Passage 9

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Passage Nine

The first census of the American people in 1790 listed fewer than four million residents, most of
whom had come from England. Ten years later, in 1800, although the English were still a majority,
many Irish, Dutch, German, Swedish, Scottish, and French settlers had come to make their homes in
the United States. Immigrants from all of these nations, along with an undocumented number of
(5) Africans who had been brought into the country as slaves, provided labor for the rapidly growing
cities and the frontier farms. They built factories, roads, and canals, pushing West to settle towns on
the edges of the American territory.
By 1880, large numbers of central and southern Europeans began to find their way to America.
Italian, Greek, Russian, Austrian, Armenian, and Slavic immigrants settled in the cities where they
(10) supplied labor for hundreds of new industries. The census of 1910 listed almost one million
After the Civil War, many Asians began to arrive, primarily to work on the railroads in the West.
Chinese laborers by the thousands led the way, followed by Korean and Japanese immigrants.
In more recent years, hundreds of thousands of refugees have come to the United States, the
(15) largest numbers from Hungary, Cuba, Lebanon, Syria, and the West Indies. With the close of
the Vietnam War, thousands of Indochinese relocated in the United States.
The United States is unique in the world because, with the notable exception of the Native
Americans, all Americans are immigrants or the descendants of them.

1. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
(A) A History of American Immigrants
(B) A History of Immigration in the Nineteenth Century
(C) A History of European Immigration to the United States
(D) A History of Urban and Agricultural Development in the United States

2. When did many Italian immigrants enter the United States?

(A) In 1790
(B) In 1800
(C) In 1880
(D) In 1960

3. The author mentions all of the following as residents listed in the 1800 census EXCEPT
(A) Germans
(B) English
(C) French
(D) Italians

4. The word "majority" in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A)the largest number
(B) the smallest number
(C) the average number
(D) the correct number

5. The word "them" in line 20 refers to

(A) Native Americans
(B) Americans
(C) immigrants
(D) descendants

6. It can be inferred from the passage that the author's attitude toward immigrants is
(A) discourteous
(B) respectful
(C) prejudiced
(D) disinterested

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