3.53 while the Chowking has a lowest weighted mean of 3.28. It shows
that the respondents trust the McDonalds in terms of the food safety.

The Analysis of variance of three (3) fast food chain, it shows that the
among groups has sum of squares of 133.01, the degree of freedom (df) is 2 and
66.51 is the mean square. In within the groups it has sum o squares of 133.47,
the degree of freedom (df) is 10 and the mean square is 13.35 and 4.98 for the
F-ration with 6.94 critical values.

3. There is no significant difference between the level of satisfaction of customers

in three fast food chain because the f-ratio of this study is 4.48 which is lower
from the 6.94 critical values of F or the 0.05 significance level.


2.1 Service Quality

 In terms of Service Quality in Jollibee, employee’s appearance
has the highest weighted mean of 3.52. The researchers suggest
that the Jollibee must maintain their employee’s appearance
which is known to be neat and clean.
 In terms of Service Quality of Chowking, the employee’s
appearance has the highest weighted mean of 3.84. The
researchers also suggest that Chowking need to maintain their
employee’s appearance.
 In terms of Service Quality in Mc Donalds, the employee’s
appearance is also having the highest weighted mean of 3.41.
The researchers also suggest that Mc Donald’s need to make
their employee’s look presentable.

2.2 Store Facilities

 In terms of Store Facilities in Jollibee, having a good dining
ambiance has the highest weighted mean of 3.49. The
researchers suggest that Jollibee is always needed to make their
ambiance look fresh and relaxing.
 In terms of Store Facilities in Chowking, having also a good dining
ambiance has the highest weighted mean of 3.29. The
researchers also suggest that the store need to maintain their
ambiance look fresh and relaxing.
 In terms of Store Facilities in Mc Donalds, like in Jollibee and
Chowking having a good dining ambiance is also has the highest
weighted mean of 3.50. The researchers also suggest
maintaining the freshness and relaxing ambiance of the store.

2.3 Price & Promotion
 In terms of Price & Promotion in Jollibee, the Tri-Media
Advertisment has the highest weighted mean of 3.26. The
researchers suggest to maintain in doing a advertising that will
encourage customer to patronize their store.
 In terms of Price & Promotion in Chowking, the Tri-Media
Advertisement has the highest weighted mean of 3.26. The
researchers suggest that Chowking must maintain in creating an
advertising that will surely likely with their customer.
 In terms of Price & Promotion in Mc Donald’s, the Tri-Media
Advertisement is also having the highest weighted mean of 3.41.
The researchers also suggest to Chowking they need to maintain
their advertising unique that will surely like by their customer.

2.4 Food Quality

 In terms of Food Quality in Jollibee, the good taste of food serves
has the highest weighted mean of 3.67. The researchers suggest
that Jollibee need to maintain the good taste of their food to
satisfy their customers.
 In terms of Food Quality in Chowking, the food presentation and
the variety of food & menu has the highest weighted mean of
3.33. The researchers suggest that Chowking must maintain to
introduce variety of food and make their food look presentable.
 In terms of Food Quality in Mc Donald’s, the good taste and
safety of the food serves has the highest weighted mean of 3.53.
The researchers suggest that Mc Donald’s is needed to maintain
their food taste good and make sure that it is safe for their



 In terms of service quality, the fast order taking has the

lowest weighted mean of 3.27. The researchers recommend
that the staff can already get the order of the customer while
waiting for their turn in the counter.
 In terms of store facilities, the layout and furniture and store
atmosphere has the lowest weighted mean of 3.38. The
researchers recommend that they need to renovate or
change the store atmosphere, layout and furniture to make it
more attractive to the customer.
 In terms of price/promotion, the discount has the lowest
weighted mean of 3.16. The researchers recommend that
they can also give coupons so that it will lessen the bill of the
 In terms of food quality, the food presentation has the lowest
weighted mean of 3.42. The researchers recommend that
they need to create a unique presentation because it also
evaluate by the customer.


 In terms of service quality, the fast order taking has the

lowest weighted mean of 2.89. The researchers recommend
that the staff can already get the order of the customer while
waiting for their turn in the counter.
 In terms of store facilities, the environmental cleanliness has
the lowest weighted mean of 3.13. The researchers
recommend that they need to maintain their cleanliness
because it may affect the customer to lose their appetite.

 In terms of price/promotion, the discount has the lowest
weighted mean of 2.91. The researchers recommend that
they can also give coupons so that it will lessen the bill of the
 In terms of food quality, good taste of food serves has the
lowest weighted mean of 3.16. The researchers recommend
that they need to maintain the standard of the food that they

Mc Donald’s

 In terms of service quality, accommodating service has the

lowest weighted mean of 3.14. The researchers recommend
that the employee must know how to handle a customer and
be responsive as always.
 In terms of store facilities, the layout and furniture and store
atmosphere has the lowest weighted mean of 3.47. The
researchers recommend that they need to renovate or
change the store atmosphere, layout and furniture to make it
more attractive to the customer.
 In terms of price/promotion, the discount has the lowest
weighted mean of 3.17. The researchers recommend that
they can also give coupons so that it will lessen the bill of the
 In terms of food quality, the food presentation has the lowest
weighted mean of 3.43. The researchers recommend that
they need to create a unique presentation because it also
evaluate by the customer.



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Part 1: Profile of the respondent.

Direction: Answer the question and write in the blank space or put a check (/)
(Sagutan ang mga katanungan at isulat sa mga patlang o lagyan ng tsek.)
A. Name ________________________

B. Age ___ 15-20 ___ 21-25 ___26-30


C. Gender ___ Male ___Female

(Kasarian) (Lalaki) (Babae)

D. Daily allowance ___below ___51-100 ___101-above

(Araw-araw na baon)

Part 2: Factors that affect the student satisfaction in selected fast food
Direction: Write the number on a space provided.
(Isulat ang numero sa ibinigay na patlang)

4- Highly Satisfied 3- Moderately Satisfied

(lubos na nasiyahan) (katamtamang nasiyahan)

2- Moderately Dissatisfied 1- Dissatisfied

(katamtamang hindi nasiyahan) (hindi nasiyahan)

Jollibee Chowking Mc Donald’s

2.1 Service Quality
(kalidad ng serbisyo)
 Fast Order Taking
(mabilis na pagkuha ng order)
 Accommodating Services
(pag-akomador ng serbisyo)

Jollibee Chowking McDonalds
 Employees Behavior
(ugali ng empleyado)
 Employees Appearance
(hitsura ng empleyado)
2.2 Store Facilities
 Environmental Cleanliness
(kalinisan ng kapaligiran)
 Good dining ambience
(magandang kapaligiran ng kainan)
 Layout and Furniture
(desenyo at kasangkapan)
 Store Atmosphere
(kaayusan ng kapaligiran)
2.3 Price/ Promotion
(presyo at promosyon)
 Tri-Media Advertisement
 Discount
2.4 Food Quality
(kalidad ng pag kain)
 Good taste of food serves
(masarap na lasa ng pagkain)
 Variety of food and menu
(mga pagpipilian sa pagkain)
 Food presentation
(presentasyon ng pagkain)
 Safety of the food
(kaigtasan ng pagkain)

General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Tel. No. (02) 997-9070


This is certify that this marketing research entitled: “FACTORS AFFECTING


and submitted by Mayca A. Arellano, Francia Mae S. Ceruma, Gerald S.

Derramas, Jonna O. Merciales and Rea Jamie T. Rivera in partial fulfilment for

the degree of Bachelor of Science In Business Administration Major in Marketing

Management has been statistically reviewed by the undersigned.



General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Tel. No. (02) 997-9070


This is certify that this marketing research entitled: “FACTORS AFFECTING


and submitted by Mayca A. Arellano, Francia Mae S. Ceruma, Gerald S.

Derramas, Jonna O. Merciales and Rea Jamie T. Rivera in partial fulfillment

for the degree of Bachelor of Science In Business Administration Major in

Marketing Management has been checked and verified by the undersigned.



Curriculum Vitae

Contact #: 09773300304
Email Address:
288 Kina St., Bankers
Village, Guitnang Bayan To obtain a position that will enable me to utilize my
1, San Mateo, Rizal Strong organizational skills, knowledge and ability to Work will.
September 14, 1998 EDUCATION
21 years old  Tertiary
MARITALSTATUS: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in
Marketing Management
Mateo Municipal College, March 2020 (Graduated)
CITIZENSHIP:  Secondary
Filipino San Francisco B National High School
LANGUAGE SPOKEN: Graduated: 2014
Filipino  Elementary
San Miguel Dao-I Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2009


REFERENCES  Computer Literate

(MS Word, Excel, Power point)
Mrs. Cedenia F.

12 Business Summit September 28, 2018
San Mateo Municipal Alonte Sports Arena
College Binan, Laguna
Nationwide Hands-Only July 16, 2018
Mrs. Criselda Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation Campaign 2018
Jose F. Diaz Stadium
English Instructor San Mateo, Rizal
San Mateo Municipal
 Junior Marketing Practitioners 2016-present
Ms. Keny Rose A. (Member)
High School Teacher
San Miquel Dao 2, Lopez, ARELLANO, MAYCA A.

Contact #: 09613178586
Email Address:
Blk 2 Lot 5 Kalayaan C. To acquire understanding of how to offer best customer service
Extension Batasan Hills, and to apply my knowledge, skills and serve my loyalty to your
Quezon City company. .
September 20, 1998
AGE:  Tertiary
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in
21 years old
Marketing Management
MARITALSTATUS: Mateo Municipal College, March 2021 (Graduated)
Single  Secondary
CITIZENSHIP: Batasan National High School
Filipino Graduated: 2014-2015
Filipino Commonwealth Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2010-2011


 Computer Literate
REFERENCES (MS Word, Excel, Power point)

Jayvee Ceruma
Sales Clerk

12 Business Summit September 28, 2018
Landmark Alonte Sports Arena
09052529852 Binan, Laguna

Nationwide Hands-Only July 16, 2018

Allan Gacer Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation Campaign 2018
Jose F. Diaz Stadium
Matson Builders San Mateo, Rizal
Angel Villaver

Sales Clerk Junior Marketing Practitioners
2016-present (Member)


Contact #: 09560523502
Email Address:
Reyes Compd., Patiis Rd., To acquire understanding of how to offer best customer service
Brgy. Malanday San and to apply my knowledge, skills and serve my loyalty to your
Mateo, Rizal company. .
January 12,1991
AGE:  Tertiary
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in
28 years old
Marketing Management
MARITALSTATUS: Mateo Municipal College, March 2021 (Graduated)
Single  Secondary
CITIZENSHIP: Maayon National High School
Filipino Graduated: 2014-2015
Filipino, English F. Balagtas Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2010-2011


 Computer Literate
REFERENCES (MS Word, Excel, Power point)

Margie Asagra
Company Accountant

12 Business Summit September 28, 2018
Mandaluyong Alonte Sports Arena
09066057374 Binan, Laguna

Nationwide Hands-Only July 16, 2018

Robert Anastacio Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation Campaign 2018
Jose F. Diaz Stadium
Pasig City San Mateo, Rizal
Reshiel Zablan

Office Staff Junior Marketing Practitioners
Pasig City
2016-present (Member)


Contact #: 09156539242
Email Address:
Beltran Comp. Guitnang
Bayan 1, San Mateo, To work with a reputed organization in a position where I can
Rizal develop and utilize my skills and prove my worth.
December 06, 1998
AGE:  Tertiary
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in
21 years old
Marketing Management
MARITALSTATUS: Mateo Municipal College, March 2020 (Graduated)
Single  Secondary
CITIZENSHIP: San Mateo Municipal College
Filipino Graduated: 2014-2015
Filipino San Mateo Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2010-2011


 Computer Literate
REFERENCES (MS Word, Excel, Power point)

Duane P. Mendoza
Angkas Driver

12 Business Summit September 28, 2018
0905411590 Alonte Sports Arena
Binan, Laguna
Ma. Luisa B. Rocca
Teacher Nationwide Hands-Only July 16, 2018
09094056323 Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation Campaign 2018
Jose F. Diaz Stadium
Jona Orlina San Mateo, Rizal
Store Manager

 Junior Marketing Practitioners

2016-present (Member)


Contact #: 09184896997
Email Address:
Unit D Murphy St. Burgos To work with a reputed organization in a position where I can
Rodriguez, Rizal develop and utilize my skills and prove my worth.
August 14, 1999
AGE:  Tertiary
20 years old Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in
Marketing Management
Mateo Municipal College, March 2020 (Graduated)
Single  Secondary
CITIZENSHIP: San Jose National High School
Filipino Graduated: 2014-2015
Filipino San Jose Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2010-2011


 Computer Literate
REFERENCES (MS Word, Excel, Power point)


Customer Service

12 Business Summit September 28, 2018
Alonte Sports Arena
24/7 In-touch Binan, Laguna
Nationwide Hands-Only July 16, 2018
Mary Jane Viray Cardiopulmonary
STEM Resuscitation Campaign 2018
Jose F. Diaz Stadium
San Mateo, Rizal

Erjun Cruz Junior Marketing Practitioners
Technical Support
2016-present (Member)



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