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Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones for college students

Advantages of Mobile Phones for college Students

1. Very useful in emergency situations

It is very clear to all that mobile phones came to this world for emergency purposes. If
students have a mobile phone, it is easy to contact anyone when they need. For instance,
if students have a problem in school or in the street after school, they can contact their
parents immediately. Likewise, students with a phone can contact police at any harmful
situation, or contact fire brigade if they find fire somewhere, or even they can call any
department when they need to. So, the mobile phone is one of the best solutions for any
emergency situation.
2. Great equipment in order to improve knowledge
Could you realize how our parents or grandparents studied? They studied and got
knowledge only from the parents, teachers, and books. Imagine how things changed now.
Of course, we get knowledge from parents, teachers, and books, but with the help of the
internet, we can learn much more. Students who get good grades in exams get extra
knowledge from the internet. In the early days, the library helped the students to gain
extra knowledge and now the whole library is in the student’s pocket as a mobile phone.
You can clear any doubt you have and get a great explanation with the help of mobile
phones. Through your Smartphone you can open Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia
which are three informative giants, helping students in many ways. So students, if you
have a mobile phone get more good material and avoid getting into unwanted stuff.
3. Doubts cleared as soon as you got one
Think about yourself. What are you going to do when you get some doubts on the
subject? In the 1950s or 1960s, students wait until the next day to meet a teacher or a
friend. But now students can right away make a call to a friend or a teacher and clear
their doubts as soon as possible. If you missed one important lecture you can phone a
friend and get to know about the whole lecture. If you have any doubt on that lecture or
need further explanation, you can call the lecturer or even you can Google it. How good
is this life? We are living in this era with perfect technology
4. Get to know what happens around the world
When we look back to early days, only aged people follow the news around the world.
But nowadays the trend changed and even school students know what is happening
around the world. How this change took place is nothing other than mobile phones and
the internet. On 21st of March 2015, Google slightly changed their policy on all websites,
which says, all websites and blogs must have a user-friendly design with all mobile
devices. Do you know why they changed this policy? Nowadays more searches come
from mobile devices compared to PCs and laptops. This simply indicates that students
spend their more time on mobile phones rather than PCs or Laptops for searching news
and other useful material and get to know what happens around the world.
5. Adviser/Guider/Instructor/Teacher/Director
A student having a mobile phone means that the student has everything. Early morning it
works as an alarm clock. Also, it works as a reminder if you put some notes on the
reminder. You don’t need a calculator as long as you have a mobile phone. You can take
a snapshot or download lecture slides. Or you can even record all the lectures. Any doubt
you can Google it. You can manage your household accounts with the help of money
management apps. You don’t need an extra camera or video recorder as long as you have
a Smartphone with you. You can use the mobile phones as your personal diary. For any
video explanation, you can use the YouTube. This is how students can use their mobile
phones for various purposes

Disadvantages of mobile phones for college students

1. Playing games most of the time

Student’s age is a kind of playing age. Even though they concentrate on their studies their mind
goes to play stations, Xbox, Wii, Computers and Mobile phones. Nowadays I saw lots of
students who are distracted by mobile phones. I think they love it because they can download so
many games. So, what will happen to the students who have their own mobile phone? Simply
they will try to play games. They are children, so they have to play games as we did in our
childhood. But everything has some limit. If a student is playing games all the time then it is
better to take the phone away from them. Their studies and other useful activities are destroyed
by the mobile phones. But if they play games once in a while, then it’s totally fine.

2. Involvement in unwanted things

In today’s world, mobile phones may change student’s habits. Through mobile phones, you can
search lots of bad stuff. Nowadays almost all the students are addicted to porn videos and some
other porn activity websites. In the 21st century, the sexual activities and violent acts are
considerably growing day by day. That is really bad. This is why we can see lots of students with
cigarettes and drugs. This is one of the major flaws with the rise of technology.I met lots of
parents who got disappointed with their children’s behavior. So I advise the parents, please don’t
allow your children to use mobile phones if you find something harmful.

3. Sleepless nights and fatigue

When students are playing games on mobile phones, they don’t feel the time passing because
they concentrate fully on the game. Most of the students choose night time for playing games so
that no one will disturb them. So they play till 2 or 3 in the early morning unless parents come
and shout at them to sleep. Some students choose the sleeping time for chatting with friends.
Chatting also makes them go to bed very late. Do you know what happens if they sleep late?
Next day they get tired and find it hard to concentrate on their subjects. So, students must sleep
as soon as they finish their homework and dinner so that they would start the next day fresh and

4. Disturb other students

Mobile phones can disturb other students in two ways. One is when there is an important lecture
going on and if your mobile phone rings during that time, it will disturb the whole class. Most of
the students put their mobile phones in silent mode, but some students don’t care about it. So the
ringing tone completely disturbs others and the lecturer. Another one, some students want to
have a mobile phone, but their parents don’t allow them to have one.Such students get frustrated
when they see another student having a mobile phone.

5. Reduced time with family

This is another major disadvantage of having a mobile phone by a student. Before these phones
and technology, students spent plenty of time with their family. Now students spend their free
time with the mobile phone, either playing games or chatting with friends via mobile phones.
They have no idea about how much family is important in their life. Spending time with the
family is one of the most important things for everyone and we can learn more good stuff when
we freely talk with our family. So parents, at least, bring your kids together at dinner time and
have your meals together on one table. A family chain is very important and tries to make them
understand that.

6. Road Accidents

Senior students who drive to school, college or university have to consider this seriously. Total
concentration is required when it comes to driving, but using a mobile phone surely affects your
100% attention on driving. Talking over the phone, typing a text, selecting the music, and
finding places on the phone map while driving not only harm yourself but also harm other road
users. Unlike other matured drivers, students use their mobile phone the most while driving.
Most of the countries banned using mobile phones while driving, but there are students who hide
and use the mobile phone while driving. Of course, they can escape from police, but can’t escape
from the road accidents. Try to avoid using mobile phones while driving or at least use the
hands-free device for talking with others over the phone. The best idea is to stop the vehicle on
the roadside carefully and use your mobile phone. After you have done you can restart your
journey. This simple habit can save not only you but also other road users from major accidents

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