Art of Queions Talks

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Question is any sentence which has an interrogative form or function


Why do teachers ask questions ?

• It is a technique by which teacher can measure the degree of understanding of the students and
student can clarify the any point not clear to them

Purpose Of The Question

• To motivate the learners.

- To motivate the trainees for learning kings question.

By asking question, students are motivated for learning, when you will put a questions to the
class. If a student give correct answer he/she will feel confindence and try to learn more and

• To discover interest of class in subject taught

- To discover interest of class in subject taught

It is very simple when you are teaching in the class, to find out interest of students, you
should put a question to the class.

• To develop the thinking power and ability

to develop the thinking power and ability

when you will ask the question to the class, students fully concentrates in this way their
thinking power develop, by that they will get more knowledge

• To obtain attention of wandering minds

to obtain attention of wandering minds

it is true fact that students or trainees some time physically present in the class but some are
not present in the class mentally, to obtain attentions to the class. Very simply when you are the
teacher in the class, to find out interest of students, you should put a question to the
that the students learner concentrates the discussions.

• To check knowledge attained or not attained.

To check knowledge attained or not attained.

When you finished your lesson or topic teacher/facilatator should put questions to the class.
teacher should judge the class or student that how much they attained knowledge. How much
they familiar their topic this is only done by asking question.

How Questions be ASKED?

• When planning questions, keep in mind your course goals

The questions you ask should help them practice these skills, as well as communicate the facts,
ideas, and ways of thinking that are important to their learning in your course

• Aim for direct, specific questions. 

During class discussions, rather than beginning with a single question that is multilayered and
complex, use a sequence of questions to build depth and complexity

• Ask questions throughout your class and ask only one question at a time.

• When you ask more than one question, students often do not respond because they are
unsure which question you want them to answer.

• Ask open-ended questions

Avoid asking leading questions, those that prompt or suggest the answer, and yes/no questions.
If a yes/no question is warranted, be ready with a follow-up question to encourage students to
critically evaluate the material and engage in discussion.

• Use Bloom’s Taxonomy to be sure you are addressing various types of cognitive processes in
your questions

Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a useful way to think about the kinds of cognitive processes that
students use to engage with knowledge.

Create -Produce new or original work

Like design, assemble, construct, conjecture, develop, formulate, author, investigate

Evaluate- Justify a stand or decision

Appraise, argue, defend judge, select support, value, critique, weigh

Analyze- Draw connections among idea

Differentiate, organize, relate, compare, contrast, distinguish, examine, experiment, question,


Apply- Use information in new situations

Execute, implement, solve, use demonstrate interpret, operate, schedule, sketch

Understand- Explain ideas or concepts

Classify describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report select, translate

Remember-Recall facts and basic concepts

Define, duplicate, list, memorize, repeat, state

• Refine and reflect on questions after class.

• After teaching a class session, teacher/ facilator should collecting an assignment, or

administering an exam, take brief notes on which questions were the most effective at achieving
the goals you had set and which questions led to answers that you did not expect.

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