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Uzupełnij każdą lukę przekształcając wyraz podany w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać

logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdanie. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna

wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. What are your favourite ______________________ (entertain) channels?

2. I think I must be ______________________ (work). I feel exhausted.
3. What’s your ______________________ (neighbour) like? Is there anything you would like to
change about it?
4. Sally can be so ______________________ (decision). It always takes her ages to make up her
5. Who was you best ______________________ (child) friend?
6. I hate people who are ______________________ (honest). It’s impossible to trust them.
7. Do you think you could ______________________ (sharp) your pencils before the next lesson?
8. It was a very ______________________ (polite) remark. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have made it.
9. Due to the ridiculously high prices, we have been ______________________ (able) to find a
decent flat in London.
10. My granny remains ______________________ (hope) that her missing dog will be found.
11. It’s sometimes difficult to ______________________ (sympathy) with Anna. I mean, losing
one of your earrings is hardly a tragedy.
12. This mushroom is ______________________ (eat). Whatever you do, never pick one like this.
13. Are you an ______________________ (imagine) person? For example, can you always think
of something to do whenever you have some free time?
14. ______________________ (appear) windsurfing isn’t so difficult to do.
15. Does anyone still buy a ______________________ (day) newspaper?
16. Whose ______________________ (paint) is this? It’s simply stunning.
17. It must have been a ______________________ (understand). I didn’t say that.
18. We live in a ______________________ (mountain) region.
19. I’m usually ______________________ (fury) at myself whenever I don’t do well in a test.
20. Why don’t you make an official ______________________ (complain)?
21. What a ______________________ (relieve)! I’m so glad to see you safe and sound!
22. Phew! I can’t put up with this ______________________ (hot) any longer.
23. It was a ______________________ (coward) act. I’d assumed you were braver than that!
24. What an ______________________ (believe) story! I’m sure you’ve made it all up.
25. This is such a ______________________ (hand) tool.
26. Why are you so ______________________ (quarrel), Jane? What’s the point in arguing?
27. I’d love to have my hair ______________________ (straight) the next time I go to the

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28. My brother is such a _______________________ (care) driver. He’s going to cause an
accident one day.
29. Unfortunately, many students equate school with ______________________ (bore).
30. Any form of exercise has a ______________________ (benefit) effect on our health.
31. How do I make an online ______________________ (pay)?
32. Oh, no! The ______________________ (cash) forgot to give me a receipt.
33. This house is ______________________ (afford). It costs far more than I’d expected.
34. An expert has said that this drawing is a fake. In other words, it’s completely
____________________ (worth).
35. Unfortunately, our business is running at a ______________________ (lose).
36. Your ______________________ (generous) is amazing, Grace! Thank you so much!
37. Robert’s grandad has just been diagnosed with an ______________________ (cure) disease.
38. The doctor is hopeful that Kate will make a full ______________________ (recover).
39. Eat healthier food if you don’t want to put on ______________________ (weigh).
40. We need to come up with a ______________________ (solve) to this problem very soon.
41. It’s likely that ______________________ (lonely) will be one of the most serious social
problems of the 21st century.
42. The weather has become ______________________ (bear). It’s baking hot outside!
43. My parents never buy any ______________________ (freeze) food.
44. Sadly, the number of people who are ______________________ (employ) in our town has
increased again.
45. This theory has been ______________________ (science) proven.
46. Our students take ______________________ (proud) in their charity work.
47. What a ______________________ (obey) dog! He never does what anyone tells him.
48. My brother’s ______________________ (lazy) really gets on my nerves.
49. Many teenagers are increasingly worried about the ______________________ (destroy) of
the environment.
50. George is a great stand-up ______________________ (comedy).
51. The judge sentenced the defendant to two years’ ______________________ (prison).
52. Martha accused me of ______________________ (thief)! Can you believe it?
53. There is a great ______________________ (vary) of books available at our local library.
54. There is every ______________________ (likely) that we’ll have to stay indoors for the next
two months.
55. We’re looking for an ______________________ (economy) car that will use less petrol.
56. Would you like another ______________________ (help) of pudding?

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57. My dietician advised me to avoid ______________________ (fat) food.
58. You’ll need several pieces of string of different ______________________ (long).
59. You should never feel like a ______________________ (fail). Try to learn from your mistakes.
60. I don’t get on with Sally, so there are often ______________________ (agree) between us.
61. My mother works as an ______________________ (account) for an international company.
62. Your help is ______________________ (necessary). I’ll be able to manage on my own.
63. Our teacher asked us to write a letter of ______________________ (apply).
64. Aunt Beth and uncle Frank have been ______________________ (happy) married for 20
65. How can I overcome my ______________________ (shy)?
66. This pain gives me a lot of ______________________ (comfort).
67. Paul doesn’t like ______________________ (social) with people. I wonder why.
68. This present is ______________________ (true) wonderful. Thank you!
69. The new employee is relatively ______________________ (experience), but they are willing
to learn.
70. Guests are advised to make a ______________________ (reserve) in advance.
71. I feel extremely ______________________ (passion) about films. I can’t get enough of them!
72. My cousins spend the ______________________ (major) of their free time in the garden.
73. I wish I was a little less ______________________ (patient). I hate waiting for something to
74. The ______________________ (distant) between some cities in the USA are huge.
75. Watching sporting ______________________ (compete) is popular in Poland.
76. Being able to take ______________________ (responsible) for your actions is crucial in this
77. I was born on the ______________________ (twelve) of May.
78. The local sports centre provides opportunities for people with ______________________
(able) to take part in sporting competitions.
79. The athlete was ______________________ (qualify) after having failed a doping test.
80. Why don’t people believe ______________________ (politics) more? Are they really so
81. First, the robber ______________________ (terror) the supermarket staff and then, she stole
all the money.
82. Is your school computer lab well-______________________ (equip)?
83. ______________________ (populate), along with poverty and malnutrition, is still a serious
problem in many parts of the world.

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84. I fell ______________________ (board) while I was on the cruise. I was terrified because I’m
not at all good at swimming.
85. It is often said that travel ______________________ (broad) the mind.
86. Is there any ______________________ (treat) for this illness?
87. All ______________________ (pension) over the age of 80 will be able to apply for this
88. Charles has a good ______________________ (know) of the subject.
89. I believe you should ______________________ (apology) to Rita for your behaviour at the
90. Do you always pay ______________________ (attend) during my classes?
91. What a wonderful ______________________ (give)! Thank you ever so much.
92. Are there any ______________________ (instruct) on how to take useful notes?
93. We were ______________________ (satisfy) with the hotel staff. They didn’t lift a finger to
help us with our luggage!
94. This hotel is for ______________________ (smoke) only. Smoking is prohibited here. This
includes e-cigarettes.
95. Joe is ______________________ (stand) in his group. He nearly always gets the highest
96. After the earthquake there is a serious ______________________ (short) of food in some
parts of the country.
97. His business has been very ______________________ (success) and, as a result, he’s now
extremely rich.
98. ______________________ (friend) means a lot to me.
99. It’s going to be very ______________________ (fog) tonight, so please drive carefully.
100. The doctor gave me a ______________________ (prescribe) for some antibiotics.

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