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The Path Forward

Cleaner, greener, safer.
Infrastructure projects have the power to transform.
They create more connected communities, protect
people and the environment, reduce carbon
emissions, maintain critical safety, and solve some
of the world’s greatest challenges. We help our
customers deliver these projects so current and
future generations can thrive.

create access and opportunity

Our customers’ goals are clear — find ways to
improve the quality of people’s lives, increase
resiliency of infrastructure, and ensure access to
services and opportunity so no one is left behind.

A new future
NEOM, or “new future,” is a bold new
model for sustainable living, working,
and prospering. The futuristic city
along the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia
will become home to more than a
million people. The project will set
new standards for community health,
environmental protection, and the
productive use of technology.

Broadband access for all

To ensure that communities throughout
the UK have access to high-speed
internet service, CityFibre is upgrading
connectivity for up to 8 million homes
and businesses by 2025. The project
will create up to 10,000 jobs and
has the potential to create regional
economic growth of £85 billion.
21st century travel
Sydney’s new metro – Australia’s
biggest public transport project –
promises a word-class, high-tech
rail system that will provide a
safe, fast, reliable, and connected
commute to 40,000 customers
per hour as they travel to the
commercial business district and
farther southwest.

5G-ready motorway
The Serbian motorway is a 112-km
(70-mile) 5G-ready motorway
under development in the
West Morava river valley. This
project will connect half a million
citizens living in the area and link
20,000 small and medium-sized
enterprises along the area’s
largest traffic corridors.

The next frontier

NASA’s Mobile Launcher 2 at
Kennedy Space Center will be used
for pioneering space missions such
as sending the first woman to the
moon and astronauts to Mars. These
missions will expand our knowledge
of the universe and may help us find
ways to make life better here on Earth.

deliver cleaner energy solutions

Our customers are setting ambitious decarbonization
targets. Whether they are looking to increase their
renewables portfolio, improve energy efficiency,
or decarbonize existing infrastructure, we are proud
to support them on this critical journey. 

Expanding renewable energy

Black Rock wind farm will provide clean,
renewable energy to West Virginia. This project
represents a nearly 15% increase in the state’s
wind power and will produce enough energy
to power 34,000 homes.

Zero carbon energy

Vogtle Units 3 & 4 – the first
new nuclear units built in the
United States in 30 years – will
provide carbon-free electricity
to one million Georgia homes
and businesses.
Efficient, affordable energy
Cricket Valley Energy is a 1,100-megawatt combined-cycle
power plant that will provide energy to a million homes in
New York state. The project’s approach prioritized safety,
minimized noise and visual disturbances to community
residents, and created 1,100 local jobs.

A new source for cleaner energy

Cheniere Energy Inc. loaded the first LNG cargo
from the third train at the Corpus Christi LNG export
terminal to deliver cleaner energy to countries like
Taiwan that are reducing their reliance on coal. This
milestone was achieved significantly ahead of the
contract schedule.

Clean produced water

Bechtel has a patent pending thermal water treatment
process called the Low Energy Ejector Desalination
System (LEEDS) to treat produced water for reuse at
a lower overall cost. The system offers cost-effective
conservation of water for mining operations, industrial
customers, and oil and gas producers.

make the world safer

Our customers create innovative approaches
to lessen threats to citizens and the planet by
modernizing infrastructure, protecting water
supplies, eliminating environmental hazards,
and enhancing defense readiness.

Keeping citizens safe

During the COVID-19 pandemic,
the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-
Destruction Pilot Plant completed
the first of four programs to destroy
nerve agents. As of January 2021,
the facility destroyed 87.1 tons of
munitions. In Colorado, the Pueblo
Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot
Plant is keeping Americans safe by
destroying a stockpile of 380,000
artillery shells containing toxic
mustard agent.

American defense
Through its Ground-Based Strategic
Deterrent program, the U.S. Air
Force is modernizing the nation’s
intercontinental ballistic missiles and
launch infrastructure. The upgrade will
ensure the safety and effectiveness
of the systems and will enhance the
security of the U.S. and its allies.
radioactive waste
into glass
Construction completion of the
Low-Activity Waste facility at the
Hanford Waste Treatment and
Immobilization Plant moves the
project closer to its mission to
safely treat 56 million gallons of
radioactive and hazardous waste.

Helping with clean-up efforts at Fukushima Daiichi

Bechtel continues to support Tokyo Electric tests to optimize existing water treatment
Power Company (TEPCO) with their strategies and develop solutions for the
cleanup effort at the Fukushima Daiichi site treatment of future waste streams as the
in Japan. Over the past two years, Bechtel customer continues to stabilize the site.
has collaborated with TEPCO on a series of

build a better future

Our customers and colleagues are working to solve
critical challenges such as decarbonization and
water scarcity by enabling the supply of resources
needed to make lasting positive change.

Innovative industrial water solutions

With more than 40% of the world’s population suffering
from water scarcity — and that number is expected to
grow — Bechtel can help governments, municipalities,
and private industries find innovative ways to get water
where it is needed most.  
Delivering a critical commodity
Copper is essential for the green energy transition.
The QB2 mine is one of the world’s largest
undeveloped copper resources. Working together
with Teck, we are applying innovative productivity
methods to deliver this project with the lowest
facility cost in Chile.

We are also working with Antofagasta Minerals

to expand its Los Pelambres mine and adding
an average of 60,000 tonnes of copper a year
to the mine’s production over the first 15 years
of operation.

Improving food production

As the global population continues
to grow, both bio-based and mineral
fertilizers offer improved food production.
Bechtel’s Phosphate and Industrial
Minerals Center of Excellence applies the
latest technologies and innovations to
help customers access and process the
phosphates needed for fertilizers. 

What can we
do for you?

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