Apeejay School Kharghar 2021-2022 English Core Class Test

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Q 1 Read the extract and choose the best option
He yelled, “Hi, Skinny! How’d you like to be ducked?” With that he picked me up
and tossed me into the deep end. I landed in a sitting position, swallowed water, and went at
once to the bottom. I was frightened, but not yet frightened out of my wits. On the way down I
planned: When my feet hit the bottom, I would make a big jump, come to the surface, lie flat on
it, and paddle to the edge of the pool.
1)Which of the following issues make the situation presented in the given extract
a) Body shaming b) Bullying c) Eve-teasing d) Misadventure

2) Which of the following idioms might be an alternative to ‘out of wits’

a) Scare stiff b) beat around the bush c) get out of hand d) under the weather

3)Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below
Statement I William was one of the target of the bullies.
Statement II The bully should have been punished by authorities.
a) Statement I can be inferred from the extract but statement II cannot be.
b) Statement I can not be inferred from the extract but statement II can be.
c) Both Statement I and Statement II can be inferred.
d) Both Statement I and Statement II cannot be inferred.
4) Choose the most appropriate option to complete the given sentence.
In the given lines, the narrator had been _________into the pool and he was _______ to come
out of the pool.
a) Thrown, trying b) Pushed, determined
c) Thrown, determined d) Pushed,trying
5) “I was frightened, but not yet frightened out of my wits”, The given line use…
a) Hyperbole b) Paradox
c) Imagery d) Irony
06) “I crossed to oblivion and the curtain of life fell, In this sentence, ‘curtain of life fell’ is
usually associated with ………..
a) Geometry
b) History
c) Sports
d) Drama
7) Choose the option that applies correctly to the two statements given below.
Assertion Douglas’ fear had stopped him from enjoying going out with his friends.
Reasons Douglas learnt swimming with the help of an instructor.
a) Assertion can be inferred but the Reason cannot be inferred.
b) Assertion cannot be inferred but the Reason can be inferred
c) Both Assertion and Reason can be inferred
d) Both Assertion and Reason cannot be inferred.
8)The instructor was finished but I was not. But the following statements Douglas means.
a) that he still had to practise to become perfect.
b) that he had to get training from some other instructor.
c) that he had to finish his home work.
d) that the instructor was not good enough.
9)Why did Douglas go Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire ?
a) to overcome his fear of travelling
b) to overcome his fear of fishing
c) to overcome his fear of swimming
d) to overcome his fear of driving.

10)Pick the quote that best describes the theme of the story.
a) Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping
stones to success. – Dale Carnegie
b) Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we
handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience
adventure or to be limited by the fear of it. – Judy Blume.
c) Fear is the main source of superstition and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer
fear is the beginning of wisdom. – Bertrand Russell.
d) He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life. – Ralph
Waldo Emerson.
11)Why do you think the poet employs words like “exotic” and “strangeness”?
a) To highlight the importance of everyone being together suddenly for once.
b) To emphasis the frentic activity and chaos that usually envelops human life.
c) To indicate the unfamiliarity of a sudden moment without rush or without engine.
d) To direct us towards keeping quiet and how we would all be together in that silence.
12) The poet of the poem specifically uses number 12. What do you think the number 12 in
the poem signifies ?
a) the months of the year
b) the number of sun-signs
c) the numbers represented on the clock
d) All of the above.
13) Pick Phrases that portray ‘exotic moment’ in the poem.
1. Fisherman would not harm whales.
2. Salt gatherers would not have hurt hands
3. Victory with no survivors
4. People would walk around with their brothers
5. I want no truck with death.
a) 1,2 and 4 b) 2,3 and 5 c) 1,2 and 5 d) Only 1 and 2.
14) What does the expression ‘ hurt hands imply?
a) Destruction that humans have caused to themselves.
b) Destruction caused to environment in pursuit of man’s selfish needs.
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above.
15) Explain the phrase: “ Victory with No Survivors “.
a) Celebrating victory
b) Due to mass deaths no one is left to celebrate victory.
c) Huge loss of human life
d) Huge loss of property.
16) In the poem, ‘ Earth is meant as a …..
a) example
b) inspiration
c) revelation
d) Both (a) and (b)
17) Now l’ll count up to twelve and you keep quiet and I will go “Why does the poet wish
to go at the end of the poem?
a) The poet does not believe people will be quiet.
b) The poet has already invested enough time.
c) The poet will move on and seek to inspire others.
d) The poet is making the end of the poem by leaving.

18). Choose the option that applies correctly to the two statements given below:
Assertion The poet is against all kinds of immoral acts that destroy and damage our
Reason Keeping quiet is about silence and not about inactivity.
a) Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is not related to Assertion.
b) Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is related to Assertion.
c) Assertion is True, Reason is Fake
d) Assertion is False, Reason is True.
19) “What I want should not be confused with total inactivity”. Choose the option that
draws the most accurate parallel.
Keeping quiet: total inactivity=_____________
a) reflection and death b) silence and chaos c) stagnation and introspection d) mindfulness
and fear.
20) “If we were not single-minded….”In the given line, single minded can imply ….
1)Materialism 2) Greed 3) Selfish nature 4) Hypocritical 5) Religious 6) Caring
a) 1,3 and 4 b) 1,2and 3 c) 4,5and 6 d) 1,3 and 4

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