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Test II (Health)

Name: Paguntalan, Romel John T. Section: Polaris 1B

1. in 5 sentences discuss the phrase "health is Wealth."

Our health is our greatest treasure that we may have in this life. Our money is not

the basis of one's wealth but it is the healthy body and a healthy state of mind. A state of

wherein having a good condition not only in a physical manner but also in a mental,

emotional, social, psychological, neuro-muscular, physiological, and spiritual is more than

enough to be considered to having a prosperous life.

Therefore, our health is our greatest investment that we may have and that will

give everyone lifelong good returns. Indeed, having luxurious items will never be as

important compared to having a holistic state of well-being and body fitness.

2. What is Covid-19 and how to protect ourselves from this disease?

COVID-19 is a disease produced by the SARS-CoV-2 virus that can cause a

respiratory tract infection, according to doctors. It can affect either your upper or lower

respiratory system (sinuses, nose, and throat) (windpipe and lungs). A coronavirus is a type

of virus that causes infections in the nose, sinuses, and upper throat. SARS-CoV-2 was

discovered as a new kind of coronavirus by the World Health Organization in early 2020,

following a December 2019 epidemic in China. The disease soon spread around the globe.

In addition, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), according

to data, primarily passes from person to person among people in close contact (within about

6 feet, or 2 meters). When someone infected with the virus coughs, sneezes, breathes,

sings, or talks, respiratory droplets are discharged. These droplets can be inhaled or land

in someone's mouth, nose, or eyes.

Symptoms of COVID-19 range from mild to severe. Some persons have no signs or

symptoms. Fever, cough, and exhaustion are the most prevalent symptoms. Shortness of

breath, muscle aches, chills, sore throat, headache, chest pain, and loss of taste or smell

are all possible symptoms. Other symptoms that aren't as common have also been

described. Symptoms can emerge anywhere from two to fourteen days following exposure.

Therefore, a vaccine may help you avoid contracting COVID-19 or preventing you

from becoming extremely ill from it if you do contract it. Every year, vaccines save millions

of lives. Vaccines function by teaching and preparing the body's natural defenses, the

immune system, to recognize and combat the viruses and bacteria they are designed to

combat. If the body is later exposed to those disease-causing microorganisms after

vaccination, the body is ready to kill them right away, preventing illness.

If you haven't had a COVID-19 vaccine, there are a number of precautions you may

take to avoid contracting the virus and spreading it to others.

 Maintain a physical distance of at least 1 meter between yourself and others, even

if they don't appear to be unwell. Crowds and direct contact should be avoided.

 When physical separation isn't possible and the environment isn't well ventilated,

put on a properly fitted mask.

 Hands should be washed often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or an

alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol should be used.

 When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue.

Dispose the used tissue. Hands should be washed as soon as possible.

 Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. Clean and disinfect surfaces

that you come into contact with on a regular basis.

Moreover, people who have not been vaccinated should continue to use face masks

in indoor and outdoor public settings where there is a high risk of COVID-19 transmission,

such as at a crowded event or large gathering.

In public, wearing a mask may help prevent the transmission of the virus from those

who don't have any symptoms. For the general public, non-medical cotton masks are

recommended. If surgical masks are available, they can be used. Wearing a face mask,

according to evidence from health experts, provides an extra physical barrier and helps to

limit community transmission.

With that, stay at Home and avoid the 3Cs: closed, crowded, or close-contact

environments. Also, if you have a fever, a cough, or are having trouble breathing, consult a

doctor very once. Call first and then follow your local health authority's instructions.

By that, Keep up with the latest information from credible sources such as the

World Health Organization (WHO) or your local and national health authorities. Local,

state, and federal governments, as well as public health agencies, are the finest sources of

information on what residents in your area should do to protect themselves.

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