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Time : 3 Hours Marks : 80

Instructions :
1. All Questions are Compulsory.
2. Each Sub-question carry 5 marks.
3. Each Sub-question should be answered between 75 to 100 words. Write every questions
answer on separate page.
4. Question paper of 80 Marks, it will be converted in to your programme structure marks.

1. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) Explain the systems perspective of operations management with a suitable example. 5

b) Explain with example different phases of the product life cycle. 5

c) Explain stagnant personal services with suitable example. 5

d) Explain the secondary factors affecting the plant location. 5

e) Write a short note on - Total Quality Management. 5

2. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) Explain Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). 5

b) Consider a new mobile as a product justify benefits of new product development in

this case. 5

c) Differentiate between Continuous and Periodic inventory system. 5

d) Explain extrapolative methods and its components. 5

e) If the ordering cost is Re.1 Per order carrying cost is Re.0.10 per unit and the number
of units used per year is 500, calculate number of units to be ordered. 5

KA16-730 P79/MBA203/EE/20160520 : 1 (P.T.O.)

3. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) Enumerate the advantages of product layout. 5

b) What is meant by Forecast Error? Explain the four measures of forecasting error
which help in decision making. 5
c) Discuss about market survey method of forecasting with an example. 5
d) Discuss the various reasons for keeping inventory. 5
e) An equipment has MTBF of 190 hours and a MTIR of 7 hours what is availability of
the equipment. 5

4. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) Explain the Mixed Strategies. 5
b) Define various dimensions of quality for a mobile phone. 5
c) Explain with example predictive maintenance. 5
d) Following table gives some important activities in a project with their predecessor
and time to complete. Draw a network to represent the project. 5
Activity Predecessor Time (days)
A - 6
B A 10
C B 4
D B 2
E C, D 8
F D 2
G E 3
H F 2
e) Demand of a product in Month of June was 90 units, while base for month of May was
85 units Assume α = .20, Calculate what will be forecast for month of July? 5


KA16-730 P79/MBA203/EE/20160520 : 2

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