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In a country where nearly 30% of its population lives a nomadic lifestyle, a trip to Mongolia is a must for

anyone seeking a wild adventure. The country as a tourist destination is a perfect blend of captivating
nomadic culture and ancient landscapes, which cannot be found anywhere else. Visiting Mongolia is
truly unique and once in a lifetime experience and shouldn’t missed its extraordinary history and
fascinating scenery. If experiencing the local lifestyle first hand is not enough to entice you to Mongolia,
its diverse landscapes just might. From the mountains of the north to the Gobi Desert in the south, this
vast, stunning country is awash with dramatic mountain scenery and spectacular deserts, with a
fascinating and ancient culture.

There is so much to see and do in this country in the heart of Asia. With unrivalled expertise in this
destination, here are the best places to visit in Mongolia:

1. Gorkhi-Terelj National Park

Gorkhi-Terelj National Park has this alpine scenery with its glorious mountain peaks that are home to
picturesque valleys with charming yurt camps found everywhere, roaring rivers, and craggy rock
formations that is well-known for particularly two of such resemblances; the Turtle Rock and the Old
Man Reading a Book. Many wild animals roam these mountains, including moose, brown bears. ibexes
and 250 plus bird species that makes it an enchanting place to relax. As such, if you like adventures
there are a plethora of great outdoor activities for you to try out such as rock-climbing, hiking, rafting,
horse or camel riding and visiting nomad camps family and stay overnight in traditional Ger dwelling
within short period. A small portion of the park in the south has been developed for tourists containing
souvenir shops, camels and horses on rent, restaurants and tourist ger camps. Meanwhile, the north
includes the alpine Khagiin Khar Lake and a series of bubbling hot springs to boot.

*Terelj National Park is the closest to Ulaanbaatar compared with other parks, making it a popular
choice for travellers who tend to spend a shorter time in Mongolia, but still absolutely worth a visit.

2. Flaming Cliffs

It is located in the Gobi Desert

Flaming Cliffs is known in Mongolian as the Ulaan Ereg, or Red Cliffs. It is where important fossils are
founded by the American paleontologist Roy Chapman Andrews in his expeditions of the country in the
1920s. He was exploring for dinosaur bones that’s why the area is most famous for yielding the first
discovery of dinosaur eggs. Other finds in the area include specimens of Velociraptor, Oviraptor,
Protoceratops, eutherian mammals and other dinosaurs have all been found around the cliffs. In the
evening, everyone noticed how the sun lights up the sandstone cliffs. The cliffs brilliantly glow red and
orange. It exposes rocks of the Djadochta Formation.

*Just make sure not to take any fossils; the book the Dinosaur Artist by Paige Williams tells the story of
Mongolian fossils taken without permission. Take a lot of beautiful pictures though, and stay in a ger
camp nearby instead!

* This site is especially interesting for people interested in Natural History,

3. Altai Mountains
Altai Mountains is known as the ‘Golden Mountains’ in the local Kazakh dialect. It is the home of
Paleolithic remains, Scythian graves and an incredible collection of Bronze Age petroglyphs. The region is
studded with large lakes and numerous glaciers that provide home to a rich diversity of flora and fauna.
Wild boar, Mongolian gazelle and brown bears occupy the surrounding foothills and its landscapes have
achieved World Heritage importance for its preservation of endangered snow leopards and Siberian
ibex. You may be lucky enough to see ibex, brown bears, and grey wolves, with majestic golden eagles
swooping overhead.

*Covering a vast expanse of territory that includes everything from the Tavan Bogd massif to the
glittering lakes of Dayan, Khoton, and Khurgan, Altai Tavan Bogd National Park will delight nature lovers
and outdoor aficionados alike. Besides the many stunning landscapes that lend themselves perfectly to
hiking, rock climbing, river rafting, and skiing, it is also a fantastic place to head if you want to gain a
deeper understanding and appreciation for nomad life: there are many Kazakh and Tuvan families that
you can either visit or stay with.

4. Genghis Khan Statue Complex

Genghis Khan Statue Complex is the most recognizable landmark in Mongolia around Ulaanbaatar. It has
this gigantic statue of Genghis Khan horseback riding, on the bank of the Tuul River at Tsonjin Boldog,
where, according to legend, he found a golden whip. The statue is symbolically pointed east towards his
birthplace. It is on top of the Genghis Khan Statue Complex, a visitor centre, itself 10 metres tall, with 36
columns representing the 36 khans from Genghis to Ligdan Khan. Visitors walk to the head of the horse
through its chest and neck, where they have a panoramic view. The main statue area will be surrounded
by 200 ger, designed and arranged like the pattern of the horse brand marks that were used by the 13th
century Mongol tribes. Its sheer size and scale are certainly fitting of the man who rose to rule such a
huge swathe of territory and is a national hero in the country.

5. Orkhon Valley

Orkhon Valley is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its rolling pastureland contains numerous
fascinating archaeological remains, many dating back to the 6th century. It is where the sacred
mountain-forest of Otuken was believed to be. The valley was continuously occupied throughout the
ages and was settled successively by the Huns, Turkic peoples, the Uighurs, the Kidans, and finally the
Mongols. Today, Orkhon Valley is a large place of nomadism where many breeders set up camp. There is
a high level of authenticity as you witness the nomadic pastoral traditions that have remained
unchanged for centuries. The picturesque steppe-lands, surrounded by rich fauna and flora, make this
area the perfect place to discover the nomadic Mongolia in a green, picturesque setting.

6. Erdene Zuu Monastery

located in the Ovorkhangai Province, adjacent to the primordial city of Karakorum

Erdene Zuu Monastery is known to be the earliest surviving Buddhist monastery in Mongolia. It is part of
the Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape World Heritage Site. It is a fascinating place that is certainly worth
a visit if you’re interested in learning more about the history and culture of the Mongols. The
construction of this beautiful monastery was ordered in 1585, by Abtai Sain Khan, the ruler of the Khaika
Mongols and grandfather of Zanabazar. This happened after he had met with the 3rd Dalai Lama and
Tibetan Buddhism being adopted as the official religion of Mongolia. Some of the material used in the
construction of this magnificent building came from the ruins of the ancient Mongol capital city of
Karakorum. The planners of the monastery had attempted to build a surrounding wall resembling 108
stupas of a Tibetan Buddhist rosary but couldn’t eventually come into existence. However, the walls of
the monastery were painted and Chinese-look roof enclosed with green-colored tiles. It also has three
beautiful temples, with lots of lovely statues and carvings. Besides this impressive sight, Karakorum has
some smaller ruined stupas, buildings, and archaeological sites for you to wander around, although
these are decidedly less spectacular.

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