Profitability Evaluation of Intelligent Transport System Investment

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Profitability Evaluation of Intelligent Transport System

Pekka Leviäkangas1 and Jukka Lähesmaa2
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Abstract: The objective of this study was to consider evaluation methods for intelligent transport system 共ITS兲 investments, to point out
some shortcomings of traditional methods 共mainly benefit-cost analysis兲, to develop alternative methods, and to make recommendations
for how the profitability of ITS investment should be evaluated. The results can be used when ITS investments are compared with each
other and also when ITS investments are compared with road building investments. This work identifies the fundamental differences
between ITS and road infrastructure investments and how they impact on the profitability evaluation. The conclusion is that traditional
cost-benefit analysis 共BCA兲, which was developed for investments in physical infrastructure, does not capture all the benefits or costs
related to ITS. Economic evaluation methods for ITS investments need improving. This work illustrates how BCA could be used to take
into consideration the option value of ITS investment and risks caused by, for example, different time horizons of investments. The work
also discusses and demonstrates the use of multicriteria analysis in profitability evaluation. It illustrates how a method called analytical
hierarchy process could be utilized to evaluate other risks that do not have specific monetary values and to compare the results of different
profitability analyses. These evaluation methods can be used within the project assessment framework in the transport sector to highlight
different aspects of the profitability and efficiency of transport investments. None of the methods themselves can reflect all aspects in
decision making, but by using a suitable set of different methods depending on the decision situation and by comparing the results, a wider
and more realistic picture of investments can be obtained.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-947X共2002兲128:3共276兲
CE Database keywords: Intelligent transportation systems; Profits; Investments; Benefit cost ratios.

Introduction ing better access to more advanced technology and applications,

users are increasingly accustomed to different types of services
Future of Intelligent Transport Systems provided by new communications technology. Consumer accep-
tance is therefore more readily achieved than a decade ago. In
Transport authorities and infrastructure managers are investing summary, the market for ITS is growing rapidly, and there seems
increasingly in intelligent transport systems 共ITS兲, also often re- to be both a supply push and a demand pull for this growth. As an
ferred to as advanced transport telematics 共ATT兲. This is a result example, Fig. 1 shows how the U.S. Department of Transporta-
of several overlapping and correlated trends. First, the new tech- tion 共USDOT兲 and ITS America predict the ITS market to de-
nology has matured to the point where it begins to expand in- velop.
creasingly to other fields of society, such as transport and infra- While investments in ITS are growing, by comparison those in
structure, apart from military and consumer goods. Second, with conventional physical infrastructure seem to be falling 共as well as
the markets becoming more saturated, the real prices of new tech- compared to traffic demand兲. This is especially the case in the
nology have plummeted. Mobile wireless communication is one industrialized world where the ageing infrastructure badly needs
of the key technologies applied to ITS, and, for example, there rehabilitation. For instance, the Finnish Ministry of Transport and
was a 85% drop in the wholesale market price of mobile phones Communications 共Ministry 1998, p. 21兲 has estimated that the
within 10 years 共Finnish Electronics Wholesalers Association upgrading and rehabilitation of the substructures of road networks
1999兲. Third, because of market saturation, with more people hav- can only be done every 100 years if road budgets are kept at their
present levels. This is too long an interval for the infrastructure to
maintain its service level. The Ministry does not see any possi-
Senior Research Scientist, VTT Building and Transport 共Technical
Research Center of Finland兲, P.O. Box 18021, FIN-90571 Oulu, Finland. bilities for radical increases in infrastructure budgets in the fore-
E-mail: seeable future. At the same time, capacity enhancement is seen as
Management Consultant, SysOpen IT Business Consulting, a conflicting goal to sustainable mobility 共and requiring too much
Valimopolku 4, FIN-00380 Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: capital that is needed elsewhere兲. Therefore, ITS provides a natu- ral solution for utilizing the existing infrastructure capacity more
Note. Discussion open until October 1, 2002. Separate discussions efficiently and in an environmentally acceptable manner.
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by Fig. 2 shows that ITS is slowly increasing its share of invest-
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
ments, although the figures are still very modest 共8.40 million
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos-
sible publication on August 21, 2000; approved on September 25, 2001. euros estimated for 1999兲. Upgrading and replacement invest-
This paper is part of the Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. ments seem to be outweighing capital investments, currently 218
128, No. 3, May 1, 2002. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-947X/2002/3- million euros, and capital investments have fallen to 134 million
276 –286/$8.00⫹$.50 per page. euros. Hence, ITS combined with other upgrading measures is


J. Transp. Eng. 2002.128:276-286.

1. BCA is just one tool among many, although it has gained
wide acceptance as the de facto standard evaluation method;
thus, it provides just one view of the profitability of the
investment in question.
2. BCA has been applied for so long and in such a uniform
manner for infrastructure investment evaluation that its im-
provement has been neglected; in other words, it has been
more or less stagnant for several decades, at least for those
who apply it in practice.
It should be emphasized, however, that BCA is probably still
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the best available tool for socio-economic profitability evaluation,

as other methods are virtually nonexistent. Therefore, the authors
Fig. 1. Government, commercial and consumer ITS U.S. market wish not to be overly critical toward BCA but rather to provide
growth up to 2015 共Hardison and Mudge 1997兲 some alternative aspects for profitability evaluation and economic
analysis of ITS investments, especially where ITS and traditional
investments are seen as excluding alternatives.

expected in the future to solve many of the existing capacity and Objectives and Structure of this Work
safety problems faced by the Finnish National Roads Administra-
tion 共Finnra兲. In other words, ITS is increasingly replacing tradi- The objectives of this study are as follows:
tional investments, at least to some extent. By the year 2010, ITS • The first objective is to provide a deeper insight into the prof-
investments and maintenance will probably play a key role in itability and economic evaluation of ITS investments in the
Finnra’s expense budget if current trends continue. particular situation where it must be contrasted with traditional
engineering measures.
• Second, to present some potential alternative tools for project
Problems with Current Profitability Evaluation Methods profitability evaluation, with a view to enabling traffic profes-
Economic evaluation methods have not evolved apace with new sionals to view the project from another angle in addition to
approaches to developing and improving infrastructure. The need traditional BCA. It must be emphasized that ready-made, in-
for alternative evaluation methods was recognized in the report stantly applicable tools are not presented but rather some
Development Needs of Project Assessment in the Transport Sec- methods which can be applied in various ways to support prac-
tor 共Niskanen et al. 1998兲. The report proposed the use of multi- tical decision making.
criteria analysis and verbal descriptions to supplement benefit- • Finally, the objective is to contribute to future and ongoing
cost analysis 共BCA兲 within the project assessment framework in research concerning the profitability and economic evaluation
the transport sector. This principle was also included in the guide- of road and other infrastructure and ITS investments.
lines for the evaluation of ITS projects 共Kulmala et al. 1998兲. Case examples will be presented from the road sector, where
However, these guidelines do not include recommendations on the authors feel there is great potential for ITS, which to date has
which methods should be used to perform alternative analysis, drawn the mainstream of transport telematics profitability re-
although the need to develop such guidelines and methods was search in Finland. However, other traffic modes must not be for-
emphasized 共Kulmala et al. 1998兲. gotten, as analyses of profitability are most often at the project
At the moment, road investments are still, by and large, evalu- level and deal with a single mode only. The case examples are
ated on the basis of traditional BCA. Given that the alternative also from Finland, and any conclusions drawn from them must be
methods are few, this is understandable. However, traditional viewed cautiously if applied to other countries with different cir-
BCA does not capture the entire essence of ITS investments. cumstances.
There are two main reasons for this. This work summarizes some of the relevant findings of a study
initiated by the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communica-
tions and carried out by the authors 共Leviäkangas and Lähesmaa
1999兲 as part of a larger transport telematics research and devel-
opment program 共Kulmala 1998兲. That report is downloadable
from the Internet from 共click the
Finnish pages’ project no. 5, and go to the end of the proceeding

Fundamental Differences between Intelligent

Transport System Investments and Conventional
Investments in Physical Infrastructure

Introductory Remarks
Bristow et al. 共1997兲 argued that because ITS is now an actual aid
for improving transportation networks, ITS project appraisal
needs to be developed to the same level as the appraisal of con-
Fig. 2. Finnra’s investment expenses for public roads. Expense fig-
ventional transport infrastructure investments. However, based on
ures for 1998 and 1999 are budget estimates.
their review of ITS evaluation procedures, they argued that ap-


J. Transp. Eng. 2002.128:276-286.

needed for the benefits to recover the costs. The higher the time
value of money, that is, the discounting rate, the more difficult
this task becomes. For telematics investments, the time value is
not that important because the time span is shorter, also in a
technical sense. What is critical for them is whether the benefits
will exceed the costs in the medium run 共5–10 years兲. Conse-
quently, when comparing investment alternatives with traditional
BCA, telematics investments need proportionally higher benefits
compared with investment cost in order to compete in the profit-
ability contest. The differences between the investments are fur-
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ther characterized in Table 1.

Impact of Differences on Investment Risk

In regard to comparisons between traditional road infrastructure
investments and ITS investments, Leviäkangas 共1998兲 argued that
many other aspects exist to investment evaluation besides tradi-
tional BCA. For example, in a case where the road authority is
Fig. 3. Fictitious cash flows of physical infrastructure 共panel A兲 and
considering whether to build a new road link or to upgrade the
ITS 共panel B兲 investments
existing piece of infrastructure, the value of the real option in the
latter alternative is neglected in the comparison process. In this
propriate methods for ITS have not yet been established. It seems case, the real option comes with the fact that by upgrading the
necessary to develop evaluation guidelines specifically for ITS existing road 共by traditional engineering solutions, ITS, or both兲
projects because existing appraisal techniques may not be appro- the road authority reserves a valuable option to build the new link
priate for dealing with the specific features of ITS applications. later if traffic demand so indicates in the future. Investing heavily
The USDOT has acknowledged that the financing of ITS is in the present situation could be a mistake, provided there is un-
different from conventional infrastructure for at least three rea- certainty related to the socioeconomic profitability of the invest-
sons 共Haynes et al. 1995兲 ment. This uncertainty could be due to the difficulties of obtaining
1. Conventional infrastructure finance aims mainly to support reliable traffic forecasts. Another shortcoming of BCA pointed out
the government led provision of basic amenities to the pub- by Leviäkangas 共1998兲 is that BCA does not recognize risk-return
lic. ITS financing aims to improve the present performance trade-off, which is one of the cornerstone principles of modern
of transportation infrastructure with greater participation by investment theory. According to this principle, the higher the risks
the private sector. of the project, the higher should be the required return on it.
2. One of the main drivers in the ITS concept is the ability to Despite this fact, most transport authorities worldwide apply fixed
reduce adverse environmental effects, such as air pollution, discounting rates when ranking projects.
which were externalized in conventional transportation sys- Leviäkangas 共1998兲 continues his arguments by identifying
tems. different risk profiles for traditional infrastructure investments
3. Conventional infrastructure finance is based on known tech- and ITS/upgrading investments. The first effecting factor is the
nologies; whereas, ITS financing is oriented to performance different sheer volume of ITS and traditional infrastructure invest-
improvements by the implementation of new technologies. ment. Clearly, an investment of hundreds of millions carries an
The cash flow profile for ITS and traditional investments is entirely different risk loading than an investment of some mil-
radically different. The cash flows of fictitious ITS and physical lions, especially from the viewpoint of the investor, which in this
infrastructure investments are illustrated in Fig. 3. 共Here the term case is the road authority representing ultimately the taxpayer.
‘‘cash flow’’ means the flow of benefits and costs that are usually Secondly, the length of time for capital investments impacts on
expressed in monetary terms. From society’s point of view, these risk is the time during which an investment is expected to pay for
are not pure cash flows.兲 What is obvious from cash flow profiles itself and possibly be upgraded or salvaged. Again, it should be
is the heavy front-end loading of costs and back-end loading of obvious that tying down the capital for, say, 30 years is riskier
benefits in traditional investments. This makes the time value of than doing so for 10 years. Consequently, if risk adjustment of
money an extremely important factor, because a long time span is discounting rates is also seen to be appropriate for these types of

Table 1. Differences between Intelligent Transport System 共ITS兲 and Physical Infrastructure Investments
Physical infrastructure
Costs ITS investment investment
Investment cost Relatively small 共e.g., 2– 4 million euros兲 Usually high 共e.g., 100–200 million euros兲
Life time Short/Medium 共e.g., 5–10 years兲 Long 共e.g., 30–50 years兲
Salvage value after full depreciation Usually no value Significant value 共e.g., 20% of investment cost兲
Operating costs of the system Significant to total costs No operating costs 共or at least these costs
are insignificant兲
Effect on other costs of the road Sometimes indirect effects, for example on the Usually direct effects, for example, on repair and
authority efficiency of winter maintenance maintenance costs
User costs Accident and time costs often cancel each other out Usually all user costs decrease


J. Transp. Eng. 2002.128:276-286.

Table 2. Investment Behavioral Patterns with Different Approaches and Preferences for Risk.
Investment behavior in different investment alternatives
Risk⇒impact Traditional Intelligent Transport System
Sunken cost⇒unrecoverable investment Risk-taker, low preference in liquidity and Risk-averse, high preference in liquidity and
opportunity cost of capital opportunity cost of capital
Technological⇒unrealized benefits, operating Risk-averse, conservative Risk-taker, pioneer
costs, operating errors
Strategic/forecasting error⇒unrealized Risk-taker, deterministic, low preference for Risk-averse, preference in flexibility, high
benefits time value of money time value preference
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Environmental risk⇒higher sunken cost, Risk-taker, low image preference Risk-averse, high image preference
bad image, time delays
Uncertainty of impacts on drivers and Risk-averse, conservative Risk-taker, pioneer, experimenting
environment⇒unrealized benefits
User acceptance⇒consumer dissatisfaction Risk-averse, conservative, demand-driven, Risk-taker, pioneer, proactively market driven
market adaptive

investments, the two arguments shift the required return to a The Evaluation Process for Road Transport Telematics study
higher level for traditional investments and to a lower one for 共EVA study兲 produced a manual for an evaluation process for road
ITS. transport informatics, but the manual could also be used more
One should also look at the risks related to ITS investments broadly to evaluate different kinds of ITS applications. EVA pro-
共implicitly, the risks of traditional upgrading measures are consid- vided guidelines for the benefit-cost evaluation process, proposed
ered here as insignificant兲 what criteria 共costs and benefits兲 should be included in the BCA,
• ITS solutions are still in their infancy and have not undergone and gave recommendations on the valuation of criteria 共Bobinger
the same degree of technological evolution as other engineer- et al. 1991兲. Later, the CORD project gave specific guidelines on
ing solutions 共i.e., conventional measures for infrastructure, the evaluation of different ITS application areas, like urban traffic
tested and improved upon for decades兲. They therefore carry a management and information or in-vehicle information systems
certain risk related to their reliability and the impacts they 共Zhang and Kompfner 1993兲. The CORD guidelines gave recom-
have on traffic. ITS can fail and malfunction or may not have mendations on the evaluation process of ITS impacts in general,
the desired impacts to generate the expected benefits. Few re-
but did not give guidelines for carrying out BCA.
search results are yet available on the actual effects of ITS
Two levels of analysis can be identified in the use of BCA. The
first concerns systems or subsystems, such as road weather infor-
• Many ITS solutions may still not be fully accepted by motor-
mation systems within a country or region. The second has to do
ists. Thus, ITS carries a consumer-acceptance risk, which in
turn entails the risk of not achieving the desired impacts. with specific projects, such as building a weather-controlled speed
It would seem, however, that the risks of ITS are diminishing limit system on a stretch of road.
with time. On average, today’s computers, mobile phones and The majority of known international ITS BCA concerns the
other high-tech applications are more reliable than ever before. utilization of different ITS applications as a whole, not with spe-
Some of the improvement is due to organizational, and some are cific investment objects. Lind 共1996兲 has estimated what might be
due to technological learning and evolution. When these discus- the possible effects and benefit-cost ratios of certain ITS sub-
sion and arguments are reflected in investment behavior, different systems in the Gothenburg region based on two different sce-
behavioral patterns can be identified, as shown in Table 2. narios for the year 2020. In the United Kingdom, a BCA of ITS
applications from eight application areas was performed during a
review of the potential benefits of road transport telematics
Benefit-Cost Analysis for Intelligent Transport projects 共Perrett and Stevens 1996兲. Relatively similar BCAs have
System also been performed in Canada 共Zavergiu 1996兲 and Australia
共Booz Allen Hamilton 1998兲. Armstrong et al. 共1993兲 investigated
Introduction and evaluated the conclusions and methodologies of selected ITS
benefit-cost studies in the United States.
Benefit-cost analysis is a widely used method for measuring the
profitability of different kinds of investments in the transport sec-
tor. Since the 1970s, Finnra has provided instructions on how to Finnish Experience
make road transport sector investment calculations and what val-
ues to use for user costs. Later, other transport modes in Finland In Finland, BCAs have been performed only for individual
adopted Finnra’s methods, in which the user costs are time, ve- telematics systems. The socio-economic profitability of the E18
hicle, accident, exhaust fumes, and noise costs. Usually in the weather-controlled motorway between the cities of Kotka and
case of road building investments, all these user costs will fall and Hamina was estimated before the system was built 共Lähesmaa
benefit society. The total benefits are then compared with invest- 1995兲. Subsequently, once the actual effects of the system on
ment costs, and a conclusion is drawn as to whether the invest- traffic had been studied, the benefit-cost calculations were re-
ment is profitable. Typically, time savings are the most important peated 共Lähesmaa 1997兲. The benefit-cost ratios of nine case ITS
factors dictating profitability. investments were estimated in a study of the best telematics ap-


J. Transp. Eng. 2002.128:276-286.

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Fig. 4. Analytical hierarchy process comparing telematics solutions 共Lähesmaa et al. 1998兲

plications when these were set in rural areas in southeastern Fin- to all of them is their ability to deal with two or more criteria
land 共Lähesmaa et al. 1998兲. The main concern of the applica- measured in different units. Three main reasons for the use
tions was to improve traffic safety. of multicriteria analysis to evaluate ITS investments are as
The results from these studies showed that the benefit-cost follows:
ratio of rural area ITS investments is likely to remain relatively
1. Many of the benefits of ITS investment do not have mon-
low. More specifically, the benefit-cost ratio of the E18 motorway
etary value 共e.g., service to drivers, comfort兲.
was approximately 0.5, and the benefit-cost ratio of all nine case
2. The shortcomings of traditional BCA can be avoided, so that
investments was less than 1, which means that the applications
are not profitable. In some cases the benefit-cost ratio was even the results of the comparison process reflect the preferences
found to be negative. of decision makers.
The benefit-cost ratios were poor because of the significance 3. Criteria, such as a substantial difference in required capital
of time and vehicle costs in the socioeconomic calculation meth- outlays between ITS and road building investments and risks
ods used by Finnra. With the use of telematics applications, travel related to the investments, can be considered in the compari-
times would have increased on average by 1–2 s at intersections son.
and by no more than 1 min on road sections. These small changes The EVA manual includes guidelines for using multicriteria
often increased time and vehicle costs more than they reduced analysis in the ITS project evaluation. EVA deals with several
accident costs. In sensitivity analysis, it was found that invest- MCA techniques and gives recommendations on how to build
ments would become profitable only if speeds were increased by MCA comparison and assign priorities to the criteria. However, it
the telematics application, even though this would mean a con- does not recommend any specific MCA method 共Bobinger et al.
siderable rise in the number of accidents. Quite explicitly, the 1993兲.
current Finnish evaluation framework prefers time savings over Lähesmaa et al. 共1998兲 used a multicriteria analysis method
traffic safety. called analytical hierarchy process 共AHP兲 to compare telematics
solutions with each other and with road building investments in
two cases. AHP starts with the building of the hierarchical tree,
Multicriteria Analyses
relating main objectives to subobjectives in several layers of de-
tail. Next, the decision makers assign a degree of importance or
Introduction to Multicriteria Analyses (MCA) weight to the criteria and alternatives in the tree based on the
There exist a number of different evaluation and decision tech- numerical facts or their own opinions and appreciation 共Saaty and
niques that could be regarded as multicriteria analysis. Common Kearns 1985兲.

Table 3. Examples of Analytical Hierarchy Process Comparison

Step Examples of interpretation
共1兲 Pair-wise comparisons of the cases regarding each criterion When sense of security is considered, Case 4 is more preferable
than Case 14.
共2兲 Creation of the ranking order based on each criteria by When operational risks are considered, the weights of the cases
combining the pair-wise comparisons of the five experts are the following: Case 2, 0.054; Case 4, 0.16; Case 5, 0.15;
Case 6, 0.08; Case 8, 0.06; Case 13, 0.41; Case 14, 0.07. So,
Case 13 is most preferred and seems to carry the smallest risk.
共3兲 Pair-wise comparisons of the criterion ‘‘Risks’’ is slightly less important criterion than ‘‘service to the
road user.’’
共4兲 Creation of the weights for each criteria by combining the The weights for the criteria are following: Service to the road
pair-wise comparisons of the five experts user, 0.33; financial parameters, 0.12; importance of the site,
0.38; risks, 0.16. So, importance of the site was considered the
most important criterion.
共5兲 Creation of the final ranking order by combining the The final ranking order of the cases as shown in Fig. 6
individual ranking orders


J. Transp. Eng. 2002.128:276-286.

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Fig. 5. Relative ranking order of cases based on financial parameters 共benefit-cost ratio of case 13 is equal to 1.兲

Comparison of Intelligent Transport System was less important than where traffic problems are more critical.
Investments Consequently, the AHP hierarchy 共i.e., the preferences of decision
makers兲 puts the most emphasis on the absolute efficiency of
The AHP hierarchy shown in Fig. 4 was designed to compare
investments rather than the relative ratio between benefits and
telematics solutions 共Lähesmaa et al. 1998兲. The comparisons
were based on financial parameters of investments, the knowledge
of decision makers, and preferences regarding the effects on ser-
vice provided to road users, on risk incurred by investments, and Comparison of Intelligent Transport System and Road
on the importance of different road sections and intersections. Building Investments
Six promising cases of different types of transport telematics
solutions were compared in the AHP process. For the criterion, The AHP method was also used to compare telematics and road
financial parameters, the ranking was based on the cost-benefit building investments. One case was an intersection area near the
ratios and return on investment 共ROI兲 of each case. Rankings by city of Lappeenranta 共Finnra 1996兲. The main direction is along a
other criteria were based on experience and opinion. Five deci- two-line highway, which has two intersections close to each other
sion makers from Finnra’s southeastern region were interviewed, with high traffic volume. Weekdays have typical morning and
and the results were used in the AHP hierarchy to assign priorities evening peak hours, with cars commuting to and from work. In
to the alternatives and criteria. Table 3 presents an example of summer, there is tidal traffic on Friday and Sunday evenings.
how the steps in the AHP comparison were taken as well as how However, hourly traffic is relatively low the rest of the time 共Lä-
the values were assigned to the hierarchy. hesmaa et al. 1998兲.
Fig. 5 shows the order of cases based on financial parameters, In the telematic solution, variable speed limits and information
and Fig. 6 shows the ranking order based on the AHP process. In boards would be used to lower speeds in the main direction dur-
Fig. 6, the white bars show the standard deviation; the smaller its ing peak hours. This would ease access to the highway at inter-
value the more consistent are the opinions of the decision makers. sections and increase overall capacity. Traffic safety would also
These figures show a substantial difference in the ranking improve slightly. However, no significant improvement was ex-
order. For example, if the decision was based solely on BCA, pected in accident rates as most accidents do not occur during
Case 4, variable speed limits at the Käyrälampi intersection peak hours. The investment cost of this telematic solution was
would receive top priority. The investment is inexpensive and estimated at around 0.50 million euros. An alternative solution
would increase traffic safety relatively well without interfering was to build a new graded interchange at the location, at a cost of
with traffic too much during construction. However, in the AHP some 15.10 million euros. If the decision were based on BCA, a
process, Case 4 was the last one to be selected, because there is new interchange would be built. This would decrease travel time
far less traffic at this intersection than in other case locations, and and increase safety, and the benefit-cost ratio of the investment
traffic problems are not that severe. For these reasons, the deci- would be about 1.5 共Finnra 1996兲. The telematic solution would
sion makers felt that this solution would serve road users less than increase travel time in the main direction during periods when
other case solutions and that spending money on this intersection speed limits are lowered because of high traffic volumes. Even if

Fig. 6. Relative ranking order of cases based on analytical hierarchy process


J. Transp. Eng. 2002.128:276-286.

this increase of travel time were on average only 1 to 2 s per teria are selected to avoid double counting, some of this will
vehicle and the solution had positive effects on access to the occur because decision makers subconsciously connect vari-
highway and on traffic safety, the value of time costs would be so ous facts anyway.
significant that the benefit-cost ratio of the telematics application • A comparison with AHP is always on a case-by-case basis.
would be less than 1 共Lähesmaa et al. 1998兲. The results cannot be compared with other investments. New
The AHP hierarchy in Fig. 7 was used to compare the building comparisons have to be made if new alternatives are to appear.
of the interchange and telematics investments. In this case, the Therefore, the authors suggest that MCA alone should not be
BCA was done totally using the AHP method. This made it pos- used to make final decisions but only as an aid in structuring the
sible to assign the priorities of decision makers to the evaluation process. Furthermore, MCA provides an opportunity to take into
process concerning how the benefits of different impacts are seen account many important factors affecting the decision that have
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and how the substantial difference in investment costs is valued in no explicit monetary or other numerical value. On the other hand,
the comparison. there is always the question of utility the investor pursues. It is the
The same decision makers from Finnra’s southeastern region definition of utility that very much dictates the tools that are avail-
compared interchange and telematics investments based on each able for use. If the utility is defined as net present value of dis-
criterion on the AHP hierarchy. Next, they also assigned degrees counted benefits, then the traditional BCA is a good tool 共BCA
of importance to the criteria. This comparison showed that maximizes the net present value of benefits under constrained
telematics investment was seen as modestly more preferable to budget兲. When we have benefits which cannot be valued and thus
the interchange investment. Compared with traditional BCA there discounted to the present, we simply must adopt different meth-
were two major differences. With the AHP method, the disadvan- ods and tools. Here is where MCA can provide some help.
tages of the telematics solution regarding travel time in the main
direction were not considered as important compared to the ad-
vantages, as they were in BCA. On the other hand, savings in Analyses based on Financial Theory
investment costs of the telematics solution were felt to be more
important than mere numerical differences, principally because
Risk-Adjusted Discounting Rates
many similar problem locations in the area also need urgent im-
provements. If telematics were chosen, some funds could be used Arrow and Lind 共1994兲 discuss the risk and uncertainty in public
to improve other locations. Channeling lots of money into this investment decisions and conclude that risk adjustment of dis-
one intersection would create serious funding difficulties for other counting rates is appropriate if the uncertain costs and benefits
targets of development. 共i.e., the risks兲 of the particular investments are borne by private
individuals 共or a specified group of people or organizations兲. On
the other hand, if the public body representing the investor is able
Opinions on use of Multicriteria Analyses
to distribute the risks evenly across the population, risk adjust-
A modified AHP method was used earlier in Detroit to create ment lacks justification. Thus the question is by no means simple.
preference weights for transportation planning goals of the FAST- Arrow and Lind 共1994兲 used an irrigation project as an example,
TRAC operational field test. On the basis of that study, Levine where the farms’ income is dependent to some extent on the suc-
and Underwood 共1996兲 argued that in an environment such as that cessfulness of the project. In a case like this, risk adjustment
of ITS, in which policy goals are diverse and potentially conflict- should be done. In road projects, which are also limited geo-
ing, MCA methods can aid in policy and system design by gaug- graphically 共only the areas and people within the vicinity of the
ing the relative preferences of strongly interested individuals and road are affected significantly兲 as well as user-wise 共only the mo-
groups. torists using the road are affected significantly兲, the benefits are
In the Finnish studies, the authors found remarkable differ- directed to a specific group. Hence, there is some argument for
ences in decisions based solely on BCA or MCA. The main dis- risk adjustment. But, as stated by Stiglitz there are no simple,
advantages of using the AHP method in these cases were the definite answers to the question of the right discounting rate.
following: ‘‘The value of the social rate of discount depends on a number of
• The AHP method is subjective, and the set of criteria selected factors, and indeed I have argued it may vary from project to
for the hierarchy cannot be wholly complete. Even if the cri- project depending, for instance, on the distributional conse-

Fig. 7. AHP hierarchy comparing telematics and road building investments 共Lähesmaa et al. 1998兲


J. Transp. Eng. 2002.128:276-286.

quences of the project. These results may be frustrating for those E(R̃ GDP)⫽the expected, uncertain growth of national income,
who seek simple answers, but such are not to be found.’’ 共Stiglitz GDP; and ␤ s ⫽the 共social兲 risk of the project compared to the
1994, p. 155兲. national income growth.
Arrow and Lind 共1994, p. 161兲 also point out that the time and This simplified model implies that the project is worth carry-
risk preferences relevant for government action could simply be ing out provided that when using its risk adjusted discounting rate
established as matter of national policy. The rate of discount and R p , the calculus produces a positive net present value. In other
attitude toward risk could be specified by the appropriate authori- words, when doing the actual project appraisal, the social dis-
ties, and the procedures for evaluation would incorporate these counting rate may be adjusted according to Eq. 共3兲 and then be
time and risk preferences. This approach relieves the authorities used as normal in the cost-benefit calculus.
from too much theoretical consideration, which in the end only Some points here need further discussion. Although the social
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blurs the decision-making rules. return on a project is conceptually clear 共i.e., the net present value
Taking the risk into account by adjusting discounting rates is of discounted costs and benefits兲, the minimum allowed social
one policy. Another policy is to include the risk premiums within return is not. In CAPM, the reference minimum rate was obtained
the valuation formula, that is, calculate the certainty equivalent from state bonds, or similar, which can be considered as risk-free
value of each risk separately and use fixed discounting rates. investments. For public investments, this reference rate is not
These two policies are in fact identical according to investment available, at least not directly. One solution is to use the decided
theory. Little and Mirrlees 共1994兲 showed how the Capital Asset discounting rate, which in Finland for transport infrastructure in-
Pricing Model 共CAPM兲 can be applied to public investments and vestments has been 6% 共annual basis兲. Thus, it is a matter of
their risk valuation. Instead of calculating asset betas 共␤兲 indicat- agreement, as proposed by Arrow and Lind 共1994兲. The fact that
ing the asset’s risk in relation to overall market risk, they derived annual GDP growth might be less than 6% poses no problem. The
a kind of project risk measure for public projects, indicating the important issue here is that the project should contribute to eco-
project’s social profits in relation to national income. Their anal- nomic growth and welfare. However, if ␤ is large and R GDP is
ogy with CAPM is straightforward. lower than R s , this could even lead to a negative discounting rate,
The original CAPM assumes the form 共Copeland and Weston at least in theory. 共The rates discussed here are in nominal terms.
1988, p. 204兲 If nominal rates are used, then also the cost and benefit compo-
nents must be in nominal terms, as they are in standard cost-
E 共 R̃ 兲 ⫽R f ⫹ 关 E 共 R̃ m 兲 ⫺R f 兴 ␤ (1)
benefit calculus.兲
where ␤ is Another problem is the time risk or risk of forecasting error.
CAPM and the related models usually assume historical betas,
cov共 R̃,R̃ m 兲 that is, the risks are measured as ex post. Then, the risks are
␤⫽ (2)
␴m2 applied as such ex ante. This is one of the major risks in long-
term, strategic investments: the longer the time horizon, the
where E(R̃)⫽expected uncertain return on project, investment or greater the risk of forecasting error.
asset; the tilde 共⬃兲 denotes the uncertainty of the parameter; R f Using Finnish historical data, Leviäkangas and Lähesmaa
⫽risk-free return, for example, return on state bonds; E(R̃ m ) 共1999, appendix A兲 calculated the time risk adjusted discounting
⫽expected, uncertain return on market portfolio, that is, a diver- rates for ITS investments. The results implied that the discounting
sified investment in the stock market; and ␤⫽risk measure of the rates for ITS investments should be 1 to 2% units lower for ITS
project, asset, or investment against the market portfolio invest- than that used normally for infrastructure investments. This
ment, that is, the covariance between project return and market means that ITS investments become ‘‘more easily’’ profitable than
return divided by the variance of market return. conventional investments.
If ␤⬎1, the project is riskier than the market portfolio invest-
ment, and the required return on it should be more than R m . If Case of Real Options
␤⬍1, the required return, that is, the discounting rate, should be
less than R m . In any case, the return should not be lower than the The first presentation of the options theory was made by Black
risk-free rate R f . The risk is measured simply by how volatile the and Scholes 共1973兲 in their classic article. Typically, an option is
asset is in relation to the market. This model, used routinely in regarded as a right to sell or buy a security 共or any other asset兲 for
capital markets, shows how the risk adjustment of discounting a predetermined price. The owner of the option also has the free-
rates may be done. dom not to exercise his or her right to buy or sell, depending on
Little and Mirrlees 共1994兲 simply replaced the market return the market situation. A practical guide to the options approach is
with national income growth. Thus, they measured what is the given by Dixit and Pindyck 共1995兲. They provide numerous el-
risk of a project in relation to overall economic development, that ementary examples of situations where the options approach is
is, national income, which often is operationalized as gross do- applicable. Ingersoll and Ross 共1992兲 showed that even the sim-
mestic product 共GDP兲. Although their theoretical approach was plest of projects has an option value, that is, it competes with
more refined than shown below, the idea remains essentially the itself postponed. Thus all projects are subject to the postponement
same. The CAPM modification may now be written as alternative, which creates a real option with a calculable value.
Brennan and Schwartz 共1993兲 showed how the options approach
cov共 R̃ p ,R̃ GDP兲 may be applied to the natural resource investment valuation prob-
E 共 R̃ p 兲 ⫽R s ⫹ 关 E 共 R̃ GDP兲 ⫺R s 兴
2 lem. They took the case of a mine and treated it as an option.
Trigeorgis 共1993兲 identifies the value of options in a situation
⫽R s ⫹ 关 E 共 R̃ GDP兲 ⫺R s 兴 ␤ s (3) where there exist numerous real options, and furthermore, where
these options interact with each other. Trigeorgis 共1993兲 also
where E(R̃ p )⫽the expected, uncertain social return on the shows that the value of flexibility manifests familiar option prop-
project; R s ⫽the minimum allowed social return on the projects; erties.


J. Transp. Eng. 2002.128:276-286.

Table 4. Summary of Results when Applying Option Theory 共Leviäkangas and Lähesmaa 1999, p. 28兲
Investment cost Benefit cost ratio Black-Scholes Benefit cost ratio
Type of investment 共millions of euros兲 without option benefit option value with option value
ITS 共VMS, VSL兲 0.50 0.67 3.1 6.87
共10-year period兲 million euros
Capital 共2-level intersection兲 15.13 1.00 — —
共20-year period兲

Sercu and Uppal 共1994兲 applied the options approach in an

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cost 共15.13 million euros兲; X⫽exercise price of the option; in this

international capital budgeting case. They showed in their article case, the investment cost of building the intersection later, that is,
that irreversible international capital investments include real op- 21.85 million euros, assuming that it will be more expensive to
tions that affect the investment decision at hand. The traditional carry out the work later; ␴⫽standard deviation of the returns of
net present value 共NPV兲 rule ignores these options. In their par- the underlying asset; in this case, the standard deviation of the
ticular case, the NPV method underestimated the true value of social return on the project 共0.1兲; T⫽the time to maturity of the
investment. It therefore seems obvious that the option theory can option; in this case, the 10-year period gained by investing in ITS;
be applied to almost any investment decision, regardless of the R f ⫽risk-free interest rate; that is, the minimum required social
nature of the investment. Kemna puts it as follows: ‘‘The value of rate of return 共6%兲; N(d)⫽cumulative probability for a normally
flexibility associated with investment projects can be derived distributed unit variable z at point d; and e⫽Neper’s number
from the value of real options, because options are the perfect tool ⫽2.718282.
to value the impact of future decisions on uncertain cash flows. Secondly, in order to confirm results of option calculus, the
For example, these real options can be found in several stages of authors also used the state preference model to determine how
investment projects, like the option to postpone an investment, to well-off the investor 共i.e., the road authority兲 would be when
maintain the scale and life of the project, to shut-down tempo- choosing different investment strategies. The probabilities used in
rarily or to abandon the project.’’ 共Kemma 1987兲 this model were taken from real historical data on Finnish road
It must be emphasized that option values are in reality not traffic volumes for 1981–1997 共Leviäkangas and Lähesmaa 1999,
direct benefits for the investor, but rather possibilities to adopt a appendix B兲. The results of this verifying method confirmed that
flexible investment behavior. Often the option value is referred to there truly exists an option value for the ITS alternative, which is
as the value of flexibility. substantial with regard to ITS investment.
Here, a real world case project is used to demonstrate how the The results are summarized in Table 4. As observed, the option
option theory may be applied to road ITS investments. Our option values are significant compared with the cost of ITS investment.
calculation is elementary and lacks theoretical sophistication. Fur- The Black-Scholes option valuation method yielded to an option
thermore, it should be regarded as an experimental demonstration value of 3.1 million euros 共the state preference approach showed
because the application of option theory in this field surely needs a value of 1.3 million euros; also Monte Carlo simulation may be
more research. However, it shows the idea, which hopefully can used to study option values兲. These figures are of paramount sig-
be refined by other researchers in the future. The calculus and nificance when considering an ITS investment of 0.50 million
more detailed information on the case project appear in the work euros. Therefore, if ITS 共or upgrading兲 alternatives are suspected
by Leviäkangas and Lähesmaa 共1999, appendix B兲. It is shown to include any option elements, they can be surprisingly high in
that two different and independent approaches produce positive monetary/benefit terms. Traditional BCA disregards these ben-
option values for ITS investments when compared to traditional efits.
capital investments. The investment alternatives are as follows:
1. A new two-level intersection for two main roads crossing;
this investment alternative serves for 20 years at least. Budgetary Aspects
2. An ITS investment of variable message signs 共VMS兲 and The traditional engineering measures of capacity expansion and
variable speed limit 共VSL兲 signs; the signs warn of a dan- safety improvement are heavy and expensive. ITS should be re-
gerous crossing and alert drivers that other vehicles may be garded more as a strategy than an operational measure to avoid
approaching the crossing area; the speed limits change ac-
heavy construction operations in new traffic infrastructure. Taking
cording to the traffic flow density so that vehicles can
ITS and telematics as a strategic approach on the aggregate level,
smoothly join the main direction flow, and the risk of cross-
it is possible to ease the financial burden of governmental bud-
ing accidents is reduced. This alternative serves for 10 years,
gets. If only a portion of larger scale investments can be post-
and should then be renewed or replaced by the first invest-
poned or even avoided by implementing telematics systems, a
ment alternative.
significant fiscal impact on the budget is achieved.
Two alternative option valuation methods are used. The first,
The following example reflects the situation in one of the re-
the Black-Scholes model, takes the form
gional units of Finnra 共Finnra 1998兲. The purpose is to illustrate
c⫽SN 共 d 1 兲 ⫺Xe ⫺R f T N 共 d 2 兲 how ITS can be used as an optional investment strategy, not to
diminish the importance of traditional engineering measures,
which are of course always needed 共Leviäkangas and Lähesmaa
ln共 S/X 兲 ⫹R f T 1 1999, p. 28 –30兲.
d 1⫽ ⫹ ␴ 冑T, d 2 ⫽d 1 ⫺␴ 冑T The total investment plan for 1997–2005 yielded to 284.1 mil-
␴ 冑T 2
lion euros, of which 256.9 million euros were for new projects to
where c⫽value of the option; S⫽current price of the underlying be initiated. It was assumed by the authors that out of the 11
asset; in this case, the two-level intersection building investment investment projects there were two projects that could be replaced


J. Transp. Eng. 2002.128:276-286.

Table 5. Risks and Prospective Tools for Risk Accounting
Prospective tool for risk
Risk⇒impact accounting
Sunken cost⇒ Option theory
unrecoverable investment
Technological⇒unrealized benefits, Multicriteria analysis
operating costs, operating errors
Strategic/forecasting error⇒ Option theory and risk-adjusted
unrealized benefits discounting rate
Fig. 8. Alternative investment programs for the Finnra’s southeast- Environmental risk⇒higher sunken
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Multicriteria analysis
ern region cost, bad image, time delays
Uncertainty of impacts on drivers and Multicriteria analysis
eironment⇒unrealized benefits
User acceptance⇒ Multicriteria analysis
entirely by ITS, and the other two could be postponed by 8 years.
consumer dissatisfaction
After these adjustments, the total investment plan yielded to 126.8
million euros and new projects to 99.6 million euros, which is
roughly 60% less for the investment plan period compared to the
vice, and driver comfort. However, even these can be evaluated in
original plan. However, it is important to realize that investment
monetary terms provided that adequate research is carried out.
pressures will increase in the future if ITS investments prove
We have presented some tools that deal fully or partly with the
inadequate in the long-run. The difference between the example
above problems resulting from the different nature of invest-
investment programs in one of Finnra’s regions is shown in Fig.
ments. From the risk management point of view, Table 2 can be
8. The original program shows darker 共back area兲, and the ITS
reviewed, and different tools may be adopted for risk accounting
emphasizing program shows pale 共front area兲 共Leviäkangas and
共see Table 5兲.
Lähesmaa 1999, p. 30兲.
Option theory and risk adjustment of discounting rates are
prospective methods for some risks while others have to be dealt
with using other tools, namely multicriteria analysis 共or similar
evaluation tools兲. Multicriteria analysis, of course, allows the in-
clusion of several alternative tools for aggregate level evaluation,
On the basis of theoretical discussion and evidence from case
each tool contributing to certain risk management aspects.
analyses, it is possible to make the following statements on alter-
These evaluation methods can be used within the project as-
native methods of comparing the profitability of ITS and physical
sessment framework in the transport sector to highlight different
infrastructure investments.
aspects of the profitability and efficiency of transport investments.
None of the methods themselves can reflect all the aspects in
First Statement. ITS and infrastructure investments differ in so
decision making, but by using a suitable set of different methods
many respects that the traditional BCA developed for the latter
depending on the decision situation and by comparing the results,
type of investments is an insufficient tool for producing sound
a wider and more realistic picture of investments can be obtained.
decision-making rules for investment selection.
However, these tools need to be developed further so that they
can be applied in standard practice and in management systems.
Second Statement. Multicriteria analysis produces different in-
vestment selection rules than BCA adopted in a straightforward
manner. Furthermore, MCA captures better the decision-makers’
and experts’ preferences and goal settings, although these items Notation
cannot be measured with a single yardstick.
The following symbols are used in this paper:
Third Statement. Some of the differences are manageable by ad- c ⫽ value of option;
justing the benefit-cost calculus. For example, the different time E( ) ⫽ expectation operator;
risk profiles of ITS and infrastucture investments can be taken e ⫽ Neper’s number⫽2.718282;
into account by adjusting discounting rates. N(d) ⫽ cumulative probability for normally distributed
unit variable at point d;
Fourth Statement. Some of the ITS investment benefits can be R ⫽ interest rate, return or discounting rate;
captured by using option valuation techniques. The items valued S ⫽ current price of underlying asset;
by option tools can be regarded as ‘‘financial flexibility ’’ or T ⫽ time to maturity of option;
‘‘postponing uncertain, risky and heavy investments 共until we are X ⫽ exercise price of option;
sure we really need them兲.’’ It is most interesting that this option ␤ ⫽ risk of project compared to systematic risk;
was implicitly recognized by Finnish road authorities when they ␴ ⫽ standard deviation; and
favored ITS alternatives when using multicriteria analysis 共AHP ⬃ ⫽ uncertainty operator.
in that particular case兲 despite the fact that traditional BCA Subscript
strongly favored traditional engineering solutions. f ⫽ identifier for risk-free;
GDP ⫽ identifier for gross domestic product, i.e., national
Fifth Statement. Many aspects nevertheless remain without clear income;
valuation rules where ITS investments are concerned. For ex- m ⫽ identifier for market; and
ample, one can list items such as budget impacts, improved ser- s ⫽ identifier for social or socioeconomic.


J. Transp. Eng. 2002.128:276-286.

Acknowledgments Leviäkangas, P. 共1998兲. ‘‘Some new aspects and ideas for economic
evaluation of ITS investments.’’ Proc., 5th World Congress on Intel-
The writers wish to thank the anonymous reviewers of the paper ligent Transport Systems, Seoul, South Korea.
for useful comments. The Ministry of Transport and Communica- Leviäkangas, P., and Lähesmaa, J. 共1999兲. ‘‘Profitability comparison be-
tions Finland and Dr. Harri Kallberg provided us the opportunity tween I.T.S. investments and traditional investments in infrastruc-
ture.’’ Ministry of Transport and Communication Finland, Rep. and
to carry out this research. The writers thank both for this oppor-
Memoranda B 24/99, Ministry of Transport and Communications,
tunity. The ideas, conclusions, and recommendations of this paper Helsinki, Finland.
represent only those of the writers. Levine, J., and Underwood, S. E. 共1996兲. ‘‘A multiattribute analysis of
goals for intelligent transportation system planning.’’ Transp. Res.,
Part C: Emerg. Technol., 4共2兲, 97–111.
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