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Activity/Quiz 2 – Nature of PE: Its

Objectives and Importance

Name: Paguntalan, Romel John T. Section: Polaris 1B

1.) Without referring to the given definition, define PE in your own ideas based on how
you perceived it on your observations and past experiences during your basic education
years. Minimum of 30 and maximum of 50 words only.

Physical Education is the concept related to physical fitness and activity in order
to achieve, sustain, and promote an active life for fitness and health--to be enlightened
about body management, movement skills, rhythms, dance, games, sports, and healthy
lifestyle. Indeed, we move to learn and we learn to move.

2.) Cite at least five (5) importance of physical education. Discuss and relate these to
yourself as a future seafarer. What will be the significance of this identified importance
of PE to your life in general? 10 points for every importance discuss. Minimum of 50
and maximum of 100 words only.

1. Physical Education improves confidence.

Physical activity affects your self-esteem. Regular exercise tones your body
image. Not only that it does look good physically, but it feels good from within.
Therefore, it helps you to feel better with yourself, to have a sense of accomplishment,
improved self-image, and increased brain power. Those are what I need to equip myself
onboard the vessel. The validation within myself helps me to be confident towards my
work. By that, it will be significant that I'll be practicing this mindset at the present time in
order to pull off a good confidence in everything that I do.

2. Physical Education helps valuing healthy and active lifestyles.

- An applied knowledge about Physical Education helps a person value healthy and
active lifestyle even more. With this kind of mentality, it will help us to be consciously
aware of with regards to being mobile and active—we get in track of our health status.
As a future seafarer, I need to understand that there are loads of work onboard and the
treasure that I have in me is my health. Therefore, to be aware and to embody this kind
of mindset in my everyday life is essential in order to be in good physical condition no
matter what.
3. Physical Education helps students develop personally and socially.

Physical Education teaches the learners to engage in physical activities and

sports. With that, it teaches us to work in individuals, to be in groups and teams, and to
develop a personal and social responsibility. Thus, it will help me to have concepts of
leadership, fairness, and to have the responsibility of officiating. And I think that those
are the ones that a deck officer must possess onboard the vessel. By engaging in
sports, it will help me to progress in terms of my personal development and social skills
as well.

4. Physical Education helps develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics
and strategies to perform successfully.

Physical education does help us to develop our skills when it comes to our
cognitive and intellectual aspect. Sports and recreation boost the way we think and we
are able to set our tactics and to be able to have the ability to strategize. Thus, helping
us to perform successfully in everything that we do. I can apply this as a future seafarer
because the ship requires competent officers who are able to think and plan critically.
Indeed, I can apply this to my everyday life as I attend my online classes and answer
my module tasks.

5. Physical Education helps achieve a healthy mental and emotionally state.

Physical Education definitely has mental and emotional benefits to a person.

Therefore, by staying active through the influence of Physical Education, it’ll improve
our quality of life. Studies have shown that it can decrease the chances of having
depression, anger, anxiety, stress and tension. By that, good mental health is essential
for the life of a seafarer. As future sailors, we must understand that we are challenged
by our mental and emotional setbacks and with that, we should start applying these
visions into the today's time because in general, our mental health is also as important
as our physical health.

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