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May 18, 2011



1.1 The SCOTT Pak-Tracker locator system is a two part electronic system consisting of a
personal transmitter, located in all FDNY SCBA and a Pak-Tracker, which is a
directional Hand Held Receiver (Photo 1). The Pak-Tracker can be used to locate the
signal coming from any SCBA whose PASS device is in full alarm mode. The Pak-
Tracker is currently carried by all Rescue and Squad Companies, the Rescue Battalion and
Safety Battalion.


2.1 When the PASS goes into full alarm (activated), it transmits a signal that is received by
the Pak-Tracker. The Pak-Tracker will emit an audible alarm when the transmitted signal
is received and display the identity (unit and member assignment) of the SCBA.


3.1 The maximum range of the personal transmitter to the Pak-Tracker receiver is
approximately 950 feet line of sight. The range is always dependent on the
environmental conditions and anything that might cause interference or reflection of the
personal transmitter signal.


4.1 The Pak-Tracker receiver is not suitable for use in potentially flammable or explosive
atmospheres. Always check for the presence of a flammable or explosive atmosphere
before entering an unknown environment with the Pak-Tracker.

May 18, 2011 PAK-TRACKER



Photo 1

A. LCD Display D. Low Battery Light

B. Numeric Signal Strength Display E. Signal Strength Lighted Bars
C. Scroll Button F. Enter Button

May 18, 2011 PAK-TRACKER


5.1 To turn on the Pak-Tracker receiver, press and hold both the Enter (right) and the Scroll
(left) buttons at the same time (Photo 2). The signal strength indicator will light and the
display will show a Power Up message.

Photo 2

5.2 When the Pak-Tracker receives a signal from an activated PASS, it will sound an audible
alarm and show the identity (unit and member assignment) of the SCBA and signal
strength on the LCD display (Photo 3).

Photo 3

(This indicates Ladder 110 Irons SCBA. 95 is the digital strength of the signal)

May 18, 2011 PAK-TRACKER

5.3 The Pak-Tracker receiver can store up to 36 SCBA identities. The receiver’s LCD
display screen is large enough to display two lines of information. The Scroll button
enables viewing additional lines. If two PASS Alarms are activated then both SCBA
identities will display in the LCD screen. If a third PASS Alarm activates, then it will show
at the top of the LCD display screen and the first PASS identity will move off the screen.
When multiple PASS alarms are activated, the latest alarm received will be on the top line
of the LCD display. Use the left button to scroll and view all the SCBA identities that have
been transmitted.
Note: Downward pointing arrows displayed on the LCD screen indicate that more than
two PASS Alarms are activating.

5.4 The Pak-Tracker receiver can be locked onto the PASS signal of an individual SCBA and
be used as a tracking device to find the member in distress. Each Pak-Tracker receiver
can only lock onto one SCBA at a time. Once a Pak-Tracker has locked onto the signal
of a specific PASS it no longer has the capability to receive any additional PASS alarm
signals. (Refer to section 7)


6.1 Upon the arrival of the Rescue or Squad Company at the scene of fire or emergency, the
Rescue/Squad shall bring the Pak-Tracker to the Incident Command Post, turn it on and
notify the Incident Commander (IC).

6.2 A signal from an activated PASS may be evident at a greater distance than the audible
PASS alarm.

6.3 Once the Pak-Tracker receives a signal from a PASS, the member monitoring the Pak-
Tracker shall immediately notify the IC with the identity of the members unit and

6.4 Once an emergency condition has been confirmed, the proper radio transmissions shall be
broadcast and units shall operate as per Department policy.

6.5 When the IC decides to utilize the tracking capability of the Pak-Tracker, only members
trained in this procedure shall perform this task.

May 18, 2011 PAK-TRACKER


7.1 Understanding how the radio signal from a SCBA behaves and how the Pak-Tracker
receives and displays the strength of that signal are critical to understanding the operation of the
SCOTT Pak-Tracker locator system. Successful operation of the Pak-Tracker locator
system depends heavily on the interpretation of the relative signal strength information
displayed on the Pak-Tracker along with all other available information about the possible
location of the activated SCBA PASS.

7.2 The Pak-Tracker is very sensitive in responding to small differences in signal strength.
The relative strength of the SCBA PASS alarm signal detected by the Pak-Tracker will
vary depending on:

 Distance from the SCBA to the Pak-Tracker.

 Path the SCBA signal has taken to get to the Pak-Tracker.

 Materials between the SCBA and the Pak-Tracker which may have affected the
signal from the SCBA.

 Orientation of the Hand-Held Receiver.

7.3 The user of the Pak-Tracker must interpret the readings on the display along with other
information, such as:

 Training and knowledge in systematic search and rescue techniques. 

Their sense of sight (watch where you are going).

 Their sense of sound (listen for an activated PASS device). 

The assignment of the missing personnel.

 Knowledge of the building layout and building materials.

 Any other pertinent information available on the scene.

7.4 When the Pak-Tracker receives an activated PASS alarm signal from an SCBA, it will
sound an alarm. To track, press the Enter button once. The LCD display will show that the
Pak-Tracker has entered the search mode. If two or more SCBA PASS alarms are activated
and transmitting, press and hold the Scroll button for three (3) seconds and continue to
hold until the activated PASS alarm you want to track appears in the top row of the LCD
display. Release the Scroll button and press the Enter button once to select the activated
PASS alarm to track (Photo 4).

May 18, 2011 PAK-TRACKER

Photo 4

7.5 To change which SCBA to track, press and hold the Scroll button for three (3) seconds
and continue to hold until the selected SCBA PASS appears in the top row of the LCD
display. Release the Scroll button and press the Enter button once to select the activated
PASS alarm to track.

7.6 To begin searching, hold the Pak-Tracker horizontally at waist height out in front of
operating member. The row of LED’s and the numerical display on the Pak-Tracker
indicate the relative strength and approximate direction of the signal from the SCBA.
Pointing the Pak-Tracker in the direction of the strongest relative signal and moving in that
direction should lead to the activated SCBA. When the signal strength rises above the 50%
level, the row of LED’s will begin to light starting with Red at the bottom, Yellow in the
middle, and Green at the top.

7.7 The Pak-Tracker receiver averages four readings per second. When there are features
such as doors, hallways, openings, or windows, take readings at each feature to determine a
possible general direction for the signal.

7.8 Use the Pak-Tracker in a sweeping motion, very slowly in a horizontal direction first.
Sweep vertically if suspected that the signal may be coming from a higher or lower floor in the

7.9 Always pause 2 to 3 seconds for a reading. It is best to pause at distinct directional
points, i.e. to the left, in front, to the right. Sweeping too fast may average a high reading
with a low reading resulting in misleading information. Always move toward the
HIGHEST relative signal strength displayed. In general, the closer you get to the SCBA,
the higher the relative signal strength. Multiple signal paths are possible. The relative
signal strength must be interpreted with all other available information. The SCBA
signal will pass through some materials and not penetrate through other materials.

May 18, 2011 PAK-TRACKER

7.10 The signal from the SCBA to the Pak-Tracker will usually pass through:
 openings such as gaps, holes, stairways, windows, or elevator shafts
 glass
 wood
 light building materials

The signal will reflect and/or not penetrate through:

 metal, including structural framework
 large metal objects
 concrete walls or floors
 brick or concrete block construction
Note: The signal will attempt to pass around these objects.

7.11 When an SCBA is transmitting a signal and the Pak-Tracker responds, assess the
situation first to determine the safest method to approach the search and rescue operation.

7.12 The trained member operating the Pak-Tracker must be at the front of the search team to
prevent signal interference from the other members. The other members of the search
team must maintain situational awareness and provide for the safety of the member
operating the Pak-Tracker.

7.13 Follow this Search and Rescue Process with the Pak-Tracker locator system:

READ Hold the Pak-Tracker pointed at features such as doors, windows, or

halls. Look for the highest relative signal strength as shown on the
display on the Pak-Tracker.

INTERPRET Decide where the strongest signal appears to be coming from and how
best to get there.

FOLLOW Move toward the strongest signal while continuing to READ,


7.14 To locate an activated SCBA in a building from the street, point the Pak-Tracker at the
windows and doors to locate the maximum relative signal on the display.

7.15 The Pak-Tracker locator system is highly dependent on the interpretation of the relative
signal strength information displayed on the Pak-Tracker along with all other available
information about the possible location of the activated SCBA.

7.16 Continued training and practice in a variety of situations is essential to developing the
skills to properly interpret the information provided by the Pak-Tracker locator system.

May 18, 2011 PAK-TRACKER


8.1 Inspect and test the SCOTT Pak-Tracker locator system before each use and at the start
of each tour. If any malfunction of the Pak-Tracker locator system is noted during the
inspection, remove the equipment from service and attach an RT-2 indicating the
problem. Contact MSU for replacement.
Note: If this inspection is done in direct sunlight it may be necessary to shade the display
on the hand held receiver to be sure the display lights are flashing as described.
1. Visually inspect entire Pak-Tracker body, battery compartment cover, and display
for cracks or other damage.
2. Check the optional Pak-Tracker strap handle for weakness.
3. Verify that all fasteners and mounting hardware are present and tight.
4. Check all battery contacts. The contacts must be clean and straight.
5. Verify that a fully charged battery is properly installed. Refer to the battery
charging and battery installation sections of this manual.
6. Turn on the Pak-Tracker by pressing both the Select and Scroll buttons simultaneously.
Verify that the unit powers up and all lights and displays operate properly.
7. Battery Life - When the battery in the Pak-Tracker has approximately twenty
percent (20%) of its life remaining, the “Low Batt” indicator light will glow
yellow. If the “Low Batt” indicator lights at any time during the regular
operational inspection, replace the battery pack with a fully charged battery pack
before proceeding with the inspection. See the battery charging and battery
installation sections in this bulletin. After the “Low Batt” indicator light appears, the
Pak-Tracker will operate approximately one (1) hour. If the battery is not changed
in that time, the Pak-Tracker will shut down and will not operate until a fully charged
battery is installed.

8.2 When any damage is found, remove the unit from service.


9.1 Power for the Pak-Tracker is provided by a rechargeable Nickel- Metal Hydride (Ni-MH)
battery pack. The battery pack must be fully charged before placing the Pak-Tracker in
service. If the Battery Charger does not operate as described in these instructions,
remove it from service and RT-2 for repair or replacement.
Note: Do not remove, recharge, or replace the battery pack while the device is in a
hazardous location. Consult Federal, State, and Local regulations regarding disposal of
rechargeable Ni-Mh batteries.

9.2 Plug the charger power supply cord into the charger base. When the charger is connected
to power, the charging light LED will flash once in RED, ORANGE and GREEN in that order.
The charging light indicator LED will then go off.

May 18, 2011 PAK-TRACKER

9.3 Identify the location of the three battery contacts on the square end of the Battery Pack.
Verify that they are clean and not damaged. If there is any evidence of damage, do not use
the Battery Pack. Refer to the Maintenance section of this bulletin.

9.4 The Battery pack only fits in the charger one way. Orient the battery with the ridge side
up and the triangular side of the Battery Pack down with the pull tab out.

9.5 Slide the Battery Pack into the charger until the pull tab end seats in the bracket on the
front of the charger. The light on the right will flash GREEN while the battery is

9.6 When the battery is fully charged, the light will change to solid GREEN. Battery will
require approximately 2 hours charging prior to initial use. After each use of the Pak-
Tracker, the battery should be recharged until the light turns solid GREEN.

9.7 Batteries shall be recharged on a regular basis such as once a week to maintain a full
charge ready for use.

9.8 If the light in the charger base glows YELLOW, it indicates that the charger is in

9.9 If the light on the charger base FLASHES RED as soon as a battery is placed in the
charger, it indicates a defect in the battery. Remove the battery from service and dispose
of according to federal, state, and local regulations. Do not throw away damaged
batteries as ordinary trash.


10.1 Install the battery as follows:

10.1.1 Verify that Rechargeable Battery Pack is fully charged

10.1.2 Inspect the Battery Pack before installing. Verify that there is no damage to the
outer plastic cover and that the contacts are clean and not damaged. If there is
any evidence of damage, do not use the Battery Pack.

10.1.3 Remove the threaded cover from the bottom of the PAK-TRACKER handle by
turning it counterclockwise.

10.1.4 The Rechargeable Battery Pack is triangular with a ridge on one side and will fit
into the handle only one way. Hold the Battery Pack by the end with the pull tab
and slide the contact end into the handle. There is an arrow under the pull tab
indicating the top side of the battery. If properly oriented, the Battery Pack will
slide easily into the handle. If oriented wrong, the pack will not fit into the
handle. Do not force the battery into the receiver. Be careful not to press any
buttons on the Pak-Tracker while inserting the battery.

May 18, 2011 PAK-TRACKER

10.1.5 Thread the cover clockwise onto the end of the handle. Turn the cover until it
stops. The sides of the cover will align with the sides of the handle.

10.1.6 Test the operation of the Hand Held Receiver according to the regular operational
inspection section of this manual.
Note: The hand held receiver will not operate if the battery is not properly
installed. If the hand held receiver does not operate or if the battery cover
does not fit as described, verify that the battery is properly oriented.


11.1 The components of the Pak-Tracker are factory sealed to protect the electronics from dirt
and moisture. The unit should be cleaned when necessary using a cloth dampened with a
solution of mild detergent and water. Wash the hand strap in a solution of mild detergent and
water and dry thoroughly before re-attaching. DO NOT IMMERSE, SPRAY, OR DOUSE

11.2 After cleaning, perform a regular operational inspection of the equipment.

11.3 Inspect the charger according to the instructions provided with the chargers. If any
damage is found, remove the equipment from service and tag for repair or replacement.

11.4 Regularly verify that the batteries are fresh and/or fully charged so that the equipment is
ready for use. Dispose of damaged or depleted batteries in accordance with federal, state
and local environmental regulations for the Ni-MH battery. Do not throw away batteries
as ordinary trash.


12.1 All components of the Pak-Tracker Locator System must be completely dry before storage.

12.2 Store the Pak-Tracker in its carrying case.

12.3 When storing the Pak-Tracker for an extended period of time, remove the battery pack to
prevent damage to the battery terminals.


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