Successfully Allocating Risk and Negotiating A PPP Contract

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SUCCESSFULLY 1. INTRODUCTION publicly and privately financed

ALLOCATING RISK AND The delivery and operation of delivery models. In addition,
public infrastructure is a risky careful consideration should
NEGOTIATING A PPP business, and the track record of be given to the development of
CONTRACT the public sector in assessing and effective market engagement
Owen Hayford, Partner managing these risks is mixed. and negotiation strategies to
PPPs provide an opportunity for ensure that those risks which
Clayton Utz, Sydney the public sector to: government is seeking to transfer
are priced by the private sector
•harness the private sector’s
within a competitive environment
expertise and skills in managing
so as to deliver the best value for
these risks; and
money outcome for taxpayers.
•by doing so in a competitive This paper considers all of these
environment, achieve better issues.
value for money outcomes for
taxpayers in the delivery of public 2. CHOOSING THE RIGHT
infrastructure and the provision of DELIVERY MODEL FOR THE
public services. PROJECT
Most of the PPPs which will be
One of the key value for money
discussed [in this paper] will be
drivers in a PPP transaction is
privately financed Build, Own,
the transfer of risks to the private
Operate and Transfer (BOOT)
sector. But this transfer of risk
transactions (with a user pays
comes at a price, and attempts
revenue stream), or Design, Build,
to transfer risks which the
Finance and Maintain (DBFM)
public sector is better placed to
transactions (with a government
manage than the private sector
payment revenue stream). These
can damage the value for money
are referred to collectively in
proposition of a PPP deal. The
this paper as Privately Financed
transfer will only improve value
Projects (PFPs) or PFIs (to use
for money if the price charged
the UK term).
by the private sector to manage
the risk is less than what it would You only have to look at the lists
cost government to manage the of current and potential PPP
risk itself. transactions published by the
NSW, Victorian and Queensland
The efficient or optimal allocation
Governments to see that the
of risk, that is the allocation of
PPP label is generally used in
risks to the party that is able to
Australia as a synonym for a PFP.
manage the risk at the least cost,
is clearly an essential ingredient When we think of recent NSW
to the achievement of best value PPP transactions, we think of
for money outcomes—this much deals such as:
is agreed by all parties involved •the recent Sydney tollroad
in the delivery and operation of deals—being the CCT, M7 and
public infrastructure. However, LCT projects (and before them,
the achievement of best value for the M2, M4, M5 and Easter
money outcomes requires more Distributor (M1) projects);
than just the efficient allocation
of risks. •the NSW New Schools
Projects—1 and 2;
Government must also
consider which project delivery •the Mater and Long Bay Hospital
procurement model for engaging projects; and
with the private sector is likely •the RailCorp Rolling Stock PPP.
to deliver the best value for
money outcome—which involves All of these deals are privately
the consideration of both financed BOOT or DBFM deals.


The same applies if you The value for money drivers for so as to meet government’s
consider recent Victorian and PFPs are typically stated to be the requirements at lower cost.
Queensland PPP transactions following: Further, the private sector is
such as EastLink, Royal Women’s incentivised to create innovative
Hospital, Melbourne Convention Risk transfer solutions to unforeseen risks
PFPs allow government to
Centre, North South Bypass as they emerge (for example on
transfer risks to the private
Tunnel and the Southbank TAFE. the Melbourne City Link project,
sector which the private sector unforeseen construction risks
Whilst the privately financed party is better able to manage at which crystallised with possible
BOOT or DBFM transaction is a lower cost than government, timeline implications were
certainly a core member of the thereby reducing the overall cost imaginatively overcome through
PPP family, it is not the only of the project to government. innovation).
member. Historically, the private sector
The first and most important step has managed delivery risks better Asset utilisation
which governments must take on than the public sector. This is not Some PFP projects provide
a major infrastructure project, surprising (or indeed meant to be opportunities for third party use
in order to successfully allocate a criticism of the public sector) of the facility, thereby generating
risk and achieve the best value given the different drivers of the revenues which would not
for money outcome for taxpayers, private sector and the public be derived if the facility were
is to thoroughly consider all of sector. It may be trite to say it built, owned and operated by
the delivery models under which but the key driver for the private government (due to the absence
government can engage with the sector is the profit imperative, of commercial motivation). These
private sector for the delivery which essentially means third party revenues can reduce
and through–life support of controlling the costs of delivery by the cost government would
infrastructure and the provision of managing the risks appropriately. otherwise pay as sole user of the
associated services. On the other hand, the key driver asset or alternatively open up
for the public sector is risk opportunities for upside revenue
The PPP policies of the NSW, mitigation which usually leads to sharing.
Victorian and Queensland more expensive cost outcomes on
Governments refer to the need To this list should also be added
to consider alternative delivery the benefits of earlier project
models during the business Whole–of–life costing delivery. The use of private finance
case development stage of a The long term nature of PFPs can enable certain projects (and
PPP transaction. However, this often requires the private sector their associated economic and
consideration is often limited party to assume responsibility social benefits) to be delivered
to a comparison of a privately not only for the design and to the community much earlier
financed BOOT transaction construction of a facility, but also than would be possible if the
against a ‘traditional government for its operation, maintenance project had to wait its turn for
procurement model’, which in and refurbishment. This provides the allocation of government
most cases will be where the a commercial incentive for the capital funds. In the case of
government agency separately private sector to adopt design economic infrastructure, where
engages designers and then and construction methodologies user charges can be imposed,
contractors to design and which will minimise the overall PFPs can also enable government
construct the facility, which cost of building, operating and to expand its available finance
the government agency then maintaining the facility through and thereby allocate its limited
maintains itself or engages life. In other words, the private capital expenditure budget to
a separate FM contractor to sector is incentivised to deliver other projects such as schools
maintain. a more efficient operational and hospitals. However, this
outcome by capturing operating benefit also brings with it the risk
This approach is too narrow, of distorting government project
efficiencies at the development
and does not give sufficient priorities in favour of those
regard to the whole–of–life value projects which are capable of
for money outcomes which Innovation being delivered as a PFP.
alternative delivery models for PFP projects focus on output
the engagement of the private specifications, thereby providing For a PFP to represent best value
sector—whether they be publicly private sector bidders with the for money, the benefits derived
or privately financed—could opportunity to develop innovative from utilising the PFP model
deliver. design and other solutions need to outweigh the higher cost
of private sector finance and any
other potential disadvantages it possible to develop a project The answer, for some projects,
of the PFP model (such as utilising a project delivery model will be yes.
the inflexibility of a long term which captures the above value The following table shows the
contract). for money drivers, but which uses different delivery models used
public sector funding instead of
So are the above value for money for both publicly financed and
more expensive private sector
drivers (particular the first four) privately financed partnerships.
finance, thereby further reducing
limited to privately financed PPP
the overall cost of the project to
projects? Put another way, is


• Lawrence • Pacific • Collins Class • RTA/QLD • Sydney Tollroads •RailCorp Rolling • Victorian Train and
Hargrave Drive Highway Submarine DMR Road • Telstra Stadium Stock PPP Tram Franchises
• Sydney Water Upgrades Through Life Maintenance • Alice–Darwin • Mater Hospital
SewerFix and • Millennium Support Contracts Railway • NSW Schools
PSP Programs Train • ARTC Rail • Defence Projects
• National • M5 East Infrastructure Comprehensive • Royal Women’s
Museum of • Gateway Improvement Maintenance Hospital
Australia Bridge Alliances Contracts

Consider, for example, the $2.2 • provide the private sector only received when the public
billion Pacific Highway Upgrading with an opportunity to develop services commence following
Program, which has been in innovative solutions which construction completion and
place since 1996, on the Central satisfy the RTA’s output focused continued payment depends upon
and Northern coasts of New requirements for each project. performance against specified
South Wales. These upgrades are performance criteria. Placing
Furthermore, all of the above
being delivered using a Design, the capital cost of the project
value for money drivers are being
Construct and Maintain (DCM) at risk clearly provides a very
achieved without the utilisation of
delivery model.1 The NSW Roads strong incentive for the private
private sector finance.
and Traffic Authority (RTA) enters sector to identify, allocate and
into a single contract with the There is also no reason why manage those risks which are
private sector for the design, a DCM or Design, Construct, allocated to it, and to achieve
construction and, for a 10 year Maintain and Operate (DCMO) the optimal balance between
period, maintenance of the delivery model cannot be applied design and construction costs
upgrade. This delivery model has to many other forms of public on the one hand, and operation
enabled the RTA to: infrastructure in order to facilitate and maintenance costs on the
value for money outcomes other. Indeed, one of the desirable
• transfer most risks associated through whole–of–life costing, features of the private sector
with the design, construction and risk transfer, innovation and, in financing of a project is the
maintenance of the upgrades to appropriate cases, third party due diligence work which the
the private sector, being risks asset utilisation. financiers and equity investors
which the private sector is able carry out on the project. However,
to manage at lower cost than the Of course, a key difference
between a DCM/O and a PFP it is suggested that the same
RTA, thereby reducing the overall incentives can be created, albeit
cost of the projects to the RTA; is that with a DCM/O it is only
the contractor’s operation with less money at risk,2 under
• provide the commercial and/or maintenance fee which a DCM/O model, particularly
motivation (via a lump sum is effectively at risk during the if some of the payments for
maintenance fee) required to operational phase of the project. construction work are ‘back
encourage the private sector to With a PFP, the private sector’s ended’ and made contingent upon
adopt a whole–of–life approach investment in the capital cost of the operational performance of
to the design, construction and the project is also ‘at risk’ during the facility. Also, these outcomes
maintenance of each project; and the operation phase of the project can be achieved under a DCM
since payments are typically without some of the other


disadvantages of a PFP such higher cost of finance. This is why ... the large number of
as the lack of flexibility which the BOOT model has been the stakeholders involved is one
comes with a long term privately backbone of the Australian PPP
of the features of PFP which
financed contract. family. Further, the capacity of
government to borrow the funds distinguishes it from other
Consider also recent projects forms of procurement,
needed to build and maintain the
delivered under a publicly
financed project alliance delivery infrastructure which communities and which makes the
model such as Lawrence require is not infinite, and the task of risk allocation so
economic and social benefits of challenging.
Hargrave Drive, the Sydney Water
accelerating the delivery of high
SewerFix and Priority Sewerage
priority infrastructure projects
Programs and the National
through the use of private finance
Museum of Australia. Under the
must not be overlooked.
project alliance delivery model
the parties embrace a ‘no blame’ That said, if PPPs are truly about
culture, which allows the parties delivering best value for money
to adopt cutting edge innovative outcomes for taxpayers, then we
solutions in the pursuit of cost/ ought to be ensuring that the full
time savings and enhanced range of PPP delivery models
project outcomes without fear of are considered during the early
legal claims in the event they fail. planning phases of each project
This, coupled with a remuneration to ensure that the delivery model
structure which rewards or adopted is the one which is most
penalises the participants likely to deliver the best value for
depending on their performance money outcomes, having regard
against the client’s Key to the particular characteristics
Performance Indicators (KPIs), of the project and the outcomes
has resulted, by most accounts, which government is seeking to
in these projects achieving high achieve.
levels of innovation, with resultant
time and cost savings for SUCCESSFULLY
government which would not have ALLOCATING RISK ON
been achievable under traditional PFPS—A QUESTION OF
delivery models. PERSPECTIVE?
The above examples demonstrate As PFPs currently dominate
that a project does not necessarily the Australian PPP scene, it is
need to be privately financed in appropriate to now consider
order for government to capture how to successfully allocate and
the benefits which a PPP can negotiate risk in the context of
deliver. To ensure the best value this form of PPP.
for money outcome for taxpayers So, from whose perspective
is achieved, all possible PPP are we considering this issue?
delivery models, including Privately financed PPPs involve
publicly financed ones, need to be many stakeholders, all of whom
considered. will bear some level of risk
The message here, however, is in relation to the transaction.
not that privately financed PPP Indeed, the large number of
transactions cannot deliver best stakeholders involved is one
value for money outcomes, or that of the features of PFP which
all projects should be publicly distinguishes it from other forms
financed because government can of procurement, and which makes
borrow money at a lower cost of the task of risk allocation so
finance than the private sector. challenging.
There are many projects for which Below is a contractual structure
a PFP will represent the best diagram for an accommodation
possible value for money delivery facility PFP (such as a hospital,
model, notwithstanding the school or prison).
Government Agency

Project Contract

Debt Financiers Debt Financing Documents PPP Company Equity Documents Equity Investors

D & C Contractor D & C Contract FM Contract FM Contractor

D & C Guarantee FM Guarantee

D & C Guarantor FM Guarantor

It shows the main players in the Compare, for example, the construction of the project to
transaction, amongst whom the interests of government, the the D&C contractor and which
project risks will be allocated. concessionaire and the equity requires the D&C contractor to
They are: investors on the one hand, and pay sufficient liquidated damages
the financiers on the other hand. to enable PPP Company to meet
• the government agency; its debt service obligations in
Each of government, the
• the PPP company, and as the event construction is not
concessionaire and the equity
a consequence, the equity completed on time.
investors are interested in
investors; delivering the project at the Similarly, whilst the interests
• the debt financiers (or the lowest overall cost and thereby of the D&C contractor, PPP
bondholders and the credit achieving the best value for company and the equity investors
wrapper if the finance is raised money outcome. Accordingly, it is might generally be aligned when
from the capital markets); generally in the interests of these it comes time to negotiating the
parties to allocate risk in the most terms of the project contract with
• the D&C contractor, which will efficient manner possible, which government, the same cannot
typically be a joint venture of two will generally be to the party be said when it comes time to
or more contractors on the larger which is able to manage the risk negotiate the terms of the D&C
PPPs, and their parent company for the least cost. contract (although as mentioned
guarantors; and above, the financier will also have
The debt financier, on the other
• the FM contractor and its parent a significant influence over the
hand, is predominantly interested
company guarantor. terms of that document).
in ensuring that its loan will be
In addition, there will be: repaid, and that the risk of default Accordingly, the answer to
under the financing documents what constitutes the successful
• insurers to whom the
is minimised. It is not particularly allocation of risk in a privately
concessionaire and its contractors
interested in its borrower (PPP financed PPP will depend on who
will transfer certain risks; and
company), taking on more risk you ask. That said, it is in the
• subcontractors, to whom in the pursuit of better value for interests of all parties to devise a
the D&C contractor and FM money outcomes (and thereby a risk allocation which:
contractor will transfer certain lower cost to government and/or • is consistent with market
risks and obligations. a higher return to the equity expectations, and thereby enable
So, the question of how to investors), if this will increase the the transaction to proceed
successfully allocate risk in a PPP risk of PPP company falling into to financial close swiftly and
transaction really applies at many default on its loan repayments. minimises tender and deal
levels, and the outcomes which It is for this reason that we do closure costs;
the different parties are seeking not see, on privately financed
projects, the PPP company • will survive the risk ‘bumps’
to achieve are in many respects
entering into an alliance contract which will inevitably occur during
fundamentally different, such that
with the D&C contractor. Rather, the life of the project; and
what constitutes a successful
allocation of risk for one would the financier will require that PPP • has within it sufficient flexibility
not necessarily be considered a company enter into a lump sum to enable the parties to deal with
successful outcome by the others. D&C contract which allocates external changes and events
most risks associated with the the effects of which cannot be
predicted with certainty at the few months afterwards and even tables which you can find in the
time the deal is signed (such as the LCT which achieved financial PPP policy documents published
possible changes to the public’s close less than 12 months after by other governments.
service expectations over the life the M7. This resulted in subtle One of the dangers, however,
of the project). differences in the risk allocation in using a ‘checklist’ method to
which the RTA put to the market
In this regard, the ‘centre piece’ risk allocation is that it may lead
in its tender documents for each
of any privately financed PPP, in to a ‘blinkered’ approach to the
project. A good example here is
terms of risk allocation, is the identification of risks. As stated
the additional provisions which
project contract between the above, each project has its own
were included in the M7 Project
government agency and PPP unique set of risks and market
Deed for the future connection
company. The main architect of conditions that must be dealt
of new roads to the M7, and the
this document is, of course, the with. As such, the formulation
possible future provision of public
government agency. Accordingly, of a risk framework must take
transport services (such as light
the balance of this paper will into consideration the unique
rail or dedicated bus lanes) in
generally consider the issue characteristics and risks of
the median between the M7
of how to successfully allocate the project. Thus, although
carriageways; and
risk and negotiate a project precedents and the risk allocation
contract from the perspective of • the public’s desire for tables are useful in drawing
government. continuous improvement. on previous experiences, they
should only be used as a starting
4. DEVELOPING A RISK The benefits of following market
point when developing a risk
FRAMEWORK FOR THE precedents in terms of reducing
framework for the project.
tender and negotiation costs
PROJECT can also be seen on the North Further, for some projects, there
4.1 Risk framework South Bypass Tunnel deal in will not be a close precedent
precedents Brisbane. The speed with which which government can draw
Whilst every project is different, the Brisbane City Council is likely on when developing a risk
there is nothing like market to close the NSBT deal—just framework. A good example here
precedents as a starting point 14.5 months after calling for is the RailCorp Rolling Stock PPP.
for the development of a risk expressions of interest—is a direct On this deal, many of the risks are
framework which will meet the reflection of its decision not to unique and it has been necessary
objectives mentioned above. For ‘reinvent’ the risk allocation and to go back to first principles to
example, there is now a well commercial terms for a privately identify all relevant risks and
established ‘core’ risk allocation financed tollroad deal, but instead devise a risk allocation which will
for privately financed tollroad largely adopt the form of tender achieve all of the key objectives
projects in Australia. That said, and contractual documentation mentioned above and also deliver
with each successive tollroad most recently used by the RTA the best value for money outcome
project the risk allocation has whilst at the same time picking for NSW taxpayers. This has
‘evolved’ around the edges having up some of the latest thinking involved a variety of techniques
regard to: from the EastLink transaction as to ensure all relevant risks are
well as some fresh thinking to identified (such as brainstorming
• lessons learned from previous deal with project specific issues workshops, reviews of previous
projects—both tollroads and (such as the future Airport link) projects, interviews with internal
non–tollroads, in Australia and and lessons learned on the recent and external stakeholders, site
overseas; NSW tollroads. visits and the use of generic risk
• changes in general market matrices and previous rail sector
Similarly, if you are looking at
conditions and the level of and rolling stock procurement
a hospital project, or a school,
competition and market appetite contracts as checklists). A risk
prison or stadium project, then
for these projects; matrix was then developed which
there are plenty of good market
has informed the development
• the unique characteristics precedents which you can draw
of the project contract as
of each project—for example on to develop a risk framework
well as various internal risk
with the Cross City Tunnel had for your project. Indeed, it is these
management plans to assist
some characteristics which precedents which have informed
RailCorp to manage those risks
were quite different to those the Partnerships Victoria
which it will bear. Bidders have
associated with the M7 which Standard Commercial Principles
also been required to prepare
achieved financial close just a and the ‘generic’ risk allocation
risk management plans which
demonstrate how they will that is not best able to manage the principles of efficient risk
manage risks allocated to the risk in order to assist the allocation. The reality is that
them and which are capable of party responsible for managing sometimes risks will be allocated
interfacing with RailCorp’s risk the risk. There are often many to the party least able to refuse
management plans. ways in which such risk can be the risk rather than the party best
sliced, diced and allocated and able to manage the risk. This is
4.2 Efficient risk hence considerable scope for of course heightened at the time
allocation—principles vs debate and brinkmanship. the government is maintaining
practices maximum competitive tension, i.e.
Difficult Risks
The risk allocation principles just before the announcement of
Similarly, for some risks (such as
of the various PPP policies are preferred proponent (see section
uninsurable force majeure events)
easy to state but more difficult 5.2 below).
neither party is particularly well
to implement. The objective of
placed to manage the risk. In a 4.3 How can the challenge
the policies is efficient/optimal
2001 survey conducted by the of risk allocation be better
risk allocation, that is that risks
Chamber of Commerce and
should be allocated to the party managed?
Industry of Western Australia
that is best able to manage the Measures which government and
and the Institution of Engineers
risk at the least cost. other PPP participants can take
Australia on risk allocation
to better manage the challenge
Whilst the principle of efficient in major West Australian
of risk allocation include the
risk allocation appears to construction projects, 35% of
be generally agreed by both respondents said that risks which
government and the private had been allocated to them were Don’t Lose Sight of the Basic
sector, the proper application ‘impossible to manage’. This Principles
of the principle to specific risks figure rose to 67% of contractor Firstly, government agencies
on various projects continues to respondents (as opposed to need to be careful, when drafting
be the subject of considerable principals or consultants).3 the contractual documentation
negotiation. The reasons for this on which bids will be based, not
Other Influences
include the following: to lose sight of the principles of
The principles of efficient risk
efficient risk allocation. There
Subjective Views allocation do not operate in
is often a strong temptation to
Each party comes to the a vacuum—there are other
start with an aggressive draft and
transaction with its own important influences on risk
see how the market responds
subjective views as to: allocation which are also at play.
before making the difficult calls
• the respective abilities of the In a 1999 survey of participants in
on the difficult risks. The fact
parties to manage various risks; infrastructure projects conducted
that government is often in a
by the Victorian Department
• the likelihood of certain strong bargaining position at
of Treasury and Finance, it
risks occurring and their the start of the tender process
was found that the three most
consequences; and exacerbates this temptation. One
influential factors on risk
of the risks which government
• the costs which the other may allocation were:
agencies run when they adopt
incur in managing risks. • commercial requirements such an approach is that bids will
These subjective views, even if (linking risk and return); incorporate pricing that reflects
reasonably and honestly held, • bargaining power; and the allocation of unmanageable
often differ. risks to the private sector.
• debt financiers’ requirements.4
Complexities Price the Risk
Many risks are not wholly within In the context of PPPs, the risk Where a party considers the
the control of one particular party. allocation underpinning the PSC allocation of a particular risk to it
For some risks the ability of a and the dollar values attributed offends the principles of efficient
particular party to manage the to retained and transferred risks risk allocation it should be
risk, and the costs which it will can also have a bearing on the prepared to separately price the
incur in doing so, will depend to a willingness of government to risk and advise the other party of
large extent upon how the other depart from its preferred risk the price. This would enable the
party conducts itself. In these allocation. other party to make an informed
cases, risks need to be shared, These influences dictate that, value for money assessment.
and obligations or restrictions inevitably, risks will not always Too often it seems that bidders
need to be imposed on the party be allocated in accordance with are unwilling to separately


price government’s preferred what are these alternative risk • the risk of statements made
allocation of a particular risk, mechanisms? The reinsurance during such discussions
making it difficult for government market has been developing giving rise to legal claims by
to assess whether the bidder’s for some time the concept of unsuccessful bidders alleging
preferred risk allocation does, in catastrophe bonds, which allow unfairness or impropriety in the
fact, represent a better value for parties wishing to lay off risk to tender process.
money outcome. access a much broader capital It is clear from cases such as
market than the reinsurance
More Precise Drafting Cubic,5 that informal discussions
market alone. This will need to be
More precise drafting (i.e. between the government agency
the subject of much greater focus
avoidance of the ‘catch–all’) can and bidders involving unplanned
as there is an enormous pool of
often turn the objectionable into (as opposed to planned) dialogue
international capital which might
the acceptable, thereby reducing increases the risk of misleading
be accessed via these alternative
negotiating time and costs. This and/or inappropriate statements
risk transfer mechanisms.
is particularly the case with the being made (albeit perhaps
government tendency to include However, as previously stated, unintentionally) which can
broad indemnities at the back whilst the principle of efficient subsequently give rise to claims
end of the project agreement— risk allocation appears to and court proceedings which can
potentially undoing the carefully be generally agreed by both adversely affect the procurement
negotiated risk allocation government and the private process and the project. It is
contained in the balance of the sector, the proper application clearly in the interests of both
agreement, and introducing the of the principle to specific risks government and bidders that
unpriced unmanageable risk on various projects continues to the need for effective dialogue
element. be the subject of considerable between the parties during the
negotiation. It is for this reason bidding process is supported
Alternative Risk Transfer
that an effective negotiation and balanced by appropriate
Effective risk management
strategy must be implemented levels of probity so as to avoid
requires smarter thinking and
as many risks will be allocated such situations and ensure the
investigation of alternatives
based on the negotiation process. high levels of accountability and
to what usually happens
transparency which all parties
with delivery risk—loading it 5. DEVELOPING AN (including taxpayers) are entitled
on the balance sheet of the EFFECTIVE MARKET to expect.
D&C contractors, or chasing
ephemeral insurance options in The practical steps which
a market currently characterised NEGOTIATION STRATEGY government can take to promote
by volatility. The usual approaches 5.1 Effective market effective market engagement
to risk allocation will also become include the following:
historical if the proportionate An important process challenge Market Sounding
liability legislation which in negotiating a PPP contract is Government agencies should
was enacted by Australian effective market engagement, always engage in a market
governments as part of the tort i.e. ensuring bidders bid what sounding process prior to EOI
law reform has the (possibly) government wants. It is in the release to assess market interest
unintended effect of allowing the interest of all parties, particularly and the likely level of competition.
judicial process to determine the government, that bidders
allocation of risk after the event. Clear Articulation of
have a clear understanding
So if a deal has been done to lay Requirements
of government’s objectives,
off a particular risk against a D&C Government agencies should
requirements and priorities.
contractor balance sheet, but a think long and hard about their
court later decides that the D&C A complicating factor to effective objectives and requirements
contractor was only responsible market engagement in the before calling for bids so that
for 10% of the crystallised Australian context is the tension they can clearly articulate their
risk, that leaves the carefully between: requirements in the tender
negotiated risk allocation in documents. Agreement should
• a more frequent, informal and
tatters, with the party suffering be reached between all internal
effective dialogue between the
loss being required to pursue government stakeholders
government agency and bidders;
the other 90% against a third before the tender documents
party with which it possibly has are released. Priorities between
no contractual relationship. But competing objectives, such as


time, quality and cost, should be 5.2 MAINTAINING selections are made. This was the
specified to the extent possible. COMPETITIVE TENSION TO method selected for the recent
procurement of the EastLink
project in Melbourne. Two bidders
Ensure there are opportunities
for bidders to receive feedback, Competitive tension and submitted tenders for the project,
deal creep both of which subsequently
particularly on the technical
Once the market has been engaged in detailed negotiations
aspects of their proposals, before
effectively engaged, government and clarification discussions with
final bids are to be submitted.
must maintain competitive the government over a period
Whilst there have only been
tension to prevent deal creep. of several months before the
limited opportunities for such
project was ultimately awarded to
feedback in the past, more recent Competitive tension is the key ConnectEast in October 2004. In
projects, such as the RailCorp to a successful outcome that fact, both bidders were required
Rolling Stock PPP and the North delivers value for money to to submit fully committed and
South Bypass Tunnel project government. It follows that this signed project documentation
have seen numerous technical, competitive tension needs to at various stages of the bidding
commercial and financial be maintained for as long as process, without knowing when
workshops prior to submission possible. However, it is difficult the award would be made—thus
for bids which enabled bidders to maintain competitive tension maximising competitive tension
to clarify government’s once a private partner has throughout the process.
requirements and seek input been publicly announced, and
and feedback on key aspects this becomes a problem when In a speech delivered at an
of their proposals prior to their there are unresolved issues address to the Committee for
submission. to be negotiated in the period Economic Development in
between the announcement of the Australia (CEDA) in Melbourne
Similar processes were also
preferred private partner, and the the week following the award,
adopted on the Eastlink project,
execution of contracts. Experience Janet Holmes à Court, Bid
the Victorian New Prisons
shows that in some cases the Chairman of the successful
Project and the New South
private partner may attempt to consortium, acknowledged
Wales New Schools Project.
introduce new issues late in the the tension maintained during
Indeed on the latter project, the
process when the government is the bid process as ‘unbearable
two bidders selected to submit
in a weaker negotiating position right to the end’. Certainly it
fully documented BAFOs were
and under pressure to conclude was this tension that enabled
provided with a summary of
the deal. the government to arrive at a
issues to assist them in improving
comprehensive and competitive
their proposal. Each party was There are a number of methods result, achieving clarity of
also advised that they could by which government can outcome without weakening their
submit draft proposals prior to enhance the competitiveness of bargaining position by making a
the submission of their BAFO. the process. One method is for commitment to either consortium
These opportunities need to be government to select a second prior to the award.
properly planned and structured preferred bidder as a standby,
to ensure bidders are treated following the announcement Bid costs
equally and the content of the of the preferred proponent. Of course, these methods do
feedback is properly thought This strategy was employed by have the potential to increase the
through. the NSW government on the costs of bidding for a project, and
Long Bay Prison and Forensic despite the obvious advantages of
Disclosure of PSC Hospital project. Novacare was an extended period of pre–award
Disclose the raw PSC to the initially appointed as a ‘reserve negotiations for the government
market to assist in quickly proponent’ but was later elevated party, the desire to maintain
identifying any mismatches in to preferred proponent when competitive tension must be
expectations, unless special negotiations with the initial weighed against the desire not
circumstances requires preferred bidder stalled. to discourage private parties
otherwise. from bidding for projects. Thus,
Another method is to have a
The implementation of such whilst this level of detail and
number of bidders develop
measures should also reduce documentation may be suitable
their proposals, and provide
the need for Best and Final Offer for a multi billion dollar PPP
full documentation, before final
(BAFO) processes.


project like EastLink, it may not qualification, then it may not Some early PPP projects
be suited to smaller and less be sensible to put the second– experienced lengthy negotiation
costly projects. It is therefore placed bidder to the expense phases following the appointment
critical that the scale and of advancing its contractual of a single preferred bidder—in
complexity of the proposed project documentation simply to create some cases, over 18 months.
be taken into account by the a competitive environment However, as demonstrated by
government when determining within which the contractual the recent toll roads experience
the most effective way to attain a documentation with the first– in Sydney and Melbourne, it is
competitive bid from a competitive placed bidder can be progressed. possible to develop quick, certain
market. and effective processes that
Closure times discourage deal creep.
Not always appropriate It should also be borne in mind
Also, it may not always be that while tender costs for The following diagram compares
practicable or appropriate for unsuccessful bidders may be the length of the various stages
government to advance the higher under some procurement of procurement, from the call
legal documentation with two or methods, a shorter process for expression of interest (EOI
more bidders in a competitive overall may actually reduce Phase) up until deal close, of five
environment. For example, if tender costs incurred by both of the largest and most recent
a clear stand–out winner is government and private sector Australian toll roads: the Cross
identified early in the evaluation participants in the long run. Thus, City Tunnel (CCT), the Westlink M7
process and it is not considered as long as there is sufficient deal (M7) and the Lane Cove Tunnel
likely for the second–placed flow, and unsuccessful tenderers (LCT) in Sydney, the EastLink
bidder to catch–up, even if it win their fair share of projects, project in Melbourne, and the
was to accept government’s all parties stand to benefit from a North South Bypass Tunnel
preferred risk allocation without shorter bidding process. (NSBT) in Brisbane.

CCT 9 4 4 10

M7 4 4 7 4

LCT 4 6 9 2

East Link 5 7 5.5

NSBT 3 5.5 5 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Months

EOI Phase Preparation of detailed Evaluation of detailed Final negotiations with

proposals proposals preferred bidder

In the Cross City Tunnel project, An even shorter period of Development and the chairman of
the first in the latest generation negotiation was conducted during the successful Lane Cove Tunnel
of Sydney toll roads, the NSW procurement of the $1.5 billion consortium, Mr Tony Shepherd,
Minister for Roads announced the Westlink M7 project (formerly publicly praising the efforts of the
Cross City Motorway consortium the Western Sydney Orbital). The RTA in tackling ‘deal creep’.
as the preferred proponent in WestLink Motorway Consortium On EastLink, proposals were
February 2002, and negotiations was announced as the preferred received by the State in late April
were concluded by December proponent in October 2002, and 2004 and contract close was
2002. This reasonably short negotiations were concluded in achieved on 14 October 2004,
negotiation period is even more February 2003. resulting in a process comprising
impressive when it is considered Similar processes were adopted evaluation, negotiation and award
that negotiations were conducted in the recent Lane Cove Tunnel lasting just over 6 months in total,
in tandem with a series of project, which led to the Vice with financial close a little over a
changes to the proposed project. President of the Australian month later.
Council for Infrastructure


It is in [a] relationship The NSBT process is the latest of the consortium to effectively do
of trust that risk can example of a streamlined a deal as between its members.
Australian toll road procurement A bidder that is able to effectively
be effectively allocated
process. On 27 April 2006, the manage its internal negotiations
and managed, that the Brisbane Council announced the and present a unified position is a
government will achieve appointment of a sole preferred much more attractive proposition
value for money and proponent after negotiating and to government than one that
ultimately that the project finalising all commercial terms can’t.
will be delivered. in a competitive evaluation Once bids are received, the
process which concluded just parties should set out isolating
13.5 months after the initial the issues which are not agreed
call for expressions of interest. from those which are. Each
Contractual close is expected to party should be encouraged
occur this month. to explain not only its position,
5.3 Negotiation strategies but the objectives which it is
The key to successfully seeking to achieve by adopting
negotiating a PPP contract is the that position. This will facilitate
development of sound negotiating the identification of potential
strategies. solutions which satisfy the
objectives of all parties.
The first step to a successful
negotiation is thorough Closing the gaps to produce a
preparation. This preparation deal requires momentum. Try
should begin during the tender to take tackle the smaller issue
documentation preparation first and build a relationship
phase. The more issues that of trust. Once momentum has
are appropriately covered in been generated, try to maintain
the tender documentation controlled momentum as you
means fewer items will be progressively work through the
subject to the time consuming issues. If you hit an impasse,
and costly negotiations after move on to the next issue and
bids have been received. The come back to the more difficult
tender documentation needs issues later.
to clearly and precisely set out As you move towards the end
government’s requirements and game, you need to create and
preferred risk allocation, which work to deadlines. There is
should be set having regard to nothing like a credible deadline
the risk allocation principles to bring negotiations to a close.
discussed above. The thinking Also, as you reach the end game,
which influenced government’s try to make the other side feel
preferred risk allocation should good about the deal. If you think
be recorded for later reference you have ‘won’, act graciously.
and, where appropriate, Contractual close is just the start
communicated to bidders. of a long term relationship in
On the private sector side, which trust and respect will be
bidding consortia should seek crucial.
to present a unified position. Unfortunately some contractual
Bidders sometimes seek to negotiations become bogged
distance themselves from risk down in an atmosphere of distrust
allocation changes proposed by where points are not made or
their financiers or contractors. conceded on the basis of the
This practice should be avoided commercial requirements of the
as it only serves to complicate parties but rather as part of some
the negotiations from the rather unwieldy game of chess
government’s perspective and where brinkmanship is more
raise questions about the ability important to see who blinks first.


This inevitably leads to protracted value for money is to effectively Commerce and Industry of
negotiations and bad blood. allocate the risk. It is in the Western Australia Effective Risk
interests of all parties to devise a Allocation in major projects:
This style of negotiation can
risk allocation which is consistent Rhetoric or reality? 2001 http://
really only be constrained by the
with market expectations, will
commercial parties themselves
survive risk ‘bumps’ and has publications_by_year3.html
developing the necessary
sufficient flexibility to deal with
relationship of trust and making 4 Department of Treasury and
external changes which will occur
decisions on the hard issues (with Finance, Victorian Government
over the life of the project. Market
advice no doubt from legal and Private Provision of Public
precedents are a useful starting
commercial advisors) instead Infrastructure: Risk Identification
point for the development of a risk
of relying on their advisors to and Allocation Project—Survey
framework which will meet these
run the negotiations and make Report (1999) at 8
the decisions. After all, it is the 5 Cubic Transportation Systems
commercial parties who will be Further, sufficient competition Inc v State of New South
in the long term relationship and must be maintained to ensure Wales [2002] NSWSC 656
not the advisors, and they will that those risks which the
need to begin developing the trust government is seeking to transfer Owen Hayford’s paper was
and problem solving mechanisms are priced by the private sector presented at the 6th Annual
which will be required to see within a competitive environment National Public Private
them through the long haul. so as to deliver the best value for Partnership Summit on 16–17
money outcome for taxpayers.
It is in this relationship of trust May 2006. The author gratefully
This can be achieved by effectively
that risk can be effectively acknowledges the assistance
engaging the market and
allocated and managed, that the of Robyn Metledge, Solicitor, in
maintaining competitive tension
government will achieve value the preparation of this paper.
to prevent deal creep. However,
for money and ultimately that the Reprinted with permission.
although strategies can be
project will be delivered.
utilised during the bid process to
6. CONCLUSION maintain this competitive tension,
The foregoing discussion for example having a number of
demonstrates that the first bidders develop their proposals
and most important step which and provide full documentation
governments must take on major before a final selection is made,
infrastructure projects, in order this must be weighed against the
to successfully allocate risk desire not to discourage private
and achieve the best value for parties from bidding for projects.
money outcome for taxpayers, In addition, it is important that a
is to thoroughly consider all relationship of trust be developed
of the delivery models under during the contractual negotiation
which government can engage process to see the parties
with the private sector for the through the life of the project.
delivery and through–life support
of the infrastructure, and the
provision of the associated REFERENCES
public services. It is vital that 1 Although the NSW and
governments not approach PPPs Commonwealth Governments are
from the blinkered perspective presently exploring the use of the
of the PFP model. Rather, they PFPs to accelerate the delivery of
should evaluate each project future upgrades.
and all possible private sector 2 With less money at risk, the
involvement on the merits of ‘risk premium’ changed by
each particular case, in order to the private sector will also be
determine which member of the reduced, resulting in a lower cost
Australian PPP family will best to government.
allow government to achieve
value for money in that instance. 3 Institution of Engineers,
The second step to achieving Australia and Chamber of


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