Empowerment Technology First Edition

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Copyright © 2020 by Central Mindanao University

1st Edition


Central Mindanao University
Dedication and Acknowledgement

This book is dedicated to Senior High School Students. I owe the

success of this book to my Family, Friends and to my co faculties from
Institute of Computer Applications, Central Mindanao University
Table of Contents
Dedication and Acknowledgement ............................................................................................. 3
Preface and Foreword ................................................................................................................. vi
Chapter 1. Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT) ........................... vii
ICT in the Philippines ................................................................................................................. 8
A. The History of ICT ...................................................................................................... 10
B. The Importance of Technology in our Daily Lives .................................................. 11
C. Activity ....................................................................................................................... 13
D. The Negative Effects of Technology ....................................................................... 14
E. Activity ....................................................................................................................... 16
F. References ................................................................................................................. 17
Chapter 2: ICT Technologies ....................................................................................................... 18
A. ICT Basic Terminology .............................................................................................. 19
B. The current state of ICT Technologies: Internet of things .................................... 22
C. Social Media............................................................................................................... 29
D. Assistive Media .......................................................................................................... 31
E. Activity ....................................................................................................................... 33
F. References ................................................................................................................. 34
Chapter 3: System Software, Application Software and Online Platforms ........................... 13
A. System Software ....................................................................................................... 37
B. Application Software ................................................................................................ 40
C. Online Platform ......................................................................................................... 41
D. Online Safety and Security ....................................................................................... 43
E. Contextualized online search and research skills .................................................. 44
F. Activity ....................................................................................................................... 46
G. References ................................................................................................................. 47
Chapter 4: Word Processing Software ...................................................................................... 13
A. Introduction to Microsoft Word .............................................................................. 51
B. The Word Interface ................................................................................................... 52
C. The Ribbon.................................................................................................................. 52
D. The Quick Access Toolbar......................................................................................... 53

E. The Ruler .................................................................................................................... 54
F. Document Views and Zooming................................................................................... 54
G. The Basic Skills in Microsoft Word .......................................................................... 57
H. Activity ....................................................................................................................... 78
I. References ................................................................................................................. 80
Chapter 5. Presentation Software ............................................................................................. 27
A. Microsoft Powerpoint .............................................................................................. 83
B. Hyperlinking in Presentations ................................................................................. 85
C. Activity ....................................................................................................................... 88
D. References ................................................................................................................. 89
Chapter 6. Spreadsheet Software .............................................................................................. 58
A. Introduction to MS Excel: Learn the GUI and basic tools of Microsoft Excel ...... 92
B. Basic Tools of Microsoft Excel ................................................................................. 94
C. Microsoft Excel Styles .............................................................................................. 97
D. Using the Basic Functions and Formula in Microsoft Excel ................................. 100
E. Functions in MS Excel ............................................................................................. 103
F. Formula Errors ......................................................................................................... 115
H. Activity ..................................................................................................................... 120
I. References ............................................................................................................... 122
Chapter 7. Image Manipulation and Infographics .................................................................... 58
A. Principles of Image Manipulation.......................................................................... 124
B. Image Editing Software .......................................................................................... 127
C. Infographic .............................................................................................................. 128
D. References ............................................................................................................... 133

Preface and Foreword

This book is made for Senior High School students in Grade 11 and Grade 12 with
Empowerment technology subjects. This book provides specific topics and
instructions based from the outline given by DepEd. Aside from that, activities
were also given per chapter.

Being a computer literate is not a must but, an advantage in handing this book.
This book will teach basic things about ICT.

First the book talks about the introduction to Information and Communications
technology and its negative and positive side effects. After that, some ICT
terminologies and ICT’s current state in the Philippines were tackled in Chapter
2. System Software and Application Software were also discussed in Chapter 3
together with the Online platform and the Online Safety and Security. Chapters
4, 5 and 6 needs hands on activity because these three were all about acquiring
the skills in Office Productivity Application, Presentation Software and
Spreadsheet software. Lastly chapter 7 deals with image manipulation and

Chapter 1. Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT)

At the end of the Chapter, the student should be able to:

A. Discuss the brief history of ICT

B. Present the importance of Technology in Everyday Life
C. Investigate the negative Impact of technology

Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT)

ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. It refers to technologies

that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information
Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. These include the
Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication devices.

ICT in the Philippines

In the Philippines, an agency for ICT is called DICT which stands for Department of
Information and Communications Technology. A law signed by his Excellency President
Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aguino III on May 23, 2016 which took effect on June 9, 2016 – the
DICT integrates the country’s vital information and communications technologies driving the
world today (Department of ICT Law takes effect Today, 2016).

In 2016, ICT Office implemented several programs and projects that not only
empowered people but also strengthened industries and the economy. These programs are
the 1.) Juan, Konek! Free Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public Places Project, which seeks to provide
free internet access to almost all municipalities in the Philippines; 2.) Tech4ED, which builds
digital literacy and ICT capabilities, and 3.) Rural Impact Sourcing, a program that enables
people from the countryside to use their ICT skills to the fullest without having to go to urban
areas (Department of ICT Law takes effect Today, 2016).

The RA 10844 states that information and communication have vital roles in nation-
building and that it is the state’s policy to “ensure universal access to quality, affordable,
reliable and secure ICT services.” It should also “ensure the provision of a strategic, reliable,
cost-efficient and citizen-centric information and communications technology infrastructure,
systems and resources as instruments of good governance and global competitiveness.”
(Sabillo, 2016)

The establishment of the DICT means Philippines is on the way to using ICT for national
Development. There are three attached agencies in DICT based from the website – www.
dict.gov.ph. The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), National Privacy
Commissions (NPC), and Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC).


Opening Activity:

Form a group based on your municipality. Interview the ICT Department staff or
representative of your municipality and ask the following questions:

• When was the ICT department created?

• How many projects does the ICT department have?
• What were the projects envisioned and created by ICT in your municipalities?
(Projects already achieved and used)?
• What were the challenges related to ICT your municipalities have encountered?
• How did the Local Government Unit face these challenges?
• What are the proposed projects that the ICT in your municipality are planning to
achieve (Projects for Future Development)?

Guided Questions for this Chapter:

1. When did ICT begin?

2. What is the importance of technology in our everyday life?
3. What are the negative effects of technology? How can these issues be overcome?
4. What do you think are the cultural changes when using technology?


A. The History of ICT

In the ITU youtube channel, the history of Information and Communications Technology
were discussed.ITU is the leading United Nations agency for information and
communication technology.Here’s the discussion:

“The first commercial computer was the UNIVAC I, developed by John Eckert and John W.
Mauchly in 1951. It was used by the Census Bureau to predict the outcome of the 1952
presidential election. For the next twenty-five years, mainframe computers were used in
large corporations to do calculations and manipulate large amounts of information stored in
databases. Supercomputers were used in science and engineering, for designing aircraft and
nuclear reactors, aside from predicting worldwide weather patterns. Minicomputers
appeared on the scene in the early 1980s in small businesses, manufacturing plants, and
factories (ITU, 2012). In 1975, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed
microcomputers. In 1976, Tandy Corporation's first Radio Shack microcomputer followed,
and later, the Apple microcomputer was introduced in 1977. The market for microcomputers
increased dramatically when IBM introduced the first personal computer in the fall of 1981.
Because of dramatic improvements in computer components and manufacturing, personal
computers today do more than the largest computers of the mid-1960s at about a
thousandth of the cost. Computers today are divided into four categories by size, cost, and
processing ability. They are supercomputer, mainframe, minicomputer, and microcomputer,
more commonly known as a personal computer. Personal computer categories include
desktop, network, laptop, and handheld. The term "information technology" evolved in the
1970s. Its basic concept, however, can be traced to the World War II alliance of the military
and industry in the development of electronics, computers, and information theory. After
the 1940s, the military remained the major source of research and development funding for
the expansion of automation to replace manpower with machine power. Since the 1950s,
four generations of computers have evolved. Each generation reflected a change in hardware
of decreased size but increased capabilities to control computer operations. The first
generation used vacuum tubes, the second used transistors, the third used integrated
circuits, and the fourth used integrated circuits on a single computer chip. Advances in
artificial intelligence that will minimize the need for complex programming characterize the
fifth generation of computers, still in the experimental stage. IT defines as Information
Technology, consists of study, design, advance development, accomplishment, support or
administration of computer foundation information system, mostly software application
and computer hardware. Information technology works with the use of electronic computers
and computer software to renovate, defend, develop and broadcast plus, other information.
Information technology has overstuffed to cover many features of computing and

technology, and this word is more familiar than ever before. Information technology subject
can be quite large, encompassing many fields. IT professionals perform different types of
responsibilities that range from installing applications to designing complex computer
networks. IT professional's responsibilities are data management, networking, database,
software design, computer hardware, management and administration of whole system. IT
(Information Technology) is the combined word of computer and communications or
"InfoTech". Information Technology illustrates any technology which helps to manufacture,
manipulate, accumulate, communicate or broadcast information. Recently it has become
popular to broaden the term to explicitly include the field of electronic communication so
that people tend to use the abbreviation ICT (Information and Communications Technology).

Credits to: ITU (2012). Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXMgShxJOBc.Type: Video Clip. Video Title: Short History of ICT at ITU
Telecom World 2012. Retrieved date: August 2019

B. The Importance of Technology in our Daily Lives

Technology does great things for our society. It helps us live effortlessly, literally turning
imaginations into reality. Technological innovation is transformed from imaginations of
people which leads to the progress or improvement of the society. Problems have been
solved using more than one brain leading to a more confident way of learning. Relative to the
importance of technology in our daily lives, Bosamia & Bhavnagar (2013) has listed the positive
impact of technology as follows:

• Daily Routine Management • Children’s Education

• Social Relationship • Self-Employment
• Information Sharing • Paperless Environment
• Communication • Developing Health Literacy
• Usage of Free Time


Group Discussion :

1. Can you still remember your on-hand first experience using a touch screen cellphone,
laptop, telephone or other techy devices? or devices with Internet connection? Who was
the instrument of such first experience?
2. How was your experience with technology ever since? Share that experience in your
3. At home, how did your family and the society you are living benefit from technology?
Share that experience in your group.
4. As a student, how did technology help your life? Share that experience in your group.
5. As a human being, how important is technology in your life? Share that experience in your


Submit only one copy per group --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

C. Activity

Activity Title: ImporTech!

Instruction: Based from the above positive impact of technology. What do you think are the top 5 most
common impact from your group’s discussion? Create a short role play and present it in class.
Write the name of Group members:

------------------------------------------------------------------ Do not write anything on this part, to be filled out by your instructor ------------------------------------------------------
Total number of points: ______
Rubrics for the presentation:

Criteria Limited Adequate Excellent Total

3-4 5-8 8-10
Group Limited participation of 50% to 75 percent 75 to 100% All Members
Participation Members below 50% participated to the participated in the
participated. presentation. presentation
= = =
Relevance to the The presentation is The presentation The presentation is
Topic irrelevant to the topic provides an average relevant and very
ouput. important to the learning.

Appearance Inappropriate The team just did an The team made an effort
costume/irrelevant to average effort for them in their appearance
the topic. Improper to portray their role. relevant to the role they
dress code. portray.
= = =
Preparation The group shows that Average preparation The group shows that they
they are not prepared. done. are really prepared.
= = =
Imagination and demonstrate little to Demonstrate average demonstrate insight and
enhance role play. to enhance role play. powerfully enhance role
= = =
= = =
= = =

Total Score: __________________

Instructor’s Name and Signature: _____________________________________

D. The Negative Effects of Technology

Everything considered good always had its negative side. Without proper usage, negative effects can
happen. Since technology provides ease of access to almost everything, this may also lead to some
disadvantages. People are very attached to it, giving them tendency to depend on technology.

A. Digital Game addiction – A common problem with students likewise adults nowadays is the
addiction to digital games. For students, the scholastic activities are being sacrificed because
of the satisfaction that the games are giving. Computer games are the second most frequently
used application after social media (Vollmer et al., 2014, as cited in Wakoopa, 2012). Computer
and online games are preferred by a wide range of people ranging from children and
adolescents to adults (Vollmer et al., 2014). Research showed that the average game player is
30 years old and 32% of the players are less than 18 years old (Vollmer et al., 2014, as cited in
Wakoopa, 2012 as cited in Entertainment software association , 2012).
B. Technological Dependency - Dependence on technology can be a big disadvantage to
technology usage and access. Having technology available in many forms through landline
telephones, cellphones, email, social networking sites, business and visual sites can be
overwhelming. This constant accessibility is not a problem to most technology consumers but
can be a dependency issue for others that takes them away from direct human interaction. By
relying more on technology than direct contact with friends, family, acquaintances or
colleagues; some people may find themselves withdrawing and becoming increasingly isolated
from their community. Depending on technology for news, communication, entertainment
and employment information plus, support can also have negative effects with offices coming
to a stop if the Internet or other services are down (Bergsma, 2018).
C. Challenging Relationship - Ironically, while more connected than ever, the technologically-
dependent population is increasingly more isolated from human interaction. By connecting
more in ways that don't involve face-to-face contact like through chat rooms, texts, forums
and websites, direct contact is reduced. Spending more time sitting alone in front of a
computer than out in the community further limits social interaction while letter-writing and
even phone conversations are diminishing as well. With this massive use of technology, society
is becoming more individualized and even isolated from that head-on interaction. Unplugging
from technology can become more difficult because users are afraid that they will miss out on
something that has happened if they aren't connected at all times. In fact, they may be missing
out on frontal contact with their community. Additionally, by removing the human aspect of
contact and relying so much on technology, there are increasing online dangers related to
misrepresentation on social forums and potential predators in chat rooms (Bergsma, 2018).
D. Privacy Issues – It has become much harder to have personal privacy in the digital world and
that is on top of the dangers of your personal data being stolen or sold. For instance, everyone
is able to take photos and video footage on their mobile phone then post it online. Employers
can search for people online and maybe find unflattering photographs, or see them expressing
controversial opinions in social media or blogs. Digital cameras watch and record our
movements in public places. Minor indiscretions can now haunt an individual for life when they

are posted on the Internet. Controlling your personal information is very difficult and
sometimes impossible (Goodman, 2019).
E. High Maintenance Costs - It is expensive to buy technology, and what’s more, costly to
maintain. Many small businesses cannot afford the cost of hiring a full-time technical person,
so they resort to monthly tech contractors who charge them for work done. If business
technology tools like computers are not maintained well, their performance will decrease and
the process of buying new computers or any other business technology can even be more
expensive (Ramey, 2013).
F. Culture Change – Culture change is quite difficult especially to Filipinos because strong family
ties are the culture. Since communication through technology sets no boundary, family
members will not consider staying near the family for the reason that job opportunities can be
found outside the comfort zones. There are different culture changes because of technology
yet we must consider adapting to them.

Submit one copy per person --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
E. Activity

Activity Title: NegaTech!

Instruction: In table below, list all the disadvantages of technology in the first column and write a solution
on how to overcome a specific disadvantage in the second column. Add at least 5 other disadvantages
that are not on the above list.

Write your name: _________________________________________


Disadvantages Solution

Digital game



Privacy Issues


Culture Change

Total Score:________________________
Instructor’s Name and Signature: _____________________________________

F. References

Bergsma, R. (2018, June 26). What Are the Disadvantages of Technology? Retrieved from
Classroom: https://classroom.synonym.com/what-are-the-disadvantages-of-
Bosamia, M. P., & Bhavnagar, M. K. (2013, December). Positive and Negative Impacts of
Information and Communication Technology in our Everyday Life. Retrieved from
Department of ICT Law takes effect Today. (2016, October 11). Retrieved from Department of
Information and Communications technology:
Goodman, P. (2019, February 15). 17 Disadvantages of Digital Technology. Retrieved from
turbofuture: https://turbofuture.com/misc/Disadvantages-of-Digital-Technology
ITU. (2012, August 27). Short History of ICT at ITU Telecom World 2012. Retrieved from ITU:
Ramey, K. (2013, February 25). The Advantages and disadvantages of technology in the
workplace. Retrieved from useoftechnology:
Sabillo, K. A. (2016, May 23). Dep’t of Information and Communications Technology created.
Retrieved from Inquirer.net: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/787103/aquino-signs-law-
Vollmer, C., Randler, C., Horzum, M. B., & Ayas, T. (2014). Computer Game Addiction in
Adolescents and Its Relationship to Chronotype and Personality. Sage Journal.
Wageningen, R. V. ( 2017, July 19). The role of technological change in culture. Retrieved from
orange-business: https://www.orange-business.com/en/blogs/connecting-

Chapter 2: ICT Technologies

At the end of the Chapter, the student should be able to:

A. Recall the ICT Basic Terminology

B. Judge the current state of ICT Technologies
C. Invent an IOT device through creating a prototype
D. Applying assistive Media
ICT Technologies

Technologies in ICT include devices used in person-to-person communication in order to share

information. These technologies help people produce better and more valuable outputs while
at the same time boosting the economic growth of a certain country. More quality products
are manufactured thereby increasing the industry’s daily quota. Further, a smooth support to
services is provided, leading to more accessible business solutions. In education, students
acquire more knowledge while teachers attain modern and advanced pedagogies. Through
communication and some other machineries, the possible disease occurrence could be
prevented and remedied way before an outbreak arises.

A. ICT Basic Terminology

The following are the basic terminology of ICT from the website ict-tutor.weebly.com.
Retrieved date: August 2019
Operating System: Software that performs the basic functions needed for you to use
the computer. It controls such items as display, keyboard, mouse and printer.
The OS also lets you run applications such as word processors or email.

Modem: A device which connects your computer to your Internet Service Provider.
Depending on your type of service (i.e. cable, DSL, dial‐up, etc.) the modem may be
connected to your telephone or cable jacks.

Internet/Web Browser: An application that lets you request and send information on
the Internet. The browser allows you to access your online course materials.

Website URL/Address: Each website has a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) which
specifies the location of the web pages on the Internet. The web browser's address
field can be used to enter a specific web address.

Browser Plug‐in: A small application that works within your browser to display certain
types of content. If a plug‐in is required, your browser will casually prompt you to go
to a specific website to download and install the application.

Browser Version: At times, your browser may be eligible for updates or upgrades.
Typically, you are given a choice on whether to permit this update or not. It is helpful
to know which version of the browser you are using, particularly if you are
experiencing problems accessing your course materials.

Pop‐ups: Pop‐up windows are sometimes used for online advertisements. Most people
prefer to prevent them by using a browser feature known as the Pop‐Up Blocker.
However, some content in your online course may use pop‐up windows to share
important information.

Cookies & Temporary Files: Some websites temporarily download small files when you
access the site. These files, called Cookies, can be used to open a secure session
between your computer and another system such as Moodle or Cambro. As well, they
can be used to recall certain information about your recent activity. In some cases, it
might be necessary to delete these temporary files.

Internet Service Provider: When you access the Internet from your home computer,
data passes between your system and your modem. The modem also passes
information through a cable or telephone line to your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
The ISP is the company that you pay for your Internet access. Your ISP acts as the
connection between your home and the Internet.

Connection Speeds: The connection speed will determine how fast you will be able to
pass information between your home and the Internet. Connection speeds may vary
for the same service. Many online courses have materials which can only be viewed
easily with what are known as broadband services (such as DSL, Fiber or Cable). Slower
connections mostly use a dial‐up service through a telephone line.

Internet: A global system of computers connected together to share information

between systems. When you use a web browser to access a website, the request may
travel through many different computers and paths before the response, for example
the web page's content, returns to your home.

World Wide Web (WWW): While the Internet is the actual network, the WWW can be
thought of as the most common use for the Internet. The WWW uses a specific data
transfer method called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that is why, most websites
have a Uniform Resource Locator starting with the characters "http://".

Learning Management System: Most online courses use a Learning Management

System (LMS) to keep your course materials and other information. In order to access
your online course, you ae directed to create a unique username and password. These
will be provided to you in a letter after you have registered for the course.

PDF: Many online instructors share course materials using files that can be viewed
online or transferred into your computer. One of the most common file types used is
the Portable Document Files (PDF). You can open these files with an application called
Adobe Reader® which is independent from Adobe.com.

Media Players: Some courses include content such as video or other interactive
exercises. This type of material usually requires web browser plug‐ins or media players.
These media materials are often in your course and are delivered to you using the LMS.
Common media players are: RealPlayer, Quicktime, VLC

Streaming Video: Some online courses deliver video content using a service that resides
outside the LMS. To access these videos at home, you will need to have a valid
username and password.

File Transfers: When you move a file from the LMS onto your computer, the process is
called Downloading the file. You may also need to send files to your instructor as
attachments to an email or a Drop‐box. This is known as Uploading the file to the LMS.

Copy and Paste: When you need to add text to a message in your online course, you
may find it easier to first create the text on your computer instead of typing the text
directly in your course. This can be done easily by performing the sequence known as
Copy and Paste.


Opening Activity:

Film Review: Watch the video entitled “The Future of ICT Technology Is Near in The
World” from youtube.com published by Infotech Mania on April 18, 2016. Write your
reaction and insights about this video. Share your insights in class.

Guided Questions for this Chapter:

1. What does IOT mean?

2. What is the importance of IOT in our everyday life?
3. What do you think are the IOT devices that you are using?


B. The current state of ICT Technologies: Internet of things

The present state of ICT technologies is far from how it started. Different things can be done
and varying kinds of devices already exist. Internet is everywhere and everything can be used
over Internet; phone calls, information acquisition, document management, and even making
an object move is already achievable.

Internet of Things (IoT)

In the broadest sense, the term IoT encompasses everything connected to the Internet, but
it is increasingly being used to define objects that "talk" to each other. "Simply, the Internet
of Things is made up of devices – from simple sensors to smartphones and wearables –
connected together," Matthew Evans, the IoT Programme Head at techUK, says (Burgess,
2018). This includes everything from cellphones, coffee makers, washing machines,
headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of. The IoT is a
giant network of connected "things" (which also includes people). The relationship will be
between people-people, people-things, and things-things (Morgan, 2014). The Internet of
Things or IoT, refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now
connected to the Internet, collecting and sharing data (Ranger, 2018).

Examples of an Internet of Things Device

A lightbulb that can be switched on using a smartphone app is an IoT device, as is a motion
sensor or a smart thermostat in your office or a connected streetlight. An IoT device could be
as fluffy as a child's toy or as serious as a driverless truck, or as complicated as a jet engine
that's now filled with thousands of sensors collecting and transmitting data back to make sure
it is operating efficiently. At an even bigger scale, smart cities projects are filling entire regions
with sensors to help us understand and control the environment. The term IoT is mainly used
for devices that usually wouldn't be generally expected to have an Internet connection, and
that can communicate with the network independently of human action. For this reason, a PC
is not generally considered an IoT device and neither is a smartphone -- even though the latter
is crammed with sensors. A smartwatch or a fitness band or other wearable device might be
counted as an IoT device, however (Ranger, 2018).

Examples of Internet of Things Technology in Use

Internet of Things did not just give people the ease of access but also comfort to society.
There are different devices under Internet of things that exist in this era. The following are
just some of the examples.

i. August Smart Lock

With this smart lock, you’ll never need keys again—it
unlocks automatically when you get home, and locks
behind you when you close the door. You can grant guest
keys to friends or the dog sitter, and have them expire
when you no longer want to give that person access to
your house. An optional keypad means you can set a code
to open your door in case you don’t have your phone with
you (like if you’re out for a run). You can even view the
Img src: https://beebom.com/examples-of-internet-of-things- activity log and grant access from your smartphone
remotely. Smart security systems are becoming more
popular with the increase in options, and a smart lock like this one is a great place to start.

Credits: (Albright, 2017). From: https://beebom.com/examples-of-internet-of-things-technology/. Retrieved date: August 2019

ii. Digital Twins and Autonomous Self-Healing Systems

On the one hand, digital twins are copies of the physical objects that are accurate enough to
let their owners experiment and predict the operation of their assets. In other words, the
application of this example of Internet of Things enables
simulating the lifespan of physical machines, testing
updates, and forecasting possible problems and benefits
connected with each physical object and their networks.
This means a revolution in manufacturing — previously,
the only justification of construction mistake was
Img src: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/10-powerful-
allowing a failure or damage to happen in reality. But
iot-examples-worth-your-attention-1c06276a2e54 with this IoT application, the various types of equipment
can get their replica to be stored and controlled in a safe virtual environment before entering
the human world
Credits: (Stokes, 2018). From: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/10-powerful-iot-examples-worth-your-attention-1c06276a2e54. Retrieved
date: August 2019

iii. Kolibree Smart Tooothbrush

The IoT extends to things that are much smaller than an

entire smart home setup. A great example of this is
Kolibree, the smart toothbrush. Kolibree connects to your
smartphone and encourages good brushing habits for both
kids and adults by turning brushing into a game and saving
data on your phone about your brushing habits. The
Kolibree doesn’t yet transmit this data to your dentist, but
don’t be surprised if that becomes an option.
Credits: (Albright, 2017). From: https://beebom.com/examples-of-internet-
Img src: https://www.kolibree.com/en/
of-things-technology/. Retrieved date: August 2019
How does Internet of Things work?

In Internet of Things, devices move and our data are sync to online storage. It knows our
interest according to our daily searches and activities. Different devices are also created and
designed based on its purpose. The One big question is that, how does Internet of Things
work? The following are the necessary tools in Internet of Things according to M.Jay ( 2018).

1. Sensors/ Microcontrollers
2. Connectivity
3. User Interface
4. Data Processing

The microcontroller acts as the brain of an IOT device. Series of code is uploaded to this
microcontroller in order to work. In some other activities’ sensors are necessary to perform a
specific task needed. Microcontroller can still work without sensors but a feature will only
work if the specific sensor is designed to perform specific task.

For example, the car avoidance system – the sensor being connected functions to avoid a
specific car. The System will not function without the sensor although it has a brain (probably
a microcontroller). Another example is the automatic door in malls that we usually see. The
door opens when someone will pass and closes if there’s no sign of moving object. The door
there is connected to a microcontroller that instructs the sensor to identify if there is someone
passing. If the sensor identifies that there is a moving object passing the microcontroller
instructs the door to close. The door has a mechanism installed for it to be closed if there is
no moving object passing and again that is another type of sensor.

In order to control a specific device remotely; the microcontroller with sensors. There is a
necessity to attach a connectivity technology to the microcontroller. Examples of these are
Bluetooth, Wireless Fidelity and GSM. Through these connections the mobile phone - which
acts as the remote controller can communicate to the device. Since the smart phones is
capable of identifying Bluetooth, Wireless and other signals it is beneficial to use the cellphone
to control the device remotely. Other than that, another function of connectivity is to send or
collect the data through the cloud storage. What are the data that could possibly be sent from
the device to the cloud? The time, date, and other data that the sensor can identify can be
collected to the cloud.

Let’s go back to the automatic door and we will attach a wireless connection to it for example
the WIFI(Wireless Fidelity). Every time someone will pass the date will be collected and sent
it to the cloud storage.

The mobile phone can detect the Wireless connection. This is the user interface and is built to
control the device wirelessly. The behavior of the device can be controlled automatically
through the use of the smart phone a software which acts as the interface of the controller is
installed to the cellphone. Since our example here is closing the door, what other behavior of

the door can be controlled aside from opening and closing it? The opening size of the door
can be controlled. So, the phone can control how big will be the opening of the door or the
phone can also schedule the time the door can be opened or close.

It is not necessary that the user interface is a mobile application; which is IOS application or
Android application only for this example. User interface can be a desktop application or an
application installed to a specific device that can control remotely.

While the task is being performed remotely the data is being stored in the cloud. The data will
accumulate as time goes by and off course the longer the remotely controlled device will be
used the bigger the data will be collected. This large amount of data can be processed and
analyzed forming a new knowledge.

For example. The gathered data From May to June were analyzed using a specific software. It
shows that the door of the mall open and closes with a very short amount of time interval
during those 2 months. In another year on the same month, the same scenario happened the
door of the mall open and closes in a very short amount of time interval. This resulted to the
management of the mall decided to open constantly the door during May to June since there
is a very short amount of time interval. This saves the electricity of the mall that the door is
using since they will turn off the sensor and just keep the door open.

Benefits of IoT

In addition to how the Internet works, below are the benefits of Internet of Things listed from
the article written by M.Jay ( 2018)
1. Access to High-quality Data
2. Better Tracking and Management
3. Efficient Resource Utilization
4. Automation and Control
5. Comfort and Convenience
6. Saves Time and Money

Use Cases of Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of things really do exist; its existence is never debatable. People can experience it
anytime and anywhere depending how it was built. The following are the real-world
application of Internet of things according to JayM. (2018)
1. Smart Home
2. Wearables
3. Smart Cities
4. Automotive and Transportation
5. Medical and Healthcare
6. Industrial IoT
Technological Convergence

According to a website under searchconvergedinfrastructure.com (What is Technological
Convergence?, n.d.) technological convergence is a term that describes the layers of
abstraction that enable different technologies to interoperate efficiently as a converged
system. In addition, it encompasses two interdependent areas:

1. Technical design - Technical design is occupied with engineering the underlying

infrastructure needed to transport digital content.

2. Functionality refers to the ease of use with which a user can access the same content
on various devices. The functional aspects spring from the efficiency of technical

In addition to that, searchconvergedinfrastructure (What is Technological Convergence?,

n.d.) also gave 3 key topics to discuss under technological convergence. These are
convergent technology fields, the origin of technological convergence and the examples of
technological convergence. These topics are the following:

i. Converging Technology Fields

A good way to evaluate the importance of converging technologies is to consider innovations

from previous generations. Items such as a CD player, cassette deck, console TV or corded
telephone each served only one function, whereas a single modern handheld computing
device can meld several of those functions, with hardly any user intervention required.

For example, people who are not computer-literate are more likely to embrace the Internet
and video on demand if they are able to access these technologies through their televisions.
In general, TV is familiar and non-threatening. Displays are large and TVs nowadays are easy
to operate. Using them to access the web requires almost no training.

Personal computers (PCs), in spite of their graphical user interfaces (GUIs), tend to be more
text-oriented. They are interactive, geared toward business and education uses, and their
displays are smaller. Computers can be challenging for some and may often require formal
education or come with a personal learning curve.

Using a smartphone to make calls and take digital photos and using your digital TV to perform
computing tasks, such as surfing the web while watching a movie, are two more examples of
technological convergence.

Additional examples include the Internet of things (IoT), converged Bluetooth-connected

devices and high-bandwidth Wi-Fi data networks to power intelligent sensors embedded in
household appliances, automobiles, thermostats and similar everyday items.

ii. The Origin of Technological Convergence

Technological convergence is the result of disruptive innovation that combined the previously
siloed fields of telecommunications, IT and media. This movement dates to an era before the
prevalence of mobile wireless networks. At the time, telecommunication providers operated
fixed telephone networks.

Mobile phones appeared in the 1990s as a convenient way to make phone calls on the go.
More recently, smartphones emerged that support various functions through a single
interface, such as gaming, listening to music, checking email or texting. In addition to
multimedia, smart devices include GPS tracking, which supports location-based service (LBS)
for advertising in e-commerce.

Mainstream Internet adoption further fueled convergence by telcos (telecommunications

companies). This led to the development of network convergence, or media convergence,
which enables data, video and voice services to be delivered on a single network. Providers
once limited to telephone services are now able to offer bundled packages of cable TV, voice
and Internet access for a monthly rate.

iii. Examples of Technological Convergence

Aside from telecommunications and media, technological convergence is starting to pervade

other old-line industries. Initially, most newspapers and other print products had little to no
Internet presence. Over time, news outlets recognized the value of integrating new media to
deliver real-time content and boost the reach of advertisers.

• Converging technologies fueled the birth of social media applications for sharing
content via an online platform. Almost every major media outlet has embraced a
DevOps approach to create branded applications in which users may interact directly
with editorial staff and other subscribers via the publisher's Facebook page, Twitter
handle or chatroom.

• Electric vehicles also underscore the blurred lines between disparate technologies.
Because they run on alternative fuels, these vehicles must tap into an interconnected
electricity grid, while also interacting with Internet technologies to analyze and
transmit the data they collect.

• Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human behavior by a computing device.

Chatbots are software-driven tools designed with machine learning and natural
language algorithms. Some companies use chatbots to handle service inquiries. Virtual
assistants, like Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, Google Assistant and Microsoft's Cortana,

are AI chatbots. AI, blockchain and IoT technologies are converging to enable a
tamper-proof ledger for financial transactions.

• Technological convergence enables the film industry to lower costs and add more
interesting effects with digital production. Adversely, digitized content is vulnerable
to piracy through content ripping, and production houses may lose revenue as more
viewers opt for video streaming in place of going to a movie theater.

• Data centers are increasingly considering converged infrastructure (CI) or hyper-

converged infrastructure (HCI). In CI, companies can buy, compute, do networking,
server and storage components by the rack. HCI packages all the components on a
single appliance.

C. Social Media

Social media employ mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive
platforms via which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-
generated content. Given the tremendous exposure of social media in the popular press
today, it would seem that we are in the midst of an altogether new communication landscape
(Kietzmann et al.,2011). Social media has exploded as a category of online discourse where
people create content, share it, bookmark it and network at a prodigious rate (Asur &
Huberman, 2010).

Popular Social Media

1. Facebook - This is the biggest social media network on the Internet, both in terms of
total number of users and name recognition. Founded on February 4, 2004, Facebook
has within 12 years managed to accumulate more than 1.59 billion monthly active users
and this automatically makes it one of the best mediums for connecting people from
all corners of the planet with your business. It is estimated that more than 1 million
small and medium-sized businesses use the platform to advertise their business
(Maina, 2018).

This social media network is tried and true, and no matter your industry, you’ve got a
space on Facebook. Some of the leading industries on Facebook include financial
services, ecommerce, retail, gaming, entertainment, media, telecom, technology,
consumer goods, and automotive businesses. While the News Feed all the time
suppresses business posts, there are still ways to bolster engagement without
investing in ads. Consider joining (or creating) groups, using a Facebook Messenger

chatbot, or using live video to up your engagement. Facebook headquarter is in Menlo
Park, California having 2.38 billion active monthly users in June 29 (Kellog, 2019).

2. Twitter - Launched on July 13, 2006, Twitter is an extremely popular online

microblogging service. It has a very large userbase, consisting of several millions of
users (23M unique user in Jan 3). It can be considered a directed social network, where
each user has a set of subscribers known as followers. Each user submits periodic
status updates, known as tweets, that consist of short messages of maximum size of
140 characters. These updates typically consist of personal information about the
users, news or links to content such as images, video and articles. The posts made by
a user are displayed on the user’s profile page, as well as shown to his/her followers. It
is also possible to send a direct message to another user. Such messages are preceded
by @userid indicating the intended destination. A tweet is a post originally made by
one user that is forwarded by another user. These retweets are a popular means of
propagating interesting posts and links through the Twitter community. Twitter has
attracted lots of attention from corporations for the immense potential it provides for
viral marketing. Due to its huge reach, Twitter is increasingly used by news
organizations to filter news updates through the community. A number of businesses
and organizations are using Twitter or similar micro-blogging services to advertise
products and disseminate information to stakeholders (Asur & Huberman, 2010).

If your business is related to entertainment, sports, politics, or marketing, you stand

to earn tremendous engagement on Twitter. Here, brands have an opportunity to craft
and hone their voice – there is room to be clever and personable besides being
informative and helpful. Jump into threads, provide value, share your own content as
well as others, and join the nonstop conversation. Fast and sometimes furious, certain
businesses really thrive on Twitter. Its headquarters is located in San Francisco
California with 321 active monthly users in June 2019.

3. LinkedIn - Founded on December 14, 2002, and launched on May 5, 2003, LinkedIn is
hands-down the most popular social media site for professional networking. The
website is available in 24 languages and has over 400 million registered users. LinkedIn
is great for people looking to connect with those in similar industries, networking with
local professionals and displaying business related information and statistics (Maina,
2018). Headquarters stated in Mountain View, California with 202 million active
monthly users, within its massive network of professionals, you shall find more than 61
million users in senior positions on LinkedIn. If you are looking for decision makers who
have the power to hire your company, stock your product, or partner with you,

LinkedIn is the place to be. Did you know that 44% of LinkedIn users have an income
above the national median? Or that more than 50% of Americans with a college degree
use LinkedIn? It might not be the flashiest social media network, but there is unlimited
potential for connecting with an elite group of professionals who can make a
difference for your business (Kellog, 2019).

4. Instagram – Launched in October 6, 2010, in Menlo Park, California having 1 billion

active users as of June 2019, Instagram is a smorgasbord of eye-catching visuals and
inspiring creativity. It is likewise a social network where product-based businesses,
influencers, and coaches can thrive. Since introducing shoppable posts in 2018, the
potential ROI for product-based businesses is higher than ever – not only can B2B’s
connect with a massive audience, they can link the product information and sales
straight from the ‘gram. If your target demographic is under 35, Instagram is a gold
mine: 63% of users are between the ages of 18 to 34, with virtually even split between
male and female users (Kellog, 2019). Many of its users use it to post information about
travel, fashion, food, art and similar subjects. The platform is also distinguished by its
unique filters together with video and photo editing features. Almost 95 % of Instagram
users also use Facebook (Maina, 2018).

5. Pinterest - Launched in March 2010, Pinterest is a relatively newcomer in the social

media arena. This platform consists of digital bulletin boards where businesses can pin
their content. Pinterest announced in September 2015 that it had acquired 100 million
users. Small businesses whose target audience is mostly made up of women should
definitely invest in Pinterest as more than half of its visitors are women (Maina, 2018).

Pinterest’s headquarters is located at San Francisco, CA with 291 million active monthly
users in June 2019. Some of the most popular content on Pinterest includes fashion,
food, decor, wedding, workout and DIY-related pins. As well, anything with rich visual
can thrive on Pinterest. Notably, 81% of Pinterest users are female – if you have a
predominantly female audience, that’s a compelling reason to invest time in social
media marketing on Pinterest. That’s not to say that men are not on Pinterest. In fact,
40% of new Pinterest signups are male (Kellog, 2019).

D. Assistive Media

The ATIA or Assistive Technology Industry Association defines Assistive technology (AT) as
any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase,
maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities. According to the
smallbussiness.chron.com written by Dowell, there are diverse examples of Assistive

Technology. Thus, these might be considered as the category for Assistive Media since each
of these contains different examples. The following are the categories of Assistive Technology
based on the article from smallbusiness.chron.com written by Dowell.

• Mobility - Assistive Technology is not necessarily confined to only helping people

interact with computers and other type of informational devices. Technology like
wheelchairs, walkers (and lately the Segway) have been helping the ones with walking
difficulties move themselves around their local environment, even when their legs fail
them. The ability to leave the house and accomplish day-to-day activities by its very
nature increases the ability of those having physical problems with their legs, feet or
balance to continue to communicate normally with the world around them.

• Auditory - The simple act of placing a phone call used to be out of reach for the deaf.
Today, the invention of the Text Telephone allows people with hearing difficulties to
communicate over phone lines to another TTY device through a small keyboard
hooked up on either end, letting users type messages back and forth. The
Telecommunications Relay Service even lets a person without a TTY call a deaf person
through the use of an intermediary operator who types the speaker's words into a text
message that the deaf person can read. She then reads his return messages aloud.

• Motor Skills - Arthritis as well as spinal or cognitive disorders can leave a person unable
to navigate the intricacies of a computer keyboard. A specially designed keyboard or
mouse allows a workaround solution. The rising adept level of voice recognition
technology lets people speak commands to a computer and have it responded
accordingly. Scientist and author Stephen Hawking is an example of a wheelchair-
bound person almost completely paralyzed from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis but who
communicates quite well through the use of a voice synthesizer.

• Blindness - An inability to see a computer monitor or keyboard initially posed an almost

insurmountable hurdle for blind persons to use the Internet. It was not long before
Assistive Technology began offering solutions to such problem in the form of enlarged
screen content for those with limited vision, and software that reads onscreen text for
those who are completely sightless. With web standards more focused on providing
alternate text content to images, the information superhighway is inaccessible to
fewer and fewer people as the years go by.

Submit one copy per person --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
E. Activity

Activity Title: InvenTech

1. Form a group depending how your instructor would group you. If you are going to invent an IOT
Device what would it be? On a bond paper, draw what invention you might want to build according to
what you learned from this unit. Make sure it is wearable and useful. Write its function and your
product specification.
2. Build your own wearable device using your own creativity. You may use recycled materials for this.
3. Present your inventions through fashion show. Never forget to present it in a creative way by
highlighting its uses.
Write the name of Group members:___________________________________________________
------------------------------------------------------------------ Do not write anything on this part, to be filled out by your instructor ----------------------------------------------------
Total number of points: ______
Rubrics for the presentation:

Criteria Limited Adequate Excellent Total

3-4 5-8 8-10
Group Limited participation of 50% to 75 percent 75 to 100% All Members
Members below 50% participated to the participated in the
participated. presentation. presentation
= = =
Relevance to The presentation is The presentation The presentation is relevant
irrelevant to the topic provides an average and very important to the
the Topic
ouput. learning.

Appearance Inappropriate The team just did an The team made an effort in
costume/irrelevant to the average effort for them their appearance relevant to
topic. Improper dress to portray their role. the role they portray.
= = =
Preparation The group shows that Average preparation The group shows that they
they are not prepared. done. are really prepared.
= = =
Imagination and demonstrate little to Demonstrate average to demonstrate insight and
enhance role play. enhance role play. powerfully enhance role play
= = =
= = =

Total Score: __________________

Instructor’s Name and Signature: _____________________________________

F. References

Albright, D. (2017, February 19). 15 Examples of Internet of Things Technology in Use Today.
Retrieved from beebom: https://beebom.com/examples-of-internet-of-things-technology/
Asur, S., & Huberman, B. A. (2010). Predicting the Future With Social Media. ResearchGate.
BASIC TERMINOLOGY. (n.d.). Retrieved from ict-tutor: http://ict-tutor.weebly.com/basic-
BURGESS, M. (2018, February 16). What is the Internet of Things? WIRED explains. Retrieved
from wired: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/internet-of-things-what-is-explained-iot
Dowell, D. (n.d.). Examples of Assistive Technology for Communication. Retrieved from
Examples of Assistive Technology for Communication:
JayM. (2018, NOVEMBER 19). Internet of Things: What It Is, How It Works, Examples and More.
Retrieved from justcreative: https://justcreative.com/2018/11/19/internet-of-things-
Kellog, K. (2019, June 11). 7 Biggest Social media Sites. Retrieved from searchenginejournal:
Kietzmann, J. H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I. P., & Silvestre, B. S. (2011). Social media? Get
serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Elsevier, 241-
M.Jay. (2018, NOVEMBER 19). Internet of Things: What It Is, How It Works, Examples and
More. Retrieved from justcreative: https://justcreative.com/2018/11/19/internet-of-
Maina, A. (2018, June 6). 20 Popular Social Media Sites Right Now. Retrieved from Small
Business Trends: https://smallbiztrends.com/2016/05/popular-social-media-sites.html
Morgan, J. (2014, May 13). A Simple Explanation Of 'The Internet Of Things'. Retrieved from
forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacobmorgan/2014/05/13/simple-explanation-
Ranger, S. (2018, August 21). What is the IoT? Everything you need to know about the Internet
of Things right now. Retrieved from zdnet: https://www.zdnet.com/article/what-is-
Stokes, P. (2018, November 16). Internet of Things Examples 2018: The Main Areas of
Contemporary Success. Retrieved from medium:
What is Technological Convergence? (n.d.). Retrieved from searchconvergedinfrastructure:

Chapter 3: System Software, Application Software and Online Platforms

At the end of the Chapter, the student should be able to:

A. Compare and Contrast the System and Application Software

B. Determine the definition of online platform
C. Compare and Contrast the evolution of web 1.0 to web 3.0

Opening Activity

Individual Activity: Draw a table with two columns. On the first column, write the
software that you are commonly using and on the second column, write your own
experience based on its purpose.

Software Purpose and Experience

Powerpoint It is used many times especially during our class reporting. This
2016 software is used for presentation.

Guided Questions for this Chapter:

1. What is a software?
2. What is System Software and Application Software? What are the differences?
3. What is an Online Platforms?
4. What are the online platforms you commonly used?



Software is very much important to be able to use a certain device. Without this, there will be
no visual communication between the user and the device and humans might find a hard time
understanding the computer. Software is used and made depending upon its purpose. In this
unit, there are three types of software that humans are using - the types of software used in
our computers called Application and System software and the Online platforms browsed
using a software from your computer browser and accessed anytime in the existence of an
Internet connection.

A. System Software

System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer’s

hardware and application programs. If we think of the computer system as a layered model,
the system software is the interface between the hardware and user applications. The
Operating System (OS) is the best-known example of system software. The OS manages all
the other programs in a computer (What is System Software, n.d.).

Types of System Software

System software was made according to its function. It is also used by different kinds of
people depending on what task may need to use it. According to Amuno (2019) there are
different types of System Software and these are the following:

1. Operating System (OS)

2. Device Drivers
3. Firmware
4. Programming Language Translators
5. Utilities

Operating System (OS). Harnesses communication between hardware, system programs, and
other applications. The operating system must be installed first before other application.
Microsoft Office Productivity application and other application will not work without
Operating System. According to turbofuture.com (Amuno A. , 2019) the following are the
types and functions of Operating Systems.
Types of Operating Systems
• Real-Time OS: Is installed in special purpose embedded systems like robots, cars, and
• Single-user and single-task OS: Are installed on single-user devices like phones.

• Single-user and multitask OS: Are installed on contemporary personal computers.
• Multi-user OS: Is installed in network environments where many users have to share
resources. Server OSs are examples of multi-user operating systems.
• Network OS: Is used to share resources such as files, printers in a network setup.
• Internet/Web OS: Is designed to run on the browser that is online.
• Mobile OS: Is designed to run on mobile phones, tablets and other mobile devices.

Functions of Operating Systems

• Provide the interface between the user and hardware through GUI.
• Manage and allocates memory space for applications.
• Process the management of applications, input/output devices, and instructions.
• Configure and manage internal and peripheral devices.
• Manage single or multi-user storage in local and network computers.
• Security management of files and applications.
• Manage input and output devices.
• Detect, install, and troubleshoot devices.
• Monitor system performance through Task Manager and other tools.
• Produce error messages and troubleshooting options.
• Implement interface for network communication.
• Manage printers in single or multi-user systems.
• Internal or network file management

On the same reference, Amuno A. (2019) categorized the examples of operating system
based from the 3 most popular Operating System in 2019. The following are the examples of
Operating System:

Popular OSs for Popular Popular Internet Popular mobile OSs

computers are: network/server OSs /web OSs are: are:
Windows 10 Ubuntu Server Chrome OS iPhone OS
Mac OS X Windows Server Club Linux Android OS
Ubuntu Red Hat Enterprise Remix OS Windows Phone OS

Device Drivers. Enable device communication with the OS and other programs. Driver
software is a type of system software which brings computer devices and peripherals to life
(Amuno A. , 2019). This software must be installed in order to use the newly connected
peripheral or device.

Device Drivers. Enable device communication with the OS and other programs. Driver
software is a type of system software which brings computer devices and peripherals to life
(Amuno A. , 2019). This software must be installed in order to use the newly connected
peripheral or device.

Examples of devices which require Drivers:

Mouse Display card
Keyboard Network card
Soundcard Printer

Firmware. Enables device control, identification. This directly manages and controls all
activities of any single hardware (Amuno A. , 2019). One of the most important firmware in
computers today can be accessed through the BIOS or UEFI which is installed in the
motherboard. BIOS means Basic Input/Output System and UEFI means Unified extended
Firmware Interface Platforms. Then according to Amuno A. (2019) the discussion below is the
process of BIOS and UEFI:

“It is the configuration interface which loads first when the computer is powered up and is
going through POST (Power on Self-Test).

The motherboard firmware starts by waking up all the hardware and ensures that
components like the processor, memory, and disk drives are operational. If all the crucial
components are fine, it will run the bootloader, which will load the Operating System. If the
random-access memory is faulty, the BIOS will not allow the computer to boot up.
The user can change the BIOS and UEFI settings by pressing special keys (a function key,
delete, or the esc key) at boot-up to load the configuration page. The user can configure
security, boot order, time, and other options in the page that pops up.
Though they work differently, firmware compliments drivers in a few ways. Both give
identity to hardware devices, with the latter making the operating system see the device.

The major difference between the two is that firmware will always reside within devices
while drivers will install within the operating system.

Firmware upgrades come from the device manufacturer (not the OS manufacturer). They
are necessary if the user wants computer hardware to receive new hardware and software
support. Firmware will make it possible for devices to work better with old and new
operating systems and applications.

Almost all devices and peripherals are embedded with firmware. Network card, TV tuner,
router, scanner, or monitor and examples of devices which have firmware installed on

Programming Language Translators. The same with human being, computers have their own
language and the same with computers, application or software used different language in
order for it to be created. The language that is used must easily be understood by humans to
comprehend the code. In order for the computer to understand the code there exist the
Programming Language translators.

Popular translator languages are compilers, assemblers, and interpreters; usually designed by
computer manufacturers (Amuno A. , 2019).

Utilities. Ensure optimum functionality of devices and applications. Utilities are types of
system software which sit between system and application software (Amuno A. , 2019).
Usually this software is accessed through the operating system’s settings. It is used for system
maintenance, diagnostics or configuration. Aside from that, this software also performs the
data security task and bundled with the Operating System.

Amuno A. (2019) listed the following the examples and the features of utility software.

• Antivirus and security software for the security of files and applications, e.g.,
Malwarebytes, Microsoft Security Essentials, and AVG.
• Disk partition services such as Windows Disk Management, Easeus Partition Master, and
Partition Magic.
• Disk defragmentation to organize scattered files on the drive. Examples include Disk
Defragmenter, Perfect Disk, Disk Keeper, Comodo Free Firewall, and Little Snitch.
• File Compression to optimize disk space such as WinRAR, Winzip, and 7-Zip.
• Data backup for security reasons, e.g., Cobian, Clonezilla, and Comodo.
• Hardware diagnostic services like Hard Disk Sentinel, Memtest, and Performance Monitor.
• Data recovery to help get back lost data. Examples include iCare Data Recovery, Recuva,
and EaseUs Data Recovery Wizard.
• Firewall for protection against external threats, e.g., Windows Firewall.

B. Application Software

Application software is a program or group of programs designed for end-users. These

programs are divided into two classes: system software and application software. Application
software may be bundled with system software or published alone (What is Application
Software, n.d.).

Application software is a major type of computer software and it is also called as end-user
program. This software is used to edit text, numbers, and legal billing software graphics and

utilizes the capacities of a computer for the completion of task. The application software
includes database programs, word processors, spread sheets, etc.

The following are the different types of Application Software (Different Types of Application
Software, 2010).

i. Word processing software

ii. Database software
iii. Spread sheet software
iv. Multimedia software
v. Presentation software

C. Online Platform

Online Platform. Online platform is a specially-developed platform using Internet technology.

Online platforms have revolutionized access to any information. In our daily life today, we use
Internet in doing things and in our learning purposes (Empowerment Technology, 2017).
Different Online platforms are being used depending on the purpose.

Evolution of Online Platforms. Online platforms are these systems on the web and may be
categorized as E-commerce, File Management and File Sharing, Emails, E-Learning Platforms,
Video Sharing, etc. These platforms have evolved and it improved from web 1.0 to web 3.0.
People continually used these platforms as time went by and advanced by how people define
the ease of access.

The following is the evolution of these online platforms from web 1.0 to web 3.0
(Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 with their difference, n.d.).

i. Web 1.0
Web 1.0 refers to the first stage of the World Wide Web evolution and during this time,
advertisements on websites while surfing the Internet is banned (Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web
3.0 with their difference, n.d.). The same citation listed the four design essentials of a web 1.0
site this include the following:

1. Static pages.
2. Content is served from the server’s file-system.
3. Pages built using Server Side includes Common Gateway Interface (CGI).
4. Frames and tables used to position and align the elements on a page.

ii. Web 2.0
Web 2.0 refers to World Wide Website which highlight user-generated content, usability and
interoperability for end-users, also called participative social web (Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web
3.0 with their difference, n.d.). Geeksforgeeks.org listed the major features of Web 2.0 these
are the following:

1. Free sorting of information, permits users to retrieve and classify the information
2. Dynamic content that is responsive to user input.
3. Information flows between site owner and site users by means of evaluation and online
4. Developed APIs to allow self-usage, such as by a software application.
5. Web access leading to concern different from the traditional Internet user base to a wider
variety of users.

iii. Web 3.0

Web 3.0 refers to the evolution of Web utilization and interaction this also called “Semantic
Web (3.0)”. This evolution promises to establish “the world’s information” in more
reasonable way than Google can ever attain with their existing engine schema (Web 1.0,
Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 with their difference, n.d.).Below are 5 main features that can help us
define Web 3.0 according to geeksforgeeks.org.

1. Semantic Web
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. 3D Graphics
4. Connectivity
5. Ubiquity

Difference between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0

WEB 1.0 WEB 2.0 WEB 3.0

Mostly Read-Only Wildly Read-Write Portable and Personal

Company Focus Community Focus Individual Focus

Home Pages Blogs/Wikis Live-streams/Waves

Owning Content Sharing Content Consolidating Content

Web Forms Web Applications Smart Applications

Difference between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0

WEB 1.0 WEB 2.0 WEB 3.0

Directories Tagging User Behavior

Page Views Cost Per Click User Engagement

Banner Advertising Advertising Behavioral Advertising

Britannica Online Wikipedia The Semantic Web


D. Online Safety and Security

Online Safety and security is a must nowadays. People need to be careful of whom to trust
online. Being secured online must not be disregarded McDowell (2016) listed the following
tips to be secured online:

i. Keep your browser software up-to-date.

ii. Be more secure.
iii. When in doubt, ignore.
iv. Keep your private information safe.
v. Use private networks for sensitive transactions
vi. Go stealth when browsing.

Netiquette. This is the standard of attitude that should be followed online. Human
communication is the real deal in online communication. The same with the proper etiquette
in talking to people the using website or living in the online world corresponds proper
etiquette to be followed called as netiquette the following are the netiquette listed from
techterms.com in 2017:

• Avoid posting inflammatory or offensive comments online (a.k.a flaming).

• Respect others' privacy by not sharing personal information, photos, or videos that
another person may not want published online.
• Never spam others by sending large amounts of unsolicited email.
• Show good sportsmanship when playing online games, whether you win or lose.

• Don't troll people on Web forums or website comments by repeatedly nagging or annoying
• Stick to the topic when posting on online forums or when commenting on photos or videos,
such as YouTube or Facebook comments.
• Don't swear or use offensive language.
• Avoid replying to negative comments with more negative comments. Instead, break the
cycle with a positive post.
• If someone asks a question and you know the answer, offer to help.
• Thank others who help you online.

E. Contextualized online search and research skills

Search engines are very convenient. It gives us almost all the answer of different questions
around the world. It is a very intelligent machine that gives the quickest answer. In 2018 Higgin
gives the essential tips of searching based from google users, thus these tips can be applied
to all search engines.

1. Use quotation marks to find exact wording.

Img src: https://www.commonsense.org/education/articles/5-must-have-google-search-tips-for-students

2. Use "OR" to get options.

Img src: https://www.commonsense.org/education/articles/5-must-have-google-search-tips-for-students

3. Use a hyphen (or minus symbol) to remove options.

Img src: https://www.commonsense.org/education/articles/5-must-have-google-search-tips-for-students

4. Use "site:" to limit your search to within one website.

Img src: https://www.commonsense.org/education/articles/5-must-have-google-search-tips-for-students

5. Use "site:" and a country code to explore sources from a particular place.

Img src: https://www.commonsense.org/education/articles/5-must-have-google-search-tips-for-students

Other useful tips for Google research:

• Add "@[name of social media site]" after your search words to get results from only that
• Use "intitle:" to only get results with your search words in the title.
• Use "related:" before a web address you know to find results from similar sites.

Submit one copy per person --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

F. Activity

Activity Title: Compare and Contrast!

Instruction: On the table below. List all the Software that you mentioned in the opening activity. Identify
it as an application software or a system software. Write the functions and features.

Write your name: _________________________________________


Software Name Application Software/System Software Functions and Features

Total Score:________________________
Instructor’s Name and Signature: _____________________________________

G. References

Amuno, A. (2019, February 8). The Five types of System Software. Retrieved from Turbo
Future: https://turbofuture.com/computers/The-Five-Types-of-System-Software
Amuno, A. (2019, February 8). The Five Types of Systems Software. Retrieved from
Turbofuture: https://turbofuture.com/computers/The-Five-Types-of-System-Software
Different Types Of Application Software. (2010, February 14). Retrieved from top100points:
Empowerment Technology. (2017, August 21). Retrieved from Online Platforms for ICT
Content: https://erikseanblog.wordpress.com/2017/08/21/online-platforms-for-ict-
Higgin, T. (2018, November 6). Is Google OK for formal research? Sure ... if you know how to
use it. Retrieved from commonsense:
McDowell, K. (2016, May 31). August: Online Safety and Security. Retrieved from educause:
Netiquette. (2017, December 30). Retrieved from Techterms:
Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 with their difference. (n.d.). Retrieved from geeksforgeeks:
What is Application Software. (n.d.). Retrieved from Techopedia:
What is System Software. (n.d.). Retrieved from Techtarget:

Chapter 4: Word Processing Software

At the end of the unit, students shall have been able to:

1. Define the Word Processing Software

2. Identify the different Word Processing Software
3. Define Microsoft Word
4. Identify the basic tools and IDE of Microsoft word
5. Practice and Apply Basic Microsoft Word Skills
6. Learn and Apply the intermediate skills in Microsoft word
Word Processing Software

Word processing describes the process of creating or editing a document using a word
processor, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or OpenOffice Writer. For example, with a
word processor, a student could create a book report and then print it, save it to a disk, display
it on screen, or send it over e-mail. Also, a person looking for a job could create a résumé using
a word processor, then e-mail or print and mail it to job recruiters (What is Word Processing,

Word processing software is used to create and edit text documents, including business
reports, student homework and even creative works such as novels, poems and screenplays.
Essentially, all word processing programs in use today enable you to use a diverse variety of
font and text-formatting options, including multi-colored text, document headers, as well as
footers and the ability to choose different text size and spacing options. Earlier examples of
word processor software had fewer options (Melendez, 2019).

Examples of Word Processors

As mentioned, word processing software is used to create and edit text documents. The
following are the examples of word processors listed by Melendez (2019).

a. Microsoft Word
b. Google Docs
c. Free and Open Source Tools
d. Word Processors and Text Editors

NOTE: Word Processor Compatibility Issues - Most word processing software can input and
output files in a few standard formats, including various Microsoft Word file formats, the
standard format called Rich Text Format, plain text files without any formatting and PDF files.
Still, there can be some differences in how different word processing software displays and prints
the same file, so it can be useful to make sure you are using the same tools as your colleagues,
especially when working with complex formatting.


Opening Activity:

On the table below, give atleast 20 examples of tools found in the ribbon tab of Microsoft word. Write
the name of tools in the left side of the table and write the description and function in the left side of the

Tools Description and Function

Guided Questions for this Chapter:

1. What are the basic skills in Microsoft word?

2. Microsoft word can be used.
3. What are some examples of documents in which advance skills of Microsoft word can be


A. Introduction to Microsoft Word

Hewitt from brighthub.com retold the Brief History of Microsoft Word:

The first versions were developed in 1981 under a different name, but the brand was born in 1983
when Microsoft produced the Multi-Word Tool for Xenix, a Microsoft-developed operating
system based on UNIX. New versions were soon developed for MS-DOS, Apple Macintosh and
other major operating systems. However, it remained a relatively complex piece of software that
could only be easily operated by text commands, which acted as a barrier to entry for the casual
user. Word processing remained a highly technical skill, with basic formatting requiring that the
user to memorize dozens of key combinations and text inputs.

In 1989, the first graphical version of Microsoft Word was released for Windows 3.0, ushering in
a new era of professional software. While the price was an eye-popping $500, and the
performance left something to be desired, the relative ease of use of this new version – it could
be understood intuitively, helped to establish Word as the market leader and industry standard.
Corel WordPerfect, the other major word processing competitor, had a similar user interface and
was also easy to understand but they failed to release a Windows version before Word 2.0 was
released in 1991. That error would prove fatal for Corel in the long run.

Word 97 acted as the codebase for subsequent versions up to Word 2000, and by that time,
Microsoft had no significant competition in the Word processing field. Software is essentially a
form of language, so it is not surprising that it has been so common in recent history to see one
particular software product achieve almost complete market dominance. It is like English being
the most commonly used language in the US; it simply provides more utility that everyone can
communicate using the same standard, even if there are various inefficiencies with the system.

Word remains the most popular word processor on the market for all common consumer
operating systems. The most significant competition now comes from open source alternatives
like Open Office, but the fact that Word itself cannot edit that file format limits the degree to
which it is likely to expand into Word’s market share.

B. The Word Interface

Opening Word for the first time, the Start Screen will appear. The user will be able to create a
new document, choose a template or access the recently edited documents. To access the
word interface, locate and select the blank document (Word 2016 - Getting Started with Word,

Img src: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/word2016/getting-started-with-word/1/ Retrieved date: 08/10/2019

C. The Ribbon
Word uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus.
The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, which you can find near the top of the Word window
(Word 2016 - Getting Started with Word, n.d.). Each tabs are grouped according to the
commands. These group of commands are separated and an arrow pointing in the bottom
corner right can be found in the bottom corner right of every separated group. If this button
can be clicked , each command’s settings can be found. The group of commands, usually
called command groups.

Img src: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/word2016/getting-started-with-word/1/Retrieved date: 08/10/2019

A button placed in the upper right corner of the interface , this allows the user to
customize the visibility of the ribbon. In this button, the whole ribbon or either of the tabs and
commands can be hidden.

D. The Quick Access Toolbar

Img src: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/word2016/getting-started-with-word/1/ Retrieved

date: 08/10/2019

Quick access toolbar is found in the upper left corner of the interface. By default, this part
contains save, undo, redo and email thus other commands from ribbon can also be added. To
add commands in the quick access toolbar, click the arrow pointing down, . Aside from
the listed commands, two options can be found More Commands and Show Below the ribbon.
Show Below the ribbon will change the display position of the quick access toolbar below the
ribbon. If More Commands will be clicked Quick Access Toolbar Option will appear. Adding
specific commands from popular commands, commands not on the ribbon, all commands and
etc. can be added as shown in the image below.

Img src: Microsoft Word 2016
Retrieved date: 08/10/2019

E. The Ruler

Ruler is necessary for the indention of the text and paragraphs; rulers can’t be seen if
it is hidden. To display the ruler, click the View tab and from the Show command group
then check the Ruler checkbox.

Img src: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/word2016/getting-started-with-word/1/

Retrieved date: 08/10/2019

F. Document Views and Zooming

There are three kinds of document views in Microsoft word, Read Mode, Print Layout and
Web Layout. Zooming is another tool for viewing. The following are the definition of these
viewing options according to edu.gcfglobal.org (Word 2016 - Getting Started with Word, n.d.)

These three can be switched depending to the needs of the user.

• Read Mode: This view opens the document to a full screen, and is great for
reading large amounts of text or simply reviewing your work (Word 2016 - Getting
Started with Word, n.d.).

Img src: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/word2016/getting-started-with-word/1/ Retrieved date: 08/10/2019

• Print Layout: This is the default document view in Word. It shows what the
document will look like on the printed page (Word 2016 - Getting Started with Word,

Img src: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/word2016/getting-started-with-word/1/ Retrieved date: 08/10/2019

• Web Layout: This view displays the document as a webpage, which can be helpful
if you are using Word to publish content online (Word 2016 - Getting Started with
Word, n.d.).

Img src: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/word2016/getting-started-with-word/1/ Retrieved date: 08/10/2019

• Zooming in and Out: To zoom in or out, click and drag the zoom control slider in the bottom-
right corner of the Word window. You can also select the + or - commands to zoom in or
out by smaller increments. The number next to the slider displays the current zoom
percentage, also called the zoom level (Word 2016 - Getting Started with Word, n.d.).

Img src: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/word2016/getting-started-with-word/1/ Retrieved date: 08/10/2019

G. The Basic Skills in Microsoft Word

Inserting image in Microsoft word

Suppose, you already opened the word application by searching it on your Windows Search
bar. From the interface of word, in the ribbon, click the insert tab and from the illustration
command group, click the picture.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

A file explorer will pop up allowing the user to insert what image will be placed from the
drive. Select the image you wanted to insert from your drive.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

When the image is placed on the document pane, the image resize controls will be available.
To use the resize controls, you can hover the mouse to those small circles that connect the
border of the image. The resize cursor will appear. After placing the image picture format, tab
from the ribbon will appear allowing the user to edit the picture format. There are different
picture formats in Microsoft word.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Inserting Text

Suppose, word is already open, from the ribbon under insert tab and command group Text,
click the tool Text Box. There are different built-in styles that will appear, just click the desired
textbox. After clicking it, the textbox with instruction inside will show. From the keyboard
while the text is being highlighted, just press the delete key and start typing. The position of
the textbox is also allowed; try to hover the mouse on the boarder of the textbox and a black
arrow with four arrows will appear. Just click, hold and move the cursor to the desired place.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Saving Files

This can be done by different methods. Method 1 is to press the ctrl hold and press S (ctrl +
s). Save will pop up, and you can select the file folder where your file is to be placed. Then
click Save. You can also try different method aside from this.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Intermediate Skills in Microsoft Word

In Microsoft Word, things like inserting references and citation are very possible. People did
not mind using it because they thought these features were not available in Microsoft word.

a. References tab – The references tab found in Ribbons by default contain seven command
groups and three groups will be tackled in this unit, 1) Citations & Bibliography, 2) Table of
Contents and 3) Captions Section. These features are very much useful especially for students
and academic researchers.

i. Citations & Bibliography – Copying and pasting a not owned reference is not that good and
could lead to plagiarism that is why, proper citation must be practiced. In Microsoft Word, a
feature in which putting a citation at the end of the statement is available. The following are
the steps on how to properly cite sources automatically without memorizing any APA or MLA

Step 1: In this example, a website source from cnbc.com is being used. First thing is to copy
and paste the article or the source that is needed. Next is to insert the citation at the end of
the article being copied

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 2: From the references tab under the citation and bibliography command group, select
the proper reference style necessary. Make sure to choose the proper reference style, for this
example APA sixth Edition will be followed.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 3. After making sure the correct reference format, click insert citation. From there you
can see two options the Add New Source and Add New Placeholder. Click the Add New

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 4. The Create source form will pop up. First select the type of reference source you are
copying. On this example a website type of source is used. Fill in the necessary fields if some
details are lacking then just leave it Blank. If you are done click Ok.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 5. After Clicking Ok, the citation at the end of the copied article is placed. You can also
convert the source by just hovering the cursor to the inserted citation and an arrow pointing
downward will appear in case you want to edit your source or you want to convert it to just
static text.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 6: You can repeat the steps and add other citation needed to what you are writing. It can
be identified if the sources were added to the list of citation because the list will be showing
in the insert citation of the command group Citations & Bibliography under References tab.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 7: If done adding all the citations, the Bibliography must be placed. This shows the list of
all the sources in details. For this example, the arrangement of the details is based from the
selected style APA format. Inserting Bibliography can be done by just clicking the Bibliography
option of the Citations and Bibliography command group under References tab. You can
select your desired format first then after clicking the desired format, the bibliography will

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

ii. Table of Contents – The table of contents is quite a tricky feature, because it does not show
up by just simply clicking the table of contents from the references tab. It needs proper
coordination with the text styles found in the home tab and page numbers found in the insert

Suppose Microsoft Word is already open. You are making a research paper having 7 parts -
Introduction, Review of Related Literature, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion,
Recommendation and References. These parts necessitate content first before you create the
table of contents since subheading might appear.

Step 1: After typing the text (For this example, Introduction), highlight it and from the Ribbons
on the Home tab under the command group styles, choose Heading 1. Then, don’t forget to

put Roman Numeral (I. Introduction for this example) or Heading number. The color will
change but just change through Home tab under Font command group.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 2: If there are sub parts for example Project Context, General Objectives and Specific
Objectives, repeat Step 1 but after highlighting the text instead of selecting Heading 1 as its
style, do choose Heading 2. Please put letters for proper hierarchy as applied in the image
below. If you need to put another sub heading under Heading 2, you can use Heading 3 from
the styles.

Image from:Microsoft
Image from: Microsoft word
word 2016

Step 3: Flow these steps for all other parts II to VII. Don’t forget to change the Heading Style
if there will be sub headings. The next step can be done before adding the content but can
also be done after adding all the content and the proper style applied. This step is inserting
the page number, found on the Ribbons, under the Header and Footer Command Group of
Insert Tab. In this example, page number is inserted on the Bottom of the Page using Plain
Number 3.

from: Microsoft word2016
Microsoft word 2016

Step 4: Shown in the image below, page number is already added. In this case, all the page
already contains page numbers.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 5: For the next step, finally inserting the Table of Contents, free up the 1st page. Do not
delete the Introduction but just transfer Introduction to page 2 as shown on the image

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 6: Place the cursor on Page 1 then from the Ribbons, click the References tab and select
Table of Contents. Just choose Automatic Table 2.

Image from:
Image from:Microsoft
Microsoftword 2016
word 2016

Step 7: Automatically, the Table of Contents is inserted. In case you have an update on your
document, your page number might change thus, you can just update the page number by
just placing the cursor to the table of contents then click Select for whatever
options you need.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Breaks using page numbers and orientation – Although this part is not part of Reference tab
anymore, but this discussion is quite important since this gives so much importance
especially in writing research papers in Microsoft Document. The following are common
problems about this topic:

1.How to change the page number of the second page to 1?

2. How not to put page number on the first page setting it as the cover page and making the
next page as page 1.
3.How to put Roman Numeral page numbers to the first 3 pages and Arabic Numbers to the
rest of the pages?
4. How to make one page of the document landscape while other continue to become
portrait in order to add wider tables.?

Answers to all of these questions can be found in this section.

1. Breaks and Page Numbers – These two functions are found on different tabs and different
command groups but if used accordingly, could give a very interesting output.

i. Changing the page number of second page to 1. Making 1st page as Cover Page.

Step 1: Make sure not to add first the page number before doing this. In our last example,
inserting Table of contents was done, so let us use the same example. Remove first the

Table of Contents inserted; we will just add it later. In this scenario, Introduction was placed
on page 1. Place the cursor on the beginning of the page as shown below:

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Then from the Layout tab under Page Setup command group select then on the
Section Breaks click Next Page. Next, click the Insert tab from the Ribbons then under Header
& Footer, click Page number. Select Bottom of the Page then use Plain Number 3.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 2: After clicking the Plain Number 3, Header & Footer tab shows up. Under the Navigation
tab Command Group, the Link to Previous, unclick the Link to Previous but make sure it is not

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 3: After making sure that Link to Previous is disabled, proceed to the Header & Footer
Command Group on the same Ribbon tab. Then select Page Number. The Page Number Format
shows up under the Page numbering, then select Start at: then change 0 to 1.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 4. Just delete the 1 from the first page. From here on, second page becomes page 1 and
the first page can be used as Cover page.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

ii. Roman Numeral Page on First 3 Pages and Arabic for the Rest.

This process is quite the same as with the last process. We are also going to use the last
document. Place the cursor on the first page. Then do the same process:

Step 1: Click Layout Tab from the Ribbon then, Click Breaks. Under Section Breaks, select Next
page. From the ribbons, select Insert Tab under Header & Footer click Page Number. Choose
Bottom of the Page then use Plain Number 3. Unclick Link to Previous from the Header & Footer
tab which just showed up. Make sure it is not being selected.

Then, under the same Ribbon tab under the Header & Footer command group, click Page
Number, then choose Format Page numbers. Page Number format just pops up - this time
choose the roman numeral Number format. Then, under the Page Numbering, choose Start
at, then, it automatically uses “i” as the first page.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

There you go. You can add contents like About the Author, Acknowledgement or the Table of
Contents itself. These parts are not that very important on the Table of Contents. Just update
your Table of Contents if you have changes.

iii. Changing the orientation of one page at the middle of the document

While doing your research, you need to add a table in your methodology thus, your table is
so wide that the only option is to use the Landscape Orientation and you don’t want other
pages to be affected. Here’s the step for you.

Step1: In the Page Layout Tab, under the Page set-up command group, click Breaks.
Step2: Then, select Next Page. After that choose landscape as its Orientation.
Step3: Just adjust the Page number if you already inserted one, but this process is the best for
beginners if the page number is not yet added. Practice and be patient!

Mailings tab

Mailings tab in Microsoft Word is very much useful especially in creating certificates
and letters with almost the same content, class report cards, other cards, email and lots more.
This feature in Microsoft Word is to be used if there are many recipients and the content is
almost the same. We need not create the number of files based on the number of people
hence, we are just going to use mail merge. For example, your teacher assigns you to create
50 certificates for the top 50 students of your batch. The citation of all the fifty certificates is
almost the same; it only varies with the student’s name, grade and awards received. In this
scenario, you don’t need to create 50 files but just create 1 file and apply mail Merge.

Steps in Mail Merge

Step 1: Suppose Microsoft Word is already open. First thing to do in starting Mail Merge is to
Open Microsoft Word. If Microsoft Word is already open, then creating a template for
certificate follows. The template below will be used for this unit’s certificate activity. Make
sure to create first a certificate template. Font style: Candara, Font size: 16

Step 2: After that, proceed to Mailings tab from the Ribbon then, from the start Mail Merge
command groups choose Select Recipients. There are three options:

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Type a New List: This literally means adding items needed to make a list. When Selected the
New Address List will pop up, this allow user to input the list needed based on the document.
There are default columns for this - Title, First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Address
Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Zip Code, Country or Region, Home Phone, Work Phone, E-
mail Address. You can customize these columns by just clicking the Customize Columns found
at the bottom of the Address List.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

There are 6 buttons available for customizing address list. Add button is used to add another
field name. Delete button is used to delete specific field name. There is a need to select the
field to delete it. The same with the Rename button - a specific field is to be selected before
renaming it. Select also a specific field name to move up and move down a specific field. Click
Ok if you are done with the changes or click Cancel if customizing is no longer needed.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Use an Existing List: There is a need to have a file that has an existing list before using this
feature. The file must be in a format which mail merge supports.

File types, the mail merge

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Choose from Outlook contacts: For this, you need to create Microsoft Outlook profile before

Step 3: Type a New List is used for this example. Type the List of Names necessary, delete all
the Fields except for First Name and Last Name. Add 2 Fields Middle Initial and Grade. If you are
done, click OK then Microsoft Word asks you to save the list of names as .mdb file by default.
Save your work as Listofstudents. Follow the names on the image below:

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 4: Place the cursor on the (Student Name), highlight all the text including the
parenthesis. From the Write & Insert Field Settings command group, click Insert Merge Field.
The fields of the list of column names that you have created will appear. Click first the
FirstName, then press the space key so that there will be spaces between First Name and the
Middle Initial. Then again, from the Write & Insert Fields command group select Middle Initial.
Then press space and from the Write & Insert Field Settings command, click Last Name. The
Output should look like from that of the image below.

Step 5: Continue the process and insert the Student Grade. Just follow the same process, only
that you are going to select the Student Grade. It should look like the image below.

Step 6: If you observe, the Preview Results under Mailings tab under the Preview Results
Command Group, just press it then the <<First_Name>> <<Middle_Inital>> <<Last_Name>>
will be transformed to the Student Names from the list.

Step 7: Then, from the Preview Results command group under the Mailings tab click, you can
see a Go To Record option which only appears if you completed and correctly followed all the
steps. Just click the button which looks like Play.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 8: Printing the document is the last process of this Mail Merge feature of Microsoft Word.
From the Finish & Merge Command Group, click Print Documents. Just select the All from the
Print Records. Click Ok if done. For this option, you can also select specific students only

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Step 9: The Last process is just the selection of Printer option. Just select the desired printer.
Then, click Ok if you are done.

Image from: Microsoft word 2016

Submit only one copy per group --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

H. Activity

Activity Title: WordIT!

Form a group of 5 members and think of a research proposal title from any categories. Create a
proposal paper with the following parts:
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
A. Background of the Study
B. Objectives
C. Specific Objectives
II. Review of Related Literature
III. Methodology [In this part, a table containing all the observation must be placed, the
page of the table should be in landscape page orientation. The rest are all portrait]
IV. Conclusion
V. References
Follow the features that were discussed. The first two pages should not contain page numbers, the
summary and table of contents should have a page number of i, ii, iii, iv… and the page starting from
Introduction should start having the page number of 1,2,3,4,5,6 ...The image below shows the format
of the first two pages:

Submit only one copy per group --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Settings from Chapter I to V:

1. Font size of heading and content must be: 12
2. Chapter headings must be Bold and should be Heading 1
3. Subheading must not be bold and must be set to Heading 2
4. Pages from Chapter I to V should contain at least 10 pages
5. Margin: Top, sides and bottom: 1 inch
6. Paper size: A 4

Bonus points:
List of figures and list of tables were not discussed. Add the list of tables and figures for a bonus
Write the name of Group members:

------------------------------------------------------------------ Do not write anything on this part, to be filled out by your instructor ------------------------------------------------------------------

Criteria Limited Adequate Excellent Total

3-4 5-8 8-10
Group Limited participation of 50% to 75 percent 75 to 100% All Members
Members below 50% participated to the participated in the
participated. presentation. presentation
= = =
Application of The result shows The result shows that the The result is superb.
incorrect process *this process from this chapter Perfectly followed the
this chapter’s
means didn’t apply the was followed thus, some chapter’s discussion and
discussion chapter’s process and were incomplete or just provided superb output.
discussion did the minimum criteria.

Relevance Inconsistent output. Just a minimum effort The team made an effort in
Shows clear copy and given to the project. the overall project. It shows
pasting of content and Made for compliance that the team is ready for
very manual application only. using the Microsoft word’s
of MS Word. features.
= = =

= = =

= = =

I. References

Hewitt, J. (n.d.). A Brief History of Microsoft Word: How This Word Processor Got to Where it Is
Today. Retrieved from Brighthub:
Melendez, S. (2019, April 24). Examples of Wordprocessors. Retrieved from smallbusiness:
What is Word Processing. (2018, 11 13). Retrieved from Computer Hope:
Word 2016 - Getting Started with Word. (n.d.). Retrieved from GCF Learnfree:

Chapter 5. Presentation Software

At the end of the Unit, the student should be able to:

1. Recall the definition of Presentation Software

2. Give examples of different Presentation Software
3. Define Microsoft PowerPoint

Opening Activity:

On the table below write the menus (as many as you can)with function of Microsoft Powerpoint and
Microsoft Excel not present in other Microsoft Office Productivity Software.

Microsoft Powerpoint

Menu Function

Microsoft Excel

Menu Function

Guided Questions for this Chapter:

1. What is the difference between Microsoft powerpoint and other presentation

2. What do you think are the unique features of Microsoft powerpoint comparing to
other presentation software?
3. What is a spreadsheet software?
4. What makes Microsoft spreadsheet special to other spreadsheet software


Presentation Software

Presentation Software is an application that helps the listener to visualize a certain topic in a
more digital manner. Likewise, it allows the presenter or speaker to infuse some creativity into
the presentation in such a way as to insert multimedia, audio, symbols, clip art and so on, that
can help relay the message in a more organized format. According to techopedia.com (What
is Presentation Software”, n.d.), the Presentation Software can be divided into business
presentation software and general multimedia authoring software. This means that the use
of the Presentation Software is very flexible that is, can be used in a more professional type
of presentation or simply to create multimedia presentation.

Different Presentation Software

There are different examples of Presentation Software that exist nowadays from offline
applications to Web applications. Truly, the Web contributes to the different development of
Presentation Software because of the cross-platform features of Web browsers. Apart from
online and offline versions of Presentation Software that exist today, the availability of
mobile versions of office productivity applications is rapidly increasing. The following are the
examples of Presentation Software:

i. Microsoft PowerPoint
ii. WPS Kingsoft Software
iii. Icloud Keynote
iv. Canva
v. Google Slides
vi. Prezi

A. Microsoft Powerpoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is an application software under Microsoft Office productivity

applications used for organizing presentations. According to techopedia (What is Microsoft
PowerPoint, n.d.). Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful tool developed by Microsoft that is
bundled together with Word, Excel and other office productivity applications which uses
slides to convey information.

Learning the IDE and basic tools of Microsoft PowerPoint.

Quick access
toolbar Ribbons


Slide Slide Pane

Vertical and
Scroll Bars

Zoom Control

Image from Microsoft Powerpoint 2016

In Microsoft powerpoint, viewing options are different compared to word and excel. Aside
from the zoom control which is very popular in office productivity applications, there are 3
kinds of viewing options Normal, Slide Sorter and Reading View.

Image from gcflearnfree.com Retrieved date: 08/12/ 2019

Slide Sorter View: The slide sorter view gives a thumbnail like view of the slides as shown in
the image below:

Slide Sorter View: The slide sorter view gives a thumbnail like view of the slides as shown in
the image below:

Image from MS Powerpoint 2013

Reading View: Just like the reading mode of Microsoft Word, the Microsoft Powerpoint also
offers a reading view mode view:

B. Hyperlinking in Presentations

In Microsoft 2016, hyperlinking can be found from the Insert tab and from the links
command group. Shown below.

This command group is disabled if there is no object being selected. In order to make this
command group active, a shape or an object must be added to the slide pane. On the link icon,
click this after inserting the image so that the address of the link will be assigned properly. An
insert hyperlink will appear and there are 4 available options for linking a specific object. The
first one is existing file or web page, the second is place in this document, the third is create a
new document and lastly, the e-mail address.

a. Animation
In Microsoft PowerPoint, the animation tab provides the best experience in adding
movements to the objects being added to the slides. Same with hyperlink, some of the tools
under animation will not work if there is no object being added. There are four command
groups under animation: Preview, Animation, Advanced Animation, and Timing. The preview
command group lets a user play the animations on the slide. In the Animation tab, lists all the
animation offered by Microsoft PowerPoint.

Image from MS Powerpoint 2013

The image below shows the list of animation which is grouped into three: Entrance, Emphasis
and Exit. Other than that, the motion paths animation is also available in this Presentation
Software. This motion paths allow the presenter to edit the motion of the objects while being
animated and that is through the Effect Options found within the animation command group.

Image from MS Powerpoint 2013

In the advanced animation command group, the Add Animation provides the same list of
animations. Beside it, the three options - Animation Pane, Trigger and Animation Painter is
listed. If Animation pane is clicked, a pane will appear on the right side of the screen. This
provides the lists of objects that contain animation.

Image from MS Powerpoint 2013

The settings of a specific object’s animation can be edited by merely clicking the arrow from
the object with animation listed in the Animation Pane. Select whether to start the
animation on click, start the animation with previous or start the animation after previous.

Image from MS Powerpoint 2013

Clicking the Effect Options allows the user to edit the effect, timing and animation. The
Effect Options can be categorized into two: Settings and Enhancements.

Image from MS Powerpoint 2013

The timing Animations Option gives options to edit the start time, the delay of the
animation, the duration of the animation, and the number of repeats it will loop.

Image from MS Powerpoint 2013

The text animation allows the text to move as a group or individuals as objects.

Image from MS Powerpoint 2013

C. Activity

Activity Title: POWERIT


Form a Group. Let’s go back to your invention Activity in Chapter 2. Create a PowerPoint
presentation about your invention. Present it in class in a creative way. Remember that your
imagination is the limit.

Write the name of Group members:

------------------------------------------------------------------ Do not write anything on this part, to be filled out by your instructor ---------------------------------------------------
Total number of points: ______
Rubrics for the presentation:

Criteria Limited Adequate Excellent Total

3-4 5-8 8-10
Group Limited participation of 50% to 75 percent 75 to 100% All Members
Members below 50% participated to the participated in the
participated. presentation. presentation
= = =
Relevance to The presentation is The presentation The presentation is relevant
irrelevant to the topic provides an average and very important to the
the Topic
ouput. learning.

Appearance Inappropriate The team just did an The team made an effort in
costume/irrelevant to average effort for them their appearance relevant to
the topic. Improper to portray their role. the role they portray.
dress code.
= = =
Preparation The group shows that Average preparation The group shows that they
they are not prepared. done. are really prepared.
= = =
Imagination demonstrate little to Demonstrate average demonstrate insight and
enhance role play. to enhance role play. powerfully enhance role
and Creativity
= = =

= = =

Total Score: __________________

Instructor’s Name and Signature: _____________________________________

D. References

Microsoft Powerpoint 2016. Retreived from: Microsoft Powerpoint 2016. Retrieved date:

Chapter 6. Spreadsheet Software

At the end of the Unit, the student should be able to:

1. Identify the IDE and the basic tools of Microsoft PowerPoint

2. Define Spreadsheet Software
3. Distinguish the basics of Microsoft Excel
4. Apply the basic tools and functions of Microsoft Excel
5. Compute using the basic functions and formula of Microsoft Excel
6. Demonstrate how to create Pivot Table and Pivot Chart

Opening Activity:

On the table below write the menus (as many as you can)with function of Microsoft Excel not present
in other Microsoft Office Productivity Software.

Microsoft Excel

Menu Function

Guided Questions for this Chapter:

1. What is a spreadsheet software?

2. What makes Microsoft spreadsheet special to other spreadsheet software


Spreadsheet Software

Spreadsheet Software is an Application Software and an office productivity application that

helps a user perform numerical functions and analyze numbers through a digital version of
accounting sheets. It is mainly used by scientists, teachers, accountants etc.

Examples of Spreadsheet Software are Microsoft Excel Lotus 123, Google sheets and so forth.
Microsoft Excel is the most popular and widely-used application software today.

Microsoft Excel

A definition from techopedia (Techopedia, n.d.) states that MS Excel is a commercial

spreadsheet application produced and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and
Mac OS. It functions almost the same with other spreadsheet application software.

A. Introduction to MS Excel: Learn the GUI and basic tools of Microsoft Excel

Graphical User Interface of MS Excel

There are parts in Microsoft office productivity applications present in Microsoft Excel. The
image below is the graphical user interface of Microsoft Excel which labels are unique only in
Microsoft Excel. Besides these labels, Excel contains cells, rows and columns. Cell is the basic
unit of life when talking about biology and cell in excel is also the basic unit of spreadsheet.
Cells are the spaces in between grids, and the intersection between rows and columns. Rows
are composed of cells aligned horizontally and identified by numbers while columns are also
composed of cells aligned vertically. Columns are identified by letters.

Name box Formula Bar

Active Cell

tabs Pageviews

• ActiveCell: Active cell is the cell that is currently selected which has a bolder border. In some
other version of Excel, the border is in blue and black color and in 2016 and 2013 version,
the active cell border is in color green.

• Namebox: This part is where the address of the activeCell is located. For instance, from the
image above, since a cell is named through rows and columns, cell A1 is selected and its
address or name is also located in the Namebox. This means that a particular address of the
selected cell can be found in the Namebox.

• Formula Bar: The formula bar shows the formula or anything that is typed or placed inside
the cell.

• Worksheet tabs: Microsoft Excel contains worksheets and can also contain about 255
worksheets in the latest version. The plus-like button beside the last worksheet is used to
add another sheet.

• Pageviews: This part shows the view of the specific worksheet and it contains 3 parts - the
Normal View, Page Layout View, and Page Break Preview. The default view for this is the
Normal View.

B. Basic Tools of Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is an office productivity application of Microsoft that offers many different
kinds of cursor. The cursors are the mouse pointer which plays a very vital role in Microsoft
Excel. Through this, selecting cells is easier. According to www.dickinson.edu, the following
are the different cursors in Microsoft Excel.

On the same reference, the following definitions apply when using the above cursors. These
cursors were used based from the functions necessary.

Aside from the cursors as the basic tools of Excel, the following are the command groups
under Home Tab which are considered the basic tools in Microsoft Excel:


The alignment command group may have different tools compared to other MS office
productivity applications. The image below is the alignment command group of Microsoft
Excel. The image on the right shows the tools of alignment command group.

1. 2. 3.


5. 6.

The following are the parts of the alignment command group:

1. Top Align – Align to the Top

Middle Align – Align text so that it is centered between the top and bottom of the cell.
Bottom Align – Align text to the bottom
2. Orientation – Rotate your text diagonally or vertically. This is a great way to label narrow columns
3. Wrap Text – Wrap extra-long text into multiple lines so you can sell (sell jud ang word nat?) all of it.
4. Left Align - Align content to the left
Center Align – Centers the content

Right Align – Align content to the right
5. Decrease Indent – Move content closer to the cell border
Increase Indent - Move content farther away from the cell border
6. Merge and Center – Combine and center the contents of the selected cells in a new larger cell.


The number command group contains the format setting/style needed in the cell values such
as percentage, currency, date or time. This is a very important tool in specifying the format of
the data input in the cell.


3 4 5 6

1. List of formats – this part contains the list of data format. If this is clicked, the image
below will be shown.

General Format – Shows the general format of the data inside

the cell.

Number Format – Shows the Number format of the data

inside the cell. It is used for general display of numbers

Currency Format – Shows the Currency format of the data

inside the cell and it is used for general monetary values.

Accounting Format – Shows the Accounting format of the

data inside the cell and basically all about currency symbols
and decimal points.

Short Date Format, Long Date Format and Time Format – The
Short Date format shows short data format inside the cell. The
Long date format shows the short data format inside the cell.
According to Microsoft Word 2016, the Date and Time format
displays date and time serial numbers as date values. The Date
and Time formats that begin with an asterisk (*) respond to
changes in regional date and time settings that are specified
for the operating system. Formats without asterisk are not
affected by operating system setting.

Percentage Format – Shows the Percentage format of the

data inside the cell. It multiplies the cell value by 100 and
displays the result with a percentage symbol.

Fraction Format – Shows

96 the Fraction format of the data
inside the cell.
When More Number Formats is clicked, the image below will appear. This pop-up allows the
user to customize the data format.

According to Microsoft Excel 2016,

the Special format under the
Number tab are useful for tracking
list and database values. The Custom
format is used to type the Number
format code, using one of the
existing codes as a starting point.

C. Microsoft Excel Styles

In Microsoft Excel, under the home tab and from the styles command group, there are three
formats found: Conditional Formatting, Format as Table and Cell Styles.

From Microsoft Excel 2016, the Conditional formatting easily spots trends and patterns in
your data using bars, colors and icons to visually highlight important values. It can be used
further to filter or immediately determine certain values using the assigned format.

Conditional Formatting

The Conditional formatting consists of five different tools:
Highlight Cells Rules, Top/Bottom Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales
and Icon Sets.

The Highlight Cell Rules highlight the cell if specific rules were set.
If the value on the cell can be Greater than a specific Value, Less
than a specific value, Between a specific value, Equal to a specific
value, if the text that contains a specific value, assigning it if there
is a date Occurring, and if there is a Duplicate Value.

The Top/Bottom Rules have six tools under it - Top 10 Items, Top 10%,
Bottom 10 items, Bottom 10%, Above Average and Below Average. The
cells can be highlighted based on these rules.

The Data Bars can represent the value of the specific cell. The higher
the value, the longer the bars.

The Color scales apply the color gradient to a range of cells. The
color indicates where each cell value falls within that range.

Creating New Rule is also possible in this command group
depending on the desired format. Apart from creating new rule,
clearing the rules can also be done as well as managing the rules
that were created.

Choose a set of icons that represent the values in the selected


Format as Table

The Format as table gives life to the table providing colors

and style for table created. Customizing the style of the
table is through creating New Table Style which can be
found at the bottom of the format as Table. The New
Pivot Table Styles is for creating a pivot table to Microsoft

Cell Styles

The cell can be set with different colors and different

styles. The colors can be set through different heading
styles or depending on the kind of data contained in the

D. Using the Basic Functions and Formula in Microsoft Excel

Since Microsoft Excel is basically a calculator. The formula and functions are the real deal in
Microsoft Excel. These features give the ultimate user experience which can be useful in data
analysis, calculations or merely simple record keeping.

“To start writing for formula and function the “=” sign must be the first input to be seen in
the formula bar.”
The formula can contain functions and a function can be a certain formuln The excel-easy.com
defined formula as an expression which calculates the value of a cell and functions are
predefined formulas already available in Excel (Formulas and Functions in Excel, n.d.).

Writing for simple formula could be done without using a specific function, or else, could be
done by easily using a specific cell, depending on its uses. From the image below, two numbers
were added in a specific cell. This kind of addition in Microsoft Excel is somewhat a static kind
of referencing because the values in it cannot be replaced without editing the cell E4.

Observe the formula from the image below and the image above. Both have the same values
and the same operator was used, but the process is different. From the image below,
changing the answer can be done without editing the cell E4.

The values entered in cells or formula are called constants. According to Excel Help and How-
to (2016) constants are not good practice because constants cannot be easily seen without
selecting the cell which makes it hard to change.

Try this Formula Tutorial

from Microsoft (Formula Tutorial, n.d.)

The parts of formula in Microsoft Excel

According to Microsoft Excel (Excel Help and How-to), A formula can also contain any or all
of the following:

1. Functions: The PI() function returns the value of pi: 3.142...

2. References: A2 returns the value in cell A2.
3. Constants: Numbers or text values entered directly into a formula, such as 2.
4. Operators: The ^ (caret) operator raises a number to a power, and the * (asterisk)
operator multiplies numbers.

The following are all examples of formulas:

=SUM (A1:A10)

The Four Types of Operators in Excel

In mathematical equations, operator specifies a certain type of calculation. Goformz.com

mentioned that Microsoft Excel has four types of operators as follows (Operators, n.d.):

1. Arithmetic Operators – Arithmetic operators are the four basic operators: Addition (+),
Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*) and Division (/).

2. Comparison Operators – Using the comparison operators would result to either true of
false values. These are equal to (=), greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to
(>=), less than or equal to (<=), and the not equal to (<>). The comparison operators are
best used in functions.
3. Text Concatenation Operator – The text concatenation operator is only one operator and
this is the ampersand (&). Concatenation means joining to specific text. To join text, use
the ampersand in between quoted texts.
4. Reference Operators – are used in combining values by range or just selection. There are
three different operators under reference operators:

• colon (:) the range operator. The colon operator is used to calculate values of ranges. It is
usually used in a function.
For example, using a sum () function, it is written as

Sum function is built in Microsoft Excel to execute addition calculations. The formula above
uses a colon (:) operator which means values from A1 to I1 will be calculated.

• comma (,) the union operator is the kind of operator best for selecting specific values. It is
used if specific values must be calculated.

Using the sum () function again, the union operator is used as:

• space ( ) the intersection operator. This kind of operator calculates values or performs
specific calculation if values intersect. To understand it, observe the following example using
the sum ( ) function.

Note: These three reference operators can be used together in one specific formula or one
specific function.

Precedence Rule
In addition to the operators, Microsoft Excel follows a certain precedence and rules in
performing certain calculation in some cases. The following are the calculation rules (Excel
Help and How-to):

Operator Description
(: colon) , ( single space) , (, comma)1. Reference operators
– 2. Negation (as in –1)
% 3. Percent
^ 4. Exponentiation
* and / 5. Multiplication and division
+ and – 6. Addition and subtraction
& 7. Connects two strings of text (concatenation)
<= 8. Comparison

Using Parentheses in Excel Formulas

(Excel Help and How-to)

To change the order of evaluation, enclose in parentheses the part of the formula to be
calculated first. For example, the following formula produces 11 because Excel performs
multiplication before addition. The formula multiplies 2 by 3 and then adds 5 to the result.


In contrast, using parentheses to change the syntax, Excel adds 5 and 2 together and then
multiplies the result by 3 to produce 21.


In the following example, the parentheses that enclose the first part of the formula force
Excel to calculate B4+25 first and then divide the result by the sum of the values in cells D5,
E5, and F5.


E. Functions in MS Excel

A Function is a pre-built command that takes a value or values, calculates them in a certain
way, and returns a result (Excel Help and How-to). In addition to that on the same citation,

Functions give you the ability to do a variety of things, like perform mathematical
operations, look up values, or even calculate dates and time

SUM Function
In the last example above, the formula uses a Sum Function which follows the process of
addition using any of the reference operators. The following are examples wherein Sum
Function is used.

=Sum(sum(A1:A10) – Sum(A20:A30))
=Sum(A1:A7 A2:C15)

Try this example from Excel Help and How-to (2016) tutorial.


1. What is Count Function?
2. What is the difference between Count and Sum Function?
3. Site some examples wherein the Count Function can be used.
4. The question used to be here is same as the first


Average Function

The average function is used to get the specific average of values specified. The following
are some of examples wherein average function is used.

=Sum(Average(A1:A10) –Average(A20:A30))
=Average(A1:A7 A2:C15)

Average can be used using the range type of selection. On the second example, Average is
used inside the sum function. That means, the Average Function can be used inside another
function as long as it follows the proper arrangement or the proper precedence of the
formula. Average can also be used in the selection of specific cell and on the last example
which is getting the average of cells having a common set.

Try this example from Excel Help and How-to (2016) tutorial.


1. What is Median and Mode function?
2. What is the difference between Median, Mode and Average Function?
3. Site some examples wherein Median and Mode function can be used.


MIN and MAX Function

Min Function is used to determine the minimum value between the selected cells, while the
Max Function is used to determine the maximum value between the selected cells.

Try this example from Excel Help and How-to (2016) tutorial.


The Date and Time Function gives the basic format for date and time. Even if date has a
somewhat numerical value, the set of numbers for date has a specific format to be considered
as the date. For example, the month May has a numeric value of 5 thus it cannot be
automatically understood that 5 refers to the month May unless, there is a specific date format
being followed. 5-25-2019 can be understood as May 25, 2019, 05/25/09 can also be understood
as May 25, 2019.

The Date() Function means identifying the specific values as date following the right
arrangement of arguments. For example, if =DATE (2019,5,3) is placed in a specific cell, then
the display for this is 5/3/2019, having the format of Date (Year, Month, and day). If there is
only one specific value or two specific values, an error will appear showing that there are only
few arguments. Aside from Date() function, try also the TODAY() function.

Try this example from Excel Help and How-to (2016) tutorial.

The Time() function gives the specific time format either a 12-hour format or a 24-hour format.
This function is dependent on the computer’s regional settings.

Try this example from Excel Help and How-to (2016) tutorial.

Joining Text from different cells

Combining text from different cells in Microsoft Excel is possible using the “&” ampersand
sign. For example, from the image below, cell C2 combines text from cell A2 and cell B2. The
problem with this is that, there is no space between words or what about inserting symbols
between words.

In putting spaces between words or other kind of characters, it is necessary to put also the
specific symbol of character necessary between ampersand. For example:

If Statements
If statement is a very useful tool for setting conditions to values needed. The format for this
function is: =if(logical_text, “the output if the logical test will be satisfied or true”, “If the
logical test will not be satisfied or will be false”). For example:

In the image above, B2 displays True because it follows the condition correctly. It is also
possible to display a specific statement/specific text if the result is true or false. For example:

The image above shows that a statement can be an output of the specific value. B3 shows the
value if A3 equals the value “Stem1B”. In assigning a text or character, quotation must be used
so that Microsoft Excel can identify a character(text) value or any kind of data type. The
number in the logical test can also be used in the If function following the image below:

The image shows that if A2 has a value greater than or equal to 90 then, it will display stem
Else, it will display “We will check other grades”. Please be reminded that the true value which
is on the left side should output values that satisfy the condition and the left side shows an
output if it did not satisfy the condition.

If statement with another function:

Inside the If statement functions can also be used. Say, if a statement is true then a sum
function will be executed else, nothing will happen. This shows how flexible the If statement
is in dealing with other functions.

In the image above, column F is dependent on column E and the formula shows an If function
with a Sum Function inside it. If the value of column E did not satisfy the condition then the
display will be incomplete but if it satisfies the condition then it will add the grades: Quiz,
Midterm Exam, Assignments, Long Exam and Project.

Named Ranges

The Named Ranges means naming the specific ranges so that it can be used throughout a
workbook. Under formulas tab, click the name Manager then the image below will display:

Click OK after filling the data above. The Project will be the name of the cell E2. Which can be
used without using absolute referencing. So, instead of using $E$2 after the range inside sum,
Project can now be used. Observe the formula of the image below.

VlookUp is another function which is very useful in Microsoft Excel. It looks up a specific value
if it exists in a specific range ang display the value that matches. Its format is =Vlookup ([the
cell or Value that you want to look for],[ the range or array where you want to look for it], [then
if you find it how many columns from left to right do you want to get or to display the value], [
then choose between an exact match or an approximate match (True for approximate match
and false for exact Match) ] ).

Note that on the last part which is the true or false value outputs the approximate value which
is true between ranges and the false value outputs the exact match found between ranges.

For example:

In this example, the performance column in column G is dependent on the performance array
D11:F14. The value for column F is being looked up in the performance table (D10:F14). For
array, the name range can also be applied so that it can be useful to any part of the workbook.

Conditional Functions
The Conditional Functions give you the sum, average, count, max or min of a specific range
under a specific condition that is indicated. According to (Excel Help and How-to) the
following are the Conditional Functions:

Conditiona Format Sample Answer

l Function
=sumif =sumif([range],[criteria],([sum_ran =SUMIF(G3:G11,H3,F3:F11 149
ge])) )
=sumifs() =sumifs([sum_range],[criteria_rang =SUMIFS(F3:F11,G3:G11,I 349
e1],[criteria1],…) 4,D3:D11,">16")
=averageif( =averageif([range],[criteria]) =AVERAGEIF(G3:G11,"Bett 87.6
) er",F3:F11)
=averageifs =averageif([average_range],[criteri =AVERAGEIFS(F3:F11,G3: 87.33333333
() a_range1],criteria1,[criteria_range G11,"Better",C3:C11,8)
=countif() =countif([range],[criteria]) =COUNTIF(E3:E11,"Yes") 8
=countifs() =countifs([criteria_range1,criteria1] =COUNTIFS(G3:G11,"Fair", 1
,[criteria_range2,criteria2],…) C3:C11,">5")

In the application of Conditional Functions below, there are three groups needed. The source,
the Formula, and the Output.
Source. The image below is the basis for creating the formula.

Formula. Image below is the application of Conditional Function

Output. The image below is the output of above formula from Column H to Column M:

Function Wizard
Functions and Formulas are very helpful, thus, these two are quite difficult to deal with
especially for beginners. The format for functions will be displayed when first typing the equal
sign and the function to use. If it is very hard to follow the format given by Microsoft Excel for
functions, then Function wizard is the best feature.

From the formulas tab, click Insert Function and the following pop-up window will be shown:

AT this part, different functions in Excel available are all listed. For example, selecting the sum
If function from this, the following will display:

Then from there, typing the required data is possible. Besides typing the necessary data,
clicking the specific cell while the above image displays can be done. For example:

F. Formula Errors

Inputting of formula can sometimes lead to unintentional errors. Thus, the beauty of
Microsoft Excel is that, specific errors can be identified by familiarizing the causes and how
the errors were being shown. The following are some of the Formula Errors common in
Microsoft Excel according to (Excel Help and How-to).

### Error – Shows when the column is not wide enough

#DIV/0! ERROR – Shows when a number is divided by zero or by a cell without any value.
#N/A ERROR – Shows when a value is not available to a function.
#NAME? ERROR – When a text is in a formula not recognized by Excel. Example, improper
spelling of function.
#NULL! ERROR – When intersection is specified in two areas which do not intersect
#NUM! ERROR – When a function or formula contains numeric values that are not valid.
#REF! ERROR – When a cell reference is not valid. For example, the reference cell has been
deleted or became unavailable.
#VALUE! ERROR – If a specific cell contains different kinds of data type.

G. Data Validation

Data Validation in Microsoft Excel is one of the best features being offered as it limits specific
input values in a cell or specific type of data.

i. How does data validation work?

1. Before using the data validation tool, make sure to select the cell where this feature is
to be applied. Example is the image below:

2. Under the Data tab from the menu on its Ribbon, on the Data tools command group,
there is a tool called Data Validation.

3. Click this tool and the Data Validation option will display:

4. The Data Validation option pop-up has three tabs - Settings, Input Message and Error Alert.
The first tab is the Settings tab wherein the values for the specific cell must be assigned
properly. Under the Validation Criteria of Settings tab is an option that allows values to be

Select a Criteria according to need. The following are the criteria to be used with the


Whole Number The Whole Number limits only whole number values

Decimal The Decimal limits only Decimal values

List The List limits only values from a specific list, it could
be from the same sheet or from different sheet. In
writing for list in a static manner a comma (,) must be

Date The Date limits only Date values

Time The time limits only time values

Text Length The text length limits only specific number of text

Custom The custom limits custom formula.

This a list of types of data that are only allowed. Starting from Whole number up to the Text
Length, this type of data asks for some qualities a data value must possess. The data might be
between or not between two values (in which one value is assigned as minimum and the other
value is assigned as maximum), equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, greater than or
equal to or less than or equal to.

For this instruction, try the image below.

2. If Done Click Ok.
3. The following must be the output:

Notice that there is a list of topics appearing in one cell. The list can also be applied to other
cells by dragging the cursor down.

Data Validation Input Message:

Data Validation settings is not that visible. Sometimes, it could lead to confusion. In order to
inform the user about the Data Validation settings, the Input Message tab must be filled up.
Don’t forget to check the Show Input message when cell is selected. There must be data in
the Title and the Input message. If done, click Ok.

Error Alert
In order to limit the Input properly, the Error Alert tab is necessary. This is to customize the
type of error in Data Validation if the Inputs are incorrect. Make sure to check the checkbox
before starting. There are three styles of error in Data Validation - Stop, Warning and
Information .Title and Error Message must be supplied in order to have different kinds of error.

Submit only one copy per group --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

H. Activity

Activity Title: ExceLing

Form a group and follow the instruction:

I. Input the following name of clients in sheet 1 then rename the sheet as Clients. (10
points). The following font should be followed:

Font size: 12
Font style: Segoi UI
Heading: Bold

II. Name the sheet 2 as Products and input the following (10 points)

III. Create another sheet and name it as Invoice. Then, adhere to the following (20pts):

The client number (nr) as seen below should have a list of client number from the
client sheet. The Bill to: should be dependent on the Client nr: which means, if any
from the Client nr is selected, there will be changes to the Bill to:

IV. After the client number and the bill to, the following table should follow (20pts):

The Product nr must contain the list of product number based on the sheet Products.
When selecting a specific number, the description and the price should follow. The
amount must also follow by simply placing the quantities.

V. At the last part, the total should be placed. (10 points).

I. References

Microsoft Excel .2016. Retreived from : Microsoft Excel 2016. Retrieved date: 10/05/2019
Microsoft Excel activities. Retrieved from: Microsoft Excel Help 2016. Retrieved date:

Chapter 7. Image Manipulation and Infographics

At the end of the unit, students shall have been able to:

1. Identify the differences between Image Manipulation and Photo Manipulation

2. Understand the basic principles of graphics and layout
3. Identify different image and photo editing software
4. Distinguish the basic IDE and tools of Adobe Photoshop
5. Define Infographics
6. Identify the principles of creating Infographics
7. Create Infographics by applying the principles

Opening Activity

Do some research about image editing software. Choose the most comfortable software for you.
Try to learn the software and present your output in class.

Guided Questions for this Chapter:

Based from the opening activity answer the following:

1. What do you think is the best image Editing Software?

2. What makes that software the best?
3. What is the top 1 best image editing Software?
4. What is the feature of the top 1 best image editing software that makes it the best?


Image Manipulation

Image can be defined as an idea from an individual that is presented in an explicit or implicit
manner. In the context of ICT, image is valued more because of the intervention of software
made exclusively for its manipulation. Image Manipulation means translating ideas into
outputs (digital or printed). Creating image from a specific image can also be considered as
Image Manipulation provided that there is an addition to an idea or creation of another idea.

A. Principles of Image Manipulation

Cambridge Dictionary defined the Principle as a moral rule or standard of good behavior or
fair dealing (Principle | Definition, n.d.). From that description, defining the Principle of Image
Manipulation means it is the set of fair standards in manipulating image. An article written by
Cornago (2017) listed the three tips to edit image:

1. Choose the right format.

2. Choose the right image size.
3. Caption it.

Choosing the right format. When it comes to image, there are several type of file formats. File
formats are also known as the file extensions or it simply says what type of image you have.
Is it a moving image, larger-sized image, a transparent background image, or else, the very
common type of image? The following are some of the file formats in current use:

1. GIFF – Graphic Interchange File Format

The GIFFs are the moving objects in presentations in multimedia. In creating Graphic
Interchange File Format image, one must have a specific tool or specific platform and it
could be offline or through the web. According to Brown (2019), the following are the
best GIF maker Software for Windows and MAC:
• Photoscape
• Microsoft GIF Animator
• SSuite GIF Animator
• KickMyGraphics
• GiftedMotion
• PicGIF
• Giphy Capture
• Image GIF
Take note that GIF can be open not to all software platforms thus can be opened to almost
all presentation softwares.Please be mindful that the non-image software cannot be used
to open this kind of file.

2. JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group
The JPEG is the most common and widely-used image format everywhere. All the image
editing software or most of the office productivity application software can open this kind
of file format.

3. PNG – Portable Network Graphics

PNG is a file for image with transparent background. That is the main difference between
the PNG and the JPEG. In terms of larger file size image, rendering PNG is also the best
image file format in terms of compression compared to JPEG because PNG is using a
lossless type of compression according to Grigonis (2019). Lossless means without a loss
of information so it means that after editing the image, some of the details will not be lost
if the PNG is used as the file format.

4. TIFF – Tagged Image File Format

The Tagged Image File Format does not use compression much compared to another
image format according to Techopedia.com. It is a very flexible kind of file extension
because it is lossless and more image details are captured completely. This file is also
common in an image coming from a specific device or one in which the author of the
image would want to retain the details.

5. PDF – Portable Document File

Although PDF is mostly used in documents, if an image is saved as PDF, then other
platforms can also maximize their flexibility since there are many applications that can
open PDF file format without compromising the image size and details.

Choosing the right image size. In manipulating an image, it is very important to determine its
appropriate size. The length and width measurement must be specified properly to avoid the
improper display of image such as very compressed or distorted objects. The image size is
further related with the image quality known as the image resolution. The image resolution is
measured through pixels per inch (ppi). An image is composed of pixels which can be
described as small squares. Simply zoom in the whole image to see the details of pixels.
According to Pomerleau (2019) PPI means the fixed number of pixels a screen can display and
the density of the pixels within a digital image. So, the higher the number of PPI, the higher
the resolution the image could have.

Photo by: Nathalie Joy P. Galia

“300 PPI is considered the industry standard” (Pomerleau, 2019). An image that is 11 inches in
width and 8 inches in height has a resolution of 75 pixels per inch. In an inch, there are 75 pixels
of image, so, the higher the number of pixels, the clearer the image. If there is larger amount
of pixel per inch, the quality of the image will be finer. The first image below having the caption
of Low Resolution is set as 11-inch width and 8-inch height with a resolution of 10 ppi. The
second image below has the same width and height as the first image. These two images have
likewise the same size of brush use. This means, the resolution and size are both very
important in image manipulation. The low resolution image (image below left side) is a bit
blurry and edges are not very fine but the high resolution image if zoomed in clearly shows
the fine edges.

Low Resolution High


Photo by: Nathalie Joy P. Galia

Choosing the right image size does not mean using the bigger resolution or bigger image
length and width but using the correct image size based on where the image will be used.

Remember that lower resolution has also lower file image size meaning 2 Megabytes file has
a lower resolution compared to 5 Megabytes image size. The 2 Megabytes file size is more
likely easy to transfer compared to the 5 Megabyte image size.

Source: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended

In some image editing software like Adobe Photoshop, the image resolution can be set.
From an article of insight180 Howel ( 2018) said, “The standard resolution for Internet
browsers is only 72 dpi, so anything you see online is automatically presented as low res”.

Caption It. In displaying an image after manipulating it, putting the correct caption in
displaying is a must-practice. Make sure to capture in the correct caption what the image is all

B. Image Editing Software

There are too many different Image editing software that exist nowadays from online
software up to offline software. Surprisingly, as time goes by, such software have become
very easy to handle. From an article of Enviragallery (Bateman, 2019) listed below are the best
Image Editing Software in 2019 and these are its TOP 10:

1. Adobe Lightroom
2. Skylum Luminar
3. Adobe Photoshop
4. Capture One
5. ON1 Photo Raw
6. Corel Paintshop Pro
7. ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate
8. Gimp
9. Canva
10. PicMonkey

C. Infographic

Infographic is simply a graphic representation of the information that must be conveyed. Its
main purpose is to inform people through graphical outputs. The very simple and
understandable examples of Infographics are the road signs by which through the image,
people become aware of the danger, risks, instructions or simple information about the

In this digital age, Infographics are widely used in terms of informing. These give the full
details through the posters and moreover, serve as an aid to some presentation to capture
the audience’s attention. It is very helpful in conveying information regarding global issues.
There are different types of Infographics and columnfivemedia.com (Ritchie, n.d.) is the best
article for Infographic. According to this article, there are three different types of

1. Data Visualization
2. Information Design
3. Editorial Infographics

Data Visualization. The older presentation of data analysis result used to be through charts
and plane graphs yet in today’s era, it is best if the graphs and charts can be presented through
an Infographic. The presentation of the data analysis result will not be that boring anymore
but rather would attract audience attention. The image below is an example of Infographic in
Data Visualization. According to Ritchie of columnfivemedia.com, this Infographic is done in
Italian language and even if the audience doesn’t speak the language, its meaning can be
understood by anyone because it is INFOGRAPHIC. Diversity is the best thing Infographic
could offer for everybody.

Graphic by Francesco Franchi retrieved from https://www.columnfivemedia.com/infographic.
Retrieval date: 11/24/2019

Information Design. Another best thing that Infographic offers is the Information Design. The
design of information could be that powerful to attract the uninterested audience of a certain
field. It could go beyond its purpose by not just informing but likewise explaining to people
about the subject matters and that is, by how the information was designed through
Infographics. This is about creativity on a certain information so that people ae able to
understand it in the most expanded manner.

The image below is of Malaria Vaccine Initiative. Because of the design the information offers,
it could attract even the people who do not have knowledge of and interest in malaria. It
makes people wander what the image is all about so that they continue to read more details.
It can also make those knowledgeable about malaria vaccine grasp the information easily.

Image from: https://www.johngrimwade.com/blog/2018/10/17/the-infographic-family/. Retrieved
date: 11/24/2109

Editorial Infographics. In newspapers, the editorial part gives media the freedom to expose
opinions on a specific issue. Editorial is a meaningful graphical representation of an author’s
opinion displayed in a publication. Infographics give style and add flavors to publication so
that it becomes enticing to the mass reader. Such is similarly a technique to invite readers in a
creative way. The image below shows an editorial Infographic of Upwork which shows an
insight to managers on how to hire people in the technology industry (Ritchie, n.d.)

Image retrieved from: https://www.columnfivemedia.com/infographic
Retrieved date: 11/24/2019

The beauty of Infographics does not only end there as there are lots of styles and designs. In
fact, according to (Ritchie, n.d.) there are three different formats of Infographics - Static
Infographics, Animated Infographics, and Interactive Infographics.
Static Infographics – “These are the simple Infographics that include line art, illustration,
photography, papercraft, and more”, (Ritchie, n.d.). Thus, experimenting the style is a must
to make it more unique and creative. (French, n.d.) Listed below are the 7 Infographic design
1) Line Art
2) Photography
3) Illustration
4) Tactile Data Visualization
5) Isometric Design
6) Animation
7) Explorative Design

Animated Infographics – Since it is animated, expect to see moving objects that invite
attention, making the Infographic looks like a highly productive illustration of details and
information about a particular company or entity. These Infographics are usually in GIF
formats. Since these attract attention, it became of great use to businesses. Katy French from
the columnfivemedia.com, presents the reasons why Infographics help businesses (French, 4
Ways to Turn Your Old Infographics Into New Animated Infographics, n.d.).

1) It Grabs Your Viewer’s Attention

2) It Makes Your Marketing More Effective
3) It Makes Content Easier to Digest
4) It Engages Your Viewer
5) It Extends the Shelf Life of Your Content

Interactive Infographics – This kind of Infographic needs an interaction from the viewers, for
example Infographics of the population in Bukidnon. There is already an existing Infographic
of Bukidnon’s population from the year 1990 to 2020. If the user would select Bukidnon’s
Population from the year 1993 to 2000 then, the existing Infographic will change. According
to Travis Keith of columnfivemedia.com Interactive infographic can tell a story and the
following are the reasons why.
1) Interactive infographics (can) say a lot.
2) Interactive infographics are engaging.
3) Interactive infographics are flexible.
4) Interactive infographics are immersive.
5) Interactive infographics are easier to digest.
6) Interactive infographics are gorgeous.
7) Interactive infographics are unique.

D. References

Bateman, A. (2019, November 10). 17 Best Photo Editing Software for Photographers.
Retrieved from enviragallery: https://enviragallery.com/best-photo-editing-software-
Brown, L. (2019, January 4). Best GIF Maker Software for Windows and Mac. Retrieved from
Filmora: https://filmora.wondershare.com/animated-gif/gif-software-for-win-
CORNAGO, R. (2017, October 5). Principles and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation.
Retrieved from roawieeblogs:
French, K. (n.d.). 4 Ways to Turn Your Old Infographics Into New Animated Infographics.
Retrieved from columnfivemedia: https://www.columnfivemedia.com/3-ways-to-
French, K. (n.d.). 7 Infographic Design Styles You Should Experiment With Right Now.
Retrieved from columnfivemedia: https://www.columnfivemedia.com/7-infographic-
Grigonis, H. K. (2019, Septmber 6). JPEG vs. PNG. Retrieved from Digital Trends:
RESOLUTION. Retrieved from insight180: https://www.insight180.com/the-how-to-
Keith, T. (n.d.). 7 Ways Interactive Infographics Can Tell Your Story. Retrieved from
columnfivemedia: https://www.columnfivemedia.com/7-ways-interactive-
Pomerleau, C. (2019, June). PPI vs. DPI: what’s the difference? Retrieved from 99desgins:
Principle | Definition. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cambridge Dictionary:
Ritchie, J. (n.d.). What Is an Infographic? What They Are and Why They’re Useful. Retrieved
from columnfivemedia: https://www.columnfivemedia.com/infographic
What is Tagged Image File Format. (n.d.). Retrieved from Techopedia:


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