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Two liquids of different densities ( ρ1= 1500 kg/m3 , ρ2= 650 kg/m3) are poured together in to a
100 – lit tank, filling it. If the resulting density of the mixture is 800 kg/m 3, find the respective
amounts of liquid used. Also, find the weight of the mixture; local g = 9.675 m/s 2.
2. A cylindrical drum (2 –ft diameter, 4 ft height) is filled with a fluid whose density is 40lb m/ft3.
Determine a) total volume of the fluid b) total mass of the fluid in lb m, slug, kgm. c) its specific
weight where g = 31.90 fps2.
3. The specific gravity of a certain alcohol is 0.8. Calculate its specific weight and mass density (in
both English and SI units)
4. A certain gasoline weighs 45.6 lb/ft3. What are its mass density, specific volume and specific
5. If 2000 ft3 of oil weighs 10 520 lb, calculate its specific weight, density, and specific gravity.
6. An object at a certain location has a mass of 2.0 kg and weighs 19.0 N on a spring balance. What
is the acceleration due to gravity at this location?
7. What would be the weight of a 3-kg mass on a planet where the acceleration due to gravity is
10.00 m/s2?
8. If an object has a mass of 2.0 slugs at sea level, what would its mass be at a location where the
acceleration due to gravity is 30.00ft/s 2?
9. Compute the gravitational force between a proton (m = 1.66 x 10 -28 kg) and an electron (m = 9.11
x 10-33 kg) in an atom whose radius of electron orbit is 5.28x10 -12m. Report answers in units of N
and dynes.
10. An astronaut located on the surface of the moon (g = 5.36 fps 2) places a crater sample on a
spring scale (previously calibrated on earth at g o); a reading of 7.7 lb is noted. a) What is the
sample mass? B) if the scale had been of balance type, what reading should be noted ?
11. The mass of a given airplane at sea level (g- 32l10 pfs 2) is tons. Find its mass in lbm, slugs, and kg
and its weight in lbf and N when it is travelling at a 50, 000 – ft elevation. The acceleration due to
gravity g decreases by 3.33 x 10-6 fps2 for each foot of elevation.
12. Calculate the magnitude of the gravity acceleration on the surface of the moon and again at a
point 1000 km above the surface of the moon; ignore the gravity effects of the earth. The moon
has a mean radius of 1740 km and a mass of 7.4x10 22 kg.
13. How far from earth must a body be along a line toward the sun so that the gravitational pull of
the sun balances that of the earth? Earth – to – sun distance is 9.3 x 10 7 mi; mass of the sun is
3.24x 10 5 tine mass of the earth.

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