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Student Name:___________________

Choose the correct option:
1. __________ are the units of life
Organs cells tissues
2. Internal temperature of plant body is also regulated by___________.
CO2 heat water
3. All land plants except ____________ and _________ have developed vascular
Bryophytes, gymnosperm angiosperm,mosses mosses,ferns
4. Xylem tissue is responsible for the transport of____________.
Water food nutrients
5. Roughly_____________% of the water that enters a plant is lost via
70 80 90
Short answer questions
1. How plants utilizes and store food?
2. Differentiate between xylem and phloem?
3. What is plasmodesmata?
4. What is transpiration?
5. Define lenticels?
Give detail answer of the question
 How plants uptake ion and water, discuss proper mechanism with diagram?
 What is transpiration?

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