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Writing a

General Guideline:
 Type the entire manuscript 1.5 spaced
 Short bondpaper (8.5x11in), one side only
 2.5cm margins all around
 Times New Roman, 12
 The first sentence of each paragraph must be indented.
 The entire manuscript (except for the Title, Authors,
Affiliation) follows left alignment of text.
 Use APA format
 At top right of page, include Running head (first couple
of words of the research title and page number)
throughout the paper and must be written in CAPITAL
LETTERS. On the 1st page, the running head should
include the words “Running head”. Only a maximum of
50 characters (including spaces & punctation) are
allowed. (refer to the sample on the next slide).
Title Page
 There is no need for a separate cover page.
 The 1st page is also considered as the Title page
and contains the following information: center
 Research title (use Title Case)
 Author(s) name/, alphabetical, last name(s) first
 Affliation (name of the university)
Title Page Example
Sections of Research Paper (Full paper)
1.0 Introduction (1.5- 2 pages)
Presents the study’s rationale, review of related literature, gap in
knowledge, & aim of the study. This is important as it tells the reader
what the study is all about as well as its research/ theoretical
2.0 Research Design and Methods (2- 3 pages)
Presents the research approach, sampling method,
materials/instruments, procedure, & data analysis. This gives readers
information about the scientific processed used to conduct the study.
3.0 Results and Discussions (6- 10 pages)
Presents the findings of the study. For quantitative method, the result of
the statictical test (usually in table format) must be presented and
thoroughly discussed using various literatures.
4.0 Conclusions (1 paragraph)
Presents the answer to the research question in relation to the
5.0 References
Follows APA format and must only contain information about the
sources of the information used in the write up.
1.0 Introduction

 Introduces the topic and the background or

context of the study.
 This section consists of 4 major parts:
 Part 1: Why do you want to study the topic? What
sparked your interest? Slowly build the readers’
interest buy citing interesting information about the
 Part 2: What do other authors say about the topic?
Summarize the major literature/ studies conducted
on the topic. This is what is traditionally labelled as
“Review of Related Literature.” Provide enough
information about your variables of interest (IV, DV).
1.0 Introduction
 Part 3: What are the gaps in knowledge based on the
literature reviewed? Identify what has not been
explored. Ask yourself: Although there were studies
conducted on the topic, what is missing or what did
previous authors miss? What has not been studied/
explored? What needs futher studies?
 Part 4: How do you intend to address these gaps? Outline
your plan to address these gaps by presenting the aim of
your study, research design, operational definitions of IV-
DV, research hypothesis.
2.0 Research Design and Methods

 Tells the readers how the study is conducted.

 This section consist of 5 major parts:
 Part 1: What research design is the most appropriate in
aswering the research question? For experimental
research, identify the experimental design and briefly
discuss the design in relation to the study.
 Part 2: Who are the research subjects and what is the
sampling method used? Include the total number,
age, criteria for selection (if there are any), and other
information related to the selection of subjects.
2.0 Research Design and Methods

 Part 3: What are the materials &/ instrument used to

manipulate the IV and measure the IV. For standardized
tests, include the psychometric properties (validity/
reliability coeffiicients).
 Part 4: What is the entire research procedure?
 Part 5: How is the data analyzed? What statistical test is
best for the analysis of data gathered? Discuss
according to how it answers the research question and

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