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Research Philosophy

The research philosophy can be defined as a belief that entails, how the data must be collected, analyzed,

and used for a particular phenomenon.

Positivism Vs Realism Vs Interpretivism

Positivism, a belief, that says information can be obtained by observation and the verification through

statements that whether the knowledge is true or not while realism is a belief that a knowledge must be

collected as it is in real by the researcher and the theory must describe the characteristics based on reality

(Elliot, 2004, pp.24). On the other hand, Interpretivism is a belief that the researchers can use their

personal knowledge to obtain the desired result, but it may be constructive for those who have experience

and can think in a different way.

Research approach

The research approach is defined as the plan or technique of research to convert the assumptions into a

detail data collection and analysis method.

Inductive Approach

Inductive approach is a qualitative method that starts from the specific observation and at the end

formulate the general theories based on assumptions. It is also known as bottom-up approach.

Deductive Approach

A quantitative approach usually starts with developing a hypothesis and testing the hypothesis on the

basis of available facts. It is also known as the top-down approach.

Inductive Vs Deductive Approach


An approach which moves from specific to the general is called the inductive approach while the

approach which moves from general to specific is known as a deductive approach (Burney, 2004, pp.4).

In an inductive approach, observations are used for argument, whereas laws, rules and principles are used

for arguments (Burney, 2004, pp.5).

Research strategy

The research strategy is a planning of conducting a research in an effective manner, This helps the

researcher to investigate the problem and analyze the result.

Case Study Vs Survey

A group of methods emphasized by qualitative approach is referred to as a case study approach.

Longitudinal studies and in-depth interviews are the sources for data collection. A group of methods

emphasized by quantitative analysis is known as a survey approach (Guy G., 1995, pp.2). The sources

used to collect the data in such approach are telephone interviews, mail questionnaires, and statistical

techniques are used for analysis. However, different techniques are used in both strategies to analyze the

data. A case study is considered as a much better option for research as compared to the survey because it

provides a more realistic response (Zaida, 2007, pp.3).

Research Design

The research design is a way in which a process of collection, analyzation and interpretation of data takes

place. Choosing the appropriate design helps the researcher in obtaining the accurate result.

Exploratory Vs Explanatory

Exploratory research is conducted when the problem is not properly defined and the researcher is unable

to conclude the result. It provides the researcher with the best methods of collecting data and research

designs while explanatory research mainly focuses on explaining the problem and its causes (Harwell,


Analytical Vs Descriptive Research

An analytical approach that includes critical skills of thinking, and the information and evidences are

evaluated to obtain the desired result. The detailed description of the collected data and its analysis is

provided in descriptive approach.

Sampling Methods

For the collection of precise data from a portion of a large population, researchers use various sampling

methods that include probability and non-probability sampling methods.

Probability Vs Non-Probability

Probability or random sampling is used by researchers when they want to have confidence in the collected

data. The samples collected by this method can be thoroughly analyzed for the determination of possible

errors, whereas non- probability or non-random sampling, on the other hand, allows researchers to collect

the required sample conveniently with a little or no cost (Latham, 2007).

Simple Random Sampling

It is also called as straight random sampling, and ensures that every member of the selected population

gets an equal opportunity of being selected.

Why ethics are important while carrying a research survey?

The adherence to the ethical norms in research studies is quite important as these norms are believed to

promote the objectives of research that include truth, knowledge, and avoidance of error.

Why is it important to decide and select an appropriate research methodology for conducting a well-

designed research study?

Selecting an appropriate methodology for a research study is the most crucial decision to make because

an inappropriate method is able to ruin the whole research survey. A number of issues must be looked

upon before deciding the methodology for a research, that include the issues of population, sampling,

biases, content, and administration.




Elliot, S. (2004). Philosophies and types of evaluation research. pp. 24-25

Guy G, Gable (1994). Integrating case study and survey research methods: an example, in information

systems. pp. 2-3

Harwell, Micheal R. Research Design in Qualitative/Quantitative/ Mixed Methods, Section III. 

Opportunities and Challenges in Designing and Conducting Inquiry. pp. 148

Latham, Bobbie (2007). Sampling: What is it? Quantitative Research Methods. pp. 1-7

Zainal, Zaida (2007). Case study as a research method. Faculty of Management and Human Resource

Development. pp. 3-4

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