Since The Virus Was First Recorded in China Late Last Year

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Since the virus was first recorded in China late last year, the pandemic has spread around

world, prompting governments to close businesses, ground airlines and order hundreds of
millions of people to stay at home to try to slow the contagion.

The coronavirues as confirmed to have spread to Indonesia on 2 March 2020. s of 3 April, the
pandemic has spread to all provinces in Indonesia, one of them is in Makassar.

On 14 March, the government of Indonesia declared the coronavirus outbreak in Indonesia as a

national disaster.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has called on all Indonesians to practice what epidemiologists
call social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19 in the country.

“Under the current conditions, it’s time for us to work from home, study from home and worship
at home,” Jokowi said at a press conference at Bogor Palace in West Java on Sunday.

during self quarantine, the things I do are sunbathing at ten for fifteen minutes, do assignments
from the lecturer, sending the assignment via email or whatsapp, learning via online media like
zoom, kelase,lark and many more. to relieve stress after studying, usually I will listen to music or
watch my favorite movie.
I hope this disaster will end soon, and all activities will return to normal.

don't forget to always wash your hands and eat nutritious food.

Stay safe and healty too.

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