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The power from the alternative source such as hydro power plant geothermal power plant and also
wind power plant and others that uses natural resources as its main fuel for generation power and
energy for the consumer. We created device that harnessing the energy from the velocity of wind that
touching the blades of our wind power generating device. When the wind hits the blades of the device it
causes rotation to the blades that cause to the magnets to rotate also that produces flux around the
windings that produce the voltage to accumulate to the windings, then the voltage is then read to the
voltmeter to check if there are voltages produce. The output of the devices will vary depending on the
flow of wind or the velocity of the wind and also the diameter of the blades use on the devices.The
devices can use as an alternative source of power to the devices such as led lights and other loads that
consume less power and energy. In further studies and application of device sooner it can use as
alternative source for power and energy for simple lightings and power for small appliances.


This prototype have multiple applications and can be used by schools , hospitals , businesses ,
farms, ranches or community facilities to supply local electricity.Electricity produced by these wind
turbines does not pollute the water we drink or the air we breathe, so wind energy means less smog and
fewer greenhouse gas emissions.Because it is clean energy source, wind energy reduces healt care and
environmental costs associated with air pollution.Most important of all this prototype cost less and
anyone can use it even on their home.


Since there is no prototype due to the sudden emergence of pandemic covid-19 we can just
partly guess some of its limitation.First of all it can only produce low voltage so we can only use it to
limited devices.Second the wind is not always present hence there are no constant output.Third the
wind blace can only rotate in one direction.

2. Biomass

I will choose biomass as a source of renewable energy in my community.Biomass is a term used to

describe all organic matter produced by photosynthesis, existing on the earth’s surface. They include all
water- and land-based vegetation and trees, and all waste biomass such as municipal solid waste
(MSW), S- o in order to produce biomass energy we will need to convert the solid fuel made from plant
materials into electricity. Although fundamentally, biomass involves burning organic materials to
produce electricity, this is not burning wood, and nowadays this is a much cleaner, more energy-efficient
process. By converting agricultural, industrial and domestic waste into solid, liquid and gas fuel, biomass
generates power at a much lower economical and environmental cost.So how can we implement
Biomass energy in today society.First of all we can look at others people research about producing
biomass energy.The one that i found is all about using seaweed biomass as a source of energy.There are
also many different research about producing biomass energy in most efficient way using the most basic
materials that can easily find.Since biomass energy can be obtained from different sources we can
conclude that depending on your community we can choose what typenof biomass we will used.If you
are in rural are you can used agricultural waste as a source.If you are in rural you can used industrial
waste.Hence in my community i will want to use municipal solid waste and animal waste.Energy from
biomass is reliable as it is free of fluctuation unlike wind power and does not need storage to be used in
times of non-availability as is the case with solar.


1. In what geographical place can we construct wind power plant to have highest electric
 The best geographical place for wind power plant are in coastal areas, at the tops of a
rounded hills, open plains and gaps in the mountains.These places where the wind is strong
and reliable.Some wind power plant can also be built offshore.
2. What are the challenges of wind power plant?Give three and suggest a solution to mitigate the
 WIND PLANTS CAN IMPACT LOCAL WILDLIFE – Birds have been killed by flying into spinning
turbine blades.Most of these problems have been resolved or greatly reduced through
technology developments or by properly siting wind plant.
relatively little impact on the environments compared to conventional power plants concern
exists over the noised produced by the turbine blades and visual impacts to the landscape.
COST BASIS – Even though the cost of wind power has decreased dramatically n the past
several decades, wind projects must be able to compete economically with the lowest cost
source of electricity, and some locations may not be windy enough to be cost
competitive.Finding a good geographical place is the most important step.
3. Name several wind power plant in the country and its characteristics.
 Bangui Wind Farm – is a wind farm in Bangui, Ilocos Norte.The wind farm uses 20 units of
70 meters high Vestas V82 1.65 MW wind turbines, arranges in a single row stretching along
a nine kilometre shoreline off Bangui Bay, facing the West Philippine Sea.
 Burgos Wind Farm – the 150 MW Burgos wind farm in Ilocos Norte is the biggest wind farm
in the Philippines.The wind farm generates approximately 370 GWh of electricity a year,
which is used to power more than two million households.
 Caparispisan Wind Farm – is a wind farm in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte.The wind farm was joint
venture of AC Energy Holdings Incorporated, the Philippines Alliance fo Infrastracture and
the UPC Philippines Wind Holdco.
 San Lorenzo Wind Farm – The 54 MW San Lorenzo Wind Farm generates 54 megawatts of
power and provides such to the National Grip Corporation of the Philippines ( NGCP ) which
then distributes it to many power utilities in Western Visayas, Negros and Cebu
 Nabas Wind Farm - The Nabas Wind Farm in Aklan is now regularly supplying clean and
renewable power to the Westerm VIsayas ( WV) grid, thanks to 18 giant wind turbines
which have also become tourist attractions in the once sleepy town
 Pililla Wind Farm – A lane of 27 wind turbines stand atop sloping hills at 300 meters above
sea levels, towering over Laguna de Bay and standing along the NW-SE line to capture
Amihan form October to March, whose speeds can reach 36 m/hour.Each turbines can
produce 2 MW.The entire farm is estimated to be able to generate almost 150 Gigawatt
hours of electricity per year.


1. Is it possible to extract much lower amount of hot water or steam for a geothermal power plant
over time?
 YES , that’s why geothermal power plant uses Reinjection wells.Reinjection wells is the
process of returning the geothermal fluids back into geothermal reservoir after energy
2. What is the common type of geothermal power plant being used and why?
 FLASH STEAM GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT – This is the most common geothermal
powerplant because they can directly use the geothermal reservoirs of water with
temperature greater than 182 C.Comparing it to steam where if it goes upward it will lose its
3. Give at least three environmental impact of geothermal power plant and explain each.
 THERMAL POLLUTION – it is one of the biggest concerns due to considerable loss of thermal
heat.Taller cooling towers are needed to contain the waste heat.
 LAND SUBSIDENCE AND INDUCED SEISMICITY – in early days of geothermal energy sinking of
land was a major problem ( subsidence ).This was caused by severe drop in reseirvoir
pressure due more fluid removal.However, now through reinjection we keep the pressure
balanced.Possibility of microseismic events from opening of fractures and acoustic noise
when drilling.
 NOISE POLLUTION – noise does occur during initial construction and drilling.Noise is
4. Name several geothermal power plant in the country and its type and capacity.
 BacMan Geothermal Production Field – Also known as the BacMan Geothermal Power Plant,
is one of the geothermal power stations operated by Energy Development Corporation in
the provinces of Albay and Sorsogon in the Philippines.This geothermal field can produce
140 megawatts of electricity.
 Malitbog Geothermal Power Station – It is a 232.5 MW geothermal powerplant or an earth
steam turbined electric generator –the worlds largest geothermal power plant under one
roof located in Malitbog, Kananga Leyte.
 Mindanao Geothermal Production – Also known as Mount Apo Geothermal Power Plant is
located in Barangay Ilomavis, Kidapawan City, North Cotobato.
Type :DRY STEAM POWER PLANT Capacity: 54.24 MW


1. Why there is a need for a pump-storage hydroelectricity power plant?

 Pumped hydroelectric storage facilities store energy in the form of water in an upper
reservoir, pumped from another reservoir at a lower elevation.This will be useful during
periods of high electricity demand, power is generated by releasing the stored water
through turbines in the same manner as a conventional hydropower station.
2. Aside from pump, can you suggest a new type of large scale energy storage that can store excess
electrical energy and can later be used during peak demand?
 Maybe by combining wind and pumped hydro energy storage we can produce a new type of
energy storage.


1. What is the mandate of the RA 9513?

 Renewable Energy Act for Energy Self – Sufficiency and Harmful Emission Reduction
2. How does the Fed in Tariff system would encourage the RE projects and activities?
 A feed in tariff is simply a guaranteed price established for anyone who wants to sell
renewable electricity to the grid, and a guarantee that they will have access to the grid to do
so.Feed in mechanism achieve larger deployment at lower cost.While implementing
renewable energy a the lowest cost feed in tariff also tend to result in local job creation and
industry development.A number of factors contribute to their far reaching success.
3. Is net-metering in this RA 9513 pertaining only to photovoltaic solar system?
 No, Net Metering based on RA 9513 is refers to a system, appropriate for distribute
generation, in which a distribution grid user has a two way connection to the grid and is only
charged for his net electricity consumption and is credited for any overall contribution to
the electricity grid.
4. Give two examples of waste to energy technologies that are being used in the Philippines.
 Urine turned into sustainable power source for electronic devices.
 Typical food waste to enegy plant – The feedstock for the food waste to energy plant
includes lefoves food, meat, teabags , vegetable refuse , stale cooked, milk products etc.

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