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Name : Chiara Adellia Chantika

Student Number : 2113042035

Class : A

• Vocabulary Task - Translating Sentences into English

8. Kesimpulan itu terlalu mengada ada

• That conclusion is too far- fetched

9. Tabrakan terjadi di jalan Teuku Umar tadi pagi

• The accident is happened on Teuku Umar street this morning

10. Saya dapat ijin dari orang tua untuk ikut kamping

• I got permission from my parents to go camping

11. Penemuan pulau baru merupakan prestasi anak bangsa

• The discovery of new island is an achievement for the nation’s children

12. Kesembuhannya dari sakitnya dinanti banyak orang

• His recovery from illness is awaited by many people

13. Rayuanmu sungguh memuakkan

• Your seduction is really disgusting

14. Perbudakam harus dihapus dari muka bumi

• Slavery must be removed from the world

15. Modus penipuan sekarang ini bervariasi

• Mode of deception is variation now

16. Prestasimu layak mendapat penghargaan

• Your achievement deserves an award

17. Penyesuaian terhadap lingkungan baru suatu keniscayaan

• Adjustment to the new environment is a necessity

18. Bagi peseni, inspirasi itu mahal harganya

• For artists, inspiration is expensive

19. Kompetisi sumber kreatifitas

• Competition is the source of creativity

20. Pemerolehan bahasa kedua lebih mudah pada anak-anak

• Second language acquisition is easier on children

21. Sertifikasi guru sangat membantu ekonomi para pendidik

• The teacher certification really helps the economy of educators

22. Keinginan berbisnis meningkat pada masyarakat kita

• The desire for business is increasing in our society

23. Kesadaran pentingnya kebersihan perlu digalakkan

• Awareness of the importance of cleanliness needs to be encouraged

24. Mentalitas sebahagian pejabat negeri ini sangat buruk

• The mentality of some state officials is very bad.

25. Hentikan rasa permusuhan di kalangan remaja

• Stop the hostility among teenagers

26. Ketidak pedulian orang tua pangkal permasalahan remaja.

• Parent's ignorance cause teenager problems.

27. Kerjasama sumber kekuatan masyarakat.

• Cooperation are the source of society power.

28. Kematian adalah wajib bagi mahluk hidup.

• Death is a must for every living creatures.

29. Keceriaan dalam hidup adalah sumber energi.

• cheerfulness in life is the source of energy.

30. Trimakasih atas kritikannya yang membangun.

• Thank you for the constructive criticism.

31. Juru ketik harus orang yang sangat teliti.

• The typist should be a very conscientious person.

32. Para pelamar kerja diwajibkan melalui test wawancara.

• The job applicants must passed the interview test.

33. Persahabatan kami sudah dimulai sejak kecil.

• Our friendship started since childhood.

34. Masa kanak kanaknya dihabiskan di kampung.

• He spent his childhood in the village.

35. Mari kita lestarikan lingkungan kita.

• Let's preserve our environment

36. Kerajaan dipimpin oleh seorang raja.

• A kingdom ruled by a king.

37. Kebosanan sering memicu stres.

• Boredom often triggers stress.

38. Kawasan Sribowono merupakan kawasan industri.

• Sribowono area is an industrial area.

39. Jangan emosi dalam menghadapi suatu masalah.

• Don't be an emotional person when facing a problem.

40. Stop tingkahmu yang kekanak - kanakan itu.

• Stop your childish behavior.

41. Para artis selalu berusaha mengikuti mode.

• Artists always try to keep up with fashion

42. Sikapnya kebos bosan itu memuakkan ku.

• His bossy attitude sickens me.

43. Di belakang rumah saya ada gunung batu.

• There is a rock behind my house.

44. Dinding berlumut rumah tetangga saya direnovasi .

• The mossy walls of my neighbour’s house were renovated.

45. Dia tersangkut permasalahan disiplin.

• He was caught in a disciplinary problem.

46. Elyas Pical adalah petinju legendaris kita.

• Elyas Pical is our legendary boxer.

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