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Crazy Rich Asians Film

Give a brief summary of the film.

Who are the important characters and how do you describe them?
What is the problem in the story? Was the main character able to adjust in
the end? Did she succeed? What are the worst and best parts for you?
Give your own opinion of the film in relation to your subject intercultural

Nick Young along with his girlfriend Rachel Chu, an economics professor at
New York University and a native New Yorker. Nick asks her to come with
him to Singapore for his closest friend's wedding. Well after Rachel found
out, she is excited to travel to her boyfriend’s hometown and discover
where he grew and also meet his family.
Rachel found out that Nick's family is very relatively wealthy and very well-
known figures of high society.
Nick introduced Rachel to his mother Eleanor at a dinner party at the Young
estate. After meeting the mother of Nick, Rachel realizes and notices that
she was hated and despised by her.
She was not only hated by her future mother-in-law, but also by other eager
ladies in the high society. Nick’s ex-girlfriend also enters the scene and
informs her that the Young family will never accept her as their family due
to her not-so-wealthy background which is a big deal in their household.
People who they encounter, think that Rachel is just using Nick for money
and is a gold-digger. And since Nick is also a rich-handsome gentleman, she
is adored by many and wishes to marry him. They find Rachel as a threat to
their dream to be part of Young’s family.
After all the parties and what Rachels has been through, Nick later
apologized to Rachel for not revealing his true identity to her.
To make it up and to know his family more, He takes her to help his their
estate to make jiaozi dumplings. Eleanor talks on the sacrifices she took to
become a part of the Young family and pokes fun at Rachel's American
heritage, exposing the American unwillingness to prioritize family over self.
Nick's unbelievably opinionated mother will not be outdone with her disdain
for Rachel, and she resolves to strike Rachel with one final, terrible blow
which is to reveal the scandal truth of her father. And as a respectable part
of the society they don’t want to be associated with such scandal. Nick and
Rachel broke up since she doesn’t want Nick to choose her over her family.
It's like she is sacrificing her love for him for his family. But then Nick
apologizes and proposes to Rachel, claiming he is willing to give up his
family, position, and riches to be with her.
Rachel met with Eleanor to reveal that she decline Nick’s proposal would
rather let him choose his family over her. And her zeal to put family first
over oneself. After the conversation, she meets with Nick and told how she
was affected by their confrontation. Rachel was supposed to go back to New
York but then stopped by Nick and proposed to her again using the emerald
ring which signifies Eleanor’s blessings. She said and yes and they were
engaged in Singapore with Eleanor Young’s blessing with a nod.

Who are the important characters and how do you describe them?
I have 5characters in mind and then first one is-

Astrid Leong-Teo- She is a very kind and fabulous woman, she welcomes
and treat Rachel as a real friend. Even tho she has struggle on her own buy
she never gives up also and act as an independent and strong woman in yhe
Eleanor Young- the mother of Nick and is very sophisticated and elegant.
She is the very first in line to disagree with Nick and Rachel’s relationship
given the fact that Rachel is a boring and commoner American who has just
a Chinese background but doesn’t live with the tradition. She’s mostly the
antagonist up until the very near end of the movie, but has changed of heart
at the last part.

Goh Peik Lin- the very supportive and enthusiastic Bestfriend of Rachel's.
She is the one who helps all her while in Singapore. How to dress
accordinglu, and how to act to every parties and events that Rachel
attended. She also always jokes around but a really great friend to Rachel
who is ready to suppert her all the way.
Nick Young- the lover of Rachel, is very wealthy but doesn't use it to his
advantage because he knows how people act especially around money. He is
a handsome bachelor that is why a lot of ladies are wanting to marry him
but his heart is tied with Rachel.
Rachel Chu- she is the protagonist in the movie who has gone through a lot
of things and trials just to prove her love and worthiness to be Nick’s lover.
She fights despite several women being cruel towards her, along Eleanor's
frequent harsh remarks, and never feeling good enough. Rachel emerges
from the experience tougher than before. It's remarkable how she stays true
to Eleanor and overcomes her in their confrontation. She is a tough woman
who is willing to sacrifice and willing to learn the lifestyle and the culture of
his boyfriend. She is simple but pretty.

What is the problem in the story? Was the main character able to adjust in
the end? Did she succeed? What are the worst and best parts for you?

The story's problem is the disparity and differences between those who
have money and power and others who grew up in a simple setting. There is
a dispute among social classes that emerge as a result of social class
distinctions. Rachel meets a world of materialism, outrageous wealth,
status, and expectation to people who are completely irrelevant in her life,
and that is completely out of control which tarnishes not only her dignity
but nearly ruining her relationship with Nick. She is not accepted not only by
Eleanor, who seems to have a distinct hatred for her but also by the society
that revolves around him. She wants to prove herself worthy of Nick's love,
which is why she is trying to learn the life inside their social circle and is
attempting to fit in, not for their luxurious lifestyle or the power they hold,
but the assurance of his family's acceptance and respect.

Rachel wasn’t able to adjust that quickly given the life they have and how
grand it is, but thanks for the support of her friends and Astrid, she was able
to somehow managed to get conditioned herself by the changes, including
all the pressure, and the judgmental stare of those “socialites”. She’s doing
this to prove that she is not there for his money and status, but she is there
for the love and blessing of his family. And yes she was able to succeed. She
was able to prove that he really loves Nick, and was able to gain the respect
of his mother because she decided to give up the one person he loves the
most, and sacrifice herself rather than ruining his family relationships.

My best and worst part in the movie.

My best part would be when Eleanor gives this certain expression and
emotions on her face at the engagement party, which I can see as full
acceptance and respect for Rachel. She didn’t only prove herself worthy of
Nick’s love but also deserving of everyone’s respect. You can see that after
everything she has been through in the judgmental stare and look of rich
people, she was able to withstand it, and stood steadfast.
And the worst part would be when the other socialites ruined the room of
Rachel and also make fun of her status. It’s the worst when rich people just
do that because they just want too and have the power to do that and also
getting away with it using many. I really despise people who manipulate
other who are below them. They were all feeling entitled and privilege to
Rachel which is irritating. You can really see the difference between both
worlds and those who are above and those who are not, the harsh reality is
that they act as if they are better than everyone else.

Give your own opinion of the film in relation to your subject intercultural
There is this one part that stands out to me the most and in relation about
Intercultural communication.

In the very first part where Eleanor and her children including their nanny
made their way to the hotel and were hoping to check in right away since
they’re all wet due to the rain. But when they arrive at the reception area
and they ask for the suit that they were about to stay in, the Receptionist
told them that they don’t have a reservation for that name, they weren’t
even given the chance to at least let them used the telephone. They didn’t
believe or somehow acknowledge that Asians could afford or pay for a lavish
room, that’s why they disregard them as if they are nothing and even
suggest Chinatown. On Eleanor’s part, it is offending and degrading not only
as an Asian but as a human being as well. But karma is fast. The receptionist
and even the manager didn’t expect the outcome of their actions. The lady
that they just offended is now the new owner of the hotel. People shouldn't
just underestimate someone just because of their race and the place where
they came from. It’s advice that everyone should always consider.
Just like in the movie, there is also an acceptance between us. Not because
we are diverse in terms of race, traditions, and beliefs we will act all mighty
to others. And just like the difference between rich and poor people, there
shouldn’t also be a barrier and a line to each race. We are all human afterall.

That’s why studying and learning Intercultural Communication, would allow

everyone to be fully aware and informed about different cultural barriers
and how should we overcome them. This would also help in realizing how
important it is to be educated, not ignorant because this will lead to
stereotypes and racism.

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