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1 12 13 14 15 How long (mieszkacie) on this (osiedlu)? We nie uzywaligmy) this cooker (od miesigca). (Zamierzamy zbudowad our house using (materialéw naturalnychl We've spent our holidays in thi (wiejakirn domku) (ed kiedy) our son was born, This eco-house has been the mostpopular______________(celem wycieczek turystycanych) inthe country Cod roku. {rie byfam) to the ________(przedmiesciach) since | sold my terraced house. ak ctugo macie) this carpet? think] (wyprawig)a_______________(parapetéwke) next Saturday. {ade na wied) on Friday afternoon. He (prawdopodobnie sprzeda) his (kawalerke) in August. (Co zamierzasz zrobid with this bookcase? She_____ (nie zamierza) to ________(écielié t6zka) today. fd wolatbym kupid a_______________(domek parterowy) near the sea. Don't worry, |___(pozmywam) in the evening. Next month we ________(przeprowadzamy sie) to a___________ (domu wolnostojacego) outside the city. 1 Ifyoudon't___ (powtarzat do egzaminéw), you (nie dostaniesz sig na) university. 2 —__Uesli nauczysz sig) all the verbs by heart, you'll get (dobra ocene). 3) She —___(nie zaliczy) this test if she —_______________(opusci) the lesson tomorrow. 4 Gey tylko zr0bi sig zinc), | __alozg) on a warm sweater. 5 Ifhe_____(nie wstanie) at seven on Monday, he will (narobi sobie Klopotéw). 6 Iwon't________(oddem) all my homework (chyba ze mi pomoiesz) with Physics. 7 Alevels are exams ____(do ktérych uczniowie podchodza) at the end of (szkoly Srednief) in the UK. 8 Thisis the school___ (do ktérej uczeszezalem) when I was ten. 9 Italian was the subject__(z ktérego zrezygnowatem) in college. 10 Do you remember the teacher _______(ktéra denerwowala sig) in every lesson? 11 Anna is my only _______(kolezanka z klasy) who (nie lubie). 12 On thewalls in his office ________ (sa dyplomy, ktére) he got kiedy pracowat na uniwersytecie), 13 Ifyou ___(oblejesz) English, it (bedzie twoja wina). 14 Ifwe go ona (edukacyjng wycieczke szkolna), we (erobimy sobie przerwe) from revising for exams. 15 Sweden, Norway and Finland ______________(to kraje, gazie) a lot of people speak English Resource 42 4 Iflhada___(wysoka pensje), | ___{nie szukafbym) another job. 2 What___(zrobitaby twoja mama) if she didn’t have five weeks’ (platnego urlopuy? 3 f1____ (mnie zwolnilf from the hospital, | (bylabym bezrobotna). 4 (Ga dyby zal) two foreign languages, he (pracowatby dla) a foreign company. 5 SG dybym byla toba), | would talk to the boss about a —__(awansie]. 6 What would you do if you__(musiat pracowaé na nocna zmiane)? 7 ifwe_____________(prowadkli wlasna dziatalnogd, we wouldn't have to (pracowaé wewnatr2) all the time. 8 In my job, you don't have to _______(pracowaé po godzinach) and there are (elastycane godziny pracy). 9 Tak éwharze musza znad) all the streets in the city 10 Lifeguards __(nie musza pracowad outside. 11 She needs _(wziaé kilka dni wolnego). 12 Asa secretary, you_____(nie wolno ci sie spdéniad and you have to —______lenosié, wytrymywad) a lot of stressful situations, 13 Gedy by) a writer, you (pracowatbys z domu). 14 My job interview was __(stanowiace wyzwanie) and (wyczerpujace). 15 He zrezygnowal) from his job because he (musiat pracowaé do pééna).

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