Língua Inglesa - Atividade Formativa 01: 3°anoaeb

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” –3° BIMESTRE / 2020


3° ANO A e B
DATA: 13.08.2020

Por menor que seja o seu tempo de estudo, estude! Não tenha medo de crescer lentamente, tenha
medo apenas de ficar parado!
Provérbio Chinês

01 - Escolha a opção correta de acordo com as regras dos Pronomes Relativos

“I have one sister.”

a) My sister, who is 25 years old, spent her holiday in France.

b) My sister which is 25 years old spent her holiday in France.

c) My sister, which is 25 years old, spent her holiday in France.

d) My sister, which is 25 years old spent her holiday in France.

e) My brother who is 25 years old, spent her holiday in France

The author is Canadian. Her first book was a sensation.

02 - The alternative that is correct and with the same meaning as the sentences above is:

a) The author, whose first book was a sensation, is Canadian.

b) The author, who is Canadian, her first book was a sensation.

c) The author, that is Canadian, her first book was a sensation.

d) Her first book, which was a sensation, its author is Canadian.

e) Her first book, which author is Canadian, was a sensation.

03 - Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes relativos: who – which ou whose:

a) That is the girl____________ brother is a famous footballer.

c) The Coliseum was an amphitheater______________Romans enjoyed plays, chariot races and gladiator
fights many centuries ago.

d) A classic is a book _______________people praise, but do not read.

e) The grandmother is a baby-sitter _______________doesn't hang around the refrigerator.

f) Marie Curie,______________ was born in Poland in 1867, was a scientist.

g) Karen,_____________ surname is Johnson, is a beautiful model.

h) Van Gogh was a painter_______________paintings are worldwide.

i) A camel is an animal________________lives in the desert.

j) Radium is a metal_____________shines in the dark.

2019 iPhone

In 2019, Apple is expected to continue offering iPhones in multiple sizes and at multiple price points to
provide customers with choice.
2018 brought the iPhone XS (5.8 inches), the iPhone XS Max (6.5 inches), and the iPhone XR (6.1
inches). The two XS devices have higher price tags starting at $999, while the XR is priced starting at $749.

04 - Na comparação dos iPhones no anúncio publicitário, é nítida a importância dada por seus criadores em
a) às formas e às funções.
b) à durabilidade e às cores.
c) aos tamanhos e aos preços.
d) ao design e à capacidade de armazenamento.
e) à resistência à água e ao carregamento sem fio.


FACE: Has the face fallen on one side? Can they smile?

ARMS: Can they raise both arms and keep them there?

SPEECH: Is their speech slurned?

TIME: Time to call if you see any single on of these signs.

05 - De acordo a Sociedade Brasileira de Neurologia (SBN), a cada cinco minutos uma pessoa é vítima de
AVC (acidente vascular cerebral, popularmente conhecido como derrame), o que contabiliza cerca de 100 mil
mortes ao ano em decorrência da doença no país. De acordo com a imagem anterior, o propósito do texto é

A divulgar um serviço telefônico que fornece informações importantes sobre como reconhecer um derrame.

B mostrar a necessidade de conduzir um suspeito de derrame ao hospital independentemente dos sintomas.

C instruir as pessoas sobre como prevenir um derrame através da adoção de hábitos mais saudáveis.

D ensinar os primeiros socorros a serem adotados em caso de um derrame até a chegada da ambulância.

E dar orientações sobre como reconhecer a ocorrência de um derrame e acionar os serviços de emergência.

“Não importa o quão devagar você vá, desde que não pare.”


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