Exercise Word Formation - 1 Morphosyntax

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Name : Izza Khabila

NPM: 1911040372
Class : PBI 5H
Subject : Morphosyntax

1. observe the following data

state the word formation rule for the prefix re- above.
a) What phonological cahange, if any, does the prefix re- cause in the word or stem to
which it is attached?
b) What parts of speech does the prefix re-attach to?
c) When re- is attached to a word stem, what is the part of speech of the resulting word
or stem?
d) In general, what meaning change (s) is (are) caused by the addition of the prefix re-?
2. Why are the following re- words problematic? Disscuss the re- in the words remember,
refine, renew, refuse.
3. Observse the following data.
Equalize humanize
Mobilize modernize
Personalize harminize
Naturalize energize
Generalize democratize
Centralize crystallize
Legalize colonize

states the word formation rule for the suffix –ize

a) what phonological cahange. If any, does the suffix –ize cause in the word or stem to
which it is attached?
b) What parts of speech does the suffic –ize attach to?
c) When –ize is attached toa aword or stem. What is the [art of speech of the resulting
word or stem?
d) In general, wahat meaning cahange(s) is (are) caused by the addition of the suffix –
Answer :
a) There is no phological change
b) Verbs
c) (Remain) verbs
d) Again or back
Retake means to take again
Resharpen means to shaerpen again

2. They are considered problematic because the re- in the words remember, refine, renew,
anad refute does not denote the meaning again or back. It is not the english prefix re-
altough english has free morphemes member, fine, new, and fuse

a) There is no phonogical cahange if the word end in /l/ or /n/ phoneme, e.g. legal,
central, or modern, but if it ends in the vowel /I/ for instance, it tends to have a
phonological change, e.g. colony – colonize, energy – energize
b) Adjective (personal, equal) and noun (energy, harmony)
c) Verb
d) Since the prefix –ize changes an adjective or a noun into a verb, it brings the
equivalent meaning of prefix me- in indonesian.
Colonize - menetapkan koloni
Equalize - menyamakan

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