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One of the biggest problem on our planet is rainforest destruction and generally

speaking deforestation.
Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make room for something besides
forest. Cattle farming
also causes bad effects at forest because some farms are built in woods so they
fave to be logged to be able to
built and place farm. In my opinion it is totally stupid because one of the most
simple solution to that is to
build farms on some meadows. Isn't it simple? Next problem caused by deforestation
is climate change. As we all
know climate can change and ozone hole can be bigger because of carbon dioxiede's
overkill. Alternatives to
driving when possible, walk or ride your bike in order to avoid carbon emissions
completely. Carpooling and
public transportation drastically reduce CO2 emissions by spreading them out over
many riders.Last big problem
caused by forest destruction is that many spicies have to adapt to a new habitat or
they are in danger of
extincion. The only solution to that is to change poeple's mentality and hope for
the best that our next
goverment would have enough IQ to know that they have to protect our forests.

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