Adjectives As Nouns

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Adjectives as nouns

Choose the correct adjective or noun forms to complete the

sentences below.
1. The Australian / The Australian people/ The Australians are known for
their outgoing personalities, generosity and sense of humour.
2. The illitirate people / The illitirate / The illitirates come mostly from
older generations.
3. Rotterdam police have arrested a Finnishman / Dutch / Dutchman in
connection with the murder of an American tourist.
4. They organise sports tournaments for deaf / the deaf / the deaf people.
5. Quito was discovered in the early 1530's by Spanish / the Spanish
people / the Spanish.
6. The mentally ill / the mentally ills / the mentally ill people should not be
held in solitary confinement.
7. How do Japaneses / Japanese / the Japanese spend Christmas?
8. Typically, the German peaople / the German / the Germans are known
for their punctuality and affection for rules.
9. More money from taxes should go to the needy / the needy people /
10.The body of a Scotishman / Scotish / Scot has been found floating in a
Spanish marina next to his boat.

Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences below.

1. Coaches reserved for __________are often misused as they are less
crowded. (choose two correct options)
a. the handicapped b.the handicapped people c.handicapped
d.handicapped people.
2. ________________have always tried to preserve their identity and national
a.Vietnamese b.Vietnameses c.The Vietnamese d.The Vietnameses
3. _____________are the third-biggest consumers of coffee. (choose two
correct options)
a.The Swedish b.Swedish. c. The Swedes d. Swede people
4. On this day family members light candles in honor of ____________.
a. the dead people b. the dead c. the deads d.dead
5. In 1856, __________ discovered a way of making steel fast and cheap.
(choose two correct options)
a. an English b. the Englishes c. the English d. an Englishman
6. He was a serious supporter of ___________. (choose two correct options)
a. the poor and oppressed people b. poor and oppressed c. the poor and the
oppressed d. poor and oppressed people
7.______________and_____________have always had a slightly
tense relationship relating to either football or warfare.
a. The English and the Germans b. The English and the German c. English
and Germans d. English people and German
8. Applying for a mortgage is different for _____________. (choose two correct
a. the self-employed b. the self-employed people c. self-employed d. self-
employed people
9. The company was set up by a _____________.
a. Dane and a Finnish woman b. Dane and a Finn c. Danish man and a
Finnish woman d. Danish man and a Finn
10. They are organising a Christmas party for ______________. (choose two
correct options)
a. the elderly b. the old people c. the olds d. old people

Rewrite the underlined phrase using the + adjective or the +


1. The people who live in Spain go to bed very late.

2. People from Argentina are quite friendly. 
3. The people who had injuries were helped by the doctors. 
4. There is a lift so that people who are disabled can access the third floor.
5. The people from France make excellent cheese.
6. Nurses care for people who are sick.
7. I think the people from Italy are very well-dressed.
8. Life is very hard for people without a home.
9. Ibiza is a holiday destination for people who are rich.
10.The people from Scotland had a vote to decide their independence.

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